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AA JCB Case CX460
Posted by: oleg7962 - 07-27-2012, 12:13 AM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - No Replies


Manual for excavator Case CX460 in PDF!

[Image: case-cx-460-id-nr-7011,95be2a5c.jpg]

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CAse 460.txt

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AA JCB Sumitomo SH700
Posted by: oleg7962 - 07-27-2012, 12:03 AM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - No Replies


Service manual for Sumitomo Sh700 excavator in PDF!

[Image: SH700LHD-5-2.jpg]

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Posted by: HOTICE - 07-26-2012, 11:17 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (14)

Hi to all friends

Please dear friends

I need to have pin code for this AUDI A4
IT is year 1997
memory 93C66
TDI 1.9

The driver threw the key on the ground and the transponder lost
Please I want to know pin code and if the transponder it is ID48 or any other kind

Is it possible to make immo off
these are the radio datas
038 906 018S
0 281 001 721

What kind of eeprom should i program to make immo off

Thank you again very very much

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  how to update x-prog 5.0v to 5.3v
Posted by: saitinam - 07-26-2012, 10:57 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (6)

ı have got chinese colone x-prog 5.0v how can ı update it 5.3v

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Peugeot Citroen/Peugeot Radio Codes by VIN
Posted by: Shaft - 07-26-2012, 10:36 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (157)

Anyone who may need Radio Codes for Citroen/Peugeot models by VIN number, please use this thread. Fing32

Regards to all,

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Audi it is the right diagnostic tools Audi dealer
Posted by: kentrinite - 07-26-2012, 09:55 PM - Forum: VAG Group VW , Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley Discussions. - Replies (12)

I am looking for diagnostic tools for audi dealer have told me about VAS 5054A Audi Bentley and Lamborghini VW and I like to know if someone VAS 5054A and I like to know what home means Access and permission by this function that one of my friends about it and I like to have the heart net

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Posted by: kautuvera - 07-26-2012, 08:24 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (3)

Hi friends
DME Fault : 2F4A Interface EWS (Immobilizer) DME
What is the meaning of this error?
Not Start the engine
This is diagnostic not connect to EWS
Please help me Itwasntme

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  autoliv 611019700 partner tepee
Posted by: michalez - 07-26-2012, 07:22 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

Hello Friends
Car partner tepee
Unit: Autoliv 611019700
Eeprom: ST 95320
Attached the bin with crash , please if some one can help me with clear dump
Thank you in advance

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Nissan Wanted workshop manual Nissan P11, 2000.
Posted by: anvas69 - 07-26-2012, 06:47 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (1)

Hi there ,
I'm looking for workshop manual for Nissan Primera P11 from 2000.
If someone can help me, would be much appreciatedFing32.
Thanks in advance!
Have a good one....Beer

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Porshe Porsche PIWIS V34 vmware with desktop
Posted by: turbofan - 07-26-2012, 06:36 PM - Forum: Virtual Pre-installed Images - Replies (122)

this is a VMWARE machine with Porsche Piwis V34.
It is a windows XP pro US version and with the desktop available.
mp me for password Wink

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Piwis V34 desktop.txt

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  Motorcycle Technical Data
Posted by: Auto54 - 07-26-2012, 05:29 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (10)

Many years ago we used to run a motorcycle maintenance course at the College I work at. The lads would ask if we had any tech data for there bikes. I enquired at AD because we use there kit and they did a 1998 Technical Data book. This was great but what we find is students will rip the pages out of books rather than asking to photocopy them. So I thought it would be a good idea to put all this data into one of my programmes. It took a few months but it all went in. We bought a newer 2008 Technical Data book later on and I added all the extra models.

If you search the web there are sites that show limited tech data so I added that info in as well. Now originally I just added the data but with the second book I though it would be better if they could see a picture of that particular bike. I searched the web and these sites and found virtually every bike picture listed along with the logo. It now shows 2567 models which I'm still updating slowly.

Now this isn't full data as you can imagine its not a workshop manual it only shows:

New download site added.

