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Opel ECU Reflash with GlobalTis
Posted by: Speedy79 - 09-19-2011, 01:46 AM - Forum: GM Group Opel-Vauxhall, Saab, Chevrolet, GM USA, Chrysler Discussions. - Replies (3)

Hello, I hope anybody here can help me.
I would like to reflash a control unit with GlobalTis but the problem is that same software exists on modul.
Give it a workaround to reflash a modul with same software?

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Mercedes Benz wis asra 072011
Posted by: ahmad88jo - 09-18-2011, 10:44 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (1)

dear all,

first i wanna thank you for this awesome forum , and i wanna request the wis asra 07 2011 on the torrent if you can .

and am a software developer if you need anything guys that i could help you with don't hesitate to ask me .

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes 7226 gearbox
Posted by: webmaster - 09-18-2011, 07:12 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (5)

Dear all,

The 7226 gearbox with two modes automatic and sequential, what I want is when I select the first gear I need it to stay on the first until I select the second gear even if the RPM goes to maximum.

Can this be done on DAS (Dev.)?

Thanks and regards.

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Nissan Nissan SuperCode
Posted by: Orevin - 09-18-2011, 05:49 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (4)


Quote:Use this software to convert the Body Control Module Serial Number on the vehicle to the Actual PIN Code for the vehicle.

A tester is required to program the key.

Several models now have these Body Control Modules that have their own unique Serial Number. In most cases just pop the fuse panel door and read the BCM S/N on it and use the Nissan SuperCode software to convert it to the PIN Code needed for programming new or additional keys.

Works on WIN-98, WIN-ME, WIN-2000, WIN-XP, VISTA & WIN7.

2003 through 2008 models

I have it installed on WinXPP and Win7-64. Serial number is included in text file.

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Opel Opel Bmw Navi DVD 2011 High
Posted by: iginko79 - 09-18-2011, 03:38 PM - Forum: Automotive Navigation Discs. - Replies (4)

Links here...

Edit By Admin Patrian

Thanks for Sharing Sir! Tup
BUT, please read the MHH Rules! Kolo
Rule #7

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Opel Bmw Navi DVD 2011 High.txt

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Mercedes Benz Check SDconnect Help!
Posted by: ime-actia - 09-18-2011, 12:17 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (4)

Check SDconnect Help!

MMAUTO advanced members ......Kolo

Today I have completed the installation of DAS and XENTRY 07.2011.

I will use SDconnect.

However, DAS Cal.ini and XENTRY Cal.ini compare file contents were different. Sadsmile

Attach a photo if you have problems looked to me for advice. Listen

Good luck to all .......... Big Grin
Thank you.


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Posted by: Jeff_Spicoli - 09-18-2011, 05:06 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (3)

I installed Xentry-Das 7-2011 and when using Xentry Sim it won't scan for codes it says "Xentry Diagnostics data sectors are incomplete or faulty" Also when i choose a individual module it says "Unknown communication error". Does it mean Xentry won't work? Das sim seems to work fine sometimes it has errors to but it seems to finish the job. Also a box pops up saying Xentry sim and shows the the first module on the list but stops responding. After i close it all these problems happen. Has anyone else have this problem.

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AA+MHH Ferodo catalogue download
Posted by: dannychen0312 - 09-18-2011, 03:15 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (10)

hi all memebers:
do you know where i can find the Ferodo electronic catalogue download? thank you very much.


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Renult renault clip help needed
Posted by: dichar - 09-18-2011, 01:13 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (4)

hello, I have a problem renault clip probe cloned Chinese, when I connect to the OBD ISO does not light, and no communication with the probe, can anyone help me fix thank you

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Mercedes Benz XENTRY - DAS Installation and Errors Help Links
Posted by: flash - 09-17-2011, 08:43 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (27)

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes WIS (07.2011) FINAL + WIS (09.2011) UPDATE
Posted by: TestPoint - 09-17-2011, 07:29 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (12)

Mercedes WIS (07.2011) FINAL + WIS (09.2011) UPDATE

[Image: captura5l.png]

[Image: captura6h.png]

[Image: captura4w.png]

[Image: captura6i.png]

[Image: captura7y.png]

Quote:Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
The WIS net DaimlerChrysler AG's aim is to improve the electronic availability and usefulness of the workshop documentation (e.g. repair, maintenance, basic data, wiring diagrams and in part also documentation organization) of Mercedes-Benz and smart products by optimizing access and presentation.
WIS net also offers integration to neighboring task areas such as e.g. definition of work units and flat rates using ASRA, and damage coding on one workstation.

Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
The following criteria have been taken into consideration:

* Modern electronic information system to replace the microfilm and paper media.
* Faster document search and display. Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simplification of document search in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simple system operation. in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Access option to vehicle-specific data (vehicle datacard of EPC system).
* Vehicle-specific documentation finding. in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simplification of warranty settlement by integrating the damage coding in WIS.
* Documentation access using operation number in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Definition of work units or flat rates using ASRA in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET

YEAR: 2011

NOTE: You must install Mercedes WIS 07/2011 (Base Discs) first, before installing 09/2011 (Update Disc)

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Mercedes WIS 07.2011 FINAL + Mercedes WIS 09.2011 UPDATE.txt

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Posted by: uratzelul_flo - 09-17-2011, 01:30 PM - Forum: Other Discussions. - Replies (2)

Salut for a,, mhhauto member
I have some problem with caterpillar sis,i cant see picture.Anywoan have solution for this problem?

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Citroen Citroen C5 need help
Posted by: DjRomeo - 09-17-2011, 09:56 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

Hello all,

I need help for citroen C5 2005year 2HDI .
Need BSI virgin file,meybe some one can help me?

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Mercedes Benz INSTALLING EPC 7-2011
Posted by: Jeff_Spicoli - 09-17-2011, 07:24 AM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (17)

I was asking what folder should i install EPC but after installing WIS no folder has room. Can i run EaseUS partition and add another partition without screwing up what i have already installed?

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes-Benz WIS/ASRA 07.2011
Posted by: hoaluly - 09-17-2011, 06:14 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

[Image: 1331921.jpeg]

[Image: a60ff7.jpg]

Mercedes-Benz WIS/ASRA 07.2011 | 12.02 GB

The WIS net DaimlerChrysler AG's aim is to improve the electronic availability and usefulness of the workshop documentation (e.g. repair, maintenance, basic data, wiring diagrams and in part also documentation organization) of Mercedes-Benz and smart products by optimizing access and presentation. WIS net also offers integration to neighboring task areas such as e.g. definition of work units and flat rates using ASRA, and damage coding on one workstation.

Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
The following criteria have been taken into consideration:

* Modern electronic information system to replace the microfilm and paper media.
* Faster document search and display. Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simplification of document search in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simple system operation. in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Access option to vehicle-specific data (vehicle datacard of EPC system).
* Vehicle-specific documentation finding. in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simplification of warranty settlement by integrating the damage coding in WIS.
* Documentation access using operation number in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Definition of work units or flat rates using ASRA in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET

YEAR: 2011
Filename: WIS_FULL_0711_1of2.nrg 4.44 GB (4774461596)
WIS_FULL_0711_2of2.nrg 7.56 GB (8126627996)


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BMW X3 Dump file
Posted by: devil007 - 09-17-2011, 03:49 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

Hi I need the virgin dump file for 2007 BMW X3 Instrument cluster.
The vehicle is equipped with:
Manual gearbox
2.0 diesel

The dump file I got caused the cars traction light to come on, fault stored in the streering sensor is : incorrect version. erase fault, reinitialize streering, light goes off. switch off ignition for longer than 5 min and the light comes back on. Fing20

any advise or a dump file

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes EWA-NET = WIS + EPC 7.2011 (FULL Version)
Posted by: Patrian - 09-17-2011, 03:37 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (114)

Hello to all MHH m8's... Smile

Well as i saying ALWAYS, NO too much comments about the products for Miss Daimler! Big Grin

Here it is the FULL Mercedes WIS/ASRA 7.2011 Version! Pc

[Image: 34y4qa0.jpg]

[Image: 2lcvdj7.jpg]

[Image: 15x7its.jpg]

So, Enjoooooooooooooooy people! 653

My Best Regards! Cheer2

Finally, as ALWAYS the 2 "Rabbits" = The BEST "Game"! 049

EDIT 2/3/2012
NO MORE any Links! Listen
Good Luck ppl!

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AA+MHH I want to learn to do immo off. pls help
Posted by: gnoik1 - 09-17-2011, 01:43 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

Hello friends.
I want to learn how to decode immos and would need some help to get start. As i understand the VAG is the most easy cars to start with. what tools do i need? are there any instructions on how to find right chip?
kind regards Peter

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Mercedes Benz W210 ABS and ASR
Posted by: webmaster - 09-16-2011, 10:37 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (10)

Dear All,
W210 model 1996 the ABS and ASR lights are ON Sadsmile
I have Checked the ASR ECU The fault is CAN NO RECEPTION FROM THE EFP N4/1 Or fault in EFP.
I went to the EFP I Found no fault! 39 but by reading the parameters I found that no RPM Read from the FRT LH Speed Sensor, and one more the stop lamp switch reads Wrong While in the ASR ECU THE PARAMETERS READING IS CORRECT!!
Another thing the CAN between the EFP and ASR is correct!

