Any one can activate avdi all function i have avdi main unit with tag key tool and its original i want all functions of benz bmw vag hyundai ford and rest of cars pls reply me if you can crack the software.
hello I have a mercedes sprinter 315 cdi car was an accident but the engine has nothing to touch but just the airbag explodes but now I try to Start the car does not start what is the possible cause of this error help me thank you
hello to all or a problem with the wing v53 I can not load the drivers for the USB port by mistake or deleted Mprog with the fix and now the programmer no longer sees the usb port, how can I reprogram the cockerel or deleted FT232R, or fix many but do not go well when loaded tells me not found someone I can aiutare.grazie
ciao a tutti o un problema con il galletto v53 non riesco a caricare i driver della porta usb per sbaglio o cancellato il fix con Mprog e adesso il programmatore non vede più la porta usb,come posso riprogrammare il galletto o cancellato FT232R, o tanti fix ma non vanno bene quando vengono caricati mi dice not found qualcuno mi può aiutare.grazie
I am enjoying with FORD C MAX NAVI DVD device get it installed recently, awesome HD screen resolution with multiple functions, but I want to know that how can I bookmark my favorite places via POI option.
Hello I have ford transit 2.2 TDci 2008year and during online programing BCMii the internet connection has been cut off and now car doesn't crank and it seem like BCMii doesn't respond. Is there any solution? or BCMii is dead? please help.
Finally got around to use my SD connect today and was surprised it worked out the box.
I have this message flashing on the Multiplexer
"please insert batteries"
Is this message normal? I read you dont need to and it did work fine.
The machine got very hot to the touch and wondering if thats normal.
Finally I started the program from DAS but when I clicked on the Xentry icon I get an error message saying
"no access Authorization code! you must contact helpdesk"
How can das work if xentry is giving this error?
I have version 5.2013 thats using a USB dongle.
The seller is supposed to log in remotely on Monday to fully configure but wondering whats your take on the battery message and how come DAS is working without Xentry.
Finally whats the dongles purpose in all this? I see some sets that are running without.
hi guys. I thought id post the updated .lic file for calterm 3.2
this was created by Rawze! so I take no credit for his hard work.
I did the effort of copy and pasting. thought it would be helpful.
HI all i need the wiring diagram of toyota corolla millenium 2009 because i want to check the relation between the dashboard and the other unit my problem that all the light in the dash is switched even after the engine is on and i want to be sure that the dash to be remplaced thanks