To obtain your registration code, please send an email to [email protected]
Posted by: HOTICE - 05-22-2012, 10:40 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

Hi to all friends

How are you?
I need to know please the way how to program a key for a RENAULT TWINGO
The car it is the end of 1999
The owner had one key and it lost
He does not have another key
The key was IR not transponder

Do I need any diagnostic device or not
I have the immo code
By the way
Inside of several renault keys there are some numbers in label or carved in keys


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  Diagnostics over bleutooth with Android, Torque Pro and an ELM327 BT
Posted by: pro.dicto - 05-22-2012, 09:35 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (3)

14/07/2012 - Updated with Torque Widgets Extension - see text file below!!

07/11/2012 - Updated with the latest version of Torque Pro apk, see the official change log to see what modifications have been made!

See what your car is doing in realtime, get OBD fault codes, car performance, sensor data and more!


Torque is a vehicle / car performance / diagnostics tool and scanner that uses an OBD II Bluetooth adapter to connect to your OBD2 engine management / ECU

Layout your own dashboard with the widgets / gauges you want!

It can use the GPS to provide tracker logs with OBD engine logging so you can see what you were doing at any point in time

It can also show and reset a DTC / CEL / fault code like a scantool. Helps you fix your car and helps keep repair costs down!


Torque also features:

* Dyno / Dynomometer and Horsepower/HP & Torque
* Can read Transmission Temperatures (vehicle dependant)
* 0-60 speed timings - more accurate than just using plain old GPS - see how fast your car is (or truck )
* CO2 emissions readout
* Customisable dashboard & profiles
* Video your journey using the Track Recorder plugin with onscreen OBDII data overlay - a black box for your car/truck!
* Automatically send GPS tagged tweets directly to twitter (for example if you are going on a road trip)
* Massive fault code database for lookup of fault codes from different manufacturers
* Theme support (choose from different themes to change the look of your dashboard)
* Send logging information to web or email CSV/KML for analysis via excel / openoffice reader
* Heads up display / HUD mode for night time driving
* Compass (GPS Based) that won't suffer magnetic interference
* GPS Speedometer/Tracking and realtime web upload capability - see what you were doing and your engine, at a point in time
* Turbo boost feature for vehicles that support MAP and MAF sensors (VW & Golf / Audi / Seat etc supported)
* Alarms and warnings (for example if your coolant temperature goes over 120C whilst driving) with voice/speech overlay
* Car dock support
* Graph data
* Able to share screenshots to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Email, etc
* AIDL API for third party apps, A simple Telnet interface for developers to talk to the adapter, and an OBD scanner.
* Works on tablet devices like the Motorola Xoom, Dell Streak, Samsung Galaxy Tab and Nook

Works on any vehicle that uses the OBD 2 standard (most vehicles built after 2000, but can work for vehicles as far back as 1996) if in doubt check with your manufacturer first or look for 'OBD2' on written on a big white label in your engine bay

Works on vehicles made by Ford, VW, GM/Vauxhall/Opel, Chrysler, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Audi, Jaguar, Citroen, Peugoet, Skoda, Kia, Mazda, Lexus, Subaru, Renault, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Honda, Hyundai, BMW, Toyota, Seat, Dodge, Jeep, Pontiac and many more vehicle makes, European, US, Far East, etc. Some vehicle ECUs may support more/less features than others

The app needs a Bluetooth OBD2 adapter to work. The adapter is small and plugs into the diagnostics socket on the car which gives your phone access. You can find a list of adapters on: (Garmin EcoRoute HD adapters not supported)

More features added every release - there are forums at - if you want something added then let me know and I'll try to add it if it is possible! Vehicle ECUs vary in the amount of sensors supported

*PLEASE NOTE!* Any reports of hanging or reboots after quitting the app is due to a bug in HTC devices and Galaxy Tab,this can be triggered by using the Pandora/Vlingo/Other BT apps. Disabling Pandoras new bluetooth settings fixes the problem, but HTC/Samsung need to release a fix.Please contact their support and request a fix,Thanks!


* Tip: Turn on 'Faster Communication' in the OBD settings for faster read speeds!

