Hello everyone I have a problem with xentry 09.2011 when starting starutils come to me an error: error 53 in frmMDIChildLicensemanager.Form_Load (): File not found: layoutManager.dll
I hope some members can give me some advice. Everytime one of my customers have immo problems with a vw or audi then I have to remove the ecu and send it in to have the immo removed and it is costly.
After some research on the net I came across tool call (vag ecu tool) on the site called XXXXXXXX.com and reading the product details it says it is able to do immo off via obd2 connection.
Does any member have this tool and is it possible to do immo off via obd2 connection without removing the ecu?
hello sirs,
I have successfully installed Xentry 09/2011, the start of the message Xentry is not authorized to access, please contact them absolutely the star diagnosis user help desk.
has anyone of you a solution to the problem and can help me please.
many thanks for your ideas and help in advance
I have DAS 05/11 and am trying to perform initial startup of CGW unit bought off ebay (unit worked fine til I reset it as it was for different model and I thought best to try and code as same model just to be on the safe side.)
as it tries to start the programming it comes up with the following area (I think its when its trying to look for software)
response of dlm request: can't connect the socket tolistener
a fault has occurred when downloading the data
are the data to be downloaded once again
Not sure if this is relevant but when vmware virtual PC boots, it says ERROR no Star impersonation service found. (xentry works fine in all other ways, just struggles here when trying to fidn the right software for this CGW unit)
Does anyone have any suggestions here or possible fixes. If all else fials I will just buy another CGW unit and leave it set to ML350 instead of R350, will be a shame thought if this can be solved, though cheaper than asking stealership to recode
Can someone please help me. I downloaded FORD TIS on this forum but cant seem to find a way to install it. The file I downloaded has the following files in it, T_I_S
MSInfo Document
I have tried to find a exe file to install but there isnt any. Can any members help me to install the software please.
Hello! I need the pincode of the VW 2007 Golf TDI,down the 2 files were read from the EEProm 95160&95320 in the dashboard,can anyone tell me the pin from them,or the pin is not in the file?
Thanks a lot!
CINELLI thoughts
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if you got some time on your hands and are looking for a decent read, then check it out.
We've celebrated one year of 125 years of automobiles. Now it's time to look ahead and face the upcoming 125 years. The F125! research vehicle paves the way. Which feature is the most forward-looking in your opinion?
My girlfriends Mini Cooper 1.6 (2003) has developed an airbag fault. I downloaded Inpa 501 previously but seem to be having some problems installing it.
I have an ELM327 copy cable, a Galletto 1260 EOBD copy, a VAG113 Cable and a VAG K+ Commander cable. Will any of these function with the Inpa software? I don't mind buying another cable but noticed something abouta pass thru device looking at around £420 here in the UK. Is it worth purchasing?
Can someone help me with installation steps of Inpa and what cable to purchase?
is it possible to install das 012011 and xentry 072011 or the two software must be the same version .
coz i have das 012011 and it's working perfectly but the xentry expired and get some errors i tried all the possible fixes here with no hopes , i've installed the xentry 072011 and the new sdnc and applied the xentry 052011 fix the null error solved buth the xentry try to open then closed auto with no error .
What do you guys think of starting a VMware section and just have images running the different scanners. We could try to make really light os builds with a sole purpose to run the specified scanner?
Hi alll !
Does anyone know how to do start this shit car?
I broke the 4 card in jeans
I bought imobilizer emulator and I connected
I want to completely remove the card reader and put switches as race cars .. and make the alarm central locking.
I replace Sprinter 903 SSG SprintShift gearbox, with manual one.
I coded ABS With Manual Transmission
I coded ECU with Manual Transmission,
The only thing i can't recode is Instrument Kluster.
I can only see data but i can't change them from SSG to Manual.
The EEprom from IC is 93c66 anybody can help ? I need to post dump ? DAS dosen't let me to recode IC, because is aready Coded.
Hì to all, it's possible update the unit ME7 from 84hp to 102hp (Brabus) with Star Diag 01/2011 ( without using scn code online ) ? how can I do ........tanks in advance
I got one MB vito 115 CDI .
I done some research over the internet and nothing till now.
The car starts when is warm outside, but when is cold the car dosent't start and don't let me turn key to ignition.
If i take the EIS out and heat it with a lighter, then the car starts and everything works ok again.
Any sugestions? Maybe somebody change something in EIS .
A component that reacts on Temerature.
I am hoping that some members might be able to help me with my very first immo off. The vehicle is a Opel Corsa B 1998 model. The ECU is a Bosch 0261204086, (GM 93 595 845). I dont have a immo offo programmer but have been that the immo can be bypassed with some cutting and soldering inside the ECU.
I will be grateful for any help that the members can give me.
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