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  Massey Ferguson 350 375 390 service manual HELP
Posted by: uratzelul_flo - 12-29-2011, 02:12 PM - Forum: Other Discussions. - No Replies

If somewoane can help wit service manual for thos model
Many thanks

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  Detroit 60 series service manual
Posted by: welderfx - 12-29-2011, 12:31 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (1)

Hi, I am looking for Detroit 60 Series Service Manual for the newer ddec ecm with egr.Thanks in advance, Welderfx

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Bentley VAG VAS-PC Version 19 USA
Posted by: f33nix - 12-29-2011, 05:02 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (15)


Attached Files


301 bytes

VAG Group VAS-PC 19.00 HotFix.txt

125 bytes


380 bytes
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Opel tis 2000 problem
Posted by: saka112 - 12-29-2011, 03:30 AM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - No Replies

hello everyone
every time i instal tis 2000 and after 2 days the tis 2000 stop working and show me this message
[Image: nouvelleimagebitmap2c.png]

help me please

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Mercedes Benz das setup error
Posted by: mustafamutlubas - 12-29-2011, 02:32 AM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (6)

hi friends.

i try a install a das but its not working :S

error : logline error in writing to c:/programme/dasuinst/SETUP_ERROR.txt

how can ı fix them ?

please help me quickly Sad

ım waiting ... Sad

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  Diagnostic Interface
Posted by: torento - 12-29-2011, 01:32 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (1)

Hello, wher can i by diagnostic interface for diagbox pp2000 and all others softwear, vcds, fiat, volvo, mb, bmw wher can i by this.
pleas help me

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Volvo v70 d5 2003 rail pressure
Posted by: sokisoki3 - 12-28-2011, 08:28 PM - Forum: Volvo Discussions. - Replies (3)

v70 d5 2003 under max load it is logging faults from too low and too high reil pressure.Any experience with this?Injectors are ok , it only happened on max load.Not always, never happened for me.

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AA+MHH Flash Files needed please
Posted by: donz - 12-28-2011, 06:55 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (4)

Hi Guys

I need Flash files for the following 2 cars if anyone can assist please.

Vw Jetta 4 1.8T 132kw 6speed 2003

and for a Peugeot 207 GTI 2008 model

will try do dumps as soon as i can if needed

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  Mitsubishi colt
Posted by: fandm - 12-28-2011, 03:56 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

Hi can, anyone help need photo if possible for bosch MR587416, 025001684, airbag module pin connections I am using xprog-m, I have the crash data files. car is 2008 colt

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Fiat Fiat Eper v.66
Posted by: uratzelul_flo - 12-28-2011, 01:16 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (24)


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Fiat eper v66.rar

34.17 KB
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Alfa Programmation Nec UPD780826 alfa 147
Posted by: fragamine - 12-28-2011, 12:48 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

hi all,

Someone know how i can program this up for read the content because my dash display ---- in the place of the kilometer.
Can i directly connect my prog to rx and tx pin of up and wich other pin's i must connect it, i use for this the superpro prog but I've not the adaptator for this up.

Thanks you for your answer.

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  Navigation Maps [Topic is no longer valid]
Posted by: billboard - 12-28-2011, 03:59 AM - Forum: Automotive Navigation Discs. - Replies (721)

Hi every1
Write what you need what u searchin' for, pefhaps i can help you
What is helpful:
1. brand
2. model
3. navi-model (cd/dvd/hdd)
4. coverage (mainland/country)

3 x "IF"

If u dont know what navi have post pic or discribe it & that what is writen on old original disc etc.
If i have something for you i will post it - be patient Fing32
If i help you click thanks button if no then no Listen


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  Vas 5054A french version
Posted by: marcusbilly - 12-28-2011, 01:06 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (2)

hello seeks emergency Vas 5054A version in French

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VW need radio code for caddy please !
Posted by: bouzimeca - 12-28-2011, 12:01 AM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (2)

thanks in advance

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AA+MHH huge autos softs and manuals in one
Posted by: sskarroum - 12-27-2011, 08:53 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (2)

here is huge autos softs and manuals in one



37 bytes

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Renult RENAULT Clip FULL v115 Multilanguage
Posted by: hoaluly - 12-27-2011, 04:00 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (1)

[Image: 33eef7afdf7eb6ab59f6e7e8ad8266c1.jpg]

[Image: c5241853538abda93dc8735ba7e6ac8b.png]

RENAULT Clip v115 Multilanguage | 2.52 GB

Renault CLIP - the latest diagnostic tool from Renault. It contains all the latest diagnostic technology and information base to address all issues.

Extras. Info: If the primary installation, follow the instructions, which is attached. If you already have an earlier version, it is recommended to uninstall and then follow the installation instructions.
It only works with original CLIP adapter or with a Chinese clone, no adapters and KL KKL is not supported.

