John Deere Parts Manager PRO 6.3.5 Multilanguage | 6.65 GB | 500 MB Links
John Deere Parts Manager PRO 6.3.5 (2013) is the electronic parts catalog (EPC) and parts manuals for John Deere agricultural machinery. Presents tractors, combines, cotton pickers, sprayers, engines, hay and forage, utility vehicles and other farm equipment from John Deere.
- O.S.: Windows XP; Windows Vista; Windows 7; Windows 8
- CPU: Pentium/Athlon 1.8 GHz or higher
- RAM: 256 MB of system memory
- Hard Drive: 10 GB of available space
Detroit Diesel Reprogramming System 7.09 (DDRS 7.09) Full | 357 MB | 190 MB Links
Detroit Diesel 7.09 Reprograming System (DDRS 7.09) is a diagnostic program that is designed to schedule Detroit Diesel engines. The software is issued in 1 disc, which contains all data diagnostics and programming operations for all Detroit Diesel diesel engines.
The main feature of the diagnostic program DDRS 7.09 is that the application is an electronic tool for servicing the engine family EPA07, EPA10 and GHG14 equipped with engines (S-60, MBE4000, MBE900, DD13, DD15 and DD16) of Detroit Diesel.
- O.S.: Windows XP; Windows Vista; Windows 7; Windows 8
- CPU: Pentium/Athlon 1.8 GHz or higher
- RAM: 256 MB of system memory
- Hard Drive: 5 GB of available space
DENSO ETSI (Electronic Technical Service Information) v5 Full
Win | 2.51 GB
The catalog DENSO ETSI (Electronic Technical Service Information) contains the information of the fuel equipment (pumps, governors, nozzles) for automobile and trucks, tractors, special and industrial machines. The program consists of four discs, Including all the information about the details and technical bulletins.
Homepage -
- O.S.: Windows XP; Windows Vista; Windows 7; Windows 8
- CPU: Pentium/Athlon 1.8 GHz or higher
- RAM: 256 MB of system memory
- Hard Drive: 5 GB of available space
Cummins Virtual College is an interactive computer-based self-study learning system. Because it utilizes CD-ROMs, no live internet connection is needed to complete the training. The training is targeted at technicians, but others within your organization can also benefit from other paths available on the CDs. This training tool is proven to reduce training costs by minimizing time "away from the shop" for technicians.
- O.S.: Windows XP; Windows Vista; Windows 7; Windows 8; Windows 8.1
- CPU: Pentium/Athlon 2 GHz or higher
- RAM: 512 MB of system memory
- Hard Drive: 5 GB of available space
Ideal for independent workshops require a diagnostic tool that truly multi-brand delivers in-depth information on a wide range of vehicles. The Access kit is Windows based, and can connect to any Windows PC or laptop with a USB port (subject to minimum specification).
- O.S.: Windows XP; Windows Vista; Windows 7; Windows 8
- CPU: Pentium/Athlon 1.8 GHz or higher
- RAM: 256 MB of system memory
- Hard Drive: 10 GB of available space
Hi my name is gabriel i am new on this forum i juste instale OnDemand Repair, Estimator, Manager (1st half 2012) Install
this mitchell come with a fix like i read in the previous thread that why my estimator dont work like it is supose to i try to find i way to fix please can you help me what i need to do ???????
does some one have the set up with the exe witouht fix juste keyen and crack or what ever thanks
1) VAG COM 11.11.3 diagnostic cable Supports Measuring Values, Output Tests, and Adaptations on control modules using the new2010 UDS/ODX/ASAM protocol. Adds new UDS addresses and updated ODX data for models.
VCDS (formerly called VAG-COM) is a powerful "virtually dealer level" PC / laptop based diagnostic tool for Volkswagen, SEAT, Skoda and Audi cars and light.
2) Advantages:
- Support for new addresses in latest cars (1991-2011)
- New codes file, now with more than 14,000 fault code and measuring value texts
- Improved Readiness Screens with additional info
- Updated Label files, Improved documentation for new and existing models.
- Functions:
- Reset all service indicators (including 2010 and later Audi and VW)
- Reads and clears all fault codes
- Covers all modules including airbag, ABS, engine, gearbox, central locking etc.
- Retracts late model handbrake for pad change
- Throttle body adaptions
- Features:
- Supports Basic Settings on control modules using the new UDS/ODX/ASAM protocol.
