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Actia-logo need installation instruction for actia 2/2010
Posted by: ramirez - 02-05-2011, 10:38 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (15)

need installation instruction for actia 2/ me..thanks

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Mercedes Benz fix Error retrieving the Datacards in wisnet
Posted by: sixcode - 02-05-2011, 06:49 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (8)

edit this line as is in the picture,...restart the pc...

Program Files\EWA net\config\wis_cfg.hml


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109.01 KB
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AA+MHH progman sss installation guide
Posted by: wissoaj - 02-05-2011, 04:00 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (1)

detailed instruction of installing progman sss with vmware

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SSSinstallation guide.rar

2.93 MB
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Jaguar LandRover Jaguar IDS 124.04
Posted by: sixcode - 02-05-2011, 01:19 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (5)

here is the direct download for LandRover Jaguar IDS 124.04 with update files via http


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AA+MHH SSS39 ?? Progman
Posted by: ESI2011 - 02-05-2011, 10:52 AM - Forum: Other Discussions. - Replies (4)

See on flea bay,is this stable or Danger Will Robinson???

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AA+MHH calcgen
Posted by: zvujinov - 02-05-2011, 01:30 AM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (16)

calcgen 2009 for radio

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Mercedes Benz DAS special tools With One PW
Posted by: wissoaj - 02-05-2011, 01:19 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (14)

Dear all,
Is there a way we can change password for special setting in das to one password like (000000000) since ive seen it done on one of DAS systems.

I mean like when we overwrite a file in das then we have offline coding.
Maybe if we change another file then we will have one password for all special settings.

Any suggestion would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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AA+MHH AD 100 incode calculator
Posted by: zvujinov - 02-05-2011, 01:17 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (16)

no passKolo

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Ford Ford Mazda IDS v69 2010.9
Posted by: wissoaj - 02-05-2011, 12:58 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - No Replies

Ford Mazda IDS v69 2010.9 torrent

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FordMazda IDS v69 2010.9.rar

17.57 KB
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Toyota toyota techstream 2010
Posted by: wissoaj - 02-05-2011, 12:54 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (4)

toyota techstream 2010 torrent for all members

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toyota techstream v5.10.029.rar

19.54 KB
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Citroen Lexia 3 schematic CD 22
Posted by: sixcode - 02-04-2011, 08:26 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (18)

i was looking thru my stuff on my lappy and found these links in a file
i did save these links from DK back in the days all was ok there so if anyone need it, here you have it and all links still work...


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Ford Can not connect to Ford VCM via IDS
Posted by: pipis - 02-02-2011, 08:57 PM - Forum: Ford, Land Rover, Rover, Jeep, Jaguar, Rolls Royce Discussions. - Replies (11)

does anybody has expierence on installing IDS and making it work.
i installed it as told in the introduction and also updated the latest
realtek driver for the usb port, i also changed the ip adress but it still
doesn't work. The USB port works fine but when i connect the VCM it
tells me "cable not installed"(or something like that, just a translation)

thanks for your help

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Mercedes Benz Who is Impactops!
Posted by: webmaster - 02-02-2011, 02:08 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - No Replies

Dear all,

This thread is to reply at:
Watch here and there Wink
@impacktops: Ur still a young school boy with very limited knowledge!! You don’t know how to deal with mature people. Why ur fooling ur followers and asking them to replace file which will cause troubles for their systems in the near future.!?!
@ Sickman: few words describes you, You’re a sick man!!!
Now Ill show you what is going on DK and On Qrius site as well:
This lic file which is downloaded by all of you " No DAS Key & Timeout fix Required ": has the following inside (please take a moment to read):
I will start by Lic file On DK:
Here we go:
Rabih you dump **** Hammoud
Ripping off other peoples stuff & posting them on your website without there conscent.I for one would not trust you and your followers from the beginning but others confided in you & it has cost them, you're one dump Arab that cannot be trusted.Wait for the next realease of DAS & see if any fixes i come up with end up on your website

rabih hammoud ([email protected])
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
Tel. +971.971559550803

Information spreads like wild fire on the web, a lesson you are about to learn





Again here is Rabih hammoud: @ imapctops and Sickman, You are playing with last lines?? That is Only for Beginners like you. Both of u are away from advanced modifications.
Now I will show what is written inside the lic file posted on Qrius forum:
Here we go:

Modified by impact

JC, Your selling days are comming to an end!

