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Ford Ford IDS 64
Posted by: FRS270 - 03-29-2012, 09:53 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - No Replies

I am looking for Ford IDS 64. Is this the 01-2010 version?

Could some please put a link on. Fing32

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Posted by: josip.matkovic1 - 03-29-2012, 09:44 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (3)

VAG KM+IMMO V1.7.7 beta

The program is designed for VAG vehicles

warning has not been tested so as not liable for damages

[Image: kub6m96n1vyvaoh057d.png]

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53 bytes
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Mercedes Benz Any working links for EWA?
Posted by: Msmax - 03-29-2012, 02:59 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - No Replies

Is there any working links available for a 2012 version of EPC and WIS?
Tried some torrent links posted here but after 3 days waiting still 0% progress...

Would really really appreciate it.

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Mercedes Benz Troubles installing EWAnet
Posted by: Msmax - 03-29-2012, 02:43 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - No Replies

First step of installation runs fine. EWA net from IE is started, keys are entered etc. Till so far all looks OK.

Installation of EPC database gives some problems:
- sometimes it will not accept the second DVD, complaining about incompatible disk version. I'm sure it is the right diskset for this release!
- after cleanup and restart/re-install it will accept second and third disk and copy ROMS but:
when it start to check and add databses then an error code 42 is raised.

Any idea's?

OS: Windows 7 Home DUTCH
IE: version 8
EPC: 201005

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  autocom cdp pro cars 2011.01 video
Posted by: Laurance368 - 03-29-2012, 02:40 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (3)

autocom cdp pro cars 2011.01

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Ford ford ids outcode and incode
Posted by: micksautos - 03-29-2012, 02:35 PM - Forum: Automotive Activation Key Codes Requests. - Replies (3)

hi there have got ford focus 61 plate, got to put lock set in but need incode does any one on here have access to fords security,
as they have changed the old clulator and there is a new one out thx

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VW RNS 510
Posted by: T-NUZ - 03-29-2012, 01:25 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (1)


I have bought a Volkswagen RNS 510 from a insurance company.
It was originally stolen from the car it was sold with and after the
insurance company paid out to their customer it was retrieved.
We do a lot of business with these companys and buy cars and the
lot from them.

The problem i have is that the original code is not supplied with
the system.

Where do i start if i want the code for the system?
Do i need to open it and read an eeprom or something?

Please help!


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VW ELSA v4.00 VW - 01.2012
Posted by: hoaluly - 03-29-2012, 10:34 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (1)

[Image: baaa9413b63772c96439e6ec0807657d.jpg]

ELSA v4.00 VW - 01.2012 | 19.55 GB

ELSA - program for diagnosing and repairing cars Concern VW AG. Contains a description of technology of repair, auto maintenance, diagnosis of various vehicle systems, wiring diagrams, bodywork, standard time for work performed, etc.

Elsawin contains all information for diagnostics and repair of Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda cars till 2012! Covers detailed and complete description of the technology of repair, maintenance, diagnostics, electrical circuits, body works.

This is the 4.00 version and data is VOLKSWAGEN Database the release 01.2012.

Software is fully in ENGLISH (but you can install it also in English, Hungarian, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, French, Czech, Swedish, Japanese, etc.) with clear english installation instructions.

[Image: 74fdf8f99565f5f15ea1516301c4d0fe.jpg]


Download Links.txt

90 bytes

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  ELSAWIN v4.00 + VW (01.2012) + AU (01.2012) + SK (01.2012)
Posted by: TestPoint - 03-29-2012, 10:26 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (4)

ElsaWin v4.00 + VW (01.2012) + AUDI (01.2012) + SKODA (01.2012)

[Image: captura1ev.png]

[Image: captura2i.png]

[Image: captura3p.png]

[Image: captura4n.png]

[Image: captura5x.png]

Quote:Elsawin contains all information for diagnostics and repair of Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda cars till 2011! Covers detailed and complete description of the technology of repair, maintenance, diagnostics, electrical circuits, body works.

