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Alfa eLearn & DTE CDs Fiat, Lancia & Alfa Romeo Collection
Posted by: WILDBOYz - 03-27-2011, 05:16 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (15)

Hi all Wink

here you can find my little collection of eLearn and DTE official CD/DVD about Fiat, Lancia and Alfa Romeo Cars workshop manuals

There are also some PDF workshop manuals for older cars

(Edit: all file re-uploaded on Mega)

Enjoy and share plz Fing32

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New_eLearn_ DTE_Fiat-Lancia-Alfa.txt

4.25 KB
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Mercedes Benz errorcode 2221-1 fix
Posted by: mercbits1 - 03-27-2011, 04:32 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (7)

This solution allows you to use your old keys with Xentry 03.2011.

This is a .exe fix for 03.2011 and the cal872 fix by Mr Zolookas




270.19 KB

165.7 KB

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes Renault Fiat Immo Programmer
Posted by: rabihfiras - 03-27-2011, 02:32 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (4)

Mercedes Renault Fiat Immo Programmer

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Fiat, Renault & Mercedes Immo.rar

1.09 MB
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Mercedes Benz no access authorisation xentry 03 2011
Posted by: om612 - 03-27-2011, 01:06 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (7)

when i start xentry 03 2011 the error no access authorisation please contact star diagnose user help desk is present Fing20Fing20

can anywhere help to repair this error
thank you very much

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Saab SAAB WIS 2010
Posted by: Patrian - 03-26-2011, 11:57 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (5)

Hello to all MHH m8's... Smile

Well, after 3 Years Big Grin we have have now the LATEST Release about SAAB WIS
Version 2010 (10.2010) and we can Enjoy the benefits! Fing32

[Image: oavol0.jpg]

So... SAAB Brand = Still ALIVE????? Big Grin
It seems YES, so anyone he interest, he can start his "Engines" from RS "Tanks"... Fing24

Enjoy people! 653

Best Regards! Cheer2

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Saab WIS 2010.txt

2.45 KB
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Fiat Fiat Group e-Per DVD Version 60 (2.2011)
Posted by: Patrian - 03-26-2011, 11:35 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - No Replies

Hello to all MHH Members... Smile

Here it is the LATEST e-Per DVD Version 60 (2.2011) for anyone he interest, and of course as always on the FAMOUS "Tanks" RS Servers! Fing24

[Image: 2qas009.jpg]

As always also, e-Per is Multilnguage Software... Big Grin

Enjoy m8's! 653

Best Regards! Cheer2

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Fiat e-Per Version 60 (2.2011).txt

5.62 KB
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Citroen Problem with Diagbox
Posted by: m3n7alsnak3 - 03-26-2011, 10:52 PM - Forum: PSA Group Peugeot, Citroen Discussions. - Replies (3)

Hi m8s,

I have a very confusing problem while trying to install diagbox. When I start the first part of the installation everything works fine. After that I activate the program, and then it installs the lexia and the pp2000, but when it cames to install the ppd it sais "error during installation of ppd. reactivate to reinstall.". I tried this a few times, but it didn't work...... Help please

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Volvo Volvo Matris
Posted by: sova - 03-26-2011, 10:32 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (7)

Hello friends.
I really need a program Volvo Matris.
Who can help me?
All thank you very much.

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Mercedes Benz xentry 03 2011 errorcode 2221-1
Posted by: om612 - 03-26-2011, 02:30 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (27)

ich have installed xentry 03 2011 and when i start xentry comes
follow error report:
xentry failed to start key status massage nr 4

please can anywhere help me to repair this error?

thank you very much

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AA+MHH Wurth Diagnostic Wow
Posted by: ZombieR - 03-26-2011, 12:09 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - No Replies

Hello everyone. I am looking for WOW software for WURTH diagnostic, snooper. Please let me now if you have to share or give me some guidance about this. Thanks in advance!

