Hello all.
I bought a car Key Programmer yesterday and tried in my car ASAP. Glad that it works fine.So I would like to share it with you.
The more important is that the SBB key programmer hve updated. I think it will help you.
If you want to know more about the SBB Key Programmer, you can click the SBB Key Programmer.
Repair Manual Saab WIS, maintenance, diagnostics, bodywork, engine repair Saab, body repair Saab 9-5 (9600, 9650) 1998-2011, Saab 9-3 (9440) 2003-2011.
In a book on auto repair Saab Wis presented step by step description of repair, installation instructions, dismantling, disassembly, assembly, adjustment and configuration of various components and assemblies Saab, are circuit diagrams Saab (Saab wiring) pinout connectors, body repair manuals Saab, a selection of service bulletins on major faults.
In the description of the repair Saab can see the location of all units and sensors, etc. The database repair Saab Wis a step by step repair manuals of mechanical and automatic transmissions Saab.
Use THANKS button...
Disc calibration for updating software P / N 00456-REPRG-001 ECM motor and automatic transmission.
Works with TIS Techstream and other devices J2534.
The program loader is present on the disk.
Year: 2009
Version: 4 quarter of 2009.
Platform: Windows
I need codes for OPEL Omega radio type PHILIPS CCR600 serial number 09114584,
and Blaupunkt CD changer type CDC2 serial number 90566830, GM serial number GMCDC2X8329541
I need help I recently bought on Ebay a Ford Blaupunkt FX navigator, but I came without code.
Someone can help me and tell me the code or a program to get it.
Year: 1997-2000
Language: English only
System Requirements: 133 Mhz Pentium Processor or higher
8X CD-ROM drive or higher
Windows 95
1024x768 screen resolution.
16 bit color
Description: The program provides full information on all car electronics. All electrical wiring in the BMW 3-SERIES (E30, E36, E46, Z3) ,5-SERIES (E28, E34, E39) ,6-SERIES (E24) ,7-SERIES (E23, E32, E38) ,8-SERIES (E31)
Detailed guidance on repair BMW. Wiring diagrams, types of connectors and their placement, repair manuals, schematics, special tools, specifications, and moments of delay. The program addresses three (E36-Z3-Compact, E46), 5 (E39), 7 (E38) and 8 (E31) Series BMW. All information presented in PDF.
CPU: Pentium III
Hard disk: 0 Mbytes free
RAM: 64 Mbytes
Display: 1024x768
Languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Svenska, Nederlands
QiuckTime 5.0 or later
Year / Date: 2010
Version: 10.0
Description: This DVD-ROM includes the original configurator accessories for all makes of cars BMW. It is useful for a more detailed study of the various accessories and check their compatibility.
Extras. Information: Write the image to a DVD or download an image to a virtual drive. If the application does not start automatically, open the application called "configurator.exe"
Hi to all,
I have this Toyota Avanza 2010 module:89170-Bz030 (BF) Denso
EEPROM 93C56 X16
Can anybody clean this dump for me please???
Thank you
I've bought for my Autocom adapter cable. Unfortunately, they do not work properly! Does anyone perhaps schematics for the adapter? For Mercedes 38Pin there are here in the forum have one when I see it correctly.
What I have found is that the service light and oil light on the BMW 16Pin DLC on Pin 8 switches to ground.
Dear all,
need help Peugeot 307sw 2004 1.6 16v petrol ,vin VF33HNFUE83362813, ,ecu bosch me 7.4.4 0261206943 . Intermittent start, check engine light not coming when hot and good start in the morming/cold. battery is new,fuel pump is good ,relay near ecu,coolant temp sensor,crank position sensor,starter motor was replace.Also all the fuse still ok.
Check voltage at 16 pin plug pin13 got 12v and pin 8 0v when key off
Use scantool got error P0605 Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM).
I get the message "Authorization code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again." when marking forums as read / Mark this forum as read.
Im running 01/10 das/xentry on a macbook pro under vm.
Im getting this error message right before the das is about to connect to
the vehicle. I'm using a crossover patch cable from the laptop to the sdconnect. I'm thinking maybe that is my problem. sdcontrol shows the mux locking for a split second then gives a error. heres a picture of the error. fault (1.18)-9.890
incorrect vehicle connection cable.
I am wondering if there is a way to decode the last 6 digits of the Mercedes Benz vin.
for example:
What is the diffrenece between WDD2040561A00001 AND WDD2040561A001379
Hello to all , i need some help find the immo pin of my car seat ibiza 1.4 16v year 1998 i have tried vag tacho but give access denied , can someone help me???
is it possible get pin code from atached EEPROM. I read it with op-com so it must be ECU, i think.
car: opel astra 1999 2.0DTL
if it is nessesary more info, let me know.
I have a problem with Peugeot 306 Bosch mp5.1 Keypad is broken. So I need make immo off. I try different dumps and put zero from 00 to 05, but nothing. I done those cars before and no problem. Every time it works. But now I have a problem. Can someone help me with correct immo off dump?
Not sure why this error is and how to fix it.
Wis launches from within Xentry but the error shows up and no selected vehicle info shows up within WIS. Any one knows how to fix this???
Can you tell me How I can find A****** Software? Edit By AdminPatrian
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j'ai um problem Au niveau de la suspension de porsche cayenne
j'ais diagnostiquer le systeme le code default s'affiche le PROGRAMME DE NIVAU NON PARAMETRE
mais le calebrage ne pas effectuer
aide moi svp
et merci d'avance Edit By AdminPatrian
Please read the MHH Rules at least for 1 time in your life! http://mhhauto.com/Announcement-Forum-Rules Rule #1