I'm looking on a chart Adapters 0J66D FOR XPROG-M
I found a chart PDF is not what the search for it
Please, How do I schedule 0J66D
Thank you in advance
OK guys I gave up. I couldn't fix it. It's 09/2011 and please don't ask me to search because I did already and non worked for me. DAS is working fine. Updates downloaded already but it won't install. When I click the balloon nothing happens.
Xentry key is accepted and all CommonLic.dll is fine and happy.
Hello to all,
I changed EZS, ESL, ME, INS, ETC, ESP and Key on a C280 (WDD2040541F006291) with same ECUs on C250 (WDD2040522A114221) parts numbers of all ECUs are same else ME but just I have problem on ESP ,there is a current fault 5075(Component 'Y10 (Speed-sensitive power steering selenoid valve)' has an open circuit.) on ESP because C250 is equipped to it but C280 is without it when i driving with this car when speed increase to 60km/h transmission doesn't change gear and it lock to 3th gear and even I can't change gear to another 4 or 2,... if i erase fault memory and disconnect socket of ESP and reconnect it then resolved problem and then again same last process... according to me if i can disable Y10 on ESP this problem will be resolve but i don't know how I can disable Y10 on ESP pls help me about this problem.
Could you guys please provide me a link for visual basic pro newer version with working patch,serial or somthing else which can unlock the software.
Hello everyone. Does someone knows anything about this software? I have found version from 2005 year but after that no trail. Is there on line support or? Thanks in advance!
hi to all
i need this dump to make my clone multidiag actia works with 2/2011 software.
some sell this pic already programmed
if someone can share this file...
Please, may be anyone so kind, and give me the code for my old Car Radio. I have to use it again, after my other one broke down, but i don't find the code anywhere.
I've successfully finished my UPA upgrade experimentation tested on both an original and a clone. The upgraded units have been tested on various MCU's and types of serial EEPROM in circuit. I am certain that in very most, if not all, of the cases it eliminates the pin lifting need. Some examples are IAW 8P.xx with HC11A1 MCU and the EEPROM 95160 in Bosch ME7.4.4 and 95320 in ME7.4.5. These units are unable to read/write without lifing some pin by a standard UPA. The upgrade scheme needs some parts replecement and it took me half a year of time and efforts. So sorry, I will not share it freely. I am just thinkng of to get some EUR, but not much, donated for postage and parts then I ship the upgrade kit together with the instruction to you (also thought of passing part of the donation to MHH after that). This is just a thought and welcome all members'comments as well as the mod. If you guys disagree then I give up and the mod please help to remove my thread. I am Zmann in another forum.
hi guys does anyone no anything about the snapon solus updates ok this is what i done stupid i no
mate has a solus as well he just updated to the 11.2 software so me thinking i could put his updated files onto mine i pluged his solus into my computer and copyed all of his updated files to my pc then unpluged his out and connected mine and backed up my old 9.2 system files to my computer from my solus and then written over my files with his new updates when i restarted my solus it says contact your snapon dealer only thing is im afraid to incase he gets in trouble for piracy.
so now i cant connect to my pc to try and put my old files back onto my solus as it wont let me connect is there anyway any off you guys no how to fix are restore back to the 9.2 bearing in mind i still have my 9.2 backed up onto my pc i was thinking of putting files to a cf card and trying that are have i bricked it ?????? anyone help are any ideas please
Hello ,
I'm now working on a Alpha Romeo 145 car , ECU is Bosh 0261204946.
It seem that there's no eeprom inside.
How to remove immo from this car. Car don't start , with immo light on.
On this DVD you will find the latest data records for reprogramming control units on various car models. These data records (data containers) are repair solutions for use in case of costumer complaint. The Technical Service Handbook already refers to this DVD and to the reprogramming process for certain problem solutions. After having received the latest updated DVD for software adaptation of control units, please dispose older outdated dicsc according to the customary defaults .
xentry 092011 is working
xentry short test is done with success but
but I wanted to print, and the program crashes the output does not.
I did re-install several times but the problem is resolved.
Do you have friends who know the solution
best regards
Does anyone have BMW ICOM ISIS ISID user manual? my supplier XXXXXXXX do not have.......I am vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvery urgently need it. I'll feel much appriciated if anyone like to share.