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AA+MHH UPA write
Posted by: haddia - 11-24-2011, 01:54 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

please I need to write one. hex on a 12F629 with UPA
but not how to do it, someone guide me thanks.

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Mercedes Benz SD Connect Problems
Posted by: MarvelMurmer - 11-23-2011, 10:28 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (3)

Hi all friends, I had a problem with the SD Connect Me, recently I bought an SD Connect from china, every time I try to connect to the SD Connect the car does not turn on automatically, car battery is not detected car icon at the top did not come out, but I ignored it and tried to use the DAS but after I tried it DAS issued a code error (1.2) -2.503.9616. I've tried to several cars but the result remained the same

this is my error listSweating
1. SD Connect does not turn on automatically when plugged into car
2. car icon at the top of the screen SD Connect does not appear
3. car battery is not detected
4. DAS issued a code error (1.2) -2.503.9616
5. SD Connect WLAN error: 1 "contained in the SD Connect screen"
6. SD Connect frimware update error (663)

in addition I save a dell latitude D630
DAS 07/2011 version
SD Connect my LAN IP is set
I've followed all the way imaginable in this forum but still same result

I plead with all your friends to give solutions to the problems I had I already do not know what else to do, while the seller is not liable

sorry if there are many errors in the way of speaking or writing because I am not so proficient in the English language

My best regards from Indonesia
MAGI Smile

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Citroen CITROEN Service Box Parts and Repair + SEDRE (09.2011)
Posted by: TestPoint - 11-23-2011, 10:09 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (8)

CITROEN Service Box Parts and Repair + SEDRE (09.2011)

Citroen Service Box: Parts and Repair
Parts catalogue, service manuals, wiring diagrams + many more

[Image: citroendvd.png]

[Image: captura1jl.png]

[Image: captura2lu.png]

[Image: captura4rv.png]

[Image: captura5h.png]

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[Image: captura7.png]

Quote:Electronic Catalog Citroen Service Box (09.2011) contains complete information on all car companies, including new models. Supplied catalog Citroen on 3 DVD, supports multiple languages. Catalog of Citroen Service Box (09.2011) contains parts catalog, complete information about the details, search, standard-setting clock, there is work to VIN or model, decoding of each position VIN, documentation of repairs and maintenance.

Year: 2011
Version: 09/2011
Developer: Citroen Service Box
Language: Multilanguage
Size: 16.4 GB

Citroen Service Box (09.2011) - the successor catalog Citroen LASERtech. The catalog Citroen Service Box (09.2011) provides information for the selection of auto parts and akssessuarov, as well as documentation on repair and maintenance of car Citroen. Replacement site Serveur protégé, only in this directory are available partitions, which are payable on site. Full search on the VIN-code. Built on a client-server technology java-based, works through a browser by setting a time on the server, it can be to cling to the client machines. For a more detailed presentation of above screenshots.

Supported languages:
English, Hungarian, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Netherlands, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Turkish, French, Czech, Swedish, Japanese.

Extras. Information:
Citroen Service Box (09.2011) - parts catalog.
SEDRE - repairs, diagnostics, circuit normochasy.

Attached Files

CITROEN Service Box Parts and Repair + SEDRE (09.2011) .txt

2.19 KB
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Mercedes Benz Xentry 9/2011 Fixed Access Denied GONE!
Posted by: snowleopard8 - 11-23-2011, 08:28 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (14)

Good morning,
I just recieved my c3 Star 9/2011 a couple of days ago. Everything was moving along perfectly fine until, I plugged the system into my car. Constant error messages from cannot cummunicate error to voltage issue with pin 30 and 31. So, I found this site and searched for fixes. Checked port2 setting and they were good, then I found a thread about replacing the cal.sli which I did and from there on out Xentry pooped. Tried to recover that deleted cal.sli file but to no luck. I have tried to redoing the Keygen all over but no luck. In conclusion I do believe the cause of my problem is the missing cal.sli files.
Someone please guide me to the right direction.


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AA CAT Caterpillar Parts
Posted by: ruimarques - 11-23-2011, 07:31 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (1)

hello to all, here is a very good site where we can identify spare parts for Toyota vehicles and Caterpillar machinery.




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  HELP in xentry 1/2011
Posted by: amr_200 - 11-23-2011, 05:41 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (2)

I installed it and it working well

and I starting quik test but

after testing i come to this step

then the xentry quit and closed automatially

i don't know why

any help PLZ


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Fiat Fiat Linea **Solved**
Posted by: maucontacto - 11-23-2011, 05:20 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)


Have anyone info how to clear this dump from an Fiat Linea?