Engine Code: -
Capacity/cylinders cm³/cyl: -
Output Kw(DIN hp) rpm: -
Bore/Stroke mm: -
Piston to Bore clearance new/max mm: -
Fuel octane/2 or 4 stroke: -
Suitable for Unleaded petrol: -
Valve Clearance Cold - Inlet mm: -
Valve Clearance Cold - Exhaust mm: -
Compression pressure bar: -
Oil pressure bar/rpm: -
Ignition system Type: -
Coil primary resistance Ohms: -
Coil secondary resistance Ohms: -
Pick-up coil resistance Ohms: -
Pick-up/contact breaker gap mm: -
Basic ignition timing °Engine/rpm: -
Static ignition timing °Engine/mm: -
Maximum advance °Engine/rpm: -
Firing order: 1-2-4-3
Make: -
Type: -
Gap mm: -
Make: -
Type: -
Gap mm: -
Make: -
Type: -
Gap mm: -
Carburettor/Injection system Make: -
Type: -
Idle speed rpm: -
CO level Vol.%: -
Mainjet: -
Needle jet: -
Idle jet: -
Needle type/position: -
Pilot screw opening No. of turns: -
Float level mm: -
Fuel level mm: -
Charging system max output A/rpm: -
Regulated voltage V/rpm: -
Battery Type: -
Battery voltage/capacity V/Ah: -
Engine oil SAE: -
API: -
Engine oil with filter litres: -
Gearbox SAE: -
Capacity litres: -
Final drive SAE: -
Capacity cm³: -
Rear swing arm (driveshaft) SAE: -
Capacity litres: -
Cooling system litres: -
Two-stroke oil Type/mix:1 -
Front forks oil SAE: -
Fork oil capacity LH/RH cm³: -
Fork oil capacity LH/RH mm: -
Fork oil capacity LH/RH mm³: -
Fork oil capacity LH/RH mm²: -
Fork oil seal size: -
Clutch control lever free play mm: -
Clutch release lever free play mm: -
Final drive chain/belt Make: -
Type: -
Number of links: -
Free play mm: -
Link size pitch x width: -
Stretch limit mm/links: -
Front/rear sprocket No. of teeth: -
Front tyre size: - Pressure solo/pillion bar(psi): -
Rear tyre size: - Pressure solo/pillion bar(psi): -
Torque cylinder head:
Stage 1 Nm: -
Stage 2 Nm: -
Stage 3 Nm: -
Stage 4 Nm: -
Stage 5 Nm: -
Cam/rocker cover Nm: -
Magneto/flywheel Nm: -
Camshaft sprocket Nm: -
Crankshaft sprocket/gear Nm: -
Clutch hub Nm: -
Spark plugs Nm: -
Wheel spindle nuts/bolts front/rear Nm: -
Wheel spindle clamp front/rear Nm: -
Bike kerb weight kg: -

There is a copyright notice to AD.


Text file now added.

[Image: 1058-1383867746-20a50cbedac81150e16933aa5491ccf8.jpg]

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VW EOBD II Fault Codes Software
Posted by: Auto54 - 07-26-2012, 05:24 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (34)

Hi guys.

When I bought my Golf GTD over 4 years ago I printed out all the data from AD which we have at work. I thought if would be better if all these EOBD II error codes were in an app so you could search for the number and its description and cause would be shown. You can search the database for any VAG or EOBD II error number, Fault location and Possible causes, words or numbers. I've added different error codes that I've found over the years and it now has 7800+. Now because I have a VW these codes will match VAG vehicle but obviously EOBD II error codes match alot of manufactures.

Now I've tried it on Win9x/ME/WinXp 32bit/Vista 32bit/Win7 32bit and it works ok. When I've tried it at work on Win7 32bit is runs and you can see the errors listed but as soon as you click on a line it throws up a Windows error and wants to close. Now I've put loads of error traps in the app to catch an internal error but nothing shows. I posted this app a couple of years ago on, and some say it works on Win7. The problem that Chitty posted is it didn't work on his Vista 64bit yet another users post it work on his Win7 64bit if he Run as administrator. Other users on other forums have reported it works on Win 7 64bit and Win 8 64bit.

Please read the ReadMe First.txt file before you use it.

Yes I've heard all the excuses there are loads of sites online that give error codes but if you can't get online then your stuck.

[Image: VAG-Fault-Codes.jpg]


I've made an installation package to try and overcome the problems that any user has adding the files and ocx. I've also added more codes to it now shows 7951 error codes. My new app has 10,037 error codes.

If you have downloaded this app before and it works then just download the simple update not the installation package.

Update 20/10/2015: have changed their download links. Sorry this isn't the new version as I would like a contribution for this one.

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EOBD II Fault Codes Installation Package 08-02-2014.txt

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Mercedes Benz 05.2012 DAS DAS Internal error CSD DLL not found
Posted by: bvc765 - 07-26-2012, 01:18 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (5)

Can anyone tell me what's wrong. This software was working OK Yesterday. It gives "Internal error: CSD DLL not found" today.

