Anyone heard of this
I'm not having any luck with them. I bought the Toad software. Is this a real legit product?
They are giving Scanmaster software $70 bucks - away with a keygen key. Easy OBDII, I think that's the name. But that one is free shareware.
Anyway they have a broken software link for Toad so you don't have to wait for the disc. I filled so many tickets asking for one that works. And another round of support tickets for a tracking number. Only getting auto replies acknowledging the ticket.
When they actually answered one it was about Scanmaster. They said here is your key. I didn't know at the time it was not shareware. So I used a keygen and told them I got tired of waiting and where the hell I'd the download link and tracking number. They came back with I am us inning an illegal key and blah blah.
I reminded them that they are selling autcom and AllData and others and I bet they are not allowed to do that.
Even the phone number goes to someone else and the pics of the packaging and shipping ladies are Chinese. Lol I've even seen that picture before on alibaba or something like it. I told them all that. And either I get a tracking number and a download link for Toad or I'm off to have them put the money back on my card. Used PayPal
It's pretty obvious now but at the time it looked good. :-)
Hello Mates, Iam new to the forum and although there are plenty of information on how to configure Xentry theres not much on how to code or program.
I had a sam Module that I wanted to code with MB star, I Just got SD connect, I have called someone to program the car as the customer couldnt wait.
So for me its too late but would still appreciate any instructions on how I would have gone about programing the sam module on a 2003 C240 using SD connect.
Any tutorials out there? At least for the next job as this job is already done. Unfortunately I didnt get to see what the guy did. I have the latest 2013 Xentry.
Any tuts on how to program modules with xentry is appreaciated, cant find much on youtube.
i m new here i don had a clue houw you activate autocom, now by serching tis forum and reading on the web, now i now how i can activate xlm. if you wan tsend me the xlm file and i activate for you. just klik first on my reputation, and klik ont thx buton. i gone find a outer keygen so you can activatet for you self!
sorry for the bad englich. i have lurn many things about autocom, and i m luring more, thx to this forum, and some people ho has help me like "matalos" he is one of the good persson
I am offering for a limited time only remap files for both diesel and petrol vag range of cars at very competitive prices.
£50 diesel
£70 petrol
You can also if needed buy the MPPS v12 tool along with file for an extra £25. This will allow you to switch between tuned and original map quite easily.
Ok so you chanced and now your car don´t run and you don´t have a BDM backup and now even with a good HQ clone you cannot flash since the ECU is not booting or you get the FEPS open circuit error.
I been there too. The solution is simple.
You need :
1. BDM100 (clone or real doesn´t matter)
2. Real proper HQ VCM clone
3. IDS Calibration files and a previous session with that car you are repairing so that IDS can use that data to recover ECU or you will have to have as bulit data for empty PCM.
I use my car as example.
My ECU has sw 6S71-12A650-EA (mondeo 2006 2.2 TDCi)
I could not locate any full BDM read for this ECU or even a MPC555 read to match the filesize BDM wanted so I took another file for the same ECU family (E2U9A) from a 2.0 TDCi mondeo ( sw version 4s71-12a650-JD) and flashed both mpc and eep (full bdm read) , then hooked up the ecu to car and chose a previous session for my VIN. Then programmed the ECU and coded new keys and the car is now running. And to be on the safe side I took a BDM copy of the ECU after the car was repaired just to be safe
Hope this guide can be helpful to people making the same stupid mistake I did.
Hi, I work in a computer shop and I have installed for my client an original ESI Tronic 2 on a virtualbox virtual machine... but he had a problem when try to activate the software. The customare service of bosh said that is not possible to use it on virtual machine.
.....there is really ANY way to activate it??
This is a longshot but after searching and thinking about this for quite some time I figured what´s the harm in asking.
The thing/issue is that I want to be able to change the language of BMW`s old CCC system to a language that is not supported by BMW to start with. I know that the CIC system is way better but there are lots of CCC systems out there that want their native language
I have seen that there are companies that successfully have installed a different language in Czech if I remember correctly, tried contacting them but to no avail.
Posted by: Banne123 - 07-17-2013, 10:46 AM - Forum: Selling Box
- No Replies
With this tool you can erase VERY easy ALL error codes (also "magnet" codes) from your Scania or Volvo truck.
How does it works?
1. Connect the connector to the OBD2 socket
2. Turn on the ignition (the green LED on the box turns on)
3. Wait for 15 seconds
4. The green LED turns into orange
5. Turn off the ignition
6. Done!
It is this easy to work with! No programming or what so ever needed! Only 400 days error codes will not be deleted (dealer also can't do this).
Price €599 ex VAT and ex shipping. No need to pay 21% VAT if you are outside EU or if you are a company inside the EU with valid VAT number.