Mapping=0, PKW
Mapping=1, V-Klasse
Mapping=2, Transporter
Mapping=3, LKW
Mapping=4, BUS
Mapping=5, Unimog
Mapping=6, smart
Mapping=10, S-Klasse
Mapping=11, E-Klasse
Mapping=12, C-Klasse
Mapping=13, A-Klasse
Mapping=14, M-Klasse
Mapping=15, Roadster
Mapping=16, Gelaendewagen
Mapping=17, AMG
Mapping=18, V-Klasse 1
Mapping=19, W454
Mapping=20, SLR_Maybach
Mapping=28, EOBD
Mapping=29, OBD
Mapping=30, alle
Mapping=31, LK/SK
Mapping=32, schwere Klasse
Mapping=33, mittlere Klasse
Mapping=34, leichte Klasse
Mapping=35, MB_BUS
Mapping=36, Setra_BUS
Mapping=37, Weitere Busse
Mapping=38, Mexico
Mapping=39, Mitsubishi-FUSO
Mapping=40, FOTON
Mapping=42, Aufbauhersteller
Mapping=43, Industriemotoren
Mapping=44, Grosskunden
Mapping=45, USA
Mapping=46, Hauptgruppe
Mapping=47, RoW
Mapping=48, VW
Mapping=49, Brasilien
Mapping=50, Industriegetriebe
Mapping=52, MR-Download
Mapping=53, BUSKD
Mapping=54, BUSABH
Mapping=55, BUSEOL
Mapping=58, BUSVolldiagnose
Mapping=59, STI_STINInfo
Mapping=60, Freie_Werkstaetten
Mapping=61, Pilotprojekt
Mapping=62, Entwicklungsdaten
Mapping=63, Vorabdaten
Mapping=65, BASIC
Mapping=68, CAN Experte
Mapping=999, ModeOff

DVDVersionExpiredBehavior=CONTINUEeginners .


Again, Rabih is here:
Hope JC can read this and see what kind of people is imapcatops who is a big friend with JC.( Impactops with two faces).

I wont say more than that, Mates?!? U read and see……
Lastly, Alas on DK (the great forum) to have such kind of members.

Rabih Hammoud.

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AA+MHH TRW parts catalog torrent
Posted by: wissoaj - 02-02-2011, 01:23 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (3)

TRW parts catalog for cars and trucks.
At TRW provided information on cars and trucks of all brands. Data on passenger cars are from 60-ies, on cargo from the 80's.
The catalog provides details on the search for original and unoriginal numbers of most manufacturers, there is a possibility of selection based on the model designation of the motor or the axis of the vehicle. Implemented filtering by car brand, as well as by manufacturers of spare parts.
Details of the details includes drawings, photographs, dimensions of parts, lists of original numbers, applicability, manufacturer information and other useful information.

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13.98 KB
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Mercedes Benz IBM thinkpad T30 for MB DAS,EPC,WIS
Posted by: sirob79 - 02-01-2011, 04:24 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (2)

EPC and WIS working fine, there was DAS XENTRY installed before but somehow disappeared, not working, STAR Utilities as well disappeared from desktop!!! I mended STAR Utilities somehow (using clone computer, copying missing files to C:\Windows\Zak).
Now EPC and WIS still working fine, CANNOT INSTALL DAS, when installing DAS_01_2011 there is PARTINFO_ERROR:Total size of harddisk=0 MB, Number of partitions=0, Available free space on harddisc=0MB.
My current: C:Star=14.6GB. D:Recover=18.8GB. E:Wis=12.6GB. FBig Grinas=28.3GB. total sizes.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

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Peugeot update diagbox v5.13 offline
Posted by: lancia delta evo - 02-01-2011, 02:25 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - No Replies

Enjoy! Cheer2Cheer2Cheer2

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diagbox v5.13 offline.txt

63 bytes
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Mercedes Benz Xentry Error 1.501.9662
Posted by: avelest - 02-01-2011, 12:29 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (4)

Hello! first off great forum, things are looking pretty good here!
I hope this forum keeps on going stable and grows into something great.

