Hello, can anyone give me a hint please.
I got a Opel Astra G 2.0 DTI with ecu Bosch 0281010267
With a 24c04 eeprom inside.
type of engine: dth
Tried immo off with several tools ( otocheck, AEtool... ecuvonix)
But no succes, the car starts aprox.20 times and then not anymore.
I disconnected the immobox.
i need nissan murano security access code. i have the pin number, i have tried to use the supercode to calculate but when i enter the result into the key programmer, it says incorrect. this is Intelligent Key, push start button type... 2010..
i have tried to use supercode calculator, but seems like the version cannot calculate accurate for 2010 model
Hi ppl, I have this problem with this car. It keeps randomly
cutting out whilst Im driving. It starts up perfectly and then I drive for about 15-20 min ( sometimes more) It will suddenly turns off.
There is no managment light on and there is no FAUL CODE Which is the biggest enigma. I know that this is a common problem in these vehicles,but does anybody solved this problem. Thanks in advance...
i have insalled mirocat hyundai but the error shows me the virsion you are running is out of date ... i don't want to come back to a date i'm looking for other solution.
I try for update PIWIS Ver.29 to Ver.32.
However " No CD/DVD is inserted " What happen??
: my stats
PIWIS VM ware image work on VM ware workstation.
UPdate disk image (iso) mount :E via Daemon tool.
Try for real dvd disk insert for real drive , However exist same trouble.
This is my first thread here in MHH Auto, the first of many
I recently purchased a C3 Star DAS Xentry kit from a seller in china.. It came on an external HDD with 01/2012 version DAS/Xentry. (Aswell as all the other add ons such as WIS, EPC, Starfinder, etc all per-installed..)
So obviously I have to run it using VMware.
My question is, will this work fine when Im using a Dell D630 laptop that has Windows 7 OS? The VM machine still has the Windows XP SP3 and all software, so does it matter what operating system the host computer has?
The software seems to all run as it should, but I have yet to link the system up to a vehicle.
How does this affect the operation of the diagnostics equipment, if it matters at all?
HI friends i need yours help about siemens sid 803A peugeot 407 it possible remove dpf without put the sensors of fap???
i wait your answers
thanks in advance
ok i was connect to bmw web site passtru2 from snap on everything was good did 10 update out of 11 when it got to the kombi it say error and it did erase my kombi now when i try to program it doesnt detec the serial number try to unplug batterie over night same think
i also have abritus but dont no where to but the file the car is 328i 2006 e90 no module was change only update to fix some bug ..any idee........... tanks
Hi, I have a 2005 dodge neon 2.0 automatic that would not crank. I checked everything and it seems like the computer is fried and not giving ground to the starter relay, ignition coil and injectors. I put in another computer and it crank, but only ran for like 2-3 seconds and shuts itself off. I tried cranking several more times, but still the same result. I hooked up a scan tool and found two codes relating to the SKIM (sentry key immobilizer) module. I can not recall both codes, but I think one of them is P0633 and another is P05--. It is saying something about the skim is not programmed in the ecm. After a while it would stop cranking, so I checked everything again and it seems like this new computer is just fried too. It too is not giving ground again. I thought I had fried the ecu because I was tightening down the negative terminal while it is hooked up to a charger. So, I replaced the ecm again and it crank and ran for like 2-3 more seconds before turning off again. Eventually the car would stop cranking again and I checked everything and it seems the computer is fried again. The only thing common between the first incident and second incident of the new computer being fried is the key was in the on position both times. I had the key in the on position because I was trying to diagnose it with the snapon Modis. I am thinking that the SKIM module is fried and is frying every ECM i'm putting in. Is it possible for the SKIM to fry a computer? I've already double and triple checked to make sure the proper vin is programmed in the ecm. I checked the wiring from the SKIM to the ECM and it checked out okay. I think I read somewhere else that the SKIM can be reset/program too? Is this possible?
BTW, what software would I need to further diagnose the problem or do my own programming? I have the modis scan tool and Drew CarDAQ-Plus, but haven't actually done anything programming or used it yet. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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