What do u think the problem is??
Any suggestion would be much appreciated.

Thank you all in advance.

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Mercedes Benz How to ... connecting Online Update BG ....
Posted by: hupelmann - 09-16-2011, 09:20 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (9)

I think i have no Connection for Onl.Upd.BG
I klick the Button and nothing runs.
How i can configure the Connection for Onl.Upd.BG ?

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AA CAT Need instal instructions CAT SIS 2010
Posted by: iulian.butoiu - 09-16-2011, 08:35 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (9)

I have downloaded the filles in the Caterpillar SIS 02.2010 Full.rar
What can I do in order to install this sofware. I don't found any executable file.
Thank you in advance.

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Mercedes Benz COMMAND APS
Posted by: vkarahan - 09-16-2011, 05:35 PM - Forum: Automotive Navigation Discs. - Replies (7)

please share any link navigation europe thank you

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Mercedes Benz SCN coding
Posted by: thanos - 09-16-2011, 04:52 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (3)

Does anyone knows the way to make a SCN coding offline to an automatic trasmission in A class 168031?? I changed the FGS an i can't make an offline SCN coding to work!!!

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes-Benz EPC EWA net 09.2011
Posted by: hoaluly - 09-16-2011, 03:26 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (15)

[Image: 3436851.jpg]

Mercedes-Benz EPC EWA net 09.2011 | 11.12 GB

Mercedes-Benz EPC EWA net, electronic spare parts catalogue consist original spare parts catalogue, all models cars, trucks, buses Mercedes-Benz, all markets, Smart & Maybach also including. Mercedes EPC net represents the latest development in EPC Flexible Publishing.

EPC net is available both online and offline.
All the functions available in EPC Flexible Publishing have been fully integrated into EPC net. The modern user interface applying standard Windows rules serves to significantly improve user guidance and navigation.

Modern user interface using standard Windows rules
Users will immediately note the modern user interface and the simple navigation using standard Windows rules.
You can open functions using the icons (a) or the Menu bar (b).
Tooltips are provided to explain icon functions ©. Hovering the mouse pointer over an icon causes the tooltip to appear with a description of the icon's function.
The combined pull-down menus (d) with input fields are available in EPC net for simple navigation within the catalogs/groups/subgroups.
You can use your mouse or keyboard to operate EPC net. Most of the keyboard shortcuts used in EPC Flexible Publishing are also used in EPC net.

For parts identification, EPC net requires at least a 6-digit model designation.
Ideally, parts identification should be done using a vehicle identification number so that the datacard can be used in the process. The datacard must be used when looking for parts that are color-specific or where the search depends on what equipment is installed in the vehicle.

Reduced number of windows
Functions that were spread over several windows in EPC Flexible Publishing have been condensed onto one window in EPC net.

The EPC net window is subdivided into the following sections:

Mercedes EPC net Picture
The picture has been supplemented with different zoom functions, and can be shown in a separate window using the icon.

Mercedes EPC net Parts list
All the part numbers for the entire subgroup are shown in the parts list.
Footnotes and code information (passenger cars), SA/component information (commercial vehicles) and construction kit information (BUS) can be displayed via links in a separate window.

Mercedes EPC net Shopping list
The contents of the shopping list (e.g. quantity) can be changed directly in the individual columns.

One important new feature is the "Show part context" function. When you reopen a saved shopping list you can click on the part designation in the form of a mouse-sensitive blue link to extract the part context directly from the shopping list.This saves you the trouble of reentering the vehicle data and the group/subgroup.

Mercedes EPC net List overview
The "List overview" can help the EPC net users with shopping list administration.
Saved shopping lists and a "temporary shopping list" can be used at the same time.
The icon can be used to create, show, delete, copy and print shopping lists.

The active area of the EPC net window is marked with a red frame.
You can change the size of the individual EPC net window areas via the respective dividing lines. Double-clicking on the dividing line between the picture and the parts list causes the picture to be arranged above the parts list.

The , and icons can be used to show/hide individual areas of the EPC net window and to individually change the column widths as required.

EPC net is available both online and offline
The various options at a glance:
Online server operation via Internet or intranet.
Local installation: offline operation for day-to-day use - updates via online downloads.
Offline mode: updates from DVD.

Advantages of spare parts catalogue Mercedes-Benz in EWA net interface.

