Who is Impactops! |
Posted by: webmaster - 02-02-2011, 02:08 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions.
- No Replies
Dear all,
This thread is to reply at: http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk./forum...quired-184365/
Watch here and there 
@impacktops: Ur still a young school boy with very limited knowledge!! You don’t know how to deal with mature people. Why ur fooling ur followers and asking them to replace file which will cause troubles for their systems in the near future.!?!
@ Sickman: few words describes you, You’re a sick man!!!
Now Ill show you what is going on DK and On Qrius site as well:
This lic file which is downloaded by all of you " No DAS Key & Timeout fix Required ": has the following inside (please take a moment to read):
I will start by Lic file On DK:
Here we go:
Rabih you dump **** Hammoud
Ripping off other peoples stuff & posting them on your website without there conscent.I for one would not trust you and your followers from the beginning but others confided in you & it has cost them, you're one dump Arab that cannot be trusted.Wait for the next realease of DAS & see if any fixes i come up with end up on your website
rabih hammoud ([email protected])
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
Tel. +971.971559550803
Information spreads like wild fire on the web, a lesson you are about to learn
Again here is Rabih hammoud: @ imapctops and Sickman, You are playing with last lines?? That is Only for Beginners like you. Both of u are away from advanced modifications.
Now I will show what is written inside the lic file posted on Qrius forum:
Here we go:
Modified by impact
JC, Your selling days are comming to an end!
Mapping=0, PKW
Mapping=1, V-Klasse
Mapping=2, Transporter
Mapping=3, LKW
Mapping=4, BUS
Mapping=5, Unimog
Mapping=6, smart
Mapping=10, S-Klasse
Mapping=11, E-Klasse
Mapping=12, C-Klasse
Mapping=13, A-Klasse
Mapping=14, M-Klasse
Mapping=15, Roadster
Mapping=16, Gelaendewagen
Mapping=17, AMG
Mapping=18, V-Klasse 1
Mapping=19, W454
Mapping=20, SLR_Maybach
Mapping=28, EOBD
Mapping=29, OBD
Mapping=30, alle
Mapping=31, LK/SK
Mapping=32, schwere Klasse
Mapping=33, mittlere Klasse
Mapping=34, leichte Klasse
Mapping=35, MB_BUS
Mapping=36, Setra_BUS
Mapping=37, Weitere Busse
Mapping=38, Mexico
Mapping=39, Mitsubishi-FUSO
Mapping=40, FOTON
Mapping=42, Aufbauhersteller
Mapping=43, Industriemotoren
Mapping=44, Grosskunden
Mapping=45, USA
Mapping=46, Hauptgruppe
Mapping=47, RoW
Mapping=48, VW
Mapping=49, Brasilien
Mapping=50, Industriegetriebe
Mapping=52, MR-Download
Mapping=53, BUSKD
Mapping=54, BUSABH
Mapping=55, BUSEOL
Mapping=58, BUSVolldiagnose
Mapping=59, STI_STINInfo
Mapping=60, Freie_Werkstaetten
Mapping=61, Pilotprojekt
Mapping=62, Entwicklungsdaten
Mapping=63, Vorabdaten
Mapping=65, BASIC
Mapping=68, CAN Experte
Mapping=999, ModeOff
DVDVersionExpiredBehavior=CONTINUEeginners .
Again, Rabih is here:
Hope JC can read this and see what kind of people is imapcatops who is a big friend with JC.( Impactops with two faces).
I wont say more than that, Mates?!? U read and see……
Lastly, Alas on DK (the great forum) to have such kind of members.
Rabih Hammoud.