Help .... my programmer has shorted and I deleted the eprom the airbag control unit.
I need a good file (eprom 95320) for airbag control code ford 2011 ford smax BM2T 14B321 AB code bosch 0285010673.
I ask for help to remove dpf on megane 130 cv edc16c36 1037502209
I tried volta and got an error on the differential pressure sensor after about 100 km. after the error does not work anymore even cruise control. thanks
Am looking for the above disc on iso or any other downloadable format. Will cheerfully make a 20 pound paypal donation to this site or to anyone who can pm me a link to it.
I have a 2006 W221 S320 CDi
I have SD 05/2012 and I'm told this disc will is what I need (is that correct?), will also obviously accept any other disc that will work with this version of DAS,
hello !!
need help for polo 1.4 16v 2003 , need full flash bin for ecu magneti mareli IAW 4MV.DD (29F400BB) , and eeprom 95080 immo off or clir.
I've got the x431 quicheck which i think is called the solo in some countries, it's based on the diagun and runs wince OS, it doesn't access as many systems as the diagun or allow you to do as much and I was wondering if anyone knew if the reason for this was due to the software or the hardware and if there was any way to open up the capabilities to allow it to do more?
When I open SDnet toolbar and go to the configuration or open SDnet assist my onboard Wlan card goes disable immediately , therefore I can not connect to my SDconnect wireless. after i search around I found that some files do this as follows:
c:\winnt\zak\starnetproperty\starnetproperty.exe via devcon.exe at the same directory when I open SDnetassist and c:\programme\SDnetcontrol\Helper.exe when I open SDnet toolbar and go to the configuration.
I already disabled Networkfilter.exe , doesn't work.
delete or rename of these files doesn't work. i tried.
with some external Wlan card everything going well but I really want to know what problem is with on-board Wlan?
this problem is exist even in an original STAR DIAGNOSI 3W or 4.
Hi all,
does somebody knows, how to activate Cruise control on Vito w639
with SD developer please?
I try to set in EZS SG24 (TPM) on - vorhanden, but it is not working.
Maybe tpm means tyre pressure monitoring, but there is nothing like tempomat function, only SG and nummers behind, for example SG23, SG24, etc.
the car is from 2011
i have a problem with BDM. After i took out ecu, and connect it on BDM read all, modyfied flash to egr off, reflash it with egroff, then read one more time to check that everything was ok and was. Then i put in the car and i cant start car, i cannot communicate with opcom, autocom. Then i have taken ecu out one more time and connected to bdm, and i can connect but i cannot read or write antything. I use fgtech v53 chineese clone. Ecu i marelli mjd+ for corsa d z13dtj. Before i read by bdm i removed resistor and solder in after flashing. I enclosed video from car and from reconection by bdm. Any advice, expierience, help apprecieted.
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