Description of work in electronic spare parts catalogue Mercedes EPC net EWA.

NOTE: This is Mercedes EPC 09/2011 (Update Disc).
You must install first Mercedes EPC 07/2011 FINAL, then install EPC 09/2011.


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Mercedes Benz (EDIT) Cant Install Das AddOn
Posted by: hupelmann - 09-16-2011, 01:39 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (3)


This AddOn is not installable on....
CD Relaese 2004-1
Setup will aborted

1399 and 1683 to......
2004 ?

I use 1/11.

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Mercedes Benz Das Xentry Fault (2.75) -3.175
Posted by: @teko - 09-16-2011, 01:23 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (1)

I need fix this error (2.75) -3.175 in xentry 03/2011,
Please help
Thank you

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes EPC (09.2011) - UPDATE VERSION
Posted by: TestPoint - 09-16-2011, 10:47 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (15)

Mercedes EPC (09.2011) - UPDATE VERSION

[Image: captura22n.png]

[Image: captura3gu.png]

[Image: captura4z.png]

Quote:Mercedes-Benz EPC EWA net, electronic spare parts catalogue consist original spare parts catalogue, all models cars, trucks, buses Mercedes-Benz, all markets, Smart & Maybach also including. While WIS is an application repair all Mercedes-Benz cars. Mercedes EPC net represents the latest development in EPC Flexible Publishing.

Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
The WIS net DaimlerChrysler AG's aim is to improve the electronic availability and usefulness
of the workshop documentation (e.g. repair, maintenance, basic data, wiring diagrams and in part also documentation organization) of Mercedes-Benz and smart products by optimizing access and presentation.
WIS net also offers integration to neighboring task areas such as e.g. definition of work units and flat rates using ASRA, and damage coding on one workstation.

Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
The following criteria have been taken into consideration:

* Modern electronic information system to replace the microfilm and paper media.
* Faster document search and display. Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simplification of document search in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simple system operation. in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Access option to vehicle-specific data (vehicle datacard of EPC system).
* Vehicle-specific documentation finding. in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simplification of warranty settlement by integrating the damage coding in WIS.
* Documentation access using operation number in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Definition of work units or flat rates using ASRA in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET

YEAR: 2011


NOTE: This is Mercedes EPC 09/2011 (Update Disc).
You must install first Mercedes EPC 07/2011 FINAL, then install EPC 09/2011.

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1.07 KB
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Mercedes Benz i cant connect sdnetconnect see picture
Posted by: nesiuru1 - 09-16-2011, 04:14 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (1)

my sdnetconnect is in chinese, please,
any idea how i can put it in english, its a vmware app

thanks again

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Ford Ford/Mazda IDS v74 (07.2011)
Posted by: wacko70 - 09-16-2011, 01:51 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

[Image: fordIDS72.jpg]
Ford/Mazda IDS v74 (07.2011)

The Vehicle Commnication Module (VCM) is a high performance, ruggedized, vehicle serial communications gateway. This device provides multiple vehicle serial communication interfaces to meet the requirements of all Ford Motor Company vehicles.

The VCM unit is housed in a magnesium enclosure with a tough, protective, plastic cover for the PCMCIA expansion slot which can, for example, be used for wireless LAN cards or memory expansion. The VCM device contains five LED status indicators to provide the user with a visual mode of internal VCM, vehicle, and host device (e.g. NGS Classic’s T-Handle, PC, Pocket PC/PDS, and Laptop/IDS) operation. The VCM also has detachable cables for connection to industry standard high-speed host interfaces as well as to the vehicle under test. The VCM 2007.7 DVD includes both IDS (Integrated Diagnostic Software) and PDS (Portable Diagnostic Software) tools.

Product Contents
• Cables
• Case

Product Details Application Overview: Integrated Diagnostic Software (IDS) is the next generation diagnostic tool. IDS integrates WDS software modified to run on an off-the-shelf laptop with the Vehicle Communication Module (VCM) currently used in NGS+ and PDS, and a new Vehicle Measurement Module (VMM).

Vehicle Diagnostic Connectors: The VCM 16-pin DLC cable is used to connect the VCM to the vehicle. The VCM and VMM connect to the laptop through the Ethernet-USB Adapter Cable (H406/H416).

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Ford-Mazda IDS v74 (07.2011).txt

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AA JCB JCB Service Parts pro 1.08.0001
Posted by: brlight - 09-15-2011, 11:38 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (2)

Hi, does anyone has this software available for share?Hope anyone has it, thx in advance.

P.S.-Sorry sixcode and thx for moving it.

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