Hello guys,
Here is a professional odometer correction tool to introduce for you!
It is Data Smart3+ Odometer device!
Support most of instrument clusters and correct the odometer via OBDII directly!
such as those vehicle brands:
You need to do function activation every month! If you get this message: update is needed in the next 4 days, it means you need to do function activation with PC-link software!
Here are some useful materials for data smart3+!
Hello guys,
Do you know what tool could adjust odometer on CHRYSLER WRANGLER 2008 model?
I tried the tacho universal 2008, but it could not support CHRYSLER 2008 new model.
After doing some research, i purchased Data Smart3+ Odometer version including USA models. I changed the odometer successfully with this tool, which is quite professional with many new models!
Here are steps i did:
1. Connect the device to WRANGLER via OBDII connector directly instead of removing cluster;
2. Select the odometer correction option in main menu;
3. Select "Chrysler" vehicle brand and press "Ok" button;
4. Choose "WRANGLER up 2007" option to read out the old value;
5. Input the data after it asks for new value!
5. Wait about 2 mins, it says "odometer correction successfully"
I got some videos for the odometer correction steps for such models:
I have a broken ECU (Bosch 0 261 206 303) in my Mercedes E430 (W210) - 99. The car has some starting and stalling issues. I therefore bought a used ECU. I will move the old eprom (AM29F200BB) to the "new" ECU, but I also would need to move the immo chip.
Could somebody please tell me, where is/are the immo chip/chips located?
So I installed MB StarDiagnosis 03.2012 without problem, but when I tried to install Xentry 03.2012 I got some errors. I installed Xentry 07.2011 (coz I was using it before and didn't have any problems). But now when I try to start Xentry it shows me error 2221-38 saying: The version of Xentry Diagnostics is old: please install newer one.
This file contains the distribution of the dumps, odometers and BSI blocks for the correction runs Car Peugeot 307 from 2002 ---> 2005, output, plus accompanied by photographs of panels and BSI in which locations are chips containing dump runs, and the connection point for the programmers for in-circuit programming of the bottom chip.
Here you find Peugeot 307 Dumps odometers and BSI with photos from year 2002 ---> 2005
Maybe someone needs this more than I do
Best regards
I downloaded Multi-diag v23.07 feb 2011
I entred the 6 digit serial number , then I got an ID number
I entered it in the keygen I got the installation code.
the installation begin (update your rights in progress) but in few time it asks me to (connect your diagnostic station and then click next) or (go to http://kfd.multi-diag.com/ enter the first 6 digit serial number in the their website to dowload updated the key copy the file in your diagnostic station, double click KeyUpdate.exe and then click next.
dignostic station ???????? I dont know what is it.
for my case I am new in this field and I havent any accories (cables)attached to my computer.
Okey, I entered the 6 digit serial number in their web site and could download the key.rar file.
when I opened the file with winrar and i got a folder containing the following files:
I clicken on keyupdate .exe a small window appears and says that the key was added succefully.
but when I continue installation the soft says that your licence is expired, this update is not allowed.
Please contact your supplier or renewal your licence.
please help me to continue the installation, I think the cable must be pluged to computer to continue.
Have used SD for many years for trouble shooting and repair work. Never done any programming on modules.
I work with DAS200903 at this moment on the cars.
Just trying in SIM mode to find out how programming should work and I run into the problem that DAS asks for a Flash CD in stead of looking to flash files on the harddisk.
Can someone with more exprience explain me how to do offline programming?
Do I need a seperate CD for the flashfiles?
If not how to tell DAS where to look for the flash files on my harddisk?
Once this works I can try to do some programming on my W211 MY2002.
Sure that there will be some updates for this car.
I have installad the FG WILSON compass v2008B software, but i don't have the license key to active it.
My code: 0175 C674 B78A 4B0A 00
Someone help me this license key, Please.
Thank you
Microcat KIA - Electronic parts catalog KIA Microcat contains information about all the KIA car company, including light trucks and vans. Electronic spare parts catalog Kia Microcat contains information on all models from 1982-1985 to 2010, including vans, commercial, model cars and buses. It is a electronic part catalogue for KIA vehicles on following markets.
* Australia
* Canada
* Europe
* General
* Middle East
* China
* Puerto Rico
There is a search by chassis number also. The information about the vehicle by chassis number gives country where the vehicle is sold, color, equipment, etc...
- Can be installed on the hard drive only data or only the applications, but in this case will not be available trucks, buses and the old model, or set your entire program.
- Full installation KIA Microcat will take about 4 Gb hard disk.
- Interface directory KIA Microcat and simple.
- Product features a search for Vin codes, name parts, the original number, as well as the applicability of details.
- There is also a catalog of original accessories KIA (original catalog numbers, color photos).
Language: English, Deutsch, Magyar, Italiano, Francais, Espanol, Nederlands, Portugues, Polski, Suomi, Turkce, Korean, Romania, Russian and many more...
having a problem with an Atego with the exterior lightning.
When key on and hitting the brake, all lights are working,
front lights, side lights, back lights and brake light without putting on the light switch in position 1 or position 2.
When putting the light switch in position 1 or 2 also all lights are working + the braking lights continuously.
Did someone ever had a problem like this?
I suspect the base module, this one controls the exterior lights, maybe a short between brake switch and light switch wiring.. Side lights can't be a bad ground because these are leds, they only give light in one direction.
P.S.: a few weeks before we made a connection between the wires of the stoplight right and left at the middle of the truck because the one at the left didn't worked, could this cause any trouble of this kind in the fuse box or the base module?
Also found this but the wiring is oké at first sight:
When trying to connect to a car in Xentry (ie 204 or 212) it asks if my ignition is switched on, then will not communicate with the car (Xentry 03/2011) if I leave it hooked up long enough, it will error out with a commincation with multiplexor error. If I use Xentry to launch DAS (ie 220 or 211) everything is fine. The error happens after the VIN check in the list so it is starting to communicate with the car,
1. CLOSE 1st of ALL if you having Xentry to Running!
2. Replace the cal.sli
3. Make it READ Only (Right Click on it > "Tick" Read Only > OK)
4. Connect your Mux 1st to the car, then to your Lappy
5. Run Xentry
6. Enjoy
I have also made. does not work
please help
I have a problem with hyundai h1. Silca SBB with my machine intro 3 times wrong pin code and lock the ECU. now you can not unlock. Does anyone know how to unlock the ECU? I have tried removing the battery for 1 hour but not unlocked.
I have install the two dvd's version that i found.
I'm running it on Win7.
I've tried to start it several times and nothing happens. Even tried to start the setup, and nothing.
In taskmanager, i can see the setup process but frozen. The esitronic process isn't there.
It's better to re-install on win7 using the 3 dvd's version or make a xp machine and install on it?