Hello guys,
I made several key teach in with my DAS052011 on EN lang, but,
then I have changed it into different lang, trying to make teach in on Smart again, and got "tan log file error"
Pls help me to solve this...
Trying to find solution.. but I cannot find one...
Really need.
I'm trying to connect to a Toyota Prius airbag module with the H8SX processor. What kind of programmer should I purchase to connect to this chip. Can't find any.
Is there a way we can get this thread going for those who are having issues with getting ther security error or date error etc on mitchell 5.8.2 maybe those who make hack or have had the issue and have for sure fixed it, blocked it, deleated it chime in...
I have it running on 4 pc network and it it died on two pcs now with there may be a problem with your security key then you hit ok it closes.
i pay for estimator but not repair. igt to dam error with just esitmator called tech suport they waled me through a fix. but i put in repair two months ago and it just now gave me this error, after two months. the first time it did it like three times a week? what do we block, what do we delate or change etc etc to make this not happen?
ive tried firwealling the od5 but i need out to net for manager and i tried to block the token thing but that didnt do it now either.? two months, ok you good crack makers? what gives guys....anyone else?
Electronic parts catalog for Ford of European assemblies. Provides information on passenger and light commercial vehicles. With the full installation (program data) takes about 5 GB. Rolling back the date is not required (it works without a rollback to September 2012). Completely redesigned distribution, simply run setup.exe and specify the installation path. Tablets are not required. Whereas previously there were previous versions MICROCAT Ford, do not forget to remove them before installing, otherwise there may be problems with the definition of the current directory to the database (the program at startup enumerates all logical drives (except for Z and looking for a folder FEU_DATA, as well as a file of zero length in the mc1234 the root directory).
Year: 2011
Platform: MS Windows 2000/XP/2003 (x86)
Compatible with Vista/Win7: compatible with 32-bit version is not compatible with x64.
Language: Multilingual
Renault CLIP - the latest diagnostic tool from Renault. It contains all the latest diagnostic technology and information base to address all issues.
Extras. Info: If the primary installation, follow the instructions, which is attached. If you already have an earlier version, it is recommended to uninstall and then follow the installation instructions. It only works with original CLIP adapter or with a Chinese clone, no adapters and KL KKL is not supported.
Renault has developed a diagnosis system called Valise Clip. Hooked up to the car through OBD2 connector, it runs a complete test automatically, checking a series of parameters and identifying problems that can then be solved. Program dealer car diagnostics Renault, Dacia, Samsung.
FULL Instructions :
Before installing please do the following steps:
1. Uninstall previous version of Renault CAN-Clip if you have
2. IF your 1st installation: Run Crack.reg
After installation finish & you will reboot, you will get SPX Registration....
To avoid PERMANENTLY this, do the following steps:
1. Alt+Ctrl+Del (Kill process RSRWin.exe)
2. Delete RSRWin.exe (in C:\Windows)
3. Use Regedit (and Delete "ALL" values with name RSRWin)
4. Reboot your machine!!!
5. NO MORE flash for SPX Registration...
Before your 1st Running with the program make those steps:
You NEED to have 1 Renault Car (and ALWAYS Renault clip running-working)
when you have Renault Car!!!
1. Connect your Clip Sonde Can Interface 1st in your Car (OBD Slot)
2. Turn Ignition ON (NOT Engine running)
3. Connect your Clip Sonde Can Interface via USB cable with your computer
4. Start to installing ALL the Drivers (that they will be appearing) and
you can find those in: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers or from this DVD
in the folder "CAN-Clip Drivers".
5. You must INSTALL 4 Drivers (4 TIMES the same thing)
After you finish, you can RUN now finally your CAN-Clip Software.....
BMW ETK contains the whole range of items offered for sale by BMW Group and is intended to facilitate the retrieval of necessary spare parts (automobile and motorcycle parts), equipment and accessories. To do this at your disposal a variety of search features, such as searching by name, by part number, etc. The system also offers detailed information on specific details, as well as the ability to create so-called parts list of the found parts.
Year / Date: February 2012
Version: 02-2012
Database Version: 2.0.64
Language: Multilingual
I bougt a autocom pro cdp and the dvd verison is 2011 realase 1 and everytime i open autocom there is a messege " there are a new version contact your distribitor. How do i get autocom 2011 realase 3. Do i reinstall the version 2011 1 and put in another key and it upgrades it self? I read some threads but i dont understand. Can somebody please tell me how to do and if i must download verisin 3 somwere? Any rarfile here i try to open requiers password how do i get it? You can answer this thread or emal me at NO E-MAILS ON [email protected]Best regars
Quote:Year / Date: 2011
Version: EPC 3
Developer: TOYOTA
Language: Multilingual
License: FULL
Description: Contains a directory on the selection of parts + accessories for cars TOYOTA. Regions JAPAN, EUROPE, USA + CANADA, GENERAL.
This release is an archive of already-installed software with all the bases! The original distribution is not! Lexus is already activated!
Hi allPro!
I installed Microcat for Hyundai 10/2011.
I search parts by input VIN number.
I input VIN number: KMHBT51GAAU947678.
BUT it can not search part..!
I tried with another VIN (begin with: KMH...).
it can not search parts, too!
Help me please!
Anyboby, show me how to repair!
Thank so much!
help type memory immo renault megane coupe dti 1900cc 1998
i need help me?
i have car renault megane coupe 1900 dti
the unit control of engine is bosch
ref of unit is: 0281001810 //77001106461.
Cancel the immo and what is the memory and the location??
is true the immo according to your document the immo this in memory 24c02
I tried to cancel the immo with the ecuvonix program, but it puts partial immobilizacion
Questionknow referred with partial immobilizacion)?.
The case is that I spent the immo file by the program and when you start the car works but to leave it to relenti shuts down...
Some help?
I just saw your message I open the immo killer and it puts to renault the only centralita:
(dti bosch 1 single conector and puts the eeprom is a 24c04, but the eeprom original is 24c02
not be if try to see if it does correct, or the car does not work with the immokiller?
Advised or upload the file to the thread of the Forum¿¿¿¿
Hello Friends,
I have a Bosh KTS 540 diagnosis device. It was working with ESI tronic 2010.
I have installed all the 2012 ESI tronic software, and put serial without problem.
But ESI 2012 doesn't find KTS 540. I did everything but but it says "no sd".
what do they mean by this "Important to ensure the kts 570 is connected to the pc via USB" ?? in case i don't have bluetooth whats the soultions & how i can update my Kts firmware ?
I have installed Bosch esi & i don’t full steps & works perfect except i tried to connect to the car but I get a message NO SD connected & something on DDC, Moreover, i try to upgrade my firmware its doesn't exist while i click on DDC.
Can some help me on this, is it necessary to have a bulethoot?