I try to replace whole DAS\Bin folder, same error. and the csd.dll file also in harddisk.

I have no idea about this.

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Posted by: Jeanhdo - 07-26-2012, 12:40 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (4)

Hello all,

I wonder if a friend has this version of the VAS, in Portuguese of Brazil to provide.
I found this version in another forum, posted by a member named viniruiz, but the forum was closed and unable to download, I have only the first part of the link.
I know I am a member with limited participation, but I appreciate if someone can help me.
Best Regards

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Posted by: ZIZOU GAD - 07-26-2012, 04:49 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (9)



(06-14-2012 12:21 PM)wacko70 Wrote: [Image: 31cd0.jpg]
1.31GB | 7zip archive |

The probably LARGEST collection of original and modified immos, ecus, dumps and eeproms for almost all cars!
Over 44700 files! Over 10GB packed into 1.31GB!

thank you very much, i appreciate your great effort ,but link now is dead ,upload them with new link pls pls pls
i nead themListen

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Posted by: izzi41 - 07-26-2012, 01:35 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (7)

Hi, everyone.
i have problem with my sd connect wireless mux .
i can read almost all cars with it ,only when i use HHT i can not connect . does anyone know if there is a file that i must change for use with sd connect .
i have tried PART T and PART W .

other question is about the language , how can i change that , i have done it with older versions of das ,but now i cant find the file anymore .can someone help me

i use version 3/2012 installed by JC

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  which of this adapter can read MCU- E87J
Posted by: HIGH TECH AUTO - 07-25-2012, 10:49 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (4)

In my xprog m package i have TMS370 and MC68HC0512 adapter which of this adapter can read MCU- E87J

Thank you

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Honda need a ix55 odometer eeprom 93s56 file
Posted by: hadi_rc51 - 07-25-2012, 10:03 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

i need hyundai ix55 odometer eeprom(93s56) file in 36000 km or any km. i need original eeprom file too
please help me

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  Vivid Workshop ATI 10.2 / (11.2)
Posted by: Rui Aguiar - 07-25-2012, 06:38 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (16)

Vivid Workshop ATI 10.2 / (11.2)

No need data fix

Run the file RunMe.bat and choose your operating system:
1. Win 32 bit - Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7
2. Win 64 bit - Win Vista, Win 7

When you run the software the first time dont allow it to access the internet.

Tested on version 10.2 running Windows XP 32 bit
Also should work on version 11.2 on Windows 32/64 bit

Credits to Dr.Bojan and emeren for providing all information required



132 bytes

Here new batfile to version 11.2 tested on Windows XP 32 bit
Rename file "RunMe.txt" to "RunMe.bat"
Delete "vivid\distrib.jar" from the old crack
Before running the file "runme.bat" go to the taskbar and exit the "Vivid WorkshopData ATI Services"
Run "RunMe.bat" and good luck

The only problem is the maintenance menu does not work. The rest seems to work fine.



4.45 KB

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Renult RENAULT Delphi electronics and safety
Posted by: soukehal - 07-25-2012, 02:36 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (3)

Hello, I have no LCD multifunction display screen
I want to install it on another car
program can modify open source code thank you

RENAULT Delphi electronics and safety
part no 28326053
assembled in portugal
10R-03 10129
P/N 74 21744858 ASSEMBLY
P/N 21470404 HW

Attached Files

RENAULT Delphi electronics and safety 24c16.rar

785 bytes
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  cloned 59f and mpps
Posted by: auto421 - 07-25-2012, 01:46 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (4)

hello,Anyone know if I can clone a ecu 59f m3 hw103 mpps with? and already tried to repair but again the failure of two cylinders, if someone could help me I thank, without mareli decode what tool I use to off imo. tankyou

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  Read flash counts EDC15/16 / VAG cars
Posted by: eikido - 07-25-2012, 11:18 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (3)

Is there a way to read flash counts in VAG cars to determain if the ecu or dash has been rewritten once to track any odometer correction or ecu mapping?

VCSD can read odometer from engine ECU, but that one can be manipulated easily so its not enough.

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Posted by: inetden - 07-25-2012, 10:32 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

Dear MHHAUTO members,

here will be links for online catalogs
hope it will be usefull for someone

the list will be updated time to time:

ACDelco parts for domestic and import vehicles

Allison DOC® For PC – Service Tool Application Updates

AUGER:Truck, Bus, Trailer.