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Chevrolet GM Global EPC keygen full access needed
Posted by: frazy2011 - 03-25-2011, 04:28 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (1)

please someone can post GM Global EPC keygen full here i find it but its showing only the premium data access i need the all market access Fing20
i will be thankful

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Mercedes Benz ML W164 Retrofit coding help
Posted by: ladybreaker - 03-25-2011, 03:08 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (8)

Hello every one ,

This is my first post in this forum and I hope that some one can clarify my problem.

I have lately add a Backup camera control unit to a W164 , this is option 218.
A friend of mine updated the software of the CGW at that time so the control unit can be detected and also updated the software of the B.C control unit.
So now when we try to calibrate the backup camera control unit, which involves adjusting parking lines on the camera display and and steering position, and execute to save the settings, I get "UNABLE TO SAVE CALIBRATIONS - DO YOU WANT TO TRY AGAIN".

Now I belive that the option 218 need to be redocumented in VeDoc for the retrofit to be completed.

I do have a DAS Xentry and after I try the calibration I get the event memory 8603 "No CAN message from control unit COMAND.
And under Symptom I get "The display of menu item "backup camera" under Assistance on the instrument cluster is not possible

-If special equiptment 'backup camera' was retrofitted, equiptment code 218 must be redocumented.

So , am I right to think that once the the option 218 is documented in VeDoc I will be able to update the IC and Comand accordingly.

There is a typical example in SDMedia for the W221


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VW vag \vcds revival cable
Posted by: auto4 - 03-25-2011, 04:25 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (2) recuperation for cables vag and vcds Wink

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes WIS/ASRA 3.2011 (Update Version)
Posted by: Patrian - 03-25-2011, 04:04 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - No Replies

Hello again MHH m8's... Smile

Well, and here NO too much comments... Smile

Here it is the LATEST but UPDATE Versions about WIS/ASRA 3.2011! Fing24

[Image: 241ui52.jpg]

AGAIN and for this Version you need the 2nd DVD (WIS_0111_2of2) from the previous Version 1.2011! Listen

Enjoy SAFE people! 653

Best Regards! Cheer2

Attached Files

Mercedes WIS-ASRA 3.2011 (Update Version).txt

4.49 KB
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Mercedes Benz Mercedes DAS - Xentry (SD) 3.2011
Posted by: Patrian - 03-25-2011, 02:42 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (2)

Hello to all MHH m8's... Smile

Well, as always NO to many comments... Big Grin

Here it is this Latest SD Version 3.2011 on the FAMOUS Rapidshare Servers! Fing24

[Image: 56uk1.jpg]

[Image: ivhisp.jpg]

So, anyone he interest he can start his "Engines"! 24

Finally soon, VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY soon the usual "Party" it will finish with the Special "Guest":

EWA-NET 3.2011!!! Fing24

People ATTENTION anyone & Good Luck! Fing32

Best Regards! Cheer2

EDIT 23/9/2011
NEW Links now they are Available! Re-Enjoy! Drive

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Mercedes DAS-Xentry 3.2011.txt

2.68 KB
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Mercedes Benz DAS XENTRY 03.2011
Posted by: uratzelul_flo - 03-25-2011, 02:03 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (7)

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DAS XENTRY 03 2011.rar

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VW ELSA 3.81 VW - 01.2011
Posted by: uratzelul_flo - 03-25-2011, 02:00 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (1)

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ELSA 3.81 VW - 01.2011.rar

96.69 KB
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Land+Rover Land Rover - Jaguar IDS Version 125.03 FULL
Posted by: Patrian - 03-24-2011, 08:22 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (27)

Hello to all MHH m8's! Smile

Well, NO to many comments... Big Grin

Simply as always, here is the latest IDS Version about those 2 Brands that they are:

Full in "Love"!!! 24

[Image: 2461jq8.jpg]

So, if anyone he interest, he can start his "Engines" from RS "Tanks:! Fing24

The "Pill" EXISTING inside of the Archive Pack! Fing24

Enjoy People! 653

My Best Regards! Cheer2

EDIT 19/4/2012
NEW Links Added...

