suzuki liana 1.4ddis 33970-73J** delphi 95020
or work dump ecu+immo(33920-73j** mpc555+95160 delphi + 33970-73j** 95020 delphi)
liana-ecu-delphi-95160.rar damaged ecu (not work in new ecu)
some can help us to re programming the ECM of perkins 1300 series or navistar dta530e, we have the sercicemaxx pro but not change, this parameters, is grey and not open the windows, Rpm set, power set, and not permit the swichble from 1500 rpm(50HZ) to 1800 rpm(60HZ), if some body help us we have possible escange help about Cat ET factory password and more, regards Giovimo 80
hello guys
i installed the das/xentry 01/2011 succefully and connect to vehicle without any problem but in intal process of connection the the BLUE Screen is coming up and PC will be restarted!!!
1- i use PCMICA card
2-with USB to RS232 no problem but so slow
i install the driver multi time but same problem!!
dear m8
i try to make key for e60 bmw , i read the 9s12dg256 mcu on board using etl 912 programmer , i save dump is 4kbytes then use hitage 2 to make key using 7936 chip but it says bad eeprom configuration , please somebody help and check my file or where is my mistake
update :
the dump aws right , just my hitag2 has problem
The databases of WIS net and EPC net are maintained in a very similar way. Since there is no difference except the starting tab on the dialog, both parts will be described in a single
Influence the installed Database status
On the EPC net / WIS net Screen in the Administration Tool it is possible to see the current state of the running database. If no database is installed, the traffic light will be off. If the database itself is working and the database service shows a good status, it will show a green traffic light. Else the traffic light will show a red status.
Use the “Start” and “Stop” Buttons to shutdown / start the database and the Transbase service.
Database “start” and “stop” is not simply starting and stopping services. A “stop” always also stops the corresponding TransBase multiplexer service. And “start” always starts both the database engine and the TransBase multiplexer service.
Picture 3: EPC net Administration of Database
Install new Databases
EPC net / WIS net database installation requires a valid License String entered in the admin interface of EWA net. You can go to the interface either by selecting “EWA net Admin” from your Favorites “EWA net” folder or directly by its URL http://localhost:9000/EWA-net/Admin. An explanation for entering a License String is provided in your Admin Guide.
To install a new database into the running application, use the “Install” button. This will start the process of copying the needed database files from DVD to hard disk and attach the databases to the running service. Once a database is installed, the button will be labeled as "Update" to indicate that this action will update the running database.
After the button is pressed, the tool will ask you to insert an EPC net / WIS net data DVD to any DVD drive of your machine. For EpC net it will try to read the “FDARequest.cfg” file which is normally in the folder “MBXX\cfg” of any data DVD. For WIS net the program tries to find the "WISCD000" file in the folder "wis" of the DVD root.
Picture 4: Admin tool requests the data DVD configuration file
If the DVD is inserted just press “OK” - the Tool will search all available drives in PC for the configuration file. If you already had a valid data DVD of EPC net in one of your DVD drives, the tool will have skipped this dialog and started installation immediately.
If the files should be installed using a network share, use the “Browse…” button and navigate to the corresponding folder on the network share and select the “FDARequest.cfg”/"WISCD000" file in the folder “MBXX\cfg”/"wis" relative from the DVD root.
The Tool will also search all hard drives and mounted Shares for data DVDs.
After the configuration file has been read successfully and the database files could be found, the tool will request to select a target drive for the database content. Select one or more drives where all database files should be copied to and click “OK”. The dialog will also show how much space is required on the destination drive.
Picture 5: Selection of the target drive for database content
The next step in the copy process is to start to copy the ROM files to hard disk. If the source DVD can not be located in any drive of the PC, the Tool will ask for a source for copying the files.
Picture 6: Selection of ROM file source
In this dialog, please select the DVD root directory when the tool requests a file. The path inside the media is searched automatically. If a network share is used as file source, please point to the folder which corresponds to the original DVD root.
The copy process will be visualized with a progress. Please wait until all data has been copied or the Tool asks you for further media.
Picture 7: Copy Progress Dialog
After all database ROM files have been copied, the tool will proceed with the following steps:
Test all copied ROM files for consistency This step will verify that all files have been copied successfully
Picture 8: Database test Dialog
Ask for confirmation to attach the new files to the running instance Please press “OK” here to go on with the installation process.
The Tool will attach all new database files to the running instance. Please wait until the tool has finished this step.
After these steps have been completed successfully, it will show a notification that all needed databases have been copied and activated successfully. The traffic light for the EPC net / WIS net database status will turn to green now.
Picture 9: Successful installation of a database
Update existing Databases
The update of database content will almost use the same installation process like the initial installation of the database.
The difference in the update step is that you are requested to insert the DVD which contains the setup into any DVD drive. During update the normal setup will be called to update software resources. Please select the appropriate folder where the setup.exe is available if the files could not be found automatically.
When updating the server, you should ensure that no user is using the applications. Users can continue working while database ROM files are being copied to the hard disk. But after finish of this process the server will be shutdown so users might lose important data.
Delete a Database
Database can easily be deleted from the system by clicking on the “Delete” button. This button will delete the currently active database.
Be sure that you notify all users to save important data and to log off from the system as they might loose data when the database will be deleted.
Switching databases
When a database set was updated, the older version will be kept as backup database. With the activate database button it is possible to switch the backup and the active database. The former active database will be kept as backup.