This is the 4.00 version and data is the release 2012.

Software is fully in ENGLISH (but you can install it also in English, Hungarian, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, French, Czech, Swedish, Japanese, etc.) with clear english installation instructions.

Soft Name: ELSAWIN
Year: 2012
Version: 4.00 / 2012

Interface Language: Multilanguage (all available)
OS : Windows
Compatibility with XP and Windows 7: Yes


Attached Files

ELSAWIN v4.00 + VW (01.2012) + AU (01.2012) + SK (01.2012).txt

11.75 KB
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Mercedes Benz DAS XENTRY 03-2012
Posted by: takis - 03-29-2012, 09:24 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (8)

Hello Guys
Here is DAS XENTRY 03/2012
Have not tested it

Attached Files

Mercedes DAS XENTRY 03_2012.rar

39.29 KB
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Nissan Nissan Elgrande dash dump needed
Posted by: quinnd - 03-29-2012, 08:14 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

Nissan Elgrande 2002 VQ35DE engine 4WD
Does anybody have cluster eprom dump 93C66 Phillips
Must be in KM and is the 4WD model, my speedo isnt working. No other faults, gauge movement ok. Donor cluster- speedo works.

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Mercedes Benz Help me pls! Mercedes EPC 2012 Full Torent?
Posted by: tamdogau - 03-29-2012, 07:34 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (6)

Hi !
Help me please! Ineed Mercedes EPC 2012 Full !file Torrent..I downloaded some torrent files of Mercedes EPC 2012. But no SEED.
Share to me please !.
Thank so much !

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Posted by: amora - 03-29-2012, 02:07 AM - Forum: Hyundai, Daewoo, Kia Discussions. - No Replies

need software scan100 daewoo, someone can help me?? thank you

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Citroen citroen c3 immo off
Posted by: mml1072 - 03-29-2012, 01:06 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (17)


i have a citroen C3 benzin ,year 2009 with a valeo J34P-AAE

the original ECU is complitely burned

i'm trying to use an other , is it possible to clean the dump95160 ?

best regards

Attached Files

valeo j34p-aae.rar

512 bytes
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Renult Renault VISU wiring diagrams
Posted by: sell90 - 03-28-2012, 11:06 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (6)