- Adds new UDS addresses and updated ODX data for 2010 models.
- Support for new addresses in latest cars
- Improved Readiness Screens with additional info
- Full 64-bit support on systems which can use it.
- New CODES file, now with over 14,000 fault code and measuring value texts.
- Updated Label files; improved documentation for new and existing models.
Need eeprom location or type for a 99 Mercedes E320 think Ecu is a ME2.0 there is no 4E28B IC or MC68 that I can identify. The SOP8 chips are not marked as any 24c08 or 93c06 anyone have any idea how I can extract info to replaced with a used Ecu?
Could someone make a clear picture of the pcb of v53 fg tech galletto?
I have one here on which one IC is burned, but I cant figure out what type this is. Maybe someone can help me out?
Iv been trying to learn the software, using Nefmoto for flashing. I need to eliminate my O2's and to date have only managed to brick my ecu. I sent it out to be fixed, and its now back but I need to better understand wxactly how to use it. Im pretty lost. Any experienced users have 10 minutes to explain on the phone what I need or should have to successfully flash my RS6?
For Members that prefer Torrent, here is the DVD4 in torrent.
Is a new Torrent so be patient!!
DVD4: ESI[tronic]-TD «TecDoc Data» Additional equipment ranges under the ESI[tronic] user interface.
Tecdoc provides the vehicle spare parts market with up-to-date comprehensive data for the identification
and order of parts for cars and commercial vehicles.
•Extension of the parts basis through Tecdoc data – completely integrated into the ESI[tronic] user interface
•List prices supplemented on Tecdoc basis
•Price interfaces for the input of workshop-specific prices
Hi to all guys!
I am searching to buy a tool for odometer so i want to buy digiprog III clone...Can it do the cars that described ??and can it change the km in bmw x5 E53 and mercedes w211 and 203???
hello all guy's. i have one ecu from alfa romeo 156 with number's
M 1.5.5 i need to immo off for this ecu. anyone guy know how to read and how to write?i have galeto 2 MPPS V12 european.
Somebody knows how to do IMMO OFF in ECU of KIA Shuma 1.5 16V 2000year?
There is problem with synchro of keys but DLC connector under hood is dead so i can't make it with diagnostic equipment and want to do IMMO OFF in other way. Is there any tool to do this? domeone did it before? regards
Hi guys, Can somenone give me directions on how to extract SKC/PIN from ECU? Need to program new key because one was lost and now car only has 1 remote key. Car is Golf MK5 2008 with immo4c.
i post this thread to tell you that I got an equipment repair death carprogs and for update any version to a knew versions , but i never try that soft , so i need some help from all members
i need to 2 or 3 carprog death or damaged if this 2 or 3 carprog repaired , that repair it's for free , if that working , all MHH members will get a good service and a good price for updated and for a repaired carprog ,
im talking about carprpog clone , any version !
any one have a carprog in problem can send it to me , and after received i will repair it but im not sure 100/100 , any one want to help PM me please !
Hy all , I need a litle help for install 11/2012 I can not save de key xentry I get error -5011 , I need a good commonlic dlll and star utilities ....a little help please ?
Deanna Sclar, "Auto Repair For Dummies, 2nd Edition" English | 2008-11-17 | ISBN: 076459902X | 552 pages | PDF | 15,9 MB
The top-selling auto repair guide--400,000 copies sold--now extensively reorganized and updated
Forty-eight percent of U.S. households perform at least some automobile maintenance on their own, with women now accounting for one third of this $34 billion automotive do-it-yourself market. For new or would-be do-it-yourself mechanics, this illustrated how-to guide has long been a must and now it's even better. A complete reorganization now puts relevant repair and maintenance information directly after each automotive system overview, making it much easier to find hands-on fix-it instructions.
Author Deanna Sclar has updated systems and repair information throughout, eliminating discussions of carburetors and adding coverage of hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles. She's also revised schedules for tune-ups and oil changes, included driving tips that can save on maintenance and repair costs, and added new advice on troubleshooting problems and determining when to call in a professional mechanic. For anyone who wants to save money on car repairs and maintenance, this book is the place to start.
Deanna Sclar (Long Beach, CA), an acclaimed auto repair expert and consumer advocate, has contributed to the Los Angeles Times and has been interviewed on the Today show, NBC Nightly News, and other television programs.