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FIAT linea 609470700F 95320 crash.rar

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Citroen CITROEN Service Box Parts and Repair + SEDRE 09.2011
Posted by: wacko70 - 11-23-2011, 05:17 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (8)

[Image: J8qNt.jpg]
CITROEN Service Box Parts and Repair + SEDRE 09.2011

Electronic Catalog Citroen Service Box 09.2011 contains complete information on all car companies, including new models. Supplied catalog Citroen on 3 DVD, supports multiple languages. Catalog of Citroen Service Box 09.2011 contains parts catalog, complete information about the details, search, standard-setting clock, there is work to VIN or model, decoding of each position VIN, documentation of repairs and maintenance.

Citroen Service Box 09.2011 - the successor catalog Citroen LASERtech. The catalog Citroen Service Box 09.2011 provides information for the selection of auto parts and accesories, as well as documentation on repair and maintenance of car Citroen. Replacement site Serveur protege, only in this directory are available partitions, which are payable on site. Full search on the VIN-code. Built on a client-server technology java-based, works through a browser by setting a time on the server, it can be to cling to the client machines.

Supported languages:
English, Hungarian, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Netherlands, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Turkish, French, Czech, Swedish, Japanese.

Extras. Information:
Citroen Service Box 09.2011- parts catalog .
SEDRE - repairs, diagnostics, circuit time norms .

Attached Files

CITROEN SEDRE 09.2011.txt

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  clarion PU1560 Blocked , need good EEPROM
Posted by: legrandboss - 11-23-2011, 03:33 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (2)

Here's my Clarion PU1560 EEPROM , Code is 1135 , but Radio is blocked , only '----' on display.
I'm looking solution to repair EEPROM or a good working dump.

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AA CAT Need CAT ET 2007 software !
Posted by: tamdogau - 11-23-2011, 02:22 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (11)

Hi !
I need CAT ET 2007 software!
Anybody has? Share link download please!
Thanks in Advance!

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  language in Xentry
Posted by: zsolty_szasz - 11-23-2011, 02:20 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (1)

I installed Xentry 09/2011 in English. Is it possible to change the language to some other languages? In Xentry I have 8 languages now, but I need hungarian which is not in the list. Das is ok, now I am struggling with Xentry.

Kind regards,

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Actia-logo Actia Multi-di@g I-2010 : Help Install
Posted by: splinter78 - 11-23-2011, 05:51 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (35)

Hi all,

I am coming today to guys because this is my last chance i am fighting since 1 week with actia Multidiag to get it works, but no chance at all.

I install it on 2 different laptop with 2 fresh installation off windows XP.

Step 1
Installation of multidiag office
Step 2
open multi diag after installation, choose USB Actia Passthru
step 3
Enter VCI serial : A070026

ANd all the time i get the "VCI serial not found", anyway i cancel that Windows.
Put the Serial number get by the Keygen, and even in the Multidiag office interface if i try to put the serial "A070026" i get the error 2 xxxxxx

I reflash also the VCI with the VCI flsh tool get in this Forum to be sure to get the good serial "A070026" and plug it in the Car and reopen Multidiag and same error all the time.

I put "A070027" and that work, i try also to look for the "A070027" in the registery and replace it by "A070026", but still no way to get a DIag

I Install the Actia I-2010 (19.09) from 2 sources to be sure, 1 get from Rapidshare and the Other from Torrent.

Same Thing, that makes me made because i am pretty sure that software issue with a Dumb solution.

I know that the serial A070026 is black listed but since wich version ?
I got the Actia I-2010 19.09

Please Guy can you help ???


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Hyundai Microcat Hyundai 11.2011 Multilanguage
Posted by: audi27 - 11-23-2011, 05:20 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

[Image: 00a704e8512a1f44178b4564285d48ba.jpg]

Microcat Hyundai 11.2011 Multilanguage | 8.9 GB

Quote:Electronic parts catalog Hyundai. Of all models produced and / or produced Hyundai Motor Company, are divided into groups (cars, SUV / minivans / vans, commercial) and by region. The catalog can identify the vehicle by VIN (filtering part number), the search for the name of spare parts (partial or complete), original number, and also shows the applicability of parts.

There is a list of options with a transcript that facilitates selection of the right numbers in the absence of VIN-filter.

Language is possible separately for the program interface, and separately for items of spare parts.