Renault VISU wiring diagrams
Renault VISU, schemy. 2 x DVD, EN, GER, FRA, RUS.
Avantime D66 NT8197A 2002_02_04
Avantime D66 NT8204A 2002_04_15
Avantime D66 NT8226A 2003_04_01
Clio L65 Mersocur NT8166E 2000
Clio L65 NT8185A
Clio L65 NT8201A 2002_02_18
Clio L65 NT8253A 2004_05_08
Clio X65 NT8181A 2001_03_19
Clio X65 NT8192A 2002_06_11
Clio X65 NT8207A
Clio X65 NT8234A 2003_01_01
Clio X85 NT8277A 06-2005
Espace J81 NT8174A
Espace J81 NT8219A 2003_01_01
Espace J81 NT8241A 2003_04_14
Espace J81 NT8248A 2003_09_01
Espace J81 NT8284A ? 13-06-2005
Espace JEO NT8166A ? 09-2000
Kangoo X76 NT8135 1998
Kangoo X76 NT8149 1999
Kangoo X76 NT8159A 2000
Kangoo X76 NT8172A ? 03-04-2000
Kangoo X76 NT8182A 2000_12_18
Kangoo X76 NT8182A ? 18-12-2000
Kangoo X76 NT8193A 2001_06_25
Kangoo X76 NT8224
Kangoo X76 NT8237A 2003_07_01
Kangoo X76 NT8251A 2004_03_15
Laguna X56 NT8132A 1998
Laguna X56 NT8146A 1999
Laguna X562 NT8157A 2000
Laguna X74 NT8183A 2001_01_22
Laguna X74 NT8218A 2002_05_01
Laguna X74 NT8236A 2002_11_18
Laguna X74 NT8240A 2003_11_17
Laguna X74 NT8254A 2004_06_21
Laguna X74 NT8282A ? 22-04-2005
Logan L90 NT9800 c 07-2004
Master X70 NT8189A 2000_11_06
Master X70 NT8225A 2003_10_01
Megane II X84 NT8206A
Megane II X84 NT8220A c 02_09_2002
Megane II X84 NT8222A
Megane II X84 NT8227A 2003_01_01
Megane II X84 NT8228A 2003_11_17
Megane II X84 NT8266 ? 28-06-2004
Megane Scenic II X84 NT8267A ? 28-06-2004
Megane Scenic X64 NT8131A 1998
Megane Scenic X64 NT8145 1999
Megane Scenic X64 NT8230A 2002_06_02
Megane X64 NT8130A 1998
Megane X64 NT8144A 1999
Megane X64 NT8155A 2000
Megane X64 NT8164A 1999
Megane X642 NT8169A ? 25-10-1999
Modus J77 NT 8246A
Scenic J84 NT8221A
Scenic J84 NT8229A 2003_12_01
Scenic J84 NT8268A ? 16-10-2004
Scenic X64 NT8156A 2000
Scenic X64 NT8200A 2002_03_25
Trafic X83 NT8175A
Trafic X83 NT8188A 2001_03_17
Trafic X83 NT8256A 2004_06_07
Trafic X83 NT8265A ? 20-12-2004
Trafic X83 NT8285A c 15-03-2005
Twingo X06 NT8190A 2001_01_01
Twingo X06 NT8232A 2003_02_01
Vel Satis X73 NT8176A
Vel Satis X73 NT8202A 2002_02_18
Vel Satis X73 NT8217A
Vel Satis X73 NT8243A 2003_05_27
Vel Satis X73 NT8247A 2003_05_27
Vel Satis X73 NT8269A ? 18-04-2005

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Renault VISU.txt

1.46 KB

New Links.txt

159 bytes
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VW Vag-com
Posted by: josip.matkovic1 - 03-28-2012, 10:06 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies


[Image: vs9qsdj652drdx80e2pq.png]

[Image: 1459d9zo3ap5qpfgogu1.png]

[Image: 4gqxsjlit63tiudpxpud.png]

[Image: 9bmrqcbw03mlppmrao7w.png]

[Image: 519cwflb875fdhjd3p7m.png][/quote]

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Vag-Com 311-2.txt

50 bytes
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AA+MHH how to read the chip from XPROG-M Programmer
Posted by: obd2motor - 03-28-2012, 08:36 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (3)

Read the chip from XPROG-M Programmer V5.0

how to read the chip from XPROG-M Programmer

install the USB drive corectly, and choose the right USB port com port

and test the connect status with PC, click the upate button

and new project, choose the chip that you want to read and write

there have the connect picuture, and save your data or write your data to chip


xprog-m v5.0/v5.1


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VW Update For ETKA 7.4 (untill 9990)
Posted by: Sev17teen - 03-28-2012, 06:25 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

[Update Jan.11th.2014]
VW:9500- 9990
AU:9500- 9990

The update for etka 7.3 & 7.4, all in it, audi,vw,seat, skoda.

VW:8660- 9040

Enjoy it !!!Fing24

Attached Files


96 bytes

Update Jan.11th.2014.txt

164 bytes
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AA TecDoc TecDoc 2Q.2012 (FULL 4x DVD's) Multilanguage
Posted by: Patrian - 03-28-2012, 04:58 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (18)

Hello to all MHH Members... Smile

Well, NO too much comments Gentleman! Lipssealed

Here it is the NEW 2nd Quarter for 2012 about the FAMOUS TecDoc S/W! Kolo

[Image: wk7c0.jpg]

[Image: dwpg12.jpg]

[Image: 34dog3q.jpg]

[Image: 9jztpk.jpg]

[Image: 33f6kj6.jpg]

So anyone he can start his RS "Engines"! Pc

NOTE: All the Thanks & the Credits AGAIN goes to my GOOD Friend Mr. Dimitri 41 41 41