I had a problem today hooking up my das install, it returned me the error 1.501.9662 and I have applied all patches for it...

the funny thing is that it was working fine yesterday!

can some one help me out on this one?

thanks in advance!

Peace! Fing32

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Porshe Request more info about Porsche
Posted by: benz05 - 01-31-2011, 10:58 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (2)

Guys, im looking more info about Porsche programs or the systems that i need to have.

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Mercedes Benz Smart Car Tan Code Calculator
Posted by: sasy900 - 01-31-2011, 08:03 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (487)

Allows you to create :

Teach in keys
Softouch Codes
Steering Wheel Gearshift Codes
Cruise Control Codes
Equipment Codes
Brabus Performance Tuning Codes

Don't forget to use thanks button

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85 bytes
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Peugeot Peugeot Planet System User Guide
Posted by: webmaster - 01-30-2011, 10:38 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (3)

[Image: pp2000.jpg]

Here you find Original Peugeot Planet System User Guide.
79 79 79 79 79

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Peugeot Planet Guide [ENG].rar

1.09 MB
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Peugeot Peugeot Planet System Installation guide
Posted by: webmaster - 01-30-2011, 09:30 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (15)

[Image: pp2000.jpg]

Here you find Peugeot Planet System Installation guide Step by Step with pictures.

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Peugeot PP2000 guide.txt

223 bytes
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AA+MHH Update for Launch X431 GX3 Scanner
Posted by: philps - 01-30-2011, 07:21 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (15)

Here is the Update of Launch X431 GX3 Scanner

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70 bytes
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Mercedes Benz Original Mercedes EPC/WIS/ASRA User’s Installation Guide
Posted by: webmaster - 01-30-2011, 06:03 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (1409)

Hello mhhauto members,
Here you find Original EPC/WIS/ASRA User’s Guide To carry out successful Installation.

Table of contents:

Hardware requirements
Software requirements
Preparatory measures
Approximate duration of the installation

Software installation
Configuring the software
EWA net databases
Installation of the EPC net database
Installation of the WIS/ASRA net database

After the installation
Client installation
Java runtime environment

A: Hardware and software requirements
B: Questions and answers


It seems Hotfile are cleaning there servers!!

Link updated on site root.
When my account expires Ill be using RS ONLY! Lipssealed

LATER EDIT by TestPoint:

Post updated with another mirror Wink
Enjoy Wink

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1.36 MB


106 bytes
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Mercedes Benz DAS Passwords Video
Posted by: webmaster - 01-29-2011, 04:59 PM - Forum: Mercedes-Benz Video Section. - Replies (19)

Many parts of DAS and Xentry are restricted with passwords that even the dealers have to request. These passwords unlock special functions and restricted areas of the program , including ECU OffLine Coding (programming) .
Allows you to access :
Air Bag (Cars)
Air Bag (Vans)
Instrument Cluster (In DAS)
Diesel Particulate Filter
Off Line Coding (not scn)
204 Access In DAS
Electronic Transmission Control
Adaptive Braking System (ABR) Special Fuction 1
Adaptive Braking System (ABR) Special Fuction 2
Electronic Stability Program (ESP)
Air Conditioning
Balance EGR CD12
Balance EGR CD14
211 RWTS Rear Door
Instrument Cluster (In Xentry)

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes WIS / EPC 1-2011 Torrent
Posted by: webmaster - 01-29-2011, 01:05 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (19)

For those who are looking for Mercedes WIS/EPC on torrent, here we are:
Size: 18.10 GB

ext. info: WIS is a full version while EPC update one.


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WIS EPC 2011.rar

91.74 KB
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Mercedes Benz DAS Pass
Posted by: wsc - 01-28-2011, 11:16 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (39)

Hello mates,
Here is a DAS pass calculator for you.

