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  Autocm/Delphi CDP+ Problem - Please Help
Posted by: tecno06 - 07-14-2013, 10:07 PM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (9)

Hello all members,

I have one questions!

Please check it picture.

What is the "C201" ?

I need a new one to C201.

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VW need tuned file for 2006 VW Golf 1.9 TDi 105 bhp
Posted by: DreamAutoInteriors - 07-14-2013, 09:45 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - No Replies

Hi i have attached a file that i need tuned for a 2006 mk5 golf 1.9 TDi 105 bhp.

Also a special request is if Launch Control can be added to the map. im sure this is possible for the EDC16U1.

prices and map details etc can be pm'd

file was read with MPPS v12 as i am fixing my galleto 2 v50.

here is the ecu id:
Vehicle Vin Number: WVWZZZ1KZ7B043878
Bosch Hardware Number: 03G906021AN
Vw Software Number: 03G906021KH
System Type Number: R4 1,9L EDC G000SG
Ecu Found on KLine


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1.9 tdi 105.rar

454.35 KB
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Alfa Alfa Romeo GT eLearn
Posted by: gabriell - 07-14-2013, 08:28 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (2)

Year / Date : 2004 System requirements : Windows Language : Multilingual Description : eLearn - maintenance manual Alfa Romeo GT for service centers. Extras. Information : Schemes of all units of the automobile, electrical wiring, procedures for the removal / installation of individual elements, and more.


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Alfa Romeo GT eLearn.rar

11.55 KB
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  Bosch ME 7.5 17705 fault code
Posted by: Diagtuner - 07-14-2013, 07:14 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (6)

Hi Looking for help with this well known fault code issue. Car is a Seat Leon 1.8T with bosch me 7.5. Fault code is 17705. Think there is a patch for it. Any help gratefully received. Even help with Winols on how to fix.


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  CarmanScan Update 1350 for all instrumentation [Lite, WI, VG +, VCI, AT]
Posted by: vlads - 07-14-2013, 06:34 PM - Forum: Selling Box - No Replies

What's new in versions 1350 and in chёm otlychyya versions from 1310?
In the new version of 1350 added 655 sdelannыh for 63 cars, as well as yspravleno 71 Previous versions of ERROR.

Koreyskye cars

HYUNDAI: New Projects dobavlenы system with podderzhkoy of special functions for models 2011-2012 biennium: Accent / Solaris 2011MY, Elantra 2012MY, Equus 2012MY, Genesis 2012MY, Grandeur 2012MY, i30 2012MY, i40 2012MY, ix20 2012MY, Santa Fe 2011MY, Sonata 2012MY, ix35 2012MY, ix55 2012MY, Veloster 2011MY.

KIA: New Projects dobavlenы system with podderzhkoy of special functions for models 2011-2013 biennium: Cadenza 2012MY, Carens 2013MY, Carnival 2012MY, Cee `d 2013MY, K2500/2700/2900 2011MY, Mohave 2012MY, Picanto 2011MY, Rio 2011MY, Venga 2012MY, and also dobavlenы system for Sportage 2004 MY (the engine, ymmobylazeyr, ABS and SRS).

Chevrolet: Added diagnosis the engine and gearbox to Malibu, Captiva 2011MY, Aveo 2011MY, Orlando 2011MY, as well as a special co Diagnostics ABS function on Alpheon.

Ssang Yong: yspravlena diagnosis and the engine dobavlenы special functions for the Actyon C2I, dobavlenы Novye system for Korando Turismo 2013MY (the engine, transmission, TGS, ABS, EAS, EPB, RK-STICKS, SRS).

Yaponskye used car

NISSAN: Added Function registration idle pace for the engine to play on models 2006MY, dobavlenы SPECIAL functions for the engine, dvernыh castle, BCM, Chief of light and inner for Qashiqai 2006MY, dobavlenы special functions for the systems: intelligent key, the engine, remote dystantsyonnoho otkrыvanyya for Navara 2007MY , as well as special functions on the engine for Micra 2008MY.

