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Mercedes Benz WIS net Standalone with new AdminTool trouble
Posted by: carmasterandrew - 03-02-2012, 05:59 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (21)

Hi everyone!
1.2012 WIS net when installing go to the error of permission to write. See attachement. Who has idea? thanks.

here is error log text.

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WIISnet error.rar

1.36 KB
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Misubshi clear crash data mitsubishi colt 2006
Posted by: petro - 03-02-2012, 05:07 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (7)

I need clear crash data airbag mitsubishi colt 2007,MR587417DPSB,Bosch
Does anyone have a good dump, because I tried it from attachment, and I have this error code:
B1499-Control Unit Airbag Deployed
Please, has anyone connector wiring diagram for this control unit?

Attached Files

MR587 417 DSPB 0 285 001 685_clear.rar

248 bytes
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Posted by: ZombieR - 03-02-2012, 04:14 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (1)

Any software for motorcycles?

I have found Honda EPC and also in BMW ETK there is data for motorcycles.

Any more suggestions? Manuals? Anything?

Thanks a lot.

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Misubshi Pajero 3lt 24 valve
Posted by: ghostrider - 03-02-2012, 03:24 PM - Forum: Mitsubishi, Mazda, Suzuki, Daihatsu Discussions. - Replies (4)

Good day members of MHH

I would like to know the 3 coils and spark plug wires layout of the about vehicle if any members can share with me. Many thanks in advance.

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Peugeot peugeot and citroen
Posted by: ayoub_diag - 03-02-2012, 02:35 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

hello all
I want a software calculates the pin has Traver vin peugeot or citroen car
vin to pin peugeot and citroen

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VW Vag com China Multilanguage
Posted by: Alounaha - 03-02-2012, 01:45 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (3)

Hi to everyone!
Please I need help.
Someone can help me to find a chinese sell web site where I can find
"Vag com China Multilanguage".(The latest version).
Preferably where the price is shown and not expensive.
I am talking about the product with black color ;(not blue);with the cd multilanguage.

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Opel Galletto Q
Posted by: aandreyy - 03-02-2012, 01:20 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (8)

maybe someone can help me
I want to buy Galletto 1260 cable, but in description i found:
OPEL BOSCH_EDC 15M 2 PLLCC 29F010 W Astra F (4) 1.7 16V DTI EDC15M Only Write
29F200BT Astra F (4) 2.0 16V DI EDC15M Only Write
Astra F (4) 2.2 16V DI EDC15M Only Write
Astra G 1.7 16V DI EDC15M Only Write
Astra G 2.0 16V DI EDC15M Only Write
Astra G 2.2 16V DI EDC15M
Frontera 2.2 DTI EDC15M Only Write
Omega 2.0 / 2.2 16V DI EDC15M

So wnat that mean "Only Write". Becouse I mostly need it for Opel. If it cant read flash on thease cars so it doesnt fit for me.
What tool you can ofer for me then?

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Posted by: Arabpoor - 03-02-2012, 12:41 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (90)

Headbang hi to all master any step by step procedure for WIS-ASRA 11-2011 Sweating IM A NEW for this kind of software any idea? 1087

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KIA Microcat KIA 01.2012 Multilanguage
Posted by: hoaluly - 03-02-2012, 10:52 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (1)

[Image: 7ae6e3cc794a32e7d39a3b5129eda967.jpeg]

Microcat KIA 01.2012 Multilanguage | 4.84 GB

Microcat KIA - Electronic parts catalog KIA Microcat contains information about all the KIA car company, including light trucks and vans. Electronic spare parts catalog Kia Microcat contains information on all models from 1982-1985 to 2010, including vans, commercial, model cars and buses. It is a electronic part catalogue for KIA vehicles on following markets.

* Australia
* Canada
* Europe
* General
* Middle East
* China
* Puerto Rico

There is a search by chassis number also. The information about the vehicle by chassis number gives country where the vehicle is sold, color, equipment, etc...

- Can be installed on the hard drive only data or only the applications, but in this case will not be available trucks, buses and the old model, or set your entire program.
- Full installation KIA Microcat will take about 4 Gb hard disk.
- Interface directory KIA Microcat and simple.
- Product features a search for Vin codes, name parts, the original number, as well as the applicability of details.
- There is also a catalog of original accessories KIA (original catalog numbers, color photos).

Language: English, Deutsch, Magyar, Italiano, Francais, Espanol, Nederlands, Portugues, Polski, Suomi, Turkce, Korean, Romania, Russian and many more...



798 bytes

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Hyundai Microcat Hyundai 02.2012 - 03.2012 Multilanguage
Posted by: hoaluly - 03-02-2012, 06:04 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

[Image: 00a704e8512a1f44178b4564285d48ba.jpg]

Microcat Hyundai 02.2011 - 03.2012 Multilanguage | 10.16 GB

Electronic parts catalog Hyundai. Of all models produced and / or produced Hyundai Motor Company, are divided into groups (cars, SUV / minivans / vans, commercial) and by region. The catalog can identify the vehicle by VIN (filtering part number), the search for the name of spare parts (partial or complete), original number, and also shows the applicability of parts.

There is a list of options with a transcript that facilitates selection of the right numbers in the absence of VIN-filter.

Language is possible separately for the program interface, and separately for items of spare parts.