Renault has developed a diagnosis system called Valise Clip. Hooked up to the car through OBD2 connector, it runs a complete test automatically, checking a series of parameters and identifying problems that can then be solved.
Program dealer car diagnostics Renault, Dacia, Samsung.

FULL Instructions :

Before installing please do the following steps:
1. Uninstall previous version of Renault CAN-Clip if you have
2. IF your 1st installation: Run Crack.reg

After installation finish & you will reboot, you will get SPX Registration....
To avoid PERMANENTLY this, do the following steps:
1. Alt+Ctrl+Del (Kill process RSRWin.exe)
2. Delete RSRWin.exe (in C:\Windows)
3. Use Regedit (and Delete "ALL" values with name RSRWin)
4. Reboot your machine!!!
5. NO MORE flash for SPX Registration...

Before your 1st Running with the program make those steps:
You NEED to have 1 Renault Car (and ALWAYS Renault clip running-working)
when you have Renault Car!!!
1. Connect your Clip Sonde Can Interface 1st in your Car (OBD Slot)
2. Turn Ignition ON (NOT Engine running)
3. Connect your Clip Sonde Can Interface via USB cable with your computer
4. Start to installing ALL the Drivers (that they will be appearing) and
you can find those in: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers or from this DVD
in the folder "CAN-Clip Drivers".
5. You must INSTALL 4 Drivers (4 TIMES the same thing)
After you finish, you can RUN now finally your CAN-Clip Software.....


Download Links.txt

851 bytes

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  immo tutto
Posted by: smt - 12-27-2011, 03:45 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

please can anyone make a tutto for immo:
when we use immo off ?how we make it?
when we use virgin immo ?how to make it?

please its very impotant

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Honda Honda Civic Coupe CRX Workshop manual 1988-1990
Posted by: Milanezu - 12-27-2011, 01:46 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

Honda Civic Coupe CRX Workshop manual 1988-1990 Repair Manual and operation of cars Honda
Civic Coupe CRX 1988 and 1990 release. This documentation is a reference manual for
employees of authorized service stations car Honda. The guide contains technical
specifications and characteristics, reference data for special equipment and tools,
instructions for repair and operation of the engine, fuel and exhaust systems,
transmissions, suspension, brakes, body, heating and air conditioning and electric car
Honda Civic Coupe CRX. All the instructions in the Honda Civic Coupe CRX Workshop manual,
have a variety of vivid illustrations of the instructions for the removal, replacement,
installation and adjustment of components and units of the car, and a description in
English only. Year: 1988, 1990 Publisher: Honda Language: English Format: PDF



37 bytes

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Mercedes Benz Compact4 Installation with a Compact 3 Interface
Posted by: coolcar110 - 12-27-2011, 04:48 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (2)

Dear all,

i know it is a silly question but i didn't find an answer so far.
Because when I install on my laptop Star Diagnose with Xentry as SD Compact 4 the installation works fine. But as soon i want to install it as SD Compact 3 i became installation errors and it aborts.

So my question is if i will install it as SD Compact 4 can i also connect to the Laptop an C3 Multiplexer interface? Or will it only work with the C4 Multiplexer interface.

And sorry again for this question.

Thanks in advance.

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Renult can clip v115
Posted by: aflou - 12-27-2011, 04:09 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (4)

hi every one
renault can clip v115
added scenic III PH2

Attached Files

renault can clip 115.rar

13.24 KB
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  dump airgab megane 603989200
Posted by: scanner ch - 12-27-2011, 03:52 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (3)

Hello to all
I'm looking to Dump for air bag serial 603989200 eprom 95160
Please help
Thank you in advance

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Volvo NISAN MURANO 2007 air bag
Posted by: doncarlo - 12-27-2011, 02:56 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

Hello: Please dump unit air bag NISAN MURANO 2007 s/n 98820CA02E Thanks049

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  Three times post CLiP 115
Posted by: Russel - 12-27-2011, 12:34 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (1)

Il post 3 times CLiP 115, and 3 times post are deleted, WTF is going on here???? Il think there is one yealous guy that deleted my posts .

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Mercedes Benz sd net control does not laungh who can help me
Posted by: izzi41 - 12-27-2011, 12:10 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (1)

who can help me with sd net control i have wireless mux sd connect , all settings are done sd connect is vissible also also WLAN works i just need to open sd net control

i have teamviewer if someone want to try

thanks ...

(12-27-2011, 12:10 AM)izzi41 Wrote: who can help me with sd net control i have wireless mux sd connect , all settings are done sd connect is vissible also also WLAN works i just need to open sd net control

i have teamviewer if someone want to try

thanks ...