HONDA: Dobavlenы SPECIAL functions for the climate control unit in the Accord 2006MY, diagnosis added to the engine for Accord 2009MY, CR-V2008MY, Civic 2008MY, FR-V 2008MY.

FUSO: diagnosis added to the engine Canter 2006MY.

LEXUS: dobavlenы IPA and Navigation system for IS220 2010MY.

ISUZU: dobavlenы the engine system, EBCM, razdatki, immobilizer and BCM for D-MAX 2012MY.

TOYOTA: dobavlenы special functions for ABS, EPB, Main body for Avensis 2010MY, added Diagnostics Starting control and Power soursce control for IQ 2010MY.

MITSUBISHI: Outlander 2012MY added to the engine diagnosis and immobilizer. For Triton 2012MY dobavlenы special functions for the engine, immobilizer, ABS and booster amplifier.

MAZDA: dobavlenы SPECIAL functions for the engine, transmission and ABS for BT-50 2009MY, dobavlenы SPECIAL functions for the engine, ABS and LCM for Mazda6 2010MY and Mazda3 2010MY, dobavlenы system for Mazda2 2008MY ABS, the engine, SRS, EPS, body, ynstrumentalnaya panel.

Evropeyskye cars

Volkswagen: yspravlenы bug in kommunykkatsyy with the engine and air conditioning in the Touareg 2006MY.

Peugeot: dobavlenы systems: the engine, ABS, BSI, ynstrumentalnaya panel display эlektrousylytel, radio, SRS, click on rule 207 for 2010MY; dobavlenы systems: the engine, ABS, BSI, Air Conditioning, ynstrumentalnaya panel, alarm, battery, plug doors vodytelya and Passenger, SRS, aid in parking sensor dozhdya, wiper 407 for 2008MY, diagnosis added to the engine 308SW 2009MY, dobavlenы systems: the engine, elektricheski vtorychnыy brake, trailer, battery, эlektrousylytel steering, aid in parking wiper for 3008 2011MY .

FORD: obavlena diagnosis for the engine and SRS Ranger 2008MY.
Extras. info:
In razdachu included: description íîâûõ functions íîâûõ ITEMS menu, the list of cars íîâûõ dobavlennыh versions after 1310, as well as polnыy list podderzhyvaemыh cars and Systems version 1350.
Important: All Updates Give 10 probnыh zapuskov, Then îíè perestanut to work. To Require Updates When's constantly neobhodimo aktyvyrovat.

Enabling onlyne please Submit persona message(PM)

i have new calculator

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Mazda lpg
Posted by: Teras - 07-14-2013, 06:19 PM - Forum: Mitsubishi, Mazda, Suzuki, Daihatsu Discussions. - Replies (3)

HELLO members.I want install lpg kit on mazda rx8!Any advise?

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Mercedes Benz EDC16C2 EGR OFF
Posted by: orienz - 07-14-2013, 05:26 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (16)

Why isn't EGR being closed in this file? :-/ I am attaching ori and modded. It's otherwise completely original except for EGR related blocks.

This is off Mercedes E320 CDI 204hp.

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ori +

546.12 KB
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Ford code ford BV4T 18k931 BC
Posted by: labrid - 07-14-2013, 04:42 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (4)

need code radio for ford bv4t 18k931 bc
7 612 330 753

c7e3f0753 c2111760

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Opel Opel Movano 2.5d edc15 tune
Posted by: carremaps - 07-14-2013, 04:06 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (2)

Hi Guys

Can some one have look on this mod and check if all good ?


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AA+MHH problems with installing galletto 2
Posted by: SebeQ_XBOX - 07-14-2013, 04:01 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (2)

Hello guys. I have problem. I bought galletto 2 V53 from chinese people. I followed their instruction and it deosn't work. I installed dongle key and program, and interface drivers and when trying to open main screen then i got information in italian.....something about update. Has anyone had this kind of problem? please help.