Bearmach - off road and 4x4 parts and accessories Land Rover parts,Defender parts, Range Rover parts, Discovery parts, Freelander

BOMAG. Bomag Service Kit / Filter Info on most machines:

Bosch e-CAT on-line


Case Construction + Case IH Agri


DAF accessories catalog

Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link 7.0



Freightliner Trucks, Public Internet Access - need registration



MOBIS KIA ACCESS - need registration

Hyundai Manuals

John Deere - need registration

KOBELCO Parts & Service



MERCEDES-Benz service


New Holland Agri + New Holland Construction

VOLVO IMPACT ONLINE - need registration


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Posted by: inetden - 07-25-2012, 10:09 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (2)

Dear MHH AUTO Members,

Here is BMW ETK Price List 7.2012 for:

NO Pass

Hope it will be useful for someone

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Mercedes Benz Das Xentry 05.2012 Instalation Guid
Posted by: dichar - 07-25-2012, 07:08 AM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (10)

Hi all
please a need das xentry 05.2012 instalation guid

thankx in advanced

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VW Caddy 1.9 TDI 75PS
Posted by: ruia4 - 07-25-2012, 06:12 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (2)

Hi, how can i give some power to this file? about 20 ~30Ps is fine....
it's possible remove Limiter 190Km/h?

BSU Motor 75PS 1.9 Tdi

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Mercedes Benz NTG3 v11 (2012)
Posted by: Highlander - 07-25-2012, 04:12 AM - Forum: Automotive Navigation Discs. - No Replies

Good day Gents,

do you have NTG3 v11 (2012) navi disc for MB?


One more time kind request for latest disc. Thanks

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  flash siemens from a bmw m3 e46
Posted by: bemmerloco - 07-25-2012, 03:22 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

any one already read a ecu from a m3 e46 ?

i already try to do it on obd with galetto 1270 and mpps v5 and the file is incomplete .

how i can read ?Blush


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Audi Audi RS6 original ecu file
Posted by: kisgyermek - 07-25-2012, 12:11 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (6)

Hi everybody!

Help me pls.

somebody can send to me of the audi RS6 original ecu file.pls.pls.pls.pls.
this the ecu number:

Thank you.

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  Cars.Service.Software.Pack 02 - Torrent
Posted by: sell90 - 07-24-2012, 11:19 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (3)

Vivid Workshop Data-oriented electrical motor diagnostics mostly European cars, includes wiring diagrams Engine ECU, appearance, and a brief description of sensors and other electrical components and ignition systems, fuel injection, trace on the specified elements, as well as selected information on the mechanics

Year / Date: 2011
Version: Q3
Language: Multilingual
Crack: None

PCMSCAN v2.4.10.0
Continuation of the series of programs PCMSCAN. The program works with the ELM adapter 327.
Extras. Information: In general diagnostic engine, sometimes the box machine. Diesel since 2004. Added a number of errors, the most advanced settings prog, graphics. On the other blocks cars (ABS, SRS, etc.) does not work.
Updated 10/29/2009

Year: 2008
Compatibility with Vista: unknown
Language: English only
Medicine: Present

AutoBoss V30
This program prednaznachena for a narrow circle of people, armed with a system scanner AutoBoss V30.

Year: 2009
Version: 2.42
Platform: All Windows
System requirements: Minimum
Language: English

Bosch kts 340 ESI STARTER
A disk image with the operating system with built-in drivers for the diagnostic tool BOSCH KTS 340/200

Year / Date: 2009.02
Version: 03/01/1025
Language: Multilingual
Crack: None

Extras. Information :: Operating System is not made with this instrument, to write the installation disk image and reboot the device

BMW DIS v57 + TIS 12/07 VmWare
DIS - dealers BMW diagnostic software for use with adapter GT1, OPS, OPPS. At the moment, is considered outdated (a new scanner - BMW ICOM with your software package). The program in VmWare, since initially the system runs only on IBM T30 (and similar).

It is not suitable for the F-Series and the X1, but is suitable for the X6 and the rest of the E-series until 2009.

TIS - Service documentation in December 2007.

Year / Date: 2008
Version: 57
System Requirements: VmWare Player 3, Workstation 6,7, ...
Language: English + Russian

1) Insert the disk into a virtual machine Disv57RUS.iso
2) Login to Administration
3) DIS - Language-> OK
4) hours of waiting and the program is translated into Russian.

Attention! In the Russian version can cause errors, which were not in English

Comes with a separate drive TIS 12/2007 RUS, which can be installed on Windows-based system.

IDS Land Rover/Jaguar 128.07
Dealer diagnostic tool for Land Rover / Jaguar. Works with VCM Rotunda, with both the original and the clone. Crack in the kit.

