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  help for Kess 1.32 file KESS1320.cfg error
Posted by: tuning73 - 08-06-2012, 01:40 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (2)

hi all
someone can help me for resolve file error or missing error in the file KESS1320.cfg

help me Sweating

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VW problem starting 2010 jetta 1.6 tdi
Posted by: rimniceanum - 08-06-2012, 01:34 AM - Forum: VAG Group VW , Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley Discussions. - Replies (8)

hy guys
i have a 2010 1.6 tdi (CAYC) vw jetta and it recently had a very severe frontal accident. it was repaired at a local body shop but now it will not start. it turns but it does not start. when i turn the ignition on, the pre-heat systems light blinks.

this are the errors from the vag scan. can anyone tell me where i can find these sensors? or any ideea on what i have to do?

01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: Malfunction 0010
04-Steering Angle -- Status: Cannot be reached 1100
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: Malfunction 0010
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: Malfunction 0010
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: Malfunction 0010
25-Immobilizer -- Status: OK 0000
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
44-Steering Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
46-Central Conv. -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
56-Radio -- Status: OK 0000
62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000
72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000

Address 01: Engine (J623-CAYC) Labels: 03L-906-023-CAY.clb
Part No SW: 03L 906 023 AN HW: 03L 906 023 A
Component: 1,6l R4 CR td H23 4881
Revision: -------- Serial number: 00000000000000
Coding: 00114016030400080000
Shop #: WSC 00066 000 00080
ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM16TDI02103L906023AN 001003
ROD: EV_ECM16TDI02103L906023AN.rod

3 Faults Found:
7295 - Manifold Pressure / Boost Sensor (G31): Signal too High
P0238 00 [165] - Cannot Be Tested at this Time
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 2188 km
Date: 2014.14.12
Time: 232414

7300 - Throttle Position Sensor (G69): Signal too High
P0123 00 [165] - No Signal/Communication
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 2188 km
Date: 2014.14.12
Time: 232414

7356 - Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor 4 Bank 1: Electrical Malfunction
P246E 00 [165] - Electrical Fault in Circuit
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 2188 km
Date: 2014.14.12
Time: 232414

Readiness: 1010 0000

Address 03: ABS Brakes (-----) Labels: 1K0-907-379-60EC1F.clb
Part No SW: 1K0 907 379 AD HW: 1K0 907 379 AD
Component: ESP MK60EC1 H35 0106
Revision: 00H35001
Coding: 113B200D092500FE881104E8902200413000
Shop #: WSC 00066 000 00000
VCID: 74E3D8E36C7B

2 Faults Found:
00778 - Steering Angle Sensor (G85)
004 - No Signal/Communication
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01100100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 54
Mileage: 2188 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2014.14.12
Time: 232425

Freeze Frame:
Count: 3
Count: 2
Count: 12800
Count: 166
Count: 41472
Count: 0
Count: 0
Count: 0

01309 - Power Steering Control Module (J500)
008 - Implausible Signal
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101000
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 54
Mileage: 2188 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2014.14.12
Time: 232425

Freeze Frame:
Count: 3
Count: 2
Count: 12800
Count: 8212
Count: 41472
Count: 0
Count: 0
Count: 0


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  astra h srs
Posted by: alekos - 08-06-2012, 12:42 AM - Forum: GM Group Opel-Vauxhall, Saab, Chevrolet, GM USA, Chrysler Discussions. - No Replies

good evening everybody.i have one astra h 1.6,2009 model Z16XER engine.the customer brought me one new srs ecu-it is sdm.i programmed this with op-com,anything seemed to be ok,but the light in mirror is on and the problem is in UCM,which has kept crash can"t be reset with op-com and with kts in front central electronics in adjustments it says:ecu reset.maybe this is the solution,but i don"t know,i have never done this anybody who has any experience with this to help me?thanks

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  VCDS 11.11 Cable
Posted by: Neil4636 - 08-05-2012, 09:37 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (14)

Hi all,

I purchased VCDS cable 11.11, however I think it's been damaged. I used the software on the CD as advised.

When I plug the cable in, it is not recognised and comes up as "FFFFFFFFFFFFF".

Any advise please?

It worked fine for the first 2-3 times.

Thank you in advance.

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AA+MHH Cummins Incal 04-2012
Posted by: Attach_x - 08-05-2012, 09:18 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (12)

Here INCAL APRIL 2012 in torrent file, Thanks to "rutracker".... Good seeds 049

No password...

Enjoy it.

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cummins incal april

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Mercedes Benz EPC 04.2012
Posted by: amatz - 08-05-2012, 09:11 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - No Replies

who has a Mercedes EPCnet 4-2012 link on rapid .....