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  PEUGEOT 406 2.2 hdi remap
Posted by: filipvasilevo - 07-14-2013, 12:39 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (2)

Please remap my original file readed with KWP2000+

Peugeot 406 2.2 hdi

For more horse power

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Peugeot 406 2.rar

161.85 KB
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Renult Renault CAN Clip v.130 update 2013/06 :Torrent
Posted by: arash1208 - 07-14-2013, 12:30 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (9)

Renault CAN Clip v.130 update 2013/06 :Torrent

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15.12 KB
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Mercedes Benz Full ecu mercedes ML 320 cdi from 2008
Posted by: autoprog66 - 07-13-2013, 10:26 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (3)


Somebody have a data full ecu of this car please?

Ecu bosch edc16cp31/36 number 0281013942 sw1037396402

I have try with CMD to put original data and to wrinting the ecu crash

Thanks to your help

Best regards

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  WinOLS Torrent
Posted by: arash1208 - 07-13-2013, 09:05 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (16)

WinOLS Torrent

Say thanks Big Grin Cheer2Handshake

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25.19 KB
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  Audi navigation plus
Posted by: loki954 - 07-13-2013, 07:46 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - No Replies

this generate code for audi navigarion plus

only for 24c32 put it on wrong place

the code is stored

on lines


and how to connect a programmer

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  crash data temic TB94-57-K30
Posted by: dam27s - 07-13-2013, 06:58 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (4)

hi friends!
where crash data is saved?

the controller of 1997 mazda 323f ba.
please help

fotos :

[Image: th_372847736_DSCN2291_122_522lo.JPG]

[Image: th_728392226_DSCN2282_122_1051lo.JPG]

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Posted by: ivannzowa - 07-13-2013, 06:40 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (3)

I have problem with das star finder but it cannot communicate with the computer,anyone help me how to configure port,attached are the pictures

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Mercedes Benz odometer correction tool for smart 451?
Posted by: zoodog - 07-13-2013, 06:14 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (9)

I have a smart 451 year 2008 would like to correct the odometer's km to less km.

I have check the ebay, most of odometer correction tool is for 450.
can't find the tool for 451.

Could anyone know which odometer correction tool I should get? ( in the lowest price)

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VW 09 vw passat,keys locked into boot
Posted by: liscannor - 07-13-2013, 06:04 PM - Forum: VAG Group VW , Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley Discussions. - Replies (1)

how can i get into 09 vw passat ,keys locked into boot and deadlocks on?????

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Lancia dpf off egr off phedra
Posted by: ddevic1 - 07-13-2013, 04:19 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (10)

Please if someone removed the EGR and DPF winols because we volta for all does not work ...

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169 KB
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  airbag module bmw f series
Posted by: kris81 - 07-13-2013, 04:01 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (11)

hi anybody know where is airbag control module in bmw 520d f10 2012?

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BMW ICOM Emulator for ISTA
Posted by: blacky - 07-13-2013, 02:51 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (1)

Hi Guys!

I'm looking for the Emulator for BMW ISTA.

I want to use with my d+kcan Adapter

Best reagardsFing32

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Skoda Diganostics for 2009 Octavia MKII Facelifted
Posted by: arpiska - 07-13-2013, 01:28 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (3)

Please help me, which is the cheapest interface for this model and which VCDS supported it?

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Mercedes Benz Star Diagnosis 11.2012 CVT Adaptation with SCN Online gives me Error Look picture
Posted by: anonimo - 07-13-2013, 10:42 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (4)

I want to make a CVT adaptation online with SCN but it gives me everytime the error in the picture. have anybody the solution how to solve this? Thank you for help...

best wishes...

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Fiat doblo 1.9 jtd immo off help
Posted by: wieslov - 07-13-2013, 03:05 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (11)

help immo off doblo bosch 0281010344

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Audi orig.damp bosch
Posted by: VAT SERVIS - 07-13-2013, 02:52 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

hello !!