Enjoooooooooooooooooy ppl! 653

Best Regards! Cheer2

Attached Files

TecDoc 2Q.2012.rar

38.96 KB

Crack! TecDoc 2012 (WinXP + Win7).txt

109 bytes
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AA+MHH iGO Q4 2011 maps of Europe from Navteq_03.2012
Posted by: Rycho291 - 03-28-2012, 04:56 PM - Forum: Automotive Navigation Discs. - Replies (2)

We are glad to present you a map of Europe Q4 2011 for Igo 8.3, Amigo, Primo, iGo My way, is also included in the POI.
Release date: 2012
Version: R3
Developer: Navteq
System Requirements: Igo 8.3 / Amigo / Primo / iGo My way
Coverage: All Europe

The composition of the archive:
map пїЅ 1.54 GB
Albania_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 353.01 KB (361,488)
Andorra_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 84.51 KB (86,544)
Andorra_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 2.51 KB (2576)
Austria_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 29.18 MB (30,605,328)
Austria_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 208.51 KB (213,520)
Belarus_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 178.01 KB (182,288)
Belarus_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 1.51 KB (1552)
Belgium_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 14.45 MB (15,152,144)
Belgium_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 211.51 KB (216,592)
Bosnia Herzegovina_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 4.65 MB (4885520)
Bulgaria_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 12.64 MB (13,261,328)
Bulgaria_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 35.01 KB (35,856)
Croatia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 10.63 MB (11,151,888)
Croatia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 68.01 KB (69,648)
Croatia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fpa 5.53 MB (5800976)
Czech Republic_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 31.62 MB (33,158,160)
Czech Republic_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 205.01 KB (209,936)
Czech Republic_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fpa 13.19 MB (13,836,304)
Denmark_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 14.57 MB (15,281,168)
Denmark_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 142.01 KB (145,424)
Denmark_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fpa 12.69 MB (13,313,040)
Eastern Europe_NQ_Easy_2011.Q4_120228.hnr 10.92 MB (11,452,986)
Eastern Europe_NQ_Economical_2011.Q4_120228.hnr 9.69 MB (10,170,151)
Eastern Europe_NQ_Fast_2011.Q4_120228.hnr 12.51 MB (13,123,827)
Eastern Europe_NQ_Short_2011.Q4_120228.hnr 10.55 MB (11,067,534)
Estonia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 11.47 MB ​​(12,029,968)
Estonia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 16.01 KB (16,400)
Finland_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 65.91 MB (69,116,944)
Finland_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 166.51 KB (170,512)
Finland_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fpa 13.05 MB (13,688,848)
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 1.86 MB (1954832)
France_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 155.42 MB (162,977,296)
France_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 1.16 MB (1222160)
Germany_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 131.16 MB (137,532,432)
Germany_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 1.31 MB (1379344)
Gibraltar_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 12.51 KB (12,816)
Gibraltar_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 1.51 KB (1552)
Greece_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120220.fbl 32.22 MB (33,785,360)
Greece_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120220.fda 65.51 KB (67,088)
Hungary_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 16.88 MB (17,700,368)
Hungary_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 187.51 KB (192,016)
Hungary_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fpa 13.98 MB (14,660,112)
Iceland_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 8.67 MB (9099792)
Iceland_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 11.51 KB (11,792)
Ireland_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 11.09 MB (11,634,704)
Ireland_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 31.51 KB (32,272)
Italy_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 99.53 MB (104,373,264)
Italy_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 1.46 MB (1532944)
Latvia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 10.08 MB (10,572,816)
Latvia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 13.51 KB (13,840)
Liechtenstein_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 90.51 KB (92,688)
Liechtenstein_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 2.01 KB (2064)
Lithuania_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 8.85 MB (9290256)
Lithuania_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 11.01 KB (11,280)
Luxembourg_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 1.49 MB (1570320)
Luxembourg_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 22.01 KB (22,544)
Malta_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 507.01 KB (519,184)
Moldova_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 198.01 KB (202,768)
Moldova_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 1.51 KB (1552)
Monaco_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 32.51 KB (33,296)
Monaco_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 1.51 KB (1552)
Montenegro_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 898.01 KB (919,568)
Netherlands_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 22.87 MB (23,990,800)
Netherlands_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 154.51 KB (158,224)
Norway_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 27.07 MB (28,387,856)
Norway_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 112.51 KB (115,216)
Poland_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 42.86 MB (44,947,472)
Poland_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 310.01 KB (317,456)
Portugal_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 37.58 MB (39,407,120)
Portugal_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 85.51 KB (87,568)
Romania_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 12.08 MB (12,666,896)
Romania_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 80.51 KB (82,448)
Russia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120228.fbl 159.25 MB (166,994,960)
Russia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120228.fda 135.01 KB (138,256)
Russia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120228.fpa 12.54 MB (13,158,416)
San Marino_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 59.01 KB (60,432)
San Marino_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 3.51 KB (3600)
Serbia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 5.37 MB (5632528)
Slovakia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 12.50 MB (13,114,384)
Slovakia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 103.51 KB (106,000)
Slovakia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fpa 6.31 MB (6619152)
Slovenia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 8.80 MB (9229840)
Slovenia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 39.51 KB (40,464)
Slovenia_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fpa 3.11 MB (3264016)
Spain_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 91.92 MB (96,386,064)
Spain_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 1.03 MB (1083920)
Sweden_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 56.00 MB (58,722,832)
Sweden_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 261.51 KB (267,792)
Sweden_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fpa 19.63 MB (20,592,656)
Switzerland_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 22.32 MB (23,412,752)
Switzerland_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 126.51 KB (129,552)
Ukraine_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 34.17 MB (35,833,360)
Ukraine_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fpa 7.12 MB (7466512)
United Kingdom_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 76.37 MB (80,085,008)
United Kingdom_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fda 402.01 KB (411,664)
Vatican City_R3_NQ_2011.Q4_120217.fbl 5.01 KB (5136)
Western Europe_NQ_Easy_2011.Q4_120229.hnr 31.84 MB (33,393,686)
Western Europe_NQ_Economical_2011.Q4_120228.hnr 37.44 MB (39,259,004)
Western Europe_NQ_Fast_2011.Q4_120228.hnr 35.10 MB (36,812,825)
Western Europe_NQ_Short_2011.Q4_120228.hnr 39.70 MB (41,636,976)