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  Immo for renault
Posted by: motor man - 08-05-2012, 08:35 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (24)

Can Someone help me with renault immo code for this VIN: VF1BB2T0532981717

Thanks in advance

sorry for my english. Blush

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  ABRITES Vehicle Diagnostic Interface (AVDI)
Posted by: Ashraf6119 - 08-05-2012, 05:28 PM - Forum: Other Discussions. - Replies (23)

Hi Guys,

Can any one of you please tell me which Diagnostic Software Programs can work with this (AVDI) interface..........

I know Toyota Techstream works fine as I am already using it.....But, need to know if any other software can be used..........It would be a great help............Also if there are any links for down loading those software............



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  IMMO Universal Decoding 3.0
Posted by: fif - 08-05-2012, 05:23 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (18)

Does anyone have this program, and can post in a forum?


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Rover Alarm Rover 414 Off
Posted by: fcarocha - 08-05-2012, 04:21 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (4)

I have a rover 414, how do I turn off the alarm original? Alarm is Lucas 5AS

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Audi Audi A3 Airbag ECU 8P0959655H
Posted by: RTVM - 08-05-2012, 03:54 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (3)

Hi Friends,

anyone can help to repair this Airbag Ecu,it have: 65535 Internal Control Module Memory Error ?

Thanks for halp in advance!!



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M95640 faultcode 65535 ori.rar

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  motorbike repair software
Posted by: ridder - 08-05-2012, 02:16 PM - Forum: Other Discussions. - Replies (3)

is there any good software for repair manuals, wiring diagrams for motorbikes like aprilia, bmw and ducati?

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BMW E46 Idle speed adjust
Posted by: quinnd - 08-05-2012, 12:00 PM - Forum: BMW Group BMW, Mini Discussions. - Replies (6)

Hello can someone give me instructions on idle speed adaptation/adjustment on a 325i E46 using GT1? Idle speed causes vibration when in drive, need to lift it maybe 50-70rpm. Do I use DIS or SSS

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Hyundai Microcat Hyundai 07.2012 - 08.2012 Multilanguage
Posted by: hoaluly - 08-05-2012, 11:29 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

[Image: 7v6My.jpg]

Microcat Hyundai 07.2012 - 08.2012 Multilanguage | 11.84 GB

Electronic parts catalog Hyundai. Of all models produced and / or produced Hyundai Motor Company, are divided into groups (cars, SUV / minivans / vans, commercial) and by region. The catalog can identify the vehicle by VIN (filtering part number), the search for the name of spare parts (partial or complete), original number, and also shows the applicability of parts.

There is a list of options with a transcript that facilitates selection of the right numbers in the absence of VIN-filter.

Language is possible separately for the program interface, and separately for items of spare parts.

System requirements:
800 MHz-processor or higher
256 MB RAM or more
OS: Windows

Microcat Hyundai 09.2012 - 10.2012 Multilanguage:


Download Links.txt

1.43 KB

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Audi ELSA v4.0 AUDI - 03.2012
Posted by: hoaluly - 08-05-2012, 11:01 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (3)

[Image: ItXV6.jpg]

ELSA v4.0 AUDI - 03.2012 | 12.22 GB

Elsawin contains all information for diagnostics and repair of Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda cars till 2012! Covers detailed and complete description of the technology of repair, maintenance, diagnostics, electrical circuits, body works.

This is the 4.00 version and data is the release 2012.

Software is fully in ENGLISH (but you can install it also in English, Hungarian, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, French, Czech, Swedish, Japanese, etc.) with clear english installation instructions.

AUDI Database release: 03.2012

Interface Language: Multilanguage (all available)
OS : Windows
Compatibility with XP and Windows 7: Yes

- Install ElsaWin 4.00 update and register with NEW SERIAL and Keymaker
- Install databases AUDI-03.2012

[Image: 5c82ac8f5b09a156abad8f4468277b84.jpg]


Download Links.txt

1.51 KB

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  Diag Box programs in start up
Posted by: electron - 08-05-2012, 10:14 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (1)

Hi, I've install Diag-Box v6 on an old/poor performance PC and the PC keeps starting-up more slowly. I don't use DB very often.

-What are the right DB start-up programs I can disable them from the start up?
-and if they are disable, when to run DB, can I just start running it mormally? thanks


Sorry, for making a duplicated thread. When I was submitting the post the system says submitting failed so I made a new same thread again. Mod's, please help to remove one, thanks.

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Mercedes Benz a little help please!
Posted by: avelest - 08-05-2012, 05:32 AM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (9)

Hey guys, long time no see!

I was wondering if someone could assist me on some problems i am currently having with version 03 2012 of xentry.

Im using a sdconnect, network configuration is correct, all patches are applied.

The problem i'm facing is when attempting to diagnose (204) and xentry fails to pick up the ignition of the car, also xentry attempts to update the firmware on the head, however i have already deleted the firmware folders.