424 349 908
password 123456

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99.43 KB
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Renult Renault Dialogys 4.1 (Spare Parts Multilanguage / Tech Info RUSSIAN!)
Posted by: wacko70 - 12-26-2011, 11:09 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (2)

[Image: 3Kkw6.jpg]
Renault Dialogys 4.1

Dialogys - an electronic version of documentation for RENAULT and after sales car RENAULT, DACIA (only LOGAN and SANDERO). Dialogys includes everything from repair manuals and parts catalogs for all models of cars Renault, as well as tehnoty and MR-s for all cars in the Russian, except for vehicles up to 1996. This electronic version of documentation RENAULT cars for after-sales service RENAULT, DACIA. Annex Dialogys available on CD-ROM or DVD. Dialogys includes every repair manual, parts catalogs for all models of car brand Renault.

Language for Spare Parts: English, French, Croatian, Czech, Dutch (Netherlands), Finnish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.

Language for Technical Documents: ONLY Russian!

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Renault Dialogys 4.1.txt

105 bytes
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Mercedes Benz DAS - Xentry 11.2011 On Torrent
Posted by: JRUMMAN - 12-26-2011, 09:30 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (4)


Attached Files

DAS 112011.rar

17.56 KB
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Mercedes Benz NTG4 2011/2012 edition 09-2011 Europe
Posted by: smayer - 12-26-2011, 08:19 PM - Forum: Automotive Navigation Discs. - Replies (1)

Comand APS


Navigations DVD 2011/2012 NTG4

BR 207 | 212 | 218

A212 827 59 59 94

Enjoy Drive

Attached Files

NTG4 Europe 09-2011.TXT

153 bytes
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Porshe Porsche Manuals
Posted by: billboard - 12-26-2011, 07:02 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - No Replies

Porsche Boxer 1997 - 2001 Manuals - Body, AC, Electrics

This part (last one) contains:

- Body
- Body Equipment - Exterior
- Body Equipment - Interior
- Air conditioning
- Electrics
- Circuit diagrams


Porsche Boxer 1997 - 2001 Manuals - Body, AC, Electrics.txt

41 bytes

Porsche Boxer 1997 - 2001 Manuals - Transmission & Running Gear

This part contains:

Manual Transmission
- Clutch, Control
- Actuation, housing
- Gears, Shafts
- Final drive, differential, differential lock

Automatic transmission
- Torque convertor
- Actuation, housing
- Gears, Shafts
- Final drive, differential, differential lock

Running Gear
- Front wheel suspension, drive shafts
- Rear wheel suspension, drive shafts
- Wheels, tires, suspension alignment
- Brakes - brake mechanics
- Brakes - hydraulics, regulator, booster
- Steering


Porsche Boxer 1997 - 2001 Manuals - Transmission & Running Gear.txt

41 bytes

Porsche Boxer 1997 - 2001 Manuals - ENGINE

This part contains:

Engine -Crankcase, suspension
Engine -Crankshaft, pistons
Engine -Cylinder head, valve drive
Engine -Lubrication
Engine -Cooling

Fuel, exhaust, engine electronics
Fuel supply, control
Exhaust system, turbocharging
Fuel system, electronic injection
Fuel system, K-Jetronic
Exhaust system
Starter, power supply, cruise control
Ignition system


Porsche Boxer 1997 - 2001 Manuals - ENGINE.txt

80 bytes

Porsche Boxer 1997 - 2001 Manuals - Diagnosis

The Porsche Boxster is a mid-engined roadster built by Porsche. The Boxster is Porsche's first road vehicle since the 550 Spyder that was originally designed as a roadster.
The first-generation Boxster (the 986) was introduced in late 1996 as a 1997 model; it was powered by a 2.5 litre flat six-cylinder engine. In 2000, the new Boxster S variant was introduced with a larger 3.2 litre motor, and the base model received a more powerful 2.7 litre engine. In 2003, styling and engine output was upgraded on both variants.
In 2005, Porsche unveiled the new generation of Boxsters: the type 987. The 987 is more powerful than its predecessor and featured styling inspired by the Carrera GT. Engine output increased in 2007, when both Boxster models received the engines from their corresponding Porsche Cayman variants. In 2009, the Boxster models received several new cosmetic and mechanical upgrades, further increasing engine output and performance.
Production of the 986 began at the former Porsche 928 facility in Stuttgart, Germany in 1996. Valmet Automotive also manufactures Boxsters under contract to Porsche at a facility in Uusikaupunki, Finland. The Boxster was Porsche's biggest volume seller from its introduction in model year 1997 until the company introduced the Cayenne sport utility vehicle in model year 2003.