poi пїЅ 261.31 MB
Albania_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 42.85 KB (43,879)
Austria_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 5.55 MB (5821116)
Belarus_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 13.90 KB (14,241)
Belgium_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 5.74 MB (6027021)
Bosnia Herzegovina_NQ_2011.Q4_120210.poi 359.73 KB (368,368)
Bulgaria_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 2.47 MB ​​(2595111)
Croatia_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 1.68 MB (1770787)
Czech Republic_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 6.03 MB (6331239)
Denmark_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 1.75 MB (1843440)
Estonia_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 1.03 MB (1083205)
Finland_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 6.90 MB (7238149)
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia_NQ_2011.Q4_120130.poi 151.77 KB (155,417)
France_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 27.95 MB (29,314,161)
Germany_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 36.39 MB (38,163,237)
Greece_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 9.88 MB (10,368,678)
Hungary_Holtankoljak_diesel.poi 61.41 KB (62,884)
Hungary_Holtankoljak_e85.poi 17.19 KB (17,612)
Hungary_Holtankoljak_Holtankoljak_2010.Q1_120308.poi 61.29 KB (62,761)
Hungary_Holtankoljak_lpg.poi 19.10 KB (19,567)
Hungary_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 6.23 MB (6535871)
Iceland_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 200.41 KB (205,230)
Ireland_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 1.21 MB (1277116)
Italy_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 16.71 MB (17,527,603)
Latvia_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 874.99 KB (895,993)
Lithuania_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 768.57 KB (787,023)
Luxembourg_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 459.42 KB (470,454)
Malta_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 101.97 KB (104,420)
Moldova_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 11.24 KB (11,510)
Montenegro_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 73.24 KB (75,007)
Netherlands_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 7.64 MB (8017043)
Norway_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 1.45 MB (1523539)
Poland_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 9.30 MB (9759000)
Portugal_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 3.76 MB (3946626)
Romania_NQ_2011.Q4_120130.poi 5.90 MB (6196777)
Russia_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 21.64 MB (22,697,218)
Serbia_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 647.01 KB (662,541)
Slovakia_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 3.71 MB (3899116)
Slovenia_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 1.91 MB (2004600)
Spain_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 14.57 MB (15,285,479)
Sweden_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 3.08 MB (3236654)
Switzerland_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 6.04 MB (6343771)
Ukraine_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 11.47 MB ​​(12,032,114)
United Kingdom_NQ_2011.Q4_120127.poi 37.39 MB (39,212,750)