And for last, it has to do with the networkfilter, even though i have renamed the file, it still comes back, and runs at startup...

I cant start a diagnosis! any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Peace! 049

Some extra information:

All cal files (DAS bin and Xentry bin) have been set to part T
cal.lsi has been changed (llist)
IP address has been correctly set for sdconnect.

I'm seriously stuck here... please help.

Thanks once again!

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  Android AlfaOBD
Posted by: cocon - 08-05-2012, 03:05 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (6)


I looking for Android version of AlfaOBD software. But I don't use google play. I looking for file in apk format. Could you please send or indicate a link to this file.


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VW vas 5054a problem
Posted by: diagmou - 08-05-2012, 12:00 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (12)

i have a problem withe my vas 5054a cloned.
if i select on Bord diagnostic the results in images.
i hope any one have solution for this problem .

thanks .:79797979

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Nouveau Image bitmap.bmp

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Nouveau Image bitmap (2).rar

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Mercedes Benz 97' W202 can't start with red light on mirror flashing
Posted by: hungjiang - 08-04-2012, 10:26 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (13)

Hi every members:
As the title: This W202 can't start,but remote and transponder work,the red light on the mirror is flashing when I start the engine,I think maybe the ECU had be changed,so I post the dumps,maybe someone can tell me if the VDO is correctly coding or not,or where(what) is the code in VDO 24C02?
Thank you!

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Posted by: kostas nikolakopoulos - 08-04-2012, 09:19 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (22)

Hi guys

I try to program the ST95080 with UPA but I can not
Read it properly but I can not write
Pick up the leg, 3,8 and 9 but nothing
I have made ​​many attempts with changes in the legs but nothing
When made verify tells me I have 16 or 25 errors
The problem is when I done verify
He knows someone to help me????????????PLEASE!!!

Best Regards!!!

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Opel edc15c immo off
Posted by: abbassi - 08-04-2012, 08:48 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (4)

help me please for immo off peugeot 206 edc15c eeprom 5p08

thanks advance

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p206 tdi 5p08.rar

335 bytes
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Opel Opel zafira 2000 2.0L diesel doesn't start
Posted by: brazaru - 08-04-2012, 08:33 PM - Forum: GM Group Opel-Vauxhall, Saab, Chevrolet, GM USA, Chrysler Discussions. - Replies (9)


One friend has a problem with his opel zafira diesel year 2000 130 000 KM:

Fault P1630 (diesel pump)

Is it possibel to fix by your own that EDU (ECU) on the fuel pump ?

I saw on internet they fix it... but no information ...

In advance thanks !

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Peugeot peugeot 307 suspected bsi fail
Posted by: sokisoki3 - 08-04-2012, 07:56 PM - Forum: PSA Group Peugeot, Citroen Discussions. - Replies (7)

307 1.6 hdi 2006. Car comes in with the battery flat. Charged the battery -car starts but:when put ignition on -wipers goes off, central locking doesn't qork even after synchronistaion procedure. i read a little bit about virginising. Could someone help . I can extract dump but from which eeprom memory.Any help much appreciated.

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Vauxhall zafira pump psg16 replacement and programming
Posted by: sokisoki3 - 08-04-2012, 07:24 PM - Forum: GM Group Opel-Vauxhall, Saab, Chevrolet, GM USA, Chrysler Discussions. - Replies (85)

could someone advice is it possible to reprogram second hand psg16 pump unit on zafira? I don't have tech2 only opcom .Could someone give some advices please.

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Mazda vito start errur
Posted by: abbassi - 08-04-2012, 06:40 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (6)

Hi can anyone help

vito start errur

thanks advance

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  Audi TT pincode
Posted by: waylyn - 08-04-2012, 04:45 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (3)

Hi can anyone get the pin code out of these dumps please533

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TT Dash

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TT dash

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  Need Powercommand
Posted by: nanocycle - 08-04-2012, 02:21 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

Dear All

Does anybody has Powercommand for windows version 5?


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Jaguar Jaguar EPC (2011-2012) software ?
Posted by: tamdogau - 08-04-2012, 12:05 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - No Replies

Hi !
I very need Jaguar EPC (2011-2012) software?
Anybody has it? share link to me please!
Thanks U so much!

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Posted by: sell90 - 08-04-2012, 11:54 AM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - No Replies

[Image: 24ycoio.jpg]

This Mitsubishi Montero repair manual contains an introductory description on Mitsubishi Montero and procedure for tis inspection troubleshooting, maintenance, assembly, disassembly, service and overhaul of its main components. Other information considered as generally kknown is not included.

Read general information section to familiarize yourself with outline of the vehicle and maintenance and other sections to use as a guide for proper inspection and service.