System requirements:
800 MHz-processor or higher
256 MB RAM or more
OS: Windows

Edit By Admin Patrian
hoaluly-audi27-etc STOP to "Tricking" the MHH Forum
and i told you when you posting your Copy/Paste Links
to create Links and for FREE Users = MANY TIMES! Headbang
It is NOT difficult to make this Sir! But it seems something you "Winning"
from your 402 MB Links! 118
So... IF you "Flirting" with BAN soon you will have it! Sadsmile

Attached Files

Microcat Hyundai 11.2011 Multilanguage.txt

1.05 KB
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Mercedes Benz HELP in xentry 1/2011
Posted by: amr_200 - 11-23-2011, 03:00 AM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (2)

I Installed das and xentry 1/2011

Das is working well Blush

but , xentry give this message "no access authorization code! Please contact the star diagnosis call center"

I Enterd the key for it in starutils and saved successfully and i changed the commonlic.dll every time and it give this msg again and again and etc . SweatingSweating
any one can help me

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AA+MHH Carbrain C-168 Ver 15.70 with crack
Posted by: Colorless - 11-23-2011, 02:05 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (7)

Here is a link for the Car-Brain C-168 Version 15.70 with crack.

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Mercedes Benz HELP in installing DAS 9/2011
Posted by: amr_200 - 11-23-2011, 12:15 AM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (2)

I spent one month to install das 9/2011 and failed to install it >>>>SO,

I downloded & installed DAS 1/2011

what is required to update to das 9/2011

please any one help me and mention to me obvious steps


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AA CAT FG Wilson Compass 2008B
Posted by: ruimarques - 11-22-2011, 08:20 PM - Forum: Mitsubishi, Mazda, Suzuki, Daihatsu Discussions. - Replies (108)

Hello friends,

i have downloaded the FG Wilson Compass 2008B software but i can't get the key to unlock the program. is there somebody that can help me?

the license code is: D211 5EE8 B751 B5DB 93

tanhk you in advance

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes WIS 2006
Posted by: kalin777 - 11-22-2011, 07:56 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (2)

hi guys,

Does anyone have the Mercedes WIS 2006 files. Updates working links would be great!


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  Teupen Leo23GT service-manual request
Posted by: Alexx60rus - 11-22-2011, 05:51 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - No Replies

Hi! Electro hydraulic tower - does not move boom. Searched repair manual, schemes are available, but they provide little information. Tower is controlled by ECU, on-board LEDs, but they not subscribed. It is understandable that worked some protection, but it is unclear what it is. Regards

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Mercedes Benz Das MNTRP.S error
Posted by: TizWaz - 11-22-2011, 05:08 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (4)

Hello trying to communicate with 2005 vito 220cdi and i have the following error

F/Programme/Das/Trees/Trans/Menues/MNTRP.S is (are) not exacutible

Has anyone come accross this and know how to fix it.


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AA+MHH AllData 2010 (q3) Repair infobase
Posted by: mcb58 - 11-22-2011, 04:12 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - No Replies

Alldata 10.30 InfoBase repair vehicles of all makes (1982, 2010) - The description of technology of repair and maintenance, diagnostics, bodywork, wiring diagrams, spare parts, etc.
Alldata has a simple and intuitive interface that helps to immediately find what you want to novice

Domestic #1 1982-2010

Chrysler Cars 1982-2010
Chrysler Trucks 1992-2000
Dodge Cars 1982-2010
Dodge Trucks 1982-2000
Eagle Cars 1982-1998
Jeep Trucks 1982-2000
Plymouth Cars 1982-2001
Plymouth Trucks 1982-2000

Domestic #2 2001-2008

Chrysler Trucks 2001-2008
Dodge Trucks 2001-2008
Jeep Trucks 2001-2008

Domestic #3 1982-2010

Chrysler Trucks 2009-2010
Dodge Trucks 2009-2010
Jeep Trucks 2009-2010
Ford Cars 1982-2006
Ford Trucks 1982-1999
Lincoln Cars 1982-2006
Lincoln Trucks 1998-1999
Mercury Cars 1982-2006
Mercury Trucks 1993-1999

Domestic #4 2007-2010

Ford Trucks 2007-2010
Lincoln Trucks 2007-2010
Mercury Trucks 2007-2010

Domestic #5 2000-2010

Ford Cars 2007-2010
Ford Trucks 2000-2006
Lincoln Cars 2007-2010
Lincoln Trucks 2000-2006
Mercury Cars 2007-2010
Mercury Trucks 2000-2006

Domestic #6 1982-2008

Buick Trucks 2002-2008
Cadillac Trucks 1999-2008
Chevy Trucks 1982-2008
GMC Trucks 1982-2008
Geo Trucks 1989-1997
Oldsmobile Trucks 1990-2004
Pontiac Trucks 1990-2008
Saturn Trucks 2002-2008

* 2001 Cadillac Trucks not produced.