I need help !! please !!
For Audi A4 year 2000. Engine 1.8 20V 92kW_APT _ NEED original damp for Bosch ECU 0261 206 318 _ 8D0 906 018 Q flash 29F400BB and eeprom 95040

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AA TecDoc VW Bora 1.6 - SIMOS 2.1 Immo off
Posted by: sito - 07-12-2013, 10:49 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (5)

Hello to all

I have tested by IUD immo off but dont start

its right make the 93c56 or must desolder and make the 29f200

greethings to all


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  EDC15C5 test
Posted by: DiMan - 07-12-2013, 10:26 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)


somebody can tell me if this information about EDC15C5 are right ?

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  Saab Glabaltis activation
Posted by: automan420 - 07-12-2013, 09:57 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (5)

Helo please can somebody give me activation

Thankyou in advance

RequestID: R212128381 Software Key:
Request Date: 12/07/13




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  Navteq Full Europe 2012-2013
Posted by: Bimmeristi - 07-12-2013, 09:53 PM - Forum: Automotive Navigation Discs. - Replies (4)

Burn with free ImgBurn

Navteq Full Europe 2012-2013


CD 1 Benelux
CD 2 Central Europe
CD 3 Eastern Europe
CD 4 France
CD 5 Great Britain/Ireland
CD 6 Germany
CD 7 Italy/Greece
CD 8 Scandinavia
CD 9 Spain/Portugal
CD 10 United Kingdom and Ireland


BMW All models VDO Dayton MK I, MK II and MK III CD System or DVD High … →09/2002
3er (E46) VDO Dayton MK I, MK II and MK III CD System or DVD High … → 03/2005
5er (E39) VDO Dayton MK I, MK II and MK III CD System or DVD High … → 07/2003
7er (E65 / E66 / E38 ) VDO Dayton MK I, MK II and MK III CD System or DVD High … → 10/2005
X3 (E83) VDO Dayton MK I, MK II and MK III CD System or DVD High 2001→2007
X5 (E53) VDO Dayton MK I, MK II and MK III CD System or DVD High 1999→2005
Z4 (E85) VDO Dayton MK I, MK II and MK III CD System or DVD High 2002 → 2008
Z8 (E52) VDO Dayton MK I, MK II and MK III CD System or DVD High 03/2000 → 07/2003
Continental GT VDO Dayton 2003 → 22/2007
C5 VDO Dayton With big colour screen … → 06.2004
i30 VDO Dayton Turn by Turn
Ceed VDO Dayton Turn by Turn
Range Rover VDO Dayton 1999→2004
Discovery VDO Dayton 1999→2004
Freelander VDO Dayton 1999→2004
Lincoln VDO Dayton 1999→2004
MINI VDO Dayton With colour screen …→10/2005
Astra VDO-Dayton Philips CARiN …→06/2000
Corsa VDO-Dayton Philips CARiN …→06/2000
Omega VDO-Dayton Philips CARiN …→06/2000
Vectra VDO-Dayton Philips CARiN …→06/2000
Zafira VDO-Dayton Philips CARiN …→06/2000
607 VDO Dayton …→09/2004
Carminat Navigations systems 2000→2006
Clio Carminat Navigations systems 2000→2006
Espace Carminat Navigations systems 2000→2006
Laguna Carminat Navigations systems 2000→2006
Megane Carminat Navigations systems 2000→2006
Megane Scenic Carminat Navigations systems 2000→2006
Safrane Carminat Navigations systems 2000→2006
Trafic Carminat Navigations systems 2000→2006
Vel Satis Carminat Navigations systems 2000→2006
All with big colour screen Carminat Navigations systems 2000→2006
75 With colour screen VDO Dayton …→10/2005
ZT VDO Dayton …→10/2005
Phaeton VDO Dayton …→05/2007
MG ZT VDO Dayton …→10/2005
Primastar VDO Dayton …→10/2005

Hit thanks if liked ^^ Fing32

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