[Image: daspass.png]


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50 bytes
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AA+MHH Airbag dumps collection
Posted by: pecirepi - 01-28-2011, 05:59 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (7)

Enjoy Fing32

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Airbag dumps collection.txt

37 bytes
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Mercedes Benz Mercedes EPC 1/2011 - Electronic spare parts catalogue
Posted by: TestPoint - 01-28-2011, 10:32 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (11)

Mercedes EPC 1/2011 - Electronic spare parts catalogue

[Image: dvdcoverj.jpg]

[Image: captura1t.png]

[Image: captura2y.png]

[Image: captura3x.png]

Mercedes-Benz EPC EWA net, electronic spare parts catalogue consist original spare parts catalogue, all models cars, trucks, buses Mercedes-Benz, all markets, Smart & Maybach also including. While WIS is an application repair all Mercedes-Benz cars. Mercedes EPC net represents the latest development in EPC Flexible Publishing.

EPC net is available both online and offline.
All the functions available in EPC Flexible Publishing have been fully integrated into EPC net. The modern user interface applying standard Windows rules serves to significantly improve user guidance and navigation.

Modern user interface using standard Windows rules
Users will immediately note the modern user interface and the simple navigation using standard Windows rules.
You can open functions using the icons (a) or the Menu bar (b).
Tooltips are provided to explain icon functions (c). Hovering the mouse pointer over an icon causes the tooltip to appear with a description of the icon's function.
The combined pull-down menus (d) with input fields are available in EPC net for simple navigation within the catalogs/groups/subgroups.
You can use your mouse or keyboard to operate EPC net. Most of the keyboard shortcuts used in EPC Flexible Publishing are also used in EPC net.

For parts identification, EPC net requires at least a 6-digit model designation.
Ideally, parts identification should be done using a vehicle identification number so that the datacard can be used in the process. The datacard must be used when looking for parts that are color-specific or where the search depends on what equipment is installed in the vehicle.

Reduced number of windows
Functions that were spread over several windows in EPC Flexible Publishing have been condensed onto one window in EPC net.

The EPC net window is subdivided into the following sections:

Mercedes EPC net Picture
The picture has been supplemented with different zoom functions, and can be shown in a separate window using the icon.

Mercedes EPC net Parts list
All the part numbers for the entire subgroup are shown in the parts list.
Footnotes and code information (passenger cars), SA/component information (commercial vehicles) and construction kit information (BUS) can be displayed via links in a separate window.

Mercedes EPC net Shopping list
The contents of the shopping list (e.g. quantity) can be changed directly in the individual columns.

One important new feature is the "Show part context" function. When you reopen a saved shopping list you can click on the part designation in the form of a mouse-sensitive blue link to extract the part context directly from the shopping list.This saves you the trouble of reentering the vehicle data and the group/subgroup.

Mercedes EPC net List overview
The "List overview" can help the EPC net users with shopping list administration.
Saved shopping lists and a "temporary shopping list" can be used at the same time.
The icon can be used to create, show, delete, copy and print shopping lists.

The active area of the EPC net window is marked with a red frame.
You can change the size of the individual EPC net window areas via the respective dividing lines. Double-clicking on the dividing line between the picture and the parts list causes the picture to be arranged above the parts list.

The , and icons can be used to show/hide individual areas of the EPC net window and to individually change the column widths as required.

EPC net is available both online and offline
The various options at a glance:
Online server operation via Internet or intranet.
Local installation: offline operation for day-to-day use - updates via online downloads.
Offline mode: updates from DVD.

Advantages of spare parts catalogue Mercedes-Benz in EWA net interface.

Description of work in electronic spare parts catalogue Mercedes EPC net EWA.

Year / 2011
Version: 1/2011
Filename: EPC_0111_1of1_b1.iso
Size: 6,52 GB ( bytes)

Developer: Daimler
Web Developer:
System requirements: Windows XP, Vista, Win7
Language: Multilanguage

3% RECOVERY RECORD - Enjoy All Wink

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AA+MHH Automotive Software on fileserve
Posted by: mazenrbn - 01-28-2011, 05:55 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (1)

A wide variety of auto programs on fileserve .

The size of the files 45.31GB .

Find attachmented the programs name and the link as well.
Mazenrbn Kolo

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names of programs .txt

9.32 KB

Link for the files.txt

37 bytes
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Citroen Update Diagbox v5.12 Offline
Posted by: lancia delta evo - 01-28-2011, 03:01 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - No Replies

Enjoy Fing32

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Diagbox Update.txt

56 bytes
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