Domestic #7 1982-2010

Buick Cars 1982-2000
Buick Trucks 2009-2010
Cadillac Cars 1982-2000
Cadillac Trucks 2009-2010
Chevrolet Cars 1982-2000
Chevy Trucks 2009-2010
Geo Cars 1989-1997
GMC Trucks 2009-2010
Oldsmobile Cars 1982-2000
Pontiac Cars 1982-2000
Pontiac Trucks 2009
Saturn Cars 1991-2000
Saturn Trucks 2009
Hummer 1998-2010
Freightliner Trucks 2002-2008
Workhorse Trucks 1999

NoteTonguelease rename the attached file suffix from .txt to .torrent

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75.69 KB
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Peugeot airbag 207
Posted by: abderr16 - 11-22-2011, 03:56 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

[attachment=4586]hi, i need to clear this dump of airbag peugeot 207
box peugeot 96 668 438 80
bosch 0 285 010 703

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  i can repair all dash visteon golf V with error in KM
Posted by: tigre - 11-22-2011, 03:35 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (9)

hi friends, i can help all with problems in dash visteon with error in KM with eeprom 95160

who need ask me please


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Toyota Avensis D4D 2,2
Posted by: cobra - 11-22-2011, 01:59 PM - Forum: Toyota, Lexus, Honda Discussions. - Replies (2)

Hi Guys.
My patient Avensis 2,2D 2006 ABS with TRC

I have a problem with replacement abs in Avensis.
I change central (number the same like original) and I cant matching ecu.
In techstream is a procedure but not working. still not matching ecu.
In freez data is something strange--no op sys..... anybody now about this?
Is hand procedure for abs replacement????

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Citroen Citroen Service Box EPC + SEDRE (09/2011) (1st - ORIGINAL Web Release)
Posted by: tkinyan - 11-22-2011, 01:37 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (20)

All Bros,

I am uploading all 3 DVDs. Hope it will be useful for all members. The 003 part of DVD2 was re-uploaded. The 014 part of DVD3 also re-uploaded.


Hi Everyone,

I am re-upload the DVD3 as some of previous links are invalid.

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Posted by: lakygaber - 11-22-2011, 04:10 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (8)

Friends , i need tuned (modified) file for high performance for BMW 320D E46 136 HP from 1999, ECU type is 2.0D Bosch DDE3.0 K-Line .if anyone can help, thanks in advance.

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Mercedes Benz Sprinter 906 2007 Assyst
Posted by: andkl2 - 11-22-2011, 02:56 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

Hi! Prompt as correct oil change on Sprinter 906 95640 memory, or tell me where they are in the dump. Thank you!

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Fiat Climatronic Diagnostic
Posted by: Puszeq - 11-22-2011, 01:15 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (4)


I Need diagnosis climatronic in my fiat stilo, propably i have damaged activators. What program i need ?
( sorry to my language)

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Mercedes Benz Frenchy and DAS
Posted by: plouf30 - 11-22-2011, 12:18 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - No Replies

I'm frenchy .... my english is not good...
I buy a Mercedes C200 CDI W203 and I'm very happy...
I want to "flash" my C200 to C220... but I can't access to my ECU
I ave a OBD2 cable ... I ave 38 pins adaptator ... but nothing ....
DAS software saye me 'installateur non authorisé"
Help me please ...

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Chevrolet Chevrolet Europe TIS (09.2011) - (10 Languages)
Posted by: TestPoint - 11-21-2011, 10:29 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (2)

Chevrolet Europe TIS (09.2011) - (10 Languages)

[Image: captura1r.png]

[Image: captura1v.png]

[Image: captura2e.png]

[Image: captura3.png]

[Image: captura4o.png]

[Image: captura5p.png]

Quote:Chevrolet TIS / Daewoo TIS (Chevrolt Europe) repair manuals for Chevrolet – Matiz / Spark 2006-2010, Kalos / Aveo 2006-2010, Nubira / Lacetti 2006-2010, Tacuma / Rezzo 2006-2010, Evanda / Epica 2006-2010, Captiva 2007-2010. Chevrolet Repair manual of a body, Chevrolet Electric schemes, Chevrolet Management on working hours, Chevrolet Preselling service, Chevrolet Management on maintenance service.

In the catalog of Chevrolet TIS Europe will get comprehensive information in ten languages to build the Chevrolet Europe: Guide to repair, maintenance, diagnostics, electric circuits, body size, decoding diagnostic fault codes DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes)

Year: 2011
Size: 7.3 GB
Version: September 2011
Platform: Windows all
Compatibility with Vista: complete

Guide to repair the body
Electrical circuits
Guidance on working time
Guidance on maintenance

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