Bosch ME 7.5 17705 fault code |
Posted by: Diagtuner - 07-14-2013, 07:14 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning.
- Replies (6)
Hi Looking for help with this well known fault code issue. Car is a Seat Leon 1.8T with bosch me 7.5. Fault code is 17705. Think there is a patch for it. Any help gratefully received. Even help with Winols on how to fix.
CarmanScan Update 1350 for all instrumentation [Lite, WI, VG +, VCI, AT] |
Posted by: vlads - 07-14-2013, 06:34 PM - Forum: Selling Box
- No Replies
What's new in versions 1350 and in chёm otlychyya versions from 1310?
In the new version of 1350 added 655 sdelannыh for 63 cars, as well as yspravleno 71 Previous versions of ERROR.
Koreyskye cars
HYUNDAI: New Projects dobavlenы system with podderzhkoy of special functions for models 2011-2012 biennium: Accent / Solaris 2011MY, Elantra 2012MY, Equus 2012MY, Genesis 2012MY, Grandeur 2012MY, i30 2012MY, i40 2012MY, ix20 2012MY, Santa Fe 2011MY, Sonata 2012MY, ix35 2012MY, ix55 2012MY, Veloster 2011MY.
KIA: New Projects dobavlenы system with podderzhkoy of special functions for models 2011-2013 biennium: Cadenza 2012MY, Carens 2013MY, Carnival 2012MY, Cee `d 2013MY, K2500/2700/2900 2011MY, Mohave 2012MY, Picanto 2011MY, Rio 2011MY, Venga 2012MY, and also dobavlenы system for Sportage 2004 MY (the engine, ymmobylazeyr, ABS and SRS).
Chevrolet: Added diagnosis the engine and gearbox to Malibu, Captiva 2011MY, Aveo 2011MY, Orlando 2011MY, as well as a special co Diagnostics ABS function on Alpheon.
Ssang Yong: yspravlena diagnosis and the engine dobavlenы special functions for the Actyon C2I, dobavlenы Novye system for Korando Turismo 2013MY (the engine, transmission, TGS, ABS, EAS, EPB, RK-STICKS, SRS).
Yaponskye used car
NISSAN: Added Function registration idle pace for the engine to play on models 2006MY, dobavlenы SPECIAL functions for the engine, dvernыh castle, BCM, Chief of light and inner for Qashiqai 2006MY, dobavlenы special functions for the systems: intelligent key, the engine, remote dystantsyonnoho otkrыvanyya for Navara 2007MY , as well as special functions on the engine for Micra 2008MY.
HONDA: Dobavlenы SPECIAL functions for the climate control unit in the Accord 2006MY, diagnosis added to the engine for Accord 2009MY, CR-V2008MY, Civic 2008MY, FR-V 2008MY.
FUSO: diagnosis added to the engine Canter 2006MY.
LEXUS: dobavlenы IPA and Navigation system for IS220 2010MY.
ISUZU: dobavlenы the engine system, EBCM, razdatki, immobilizer and BCM for D-MAX 2012MY.
TOYOTA: dobavlenы special functions for ABS, EPB, Main body for Avensis 2010MY, added Diagnostics Starting control and Power soursce control for IQ 2010MY.
MITSUBISHI: Outlander 2012MY added to the engine diagnosis and immobilizer. For Triton 2012MY dobavlenы special functions for the engine, immobilizer, ABS and booster amplifier.
MAZDA: dobavlenы SPECIAL functions for the engine, transmission and ABS for BT-50 2009MY, dobavlenы SPECIAL functions for the engine, ABS and LCM for Mazda6 2010MY and Mazda3 2010MY, dobavlenы system for Mazda2 2008MY ABS, the engine, SRS, EPS, body, ynstrumentalnaya panel.
Evropeyskye cars
Volkswagen: yspravlenы bug in kommunykkatsyy with the engine and air conditioning in the Touareg 2006MY.
Peugeot: dobavlenы systems: the engine, ABS, BSI, ynstrumentalnaya panel display эlektrousylytel, radio, SRS, click on rule 207 for 2010MY; dobavlenы systems: the engine, ABS, BSI, Air Conditioning, ynstrumentalnaya panel, alarm, battery, plug doors vodytelya and Passenger, SRS, aid in parking sensor dozhdya, wiper 407 for 2008MY, diagnosis added to the engine 308SW 2009MY, dobavlenы systems: the engine, elektricheski vtorychnыy brake, trailer, battery, эlektrousylytel steering, aid in parking wiper for 3008 2011MY .
FORD: obavlena diagnosis for the engine and SRS Ranger 2008MY.
Extras. info:
In razdachu included: description íîâûõ functions íîâûõ ITEMS menu, the list of cars íîâûõ dobavlennыh versions after 1310, as well as polnыy list podderzhyvaemыh cars and Systems version 1350.
Important: All Updates Give 10 probnыh zapuskov, Then îíè perestanut to work. To Require Updates When's constantly neobhodimo aktyvyrovat.
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i have new calculator
Audi navigation plus |
Posted by: loki954 - 07-13-2013, 07:46 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes.
- No Replies
this generate code for audi navigarion plus
only for 24c32 put it on wrong place
the code is stored
on lines
and how to connect a programmer
Saab Glabaltis activation |
Posted by: automan420 - 07-12-2013, 09:57 PM - Forum: Automotive Software.
- Replies (5)
Helo please can somebody give me activation
Thankyou in advance
RequestID: R212128381 Software Key:
Request Date: 12/07/13