CATIA Systems Engineering – Dymola |
Posted by: illtww - 07-12-2013, 05:37 PM - Forum: Software Requests.
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CATIA Systems Engineering – Dymola
Multi-Engineering Modeling and Simulation
Dymola, Dynamic Modeling Laboratory, is a complete tool for modeling and simulation of integrated and complex systems for use within automotive, aerospace, robotics, process and other applications.
Dymola 2014
We are happy to announce that Dymola 2014 was released on May 17. The key highlights are:
Model editing
Smart connect – drag a new component into the diagram, hover over an existing connector, and a new connection is created when you get the highlight. Also, drop a component on a connection to insert it and connect in one step. You can search for components by name and highlight in the graphical editor. This is a benefit in particular for very large diagrams.
Simulation, plotting and post-processing
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is now available as a signal operator in plots, complementing previous operators such as min, max, mean and THD.
It is possible to create a table of simulation data from an existing plot in one operation. This table can also be easily copied to other tools.
On request from customer, we have added a new numerical integration method in Dymola: CVODE from SUNDIALS.
Enhanced Modelica support
Support for synchronous features and state machines according to the Modelica 3.3 specification are now available.
Looking For Management Software |
Posted by: sage - 07-12-2013, 06:27 AM - Forum: Automotive Software.
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Hey Guys, Doesn't seem like much is available here or anywhere. If anyone has anything to share it would be appreciated. I'm looking for a good copy of Alldata Manage, RO Writer or any others. I have access to the latest Alldata Manage but no workaround.
Bmw MS41 willem HELP |
Posted by: djtuzla - 07-11-2013, 11:57 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning.
- Replies (2)
Hey Guys.
I have a problem with reading out an MS41 with TMS28F200BZ flash inside.
I desoldered it and tried to read out with Willem 5.0E Programmer.
The Dump ist correct i think, because i couldnt find the value for the rev limiter and cant get chip id.
Can you give me some info which options i should use? Which version of Software i should use?
Please help me!