This part contains:

- Entire Vehicle technical repair information
- Diagnosis, part 1
- Diagnosis, part 2

Engines: 2.7 I, 3.2 I


Porsche Boxer 1997 - 2001 Manuals - Diagnosis.txt

41 bytes

if you have such manuals you can post here for sharing

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes-Benz Manuals
Posted by: billboard - 12-26-2011, 06:47 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (3)

Mercedes Model Year 1981-1993 (107, 123, 124, 126, 129, 140, 201 models) Maintenance Manual

This manual applies to vehicles starting model year 1981 and covers all maintenance jobs for the following models: 107, 123, 124, 126, 129, 140, 201.


Inspecting component condition
Inspecting condition of lines and hoses
Inspecting components, lines and hoses
Suspension and body structure inspection
Water leakage and corrosion inspection
Engine oil and filter change
Adjusting valve clearance
Checking valve clearance
Checking and adjusting idle speed
Checking and adjusting idle speed
Checking injection timing
Adjusting injection timing
Replacing fuel filter
Replacing fuel prefilter
Cleaning metal reinforced air filter element
Replacing air filter element
Replacing air filter elements
Checking condition and tension of V-belts
Inspecting poly V-belt
Checking intake & exhaust manifold seating
Replacing oxygen sensor
Check spark plugs, replace if necessary
Replacing spark plugs
Checking coolant level & antifreeze protection
Checking coolant level
Checking cooling & heating system
Replacing coolant
Adjust engine stop, retorque engine mount bolts
Adjust engine stop
Checking clutch disk for wear
Manual transmission oil change
Manualo transmission, checking & correcting oil level
Automatic transmission fluid and filter change
Automatic transmission, checking & correcting fluid level
Transfer case fluid change
Transfer case, checking & correcting fluid level
Clutch system, checking & correcting fluid level
Clutch system, inspect
Inspecting & lubricating throttle linkage
Checking and adjusting idle speed adjuster
Level control, ADS, ASD, 4MATIC, fluid level
Inspecting self-leveling suspension
Front axle, checking & correcting oil level
Checking front axle ball joints
Checking ball joints using special tool
Rear axle oil change
Rear axle, checking & correcting oil level
Rear axle mount, adjusting limiting stop
Inspecting & rotating wheels
Inspecting tires
Correcting tire pressure
Tightening wheel bolts
Inspecting drive shaft flexible coupling
Checking brake fluid level
Inspecting brake lines
Checking brake pads & disk thickness
Inspecting & cleaning brake disks
Inspecting parking brake cable
Adjusting parking brake
Replacing brake fluid
Brake test, parking brake check
Check power steering fluid level
Checking steering play
Retightening steering bolts
Checking fuel system condition
Retightening exhaust flange
Retightening exhaust system connections
Checking & correcting battery fluid level
Checking warning & indicator lamps
Cleaning water drains
Removing and installing engine compartment lower panel
Lubricating door hinges
Lubricating door locks
Hydraulic top, checking & correcting fluid level
Sunroof, clean & grease rails
Soft top, checking locking tabs
Checking & correcting windshield washer fluid level
Cleaning cassete deck tone head
Cleaning antenna mast
Headlamp & exterior lamp inspection
Windshield & headlamp wiper & washer inspection
Replacing windshield wiper blade
Checking & correcting AC refrigerant charge
Replacing dust filter for heating & ventilation
Replacing active charcoal filter
Replacing recirculating air filter
Lubricating folding side mirror
Lubricating hood
Inspecting safety belts
Backrest lock - check operation
Removing & installing lower noise encapsulation panels
Checking body for paint damage


Mercedes Model Year 1981-1993 (107, 123, 124, 126, 129, 140, 201 models).txt

37 bytes

Mercedes-Benz 200D, 240D, 240TD, 300D, 300TD Owners Workshop Manual

Models covered:

Mercedes-Benz 200D Saloon with 1988 cc engine
Mercedes-Benz 240D Saloon with 2399 cc & 2404 cc engines
Mercedes-Benz 240TD Estate with 2399 cc engine
Mercedes-Benz 300D Saloon with 2998 cc & 3005 cc engines
Mercedes-Benz 300TD Estate with 2998 cc engine


Routine Maintenance
General Engine Overhaul Procedures
Fuel and Exhaust Systems
Engine Electrical Systems
Manual transmission
Automatic transmission
Suspensions and Steering Systems
Chassis Electrical System


Mercedes-Benz 200D, 240D, 240TD, 300D, 300TD.txt

76 bytes

Mercedes Benz W124 Owner's Manual

Applies to:

Instruments and control
Starting the engine
Vehicle Maintenance
Practical Tips
Technical Data
Service Products


Mercedes Benz W124 Owner\'s Manual.txt

37 bytes

if you have such manuals you can post here for sharing

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VW looking for temic dsg damos
Posted by: vip2710 - 12-26-2011, 06:08 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (3)

i am looking for a temic dsg damos.
of course not for free.

details via pm please.

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