Hi all
I have just purchase a oem vi1 for nissan to have a play with can somebody help me find the software for it or direct me to a link that works as all the requests that i have ask on this site have either not worked or no reply.
Does anyone can chip this, it's a little strange maps to me. Because in titanium they are going from bigger numbers to smaller and can someone explain how to chip this? Thank you very much. )
Hello!I am looking for a good eprom file for a citroen Xantia Clarion PU-1561 A.
I have done some bad manipulation and now I don't have anymore the original file from the 93C46 eprom.Iwrote some other file from another post for another radio close to mine but the lcd display is blank.Do you have a solution?Thank you in advance!
Hi, I reflashed the PCM and I was on the middle of clearing dtc's on a ford f150 when all of a sudden the vcm lost connection.
It will not connect anymore. I noticed that the IP address changes constantly and is NOT
The IP changes and I cannot set it manually as it reverts back to a different one. Sometimes it goes to and ids see's it and prompt's for the vcm upgrade. I select it and immediately windows shows me a warning that the usb cable has been disconnected and connected again. IDS sees the vcm and starts the update.....it goes for minutes (10-15 minutes) and nothing. Then it asks again if I cancel and goes in a loop.
I went ahead and reformatted the whole pc and start fresh with WXP, and I get the same result.
The vcm was working perfectly and all of a sudden y crapped out....any ideas. Did it die???
Got this vehicle with head lights fault.........The story is as follow...........
Vehicle drives fine..........the problem is after the car is parked and locked after say 15 min the head lights and Ignition will come ON by it self and stays ON till the battery goes flat................And if the Ignition is put ON the lights will go OFF..........
So far I have checked all the wirings, COM 2000 which is build in head light switch, even if I disconnect the COM 2000 light will still come ON..........Have swapped the complete BSI and Engine ECU kit from a known good vehicle and still its the same..........
Has any one cone a cross this kind of fault or any idea what could it be..................
I have seen a few adverts for a XVCI adaptor, it claims to work just like a VCM, does anyone have any experience with them ? I need software / cable to get into range rover's
I have a Xentry pass generator V1.0 and V1.1.
Both runs fine and generates good keys which can be used with the lic file mod.
Also found some version 2.0 keygens which need a "special" code to run.
Same one I found with the expire date fixed withoput "specia;" code. Both does not run, so do not know if these are usefull (if it would run).
If someone knows the special code then please let me know.
Like to know which keygens are used these days to generate Xentry keys. A screenshot will be helpfull.
Hello. I have the problem as follows. I have two hard drives one another Xentry system one time 10/2008 and 11/2011. In both I have the error code in the engine control unit at 8.561.6067 implicit coding ME281.
Have Xentry / DAS already two times made new works, not yet.
Hello Forum,
Need hds 2.020 for USA market for j2534 pass thru trick...
2.019 works perferct.. yet 2.021 has no dice!!!
I hear 2.020 is that last one that will work with MVCI driver....for regedit tricky...
Is there anyone interested into how to setup the SDConnect via VMware? I made it working very well wireless and wired on a IBM X61t touchscreentablet with Windows XP ánd Windows 7. I saw a thread somewhere which said it was impossible...but its not
Offcourse the Touchscreen function is also working inside VMware!!