* If your phone goes slow when Torque quits then you have bugged bluetooth drivers - enable the 'Hang fix for HTC/Samsung' in the settings (set it to 'Yes') to work around the issue

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Torque Widgets Extension.txt

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BMW BMW ETK 5.2012 + Prices Euros (€)
Posted by: Patrian - 05-22-2012, 07:24 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (2)

Hello to all MHH Members... Smile

Well in sort, here it is the LATEST BMW ETK 5.2012 (The Spare Parts for BMW Cars Group & her Motorcycles)... Kolo

[Image: osxquo.jpg]

Enjoooooooooooooy ppl! 653

Best Regards! Cheer2

Attached Files

BMW ETK 5.2012 + Prices.txt

1.6 KB

Rest Useful Stuff For BMW ETK.txt

265 bytes
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AA TecDoc immo off dump cd?????
Posted by: hany12000 - 05-22-2012, 06:55 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (3)

any one have

immo off dumps cd?????

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Mercedes Benz xentry 2012.01 version?
Posted by: smlee747 - 05-22-2012, 03:02 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (1)

is xentry 2012.01 version. 220.175 Benz engine (ME) parts do not give you the diagnosis if there is anyone please let know the answer. Note that C3 is a clone device

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  question on first original web realese
Posted by: blacklisted - 05-22-2012, 12:57 AM - Forum: Other Discussions. - Replies (2)

it may seem as a dumb question byt can someone explain to me what the below means

first original web realese

ust wanted to know as seen on alot of software

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Mercedes Benz Sprinter special function Password
Posted by: reddevil - 05-21-2012, 04:21 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (3)

hello everyone,
i was wondering if anyone knows how to get the password of special function in Sprinter ...
I was diagnosing 906 model >> ESP >> Diagnosis to plant specifications ... and there a password was demand !!
any solution for that ??


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Mercedes Benz Help DAS 2009 call error 870
Posted by: edirangelov - 05-21-2012, 02:06 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (1)

Hello I have a problem with DAS 2009, without xentry after installation shows error 870. I tried with blacklist editor, but does not help. Please help

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AA JCB JCB servicemaster and Dearborn DPA5
Posted by: aglinsky - 05-21-2012, 01:44 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (6)

Hi m8,
Have anyway for use DPA5 and JCB servicemaster?
or only need use original adapter?

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Opel TIS2000 OPEL
Posted by: autoperfect - 05-21-2012, 12:36 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (2)

PLS, need torrent OPEL TIS2000 french lungage.thx

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AA+MHH KWP 2000+ (Plus)
Posted by: norishor - 05-21-2012, 07:24 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (1)

This is the Plus version of the well known KWP 2000

Those are the ecu`s and vehicles added:

ALFA 156 200016V JTS BOSCH ME-7.1.1 Kwpu 015.dll
BMW SERIE 32500 i SIEMENS MS42Kwpu007.dll
BMW SERIE 32800 i SIEMENS MS42Kwpu007.dll
BMW SERIE 52000 i SIEMENS MS42Kwpu007.dll
BMW SERIE 52500 i SIEMENS MS42Kwpu007.dll
BMW SERIE 52800 i SIEMENS MS42Kwpu007.dll
BMW SERIE 72800 i SIEMENS MS42Kwpu007.dll
BMW Z3 2000 iSIEMENS MS42Kwpu007.dll
BMW Z3 2800 iSIEMENS MS42Kwpu007.dll
BMW 318 1900LMOTRONIC M5.2.1Kwpu 042.dll
BMW 535 3800LV8 MOTRONIC M5.2.1Kwpu042.dll
BMW 5404000L/4400L V8 MOTRONIC M5.2.1Kwpu042.dll
BMW 735 3800V8 MOTRONIC M5.2.1Kwpu042.dll
BMW 7404000L/4400L V8 MOTRONIC M5.2.1Kwpu042.dll
BMW 750 5000MOTRONIC M5.2.1Kwpu 042.dll
BMW Z3 2200LMOTRONIC M5.2.1Kwpu 042.dll
CITROEN SAXO1100 BOSCH ME7.4.4Kwpu006.dll
CITROEN SAXO1600 8V BOSCH ME7.4.4Kwpu006.dll
CITROEN SAXO16V VTS M.M.48P 1600Kwpu047.dll
CITROEN XANTIA16V M.M.48P 2000Kwpu 044.dll
CITROEN XSARA16V M.M.48P 2000Kwpu 044.dll
CITROEN XSARA1600 16V BOSCH ME7.4.4Kwpu006.dll
CITROEN C 21600 16V BOSCH ME7.4.4Kwpu006.dll
CITROEN C 31100 i M.M.48PKwpu 044.dll
CITROEN C 52000 16V M.M.48PKwpu 044.dll
CITROEN ZX1600 16V BOSCH ME7.4.4Kwpu006.dll
FIAT 600 1100M.M.4EF Kwpu 018.dll
FIAT 600 1100M.M.59F Kwpu 018.dll
FIAT PANDA1100 M.M.4AF Kwpu 018.dll
FIAT PANDA1100 M.M.59F Kwpu 018.dll
FIAT PALIO1200 8V M.M.4AF Kwpu 018.dll
FIAT IDEA 130016V M.M. MULTIJET Kwpu 018.dll
FIAT ULISSE2000 16V M.M.48P Kwpu 047.dll
FIAT DOBLO1200 8V M.M.59F Kwpu 018.dll
FIAT DOBLO1600 16V M.M.5NF Kwpu 018.dll
FIAT DUCATO2000 8V M.M.48P Kwpu 044.dll
FIAT STYLO1600 16V E4 M.M.5NF Kwpu 018.dll
HONDA CIVIC1700 CDTI 80CV/101CV BOSCH EDC-15C7 Kwpu 045.dll
LANCIA Y 12008V M.M.59F Kwpu 018.dll
LANCIA Y 130016V M.M. MULTIJET Kwpu 018.dll
NISSAN ALMERA1500 DCI 82cv DELPHI Kwpu 023.dll
NISSAN MICRA1500 DCI 65cv DELPHI Kwpu 023.dll
PEUGEOT 1061600 16V M.M. 48PKwpu047.dll
PEUGEOT 1061100 BOSCH ME7.4.4Kwpu006.dll
PEUGEOT 2061100 i M.M. 48PKwpu 047.dll
PEUGEOT 2061600 16V M.M. 48PKwpu047.dll
PEUGEOT 2062000 16V M.M. 48PKwpu047.dll
PEUGEOT 2061600 16V BOSCH ME7.4.4Kwpu006.dll
PEUGEOT 3061600 16V BOSCH ME7.4.4Kwpu006.dll
PEUGEOT 3072000 16V M.M. 48PKwpu047.dll
PEUGEOT 4062000 16V M.M. 48PKwpu047.dll
RENAULT CLIO1500 DCI 65cv DELPHI Kwpu 023.dll
RENAULT CLIO1500 DCI 101cv DELPHI Kwpu 023.dll
RENAULT MEGANE1500 DCI 82cv DELPHI Kwpu 023.dll
RENAULT MEGANE1500 DCI 101cv DELPHI Kwpu 023.dll
RENAULT SCENIC1500 DCI 101cv DELPHI Kwpu 023.dll
RENAULT THALIA1500 DCI 65cv DELPHI Kwpu 023.dll
SUZUKI JIMMY1500 DCI 65cv DELPHI Kwpu 023.dll

A complete list with all the ECU`s and vehicles supported is inside the archive.
I hope that someone will find it usefull Fing32

Attached Files

KWP2000 Plus.rar

11.18 MB
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Volvo vcads pro
Posted by: jose breno - 05-21-2012, 02:17 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (2)

someone has VCADS pro 2.29 crack
Caribe or another that makes Volvo FH D12A


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Mercedes Benz Help install DAS/Xentry from 5/2010 to 01/2012
Posted by: MB_W230 - 05-21-2012, 01:56 AM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (3)

Hi guys,How are you?Smile

Please can somebody help me to find install instruction for DAS/Xentry 01/2012.
I am a original C3 user.
When I want to update, this message I get "Your Star Diagnosis system don't have Xentry Diagnostic Startkey" and the setup will abort.

Do anyone know what of fix I can use for this message?
It remove also my Xentry key in the Star Utilities.

Please Help!!Sweating


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Actia-logo Actia Multidiag I-2012 (1st Original Web Release)
Posted by: cedrsan - 05-20-2012, 11:13 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (48)


Here is MDO 2012/1 25.13


Special Thanks to Ricards99, Kalash, Thom@s and ME and Patrian / Scarymistake for test and others... Wink Fing32

For NEWS about this version, you can look Patrian post HERE !

[Image: 77229700.png]


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MDO 1.2012 25.13.txt

725 bytes
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  Jumper Edc15C7 immo
Posted by: gyapi11 - 05-20-2012, 08:53 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (4)

Hi all.Help with immo off for Jumper EDC15c7.Thanks

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Jaguar best clone flasher on the market?
Posted by: JAMES1984 - 05-20-2012, 07:32 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (12)

anyone have a good clone magpro or other that is working good?need sometime that works one edc17 me7.any info would be great.and where to buy one.thanks.