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Land Rover & Jaguar IDS Version 125.03.txt

4.48 KB
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AA JohnDeere John deer Service advisor
Posted by: hammer1979 - 03-24-2011, 03:40 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (2)

Just recently downloaded this Service advisor 2.8 i am runnign a toshiba laptop C650 with windows 7 and it wont intsall it hangs at the installing service advisor part ???

any one able to shed some light on what is causing it or anyone got same problem ???

cheers Smile

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Mercedes Benz XENTRY SDNet Control install guid...
Posted by: hackmax - 03-24-2011, 02:53 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (37)

Hello mates...

you knew about screens from other mates that in the taskbar is a tool names SDNet Control.
On your Intal Das/Xentry did not instal this tool.
No problem install SDNet Control later.

[Image: diagnose.jpg]

Go on DAS/xentry DVD

look at this:


("X" is your DVD)

start setup and after this do a restart.

I hope i can help!

Best regards Hackmax

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Toyota toyota epc setup
Posted by: true2com - 03-24-2011, 03:37 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (1)

anyone have Toyota epc 2011 setup Version: V1.0 L50 R060 [20110101]

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Opel OPEL TIS2000 Tech2 Dongle
Posted by: ozgurata - 03-24-2011, 03:17 AM - Forum: GM Group Opel-Vauxhall, Saab, Chevrolet, GM USA, Chrysler Discussions. - Replies (4)

Does anybody have dongle software Opel TIS2000 to Tech2 via com port ?

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Misubshi MUT 3 Mitsubishi Diagnostic Car Software (PRE10031-00)
Posted by: wacko70 - 03-24-2011, 12:10 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (3)

[Image: mut-3-mitsubishi-car-truck-diagnostic.jpg]
MUT 3 Mitsubishi Diagnostic Car Software (PRE10031-00)
698 MB

In accordance with releasing new products that introduce CAN communications systems, MMC has developed the MUT-III as a next generation diagnosis tester for servicing these new and future vehicles.

A personal computer (PC) is connected to the MUTIII unit and used as a system’s control terminal, and communicates with a vehicle ECU through the VCI. In addition to being able to handle all diagnosis functions covered by the conventional MUT-II tester, the MUT-III system can display data as easy-to-understand diagrams and graphs on a large screen of the PC. Unlike the MUT-II, the MUT-III can retain data on all vehicles, from old to new models, classified according to destination in the PC’s hard disk. This eliminates the awkward but essential job with the MUT-II, of switching the data list (communications protocol data and diagnosis item list database) by replacing the ROM pack with another according to the vehicle model and year model.

New functions that make use of the advantages of the PC are also being developed. For example, the workshop manual viewer is a useful function for mechanics as they no longer have to carry around a thick manual and search for relevant pages while working on a vehicle. The workshop manual viewer is currently available for certain vehicle models, and allows users to retrieve the pages containing the failure code for a particular problem at the push of a button.

MUT-3 PC software application supports following languages:
English, Czech, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Russian.

Set Includes:
(1) Vehicle Communication Interface (V.C.I.) (MB991824)
A communication interface used to connect the vehicle ECUs and the PC.

1. When connected with the PC
- Vehicle diagnosis (Interactive fault diagnosis)
- SWS communication; CAN communication support
- Drive recorder
- Volt, Ohm, measurement
- Fuel pressure measurement (Not available in US)

2. When used with the V.C.I. unit (disconnected from PC)
- V.C.I. Stand-alone diagnosis
- Drive recorder
- ECU reprogramming
- Volt, Ohm measurement
- Belt Tension measurement

(2) Memory Card
Stores data for ECU reprogramming, drive recorder, etc.
This is a standard, off-the-shelf memory card. The one provided (with reprogramming data) is a Compact Flash memory card (MB991853) inserted into the CF card adapter (MB991939).