Year / Date: 2012
Version: 128.07
System Requirements: Windows XP + Internet Explorer 8 (version 6 and 7 - more errors)
Language: Multilingual (Russian present)
Medicine: Present

Attention! You must install all patches.

Extras. Information: How to install:
1) IDS_DVD128_FULL.exe
2) VDF_DVD128_V5.exe
3) IDS_DVD128.03.exe
4) IDS_DVD128.06.exe
5) IDS_DVD128.07.exe
6) SPA_DVD128_V1.exe (set for a long time and the background, do not worry)

RTS - standard hours

1) Open Task Manager. Close the process XMLRegistryD
2) Run the License software. Press START. It should leave a message - License finished

SAAB WIS 9-3(9440), 9-5(9600, 9650) 4-2010
Repair Manual Saab WIS, maintenance, diagnostics, bodywork, engine repair Saab, body repair Saab 9-5 (9600, 9650) 1998-2011, Saab 9-3 (9440) 2003-2011.
In a book on auto repair Saab Wis presented step by step description of repair, installation instructions, dismantling, disassembly, assembly, adjustment and configuration of various components and assemblies Saab, are circuit diagrams Saab (Saab wiring) pinout connectors, body repair manuals Saab, a selection of service bulletins on major faults.
In the description of the repair Saab can see the location of all units and sensors, etc. The database repair Saab Wis a step by step repair manuals of mechanical and automatic transmissions Saab.

Year / Date: 2010
Version: 3.0
Interface language: Multilingual

Toyota/Lexus Reprogramming
Disc calibration for updating software P / N 00456-REPRG-001 ECM motor and automatic transmission.
Works with TIS Techstream and other devices J2534.
The program loader is present on the disk.

Year: 2009
Version: 4 quarter of 2009.
Platform: Windows
Compatibility with Vista: unknown
Language: English

ColorQuick Pro Asia 2012
DuPont - a unique system of color matching, which includes both the traditional, time-tested tools and modern software ColorQuick ®, ColorNet ® and ChromaVision ®. This system allows you to accurately pick up the paint to any car of foreign and domestic brands. DuPont - a recognized leader in the production of conveyor paint constantly engaged in intensive research work in the manufacture of paints. These design and materials allow us to use the latest color formulas and shades before leaving the assembly line vehicles. In this version there are variations of colors of the world market, Asia, Europe, America, etc., depending on where the model with the number of colors produced. This version incorporates electronic fandeki, that you can use on your computer screen to compare the color patterns of an alternative, or a particular market. The software automatically updates via the Internet every month, and the manufacturer"s website is updated daily formulary database. For automatic updating via the Internet should register on the site. Efforts PDF description from the manufacturer.

Year / Date: 2011
Version: CD1/2012 2011.10.27.17
Language: English

Mercedes SDmedia
SDmedia - a multimedia guide (movies, etc.) for troubleshooting Mercedes.
Addition to the diagnostic program DAS.

Extras. Information: The program is designed for installation on a scan tool or StarDiagnosis computer with the program DAS.
On other computers, the program can be opened with Internet Explorer,-to do this, open the folder and select the file MEDBIB index. If you have any problems with video playback register the library: "regsvr32 msdxm.ocx", sometimes it helps ...

Year / Date: 2011
Version: 11-2011
System Requirements: SDmedia - a multimedia guide (movies, etc.) for troubleshooting Mercedes.
Addition to the diagnostic program DAS.
Language: Multilingual

MUT-III 2012
Dealer program for the diagnosis of Mitsubishi

Extras. Info: Works only with its VCI
These reprogramminga (CD3E11121-COPY MASTER) must be written to disk, and install it.

Year / Date: 2012
System Requirements: Windows-2000, Windows XP Pro
Language: Multilingual

Scania SDP3 v 2.8
A diagnostic program for trucks Scania R-series.
A list of all error codes, operating without a key.
Diagnosticheskaya PROGRAMME, Scania SDP3 version 2.8 requires a USB key and diagnostic interface VCI2.

Year / Date: 2011
Version: 2.8
System Requirements: Windows XP Professional SP3 and above.
Framework 2.0
Language: Multilingual
Crack: None

Consult-III plus 2012
Consult III plus - dealer system scanner Nissan / Infiniti
Put on top of version 11.12 (Consult III plus 2011)

Year / Date: 2012
Version: 15.12
System Requirements: Panasonic Toughbook CF-19, + VI2
Language: Multilingual

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Cars.Service.Software.Pack 02.txt

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