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BMW BMW X5 E70 CAS 3+ flash need
Posted by: ishell - 05-20-2012, 06:25 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (17)

Tried change mileage with codiprog usb and get brick .
Flash is empty .
Cas 5WK4 9514EBR .
Mcu is MC9S12XDp512 0L15Y
Car is 2007 year usa region.
Thank you

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Mercedes Benz WIS 04.2012
Posted by: avandgarde - 05-20-2012, 01:22 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (4)

Wis 04 .2012

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WIS 4 2012.txt

592 bytes
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Peugeot Please help me deleting crash data Airbag 207 cc
Posted by: dabidek - 05-20-2012, 12:59 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

Please help me deleting crash data Airbag 207 cc.
ecu nr: autoliv 609 22 10 00
psa: 966 448 278 0
Thank you

Attached Files

207 cc Autoliv 609 22 10 00 - 966 448 278

1.67 KB
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  Renesas H8SX 1725 Programmer
Posted by: Alchemist - 05-20-2012, 06:00 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

Are there any programmers on the market that can read the Renesas H8SX 1725 chip? It comes in airbag modules such as Honda and Toyota.

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AA+MHH Autocom 2012.1+2 Release NEWS
Posted by: Patrian - 05-20-2012, 05:15 AM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (77)

Hello to all Autocom "Hunters"... Smile

1st of all, we Update this Forum/Section and we cover and Miss Autocom... I think she deserve it... Big Grin

So, here some "Special" News about the 2x NEW Releases witch they will come TOGETHER in a few weeks... Listen

So anyone, he can think what "Surprises" may they will come as well... Sweating

Best Regards! Cheer2

Attached Files

Autocom 2012.1 + 2 Release NEWS.pdf

186.64 KB
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Ford ford mondeo immo off
Posted by: hany12000 - 05-20-2012, 03:33 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (4)

can any one help me plz
ford mondeo1998 immo off


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  Claas 02.2011(no crack)
Posted by: uratzelul_flo - 05-19-2012, 11:51 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (4)

If samewoan have crack for this,please share

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40.04 KB
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  Porsche POSES 2.42 (2006)
Posted by: uratzelul_flo - 05-19-2012, 11:46 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (4)

Porsche POSES 2.42 - dealer information base for the diagnosis and repair of cars Porsche, provides a detailed and complete description of technology of repair, maintenance, diagnostics, bodywork, spare parts for guarantee replacement, etc.

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Poses 2.42.rar

13.29 KB
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Renult Renault Dialogys V4.6
Posted by: uratzelul_flo - 05-19-2012, 11:42 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (7)


Edit By Admin Patrian
MR+NT = ONLY Russian Language! Listen

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27.95 KB
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Posted by: khalil2525 - 05-19-2012, 10:44 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

I have computer service for Renault truck and the big problem for me that to off the immobilizer in the VECU(FFR),please if any one has information abut that hope to help.

VDO 461 470 002 008


RENAULT 5010564102 B


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Mercedes Benz 03/2012 Xentry installing...but DAS isn't !!
Posted by: w220 - 05-19-2012, 10:16 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (14)

Hi All,

Help Before I ruin a perfect Xentry installation which I did according to the SK guide (awesome by the way).

Even though Xentry is successfully installed and functions correctly,I find that DAS is not installed!

When I go to F -> Programme -> Das , the folders are empty

Any Ideas guys? I've been staring at this computer for two whole days now.

Thanks in advance

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Posted by: Mezz - 05-19-2012, 08:37 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - No Replies


I have car radio RCD300,and i m interest why that radio have two tuner,i know that car have two antennas,ok but why two tuners,to get better signal from radio stations or what?
With this car radio i have problem because he doesn t catch stations anymore,so inside is two TEA processor,so which proccesor to change,both,or just one?
If anybody have any advice or something...please...

Many thanks...


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Opel Immo Off Vectra Simtec56
Posted by: legrandboss - 05-19-2012, 07:21 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

Please , is there a way to get immo deleted (total) for
Opel Vectra B , ECU SIMTEC56 , 1998 year
Here's 29F010 Dumps.

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37.87 KB
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Ford etis ford
Posted by: ALBASMAG - 05-19-2012, 02:49 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (6)


I need ford etis, it´s not important that year, (2008-2009..)


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