System requirements:
800 MHz-processor or higher
256 MB RAM or more
OS: Windows



1.33 KB

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Hyundai Immo off kia sportage motronic/bosch 0261204046
Posted by: haingoben - 03-02-2012, 01:52 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (7)

I'm looking for immo-off kia sportage if someone have it!!!
Ecu: Bosch motronic 0261204046 27c512 inside
Years: 1997 (Kia sportage)
Engine: petrol 2.0 L 16V
Here dump!

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22.86 KB
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Volvo Searching for Premium techtool Version 1.12.21 and later
Posted by: mohamad123sh - 03-02-2012, 12:53 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (4)

Hello every body!

i'm looking for Premium techtool (or Volvo techtool) version 1.12.21 or later
i have the 1.12.00 version of this software
but i can not install it on Win 7 64bit ultimate

the picture of my problem is attached!

if any one have this software , upload this on the net.

thanks very much!!!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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Renult Renaul Megane 3
Posted by: ZombieR - 03-01-2012, 09:38 PM - Forum: Renault Group Renault, Dacia, Nissan Discussions. - Replies (4)

Can someone suggest where can I find wiring diagrams for Renault Megane 3, year 2010? Thanks.

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VW Frad Filters
Posted by: josip.matkovic1 - 03-01-2012, 09:13 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

Frad Filters

FRAD filters is for all cars and trucks

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Renult Renault Master 2004r. Renault Master pressure sensor schemat
Posted by: zoro - 03-01-2012, 05:24 PM - Forum: Renault Group Renault, Dacia, Nissan Discussions. - Replies (7)

part of the scheme needs a boost pressure sensor

Renault Master 2,5 84kW 2004r


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Saab Tech2 cant connet to Saab 9-3,9-5
Posted by: domel45 - 03-01-2012, 04:55 PM - Forum: GM Group Opel-Vauxhall, Saab, Chevrolet, GM USA, Chrysler Discussions. - Replies (1)

i am confuse with my Tech2. I never had early Saab 9-3, 9-5 to do, and last time when i try connect to this car, i cant . For other models Saab i can, Opel the samy,any errors.

Can anybody had troubel with connection TEch2 to this model Saab and where was problem?

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Mercedes Benz Appid xentry
Posted by: pipis - 03-01-2012, 04:19 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (6)

Can someone tell me maybe how to change the app id

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Mercedes Benz Looking for workshop manual for Mercedes w463 - G/Puch230
Posted by: sunderaubg - 03-01-2012, 12:53 AM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (7)

Been looking all over for this workshop manual, I don't think I've even found an official edition.
I would be enormously thankful to anyone who can provide such a thing!

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  BDM 100
Posted by: sc202 - 02-29-2012, 11:44 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (3)

I need schematic programmer Bdm100 thanks

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Toyota Toyota TechStream 7.00.020+CRACK FULL+ALL REGIONS
Posted by: victorcnmgb - 02-29-2012, 10:47 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (12)

Toyota TechStream 7.00.020 totamente FULL. to crack and release for all regions.

PASS: victordesousa

Attached Files

Toyota TechStream 7.00.020.txt

41 bytes
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Fiat Chiptuning FIAT CROMA II
Posted by: maxi - 02-29-2012, 05:37 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (3)

Hello.Can someonee edit map Fiat Croma 2005 1.9 16V 150HP and eventually EGR and FAP/DPF/ off.I have flasher MPPS.Thanks.Attached original file

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Audi Audi Chorus / Blaupunkt pin code
Posted by: ghostrider - 02-29-2012, 02:12 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (15)

Good day members of MHH

Can any member maybe help me with the pin code for a Audi Chorus radio. It is a Blaupunkt, 7648245380, AUZ1Z2Y6969565.

Many thanks in advance

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AA+MHH VIRGIN_ECU_Database_and_Immo_OFF_Big_Collection
Posted by: daniel978 - 02-29-2012, 01:39 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (8)

maybe it can be useful for many of us .. Please say thanks ..

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  original map 307 hdi 1997 100kw rhr
Posted by: nike1975 - 02-29-2012, 01:17 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - No Replies

original map 307 hdi 1997 100kw rhr

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  ecu plug and play
Posted by: auto421 - 02-29-2012, 03:55 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

I would if it were possible to open a topic to share ways to copy ecu.por example: I have a faulty ECU, and wanted to pass data to another ecu, type plug and play. that will be algem can explain and what tools to use. tanks: 533:

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VW cluster VW TOURAN
Posted by: sorinb - 02-29-2012, 03:18 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

hy guys

anybody have pin out for these VW cluster
+12V and ground (would be very beneficial)

VW Touran 2005

please little help Big Grin

thx in advance

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Posted by: rentor61 - 02-29-2012, 01:49 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (3)


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Renult Renault Scenic 1.9 DTI 0 281 010 077 - Immo OFF
Posted by: santoro1978 - 02-29-2012, 01:41 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (8)


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Toyota Chek-lube cd by motors
Posted by: dfitz21 - 02-29-2012, 01:24 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - No Replies

Does anyone have this?

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AA+MHH 46807550 clear please airbag fiat
Posted by: nike1975 - 02-28-2012, 11:58 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

please help me for this crash airbag...

Attached Files

centralina 46807550 crash mirco.rar

458 bytes
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