If it my post is helpful, please push +Thank's and press +Reputation to me

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iGO Q4 2011 maps of Europe from Navteq _03.2012.txt

956 bytes
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Alfa Alfa GDV 2000
Posted by: rambolee - 03-28-2012, 04:54 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies


i have an Alfa GDV yellow bosch immobox
Immo: Bosch 9 330 065 192
ECU: Bosch 261 206 012

The 93C46 chip inside immobox read all FFFF.... data

anyone know how to repair the data?
or need to immo off the ECU? what chip in ECU?

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  kuhn S.A epc
Posted by: uratzelul_flo - 03-28-2012, 03:45 PM - Forum: Other Discussions. - No Replies

If somwoan have this parts catalog please share
I willl be very greateful

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Ford need clear airbag ford focus 0285 010 699
Posted by: hafido1983 - 03-28-2012, 03:37 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (3)

hi guys i need clear airbag ford focus 0285 010 699 9M5T 14B321 BA
thanks in advance

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Mercedes Benz Das xentry problem installation
Posted by: chaimaa2008 - 03-28-2012, 03:37 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (14)

when i install das xentry i show this message and i put the key in i show this messagee "key enregistree succee"
and help me for key xentry
HW ID :00655B0D0373
Appe ID : 250

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Audi ELSA 4.0 Audi - 01.2012 torrent
Posted by: uratzelul_flo - 03-28-2012, 02:33 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (3)

no pw

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elsa AUDI 1.2012.rar

37.08 KB
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  Chip tuning forum
Posted by: DIBEKOT - 03-28-2012, 02:20 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - No Replies

I found on the net a new chip tuning forum. The new forum is all about chip tuning and not about software like mhhauto.

Edit By Admin Patrian

Please read the MHH Rules! Kolo
Rule #5

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VW VW Gamma Code
Posted by: icemaan - 03-28-2012, 01:31 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (3)


Can someone help me with code for VW Gamma


GAMMA V 1J0 035 186D

Thx in advance!!Kolo

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VW VAG ALL ECU sw Files !!!!!!
Posted by: camieltje - 03-28-2012, 10:43 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (12)

here a collection of ALL ECU files from VAG (Original files to use with VAS-PC)
also ALL .stt files you need........

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ALL ECU data files VAG.txt

2.23 KB

stt files.txt

100 bytes
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  BMW Self Study Programs
Posted by: camieltje - 03-28-2012, 10:38 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (1)

Here some nice collection of Self Study Program Files from BMW

Regards Camieltje

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311 bytes
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Mercedes Benz MB Sprinter w906 315cdi - cruise control activation
Posted by: M_Kuzev - 03-28-2012, 10:18 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (13)

Hello everybody !!!

Congratulations for the great forum !

I've just installed cruise control lever on a 2008 Sprinter 315cdi, OM646.986. As I found out in WIS, it's necessary to perform SCN coding to enable cruise control. I work with MB Star Diagnose.

Is SCN coding the only way of cruise control activation?

VIN : WDB9066351S297308
ECU : A 646 150 42 33

Thanks in advance !

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