This manual will help you know the vehicle better so that you can assure your customers of your optimum and quick service.

Table content Mitsubishi Montero Service Manual
Heater Or Boost Ventilator Control
Front Door Glass Weatherstrip
Rear Speaker Assy
Lubrication System
Drive Shaft
Rear Suspension
Antenna Cord Sub-Assy
Parking Brake Cable
Horn Button Assy
Front Wheel Alignment
Floor Shift Assy
Windshield Glass
Speed Sensor Front
Brake System
Windshield Wiper Switch Assy
Valve Clearance
Curtain Shield Air Bag Assy
Exhaust Pipe
Cylinder Head
Transmission Revolution Sensor
Spiral Cable Sub-Assy
Ignition System
Partial Engine
Rear Door Glass Weatherstrip
Rear Door
ower Steering Link Assy
Cooling System
Power Steering
Rear Axle Beam
Rear Wiper Rubber
Front Suspension System
Audio & Visual System
Cylinder Head Assy
Skid Control Sensor
Cigarette Lighter Assy
License Plate Lamp Assy
Front Drive Shaft
Automatic Transaxle Fluid
Starter Switch
Windshield Wiper Motor Assy
Rear Axle Hub
Wiper & Washer
Parkneutral Position Switch
Output Shaft Assy
Seat Position Air Bag Sensor
Charging System
Front Bumper
Transmission Control Cable
Back Door
Differential Case Assy
Front Suspension
Shift Lock System
Front Speaker Assy
Wiper And Washer System
Washer Nozzle
Front Stabilizer Bar
Supplemental Restraint System
Pulley Compressor Assy
Front Shock Absorber
Headlamp Protector Retainer
Camshaft Position Sensor
Side Air Bag Sensor Assy
Receiver Condenser Assy
Rear Wheel Alignment
Air Bag Sensor Front
Power Mirror Control System
Air Bag Sensor Rear
Drive Belt
Starter Assy
Parking Brake
Floor Shift Parking Lock Cable
Oil Filter
Front Axle Hub
Tire & Wheel
Brake Master Cylinder
Wiper Rubber
Lighting System
Rear Brake
Center Air Bag Sensor Assy
Name Plate
Air Conditioner Refrigerant
Outer Rear View Mirror Assy
Generator Assy
Rear Combination Lamp Assy
Manual Transaxle Oil
Brake Fluid
Air Conditioning Amplifier Assy
Steering Column
Instrument Panel
Fender Panel Mudguard
Cylinder Block Assy
Rear Seat Belt
Fuel Injector
Amplifier Antenna Assy
Torque Converter Clutch
Clutch Unit
Heater & Air Conditioner
Knock Sensor
Sun Roof System
Charcoal Canister
Front Suspension Arm
Chain Sub-Assy
Rear Suspension System
Seat Belt
Rear Bumper
Inner Rear View Mirror Assy
Input Shaft Assy
Front Seat Belt
Steering Sensor
Roof Headlining
Clutch Pedal Sub-Assy
Water Pump Assy
Oil Pump
Power Door Lock Control System
Engine Control System
Engine Coolant
Air Conditioning System
Fuel System
Heater Radiator Assy
Yaw Rate Sensor
Side Turn Signal Lamp Assy
Rear Coil Spring
Power Source
Front Brake
Wheel And Tire System
Body Repair
Brake Pedal
Roof Antenna Pole Sub-Assy
Clutch Start Switch Assy
Fuel Pump
Parking Brake Lever
Roof Drip Side Finish Moulding
Clutch System
Cooling Fan System
Shift & Select Lever Shaft
Engine Mechanical
Radio Receiver Assy
Headlamp Dimmer Switch Assy
Clutch Release Cylinder Assy
Window Defogger System
Radiator Assy
Front Differential Oil Seal
Power Window Control System
Brake Booster
Starting System
Front Marker Lamp Assy
Passenger Air Bag Assy
Wire Harness Repair
Fuel Tank
Manual Transaxle System
Center Cluster Module Switch
Rear Door Window Frame Moulding
Combination Meter
Front Seat Airbag Assy
Transmission Wire
Brake Actuator
Side Mudguard
Seat Belt Warning System
Clutch Master Cylinder Assy
Automatic Transaxle Assy
Sfi System
Back Door Glass
Center Stop Lamp Assy
Transmission Valve Body
Emission Control Systems
Wiring Diagrams
Manual Transaxle Assy
Headlamp Assy
Rear Wiper Motor Assy
Back Door Garnish
Throttle Body Assy
Steering System
Sun Roof
Quarter Window Assy
Front Door
Air Conditioning Blower Assy
Rear Shock Absorber Assy

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Mitsubishi Montero Factory Service Manual.txt

41 bytes
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