(3) M.U.T.-III Main Harness A (MB991910)
Used when connecting the V.C.I. with vehicles that have only one 16-pin diagnosis connector.
- Supports fault diagnosis and ECU updating on the above-described vehicles
- Supports the CAN communication system

(4) M.U.T.-III Main Harness B (MB991911)
Used when connecting V.C.I. with vehicles that have a16-pin + 12-pin or 16-pin + 13-pin diagnosis connector.
For models equipped with only 12-pin (or 12-pin + 12-pin)diagnosis connector, connect the M.U.T.-II adapter harness(MB991498) to the end of this harness in the same as M.U.T.-II, and power is supplied from the cigarette lighter socket.

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MUT 3 Mitsubishi Diagnostic Car Software.txt

3.21 KB
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BMW BMW TIS 12.2007 (ONLY English)
Posted by: Patrian - 03-23-2011, 09:38 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (7)

Hello to all MHH Members... Smile

NO too much comments...

Here it is the LATEST Version about BMW TIS ---> 12.2007 and ONLY in English Language on RS "Tanks"! Big Grin

[Image: 6jlr43.jpg]

And maybe some Members they will starting the questions about:
LATEST 12.2007????? Big Grin

YES, m8's this is the LATEST Version (12.2007) because BMW A.G. from this Version and above, covering the Technical Information ONLY in those 2 Types anymore:
1. On-Line (web site)
2. ISIS System

Best Regards! Cheer2

EDIT 13/09/2012

NEW RS Links Pack! Kolo

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BMW TIS 12.2007 English.txt

752 bytes
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Posted by: antoniokt - 03-23-2011, 08:18 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (3)

please can someone upload bmw tis 2007 english version

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Peugeot Problem install servicebox 2008
Posted by: paddy69 - 03-23-2011, 06:54 PM - Forum: PSA Group Peugeot, Citroen Discussions. - Replies (5)

I am pulling my hair out. Fing20I am trying to install service box 09/2008!
The thing installs Sedre no problem. Then when we get to mounting DVD 3 a Fatal Error is given. So I have Sedre installed but service box backup doc WILL NOT install!
Any ideas what I can try???

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Renult Dialogys 3.92 Torrent
Posted by: webmaster - 03-23-2011, 06:24 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (8)

RENAULT Dialogys 3.92 is an electronic version of the documentation for RENAULT and after sales car RENAULT, DACIA.
Dialogys includes everything guidance on repair, diagnostics, and parts catalogs for all models of cars Renault including electrical circuits

Here you find Dialogys 3.92 on Torrent.
Size: 10.5 GB


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Dialogys 3.92.rar

53.22 KB
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Nissan Nissan Pin Code
Posted by: sanek2xlc - 03-23-2011, 03:53 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

Software for PIN code calculation.

Software support next cars :
Altima 2001-2004
Altima 2005
Armada 2004-2005
FX35 / FX45 2004-2005
G20 2000-2002
G35 2003-2005
I30, I35 2000-2004
M45 2003-2005
Maxima 2000-2005
Murano 2003-2005
Pathfinder 2001-2005
Quest 2004-2005
QX4 2001-2004
Q45 2002-2004
Sentra 2000-2004
Titan 2004-2005
350Z 2003-2005

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AA CAT Please anyone has this tools
Posted by: Zapicles - 03-23-2011, 10:21 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (2)

[Image: sisoe.jpg]Please anyone has this tools, thanks in advance.
SIS Admin Hack Fing20

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AA+MHH carbrain repair
Posted by: auto4 - 03-23-2011, 04:16 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (5)

Hello everyone, I wonder if I handcuff helps repair the combox of my carbrain 168c, the files needed for programming the combox will be someone who can help me. thanks39

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