Be sure that you notify all users to save important data and to log off from the system as they might loose data when switching the database.
Applying Daily Updates for WIS net Database Configuration and Manual Run
The WIS net database provides the ability to apply incremental daily updates.
To use this functionality you need additional files which are supplied via ManageSoft. This is only available if you use the online update mechanism. Additionally your license need to enable this feature in the application.
Picture 10: Start Dialog to configure WIS net Daily Updates
Click on the "Daily Updates..." button to configure the settings for daily updates in WIS net. A dialog will appear and give you additional configuration options. If this button is disabled, the database is not active or the license does not permit the use of daily update data.
Picture 11: Configuration Dialog for Daily Update settings
This dialog provides the following options:
ManageSoft Path Checkbox: If ManageSoft download client is installed on the same machine like EWA net, this check box will be enabled. Check this check box to use the configured download path from ManageSoft client. If ManageSoft is not installed on this machine, the check box will be disabled. In this case you need to specify the path manually.
Path: The path selection is disabled if the ManageSoft checkbox is checked. If ManageSoft client is not installed on the EWA net machine, you need to specify the path where daily update files are downloaded to. The specified path must be the root of the ManageSoft download files (usually C:\LauncherCache). The Admin Tool excepts that the specified folder contains a folder "Common" which includes the folders of downloaded packages like "Daily-update_WISnetDocuments_DE", "Daily-update_WISnetDocuments_EN", ...
Checkbox for Automatic Installation: If this checkbox is marked, the daily import will triggered automatically whenever a new database for WIS net is installed or a backup database is switched to active database.
Run Now Button: If you click this button, the daily import will be triggered manually. If this button is disabled, the configuration is not valid. Please select a language and a valid path.
The configuration for daily updates in Admin Tool does not automatically enable a daily based import of the data. Please take a look to the following chapter how to enable a schedules import by using the Windows Task Scheduler.
Running Daily Imports Scheduled
To run daily imports you need to schedule a job in the Windows Task Scheduler which automatically applies the newest received data to the database. You need to configure manually a Task for running the import (i.e. via Start →Programs → Accessories → System Tools → Scheduled Tasks.
The executed task needs to run in the folder [EWA_HOME]\wis_case_online_importer.
The executed command is: bin\run_mimport.bat <path> <language>
<path>: Specifies the path (folder) where the import files are located.
<language>: Language code to import to database. the following language codes are supported: Language CodeLanguage
d - German
e - English
f - French
i - Italian
ndl - Dutch
s - Spanish
Example Call: bin\run_mimport.bat C:\LauncherCache\Common\Daily-update_WISnetDocuments_DE d
- If you want to import multiple languages, you need to run the script for each of the languages.
- You cannot call the script with arguments in Windows Scheduled Tasks. Therefore the best is to write your own small script which calls the importer for you. Then simply make this script part of your scheduled tasks.
Sample Windows script importing the German and English documentation updates which you may use as a template for own scripts - simply store it anywhere on your disk and make this a scheduled task. The parameters you have to change according to your local installation have been highlighted. Basically you have to configure the correct EWA net installation folder and the directory where your update packages for the daily updates have been stored.
Wiping all Database Content
To wipe out all existing database files for both WIS net and EPC net it is possible to run the EWA Administration tool in a special mode. This mode will remove all installed instances of WIS net / EPC net databases and their metadata.
To clean all databases and all metadata of installed databases run the program and go to the screen of the corresponding application. Hold down the "Ctrl" key which pressing on the "Delete" button of the screen. You need to confirm the question and then all files will be removed.
Purpose of this document
This document describes the EWA Admin Tool Interface of EWA net which is used to update, manage and maintain the WIS and EPC Databases as well as managing the state of the server. Introduction
Besides the software installation, the applications need to have access to certain databases for content data. This content is not installed within the setup of the software but needs to be updated after installation. The aim of this behavior is to decouple software and data update and minimize the downtime of the applications.
This document describes the use and function of the EWA Admin Tool. The following use cases are documented in this description:
.Start of the Tool
.Starting and Stopping of EWA services
.Installing Databases for EPC
.Updating Databases for EPC
.Removing Databases for EPC
.Installing Databases for WIS
.Updating Databases for WIS
.Removing Databases for WIS
.Wiping Database content (Cleanup)
.Usage of the Tool
.Logging and Troubleshooting Startup of EWA Administration Tool
The EWA net Administration tool can be started using the favorites menu inside the Internet Explorer. This entry is created during installation and is only available on the server.
Picture 1: Start of EWA net Administration tool using the favorites menu
The EWA net Administration tool can be only started on the EWA net server. If the link to this tool is not available, it can be started manually using the command
where EWA_HOME need to be replaced with the directory where EWA net was installed.
Starting, Stopping and Monitoring of EWA core services
With the EWA Administration Tool it is possible to influence the availability of the server and see if it is running. The Administration tool acts as a service monitor and shows if the needed Windows services are running or not.
Within this panel the EWA net server (application server) can be started and stopped. This is more or less a shortcut for the Windows “Services” view.
Also within this panel the user management database (i.e. for specific user data, FIN Cache,…) can be started and stopped.
Database “start” and “stop” is not simply starting and stopping services. A “stop” always also stops the corresponding TransBase multiplexer service. And “start” always starts both the database engine and the TransBase multiplexer service.
If the services are stopped the application server will not be available for all users. Please take this into account when starting or stopping services.
Continue.... Next Thread. EPC net / WIS net Database Maintenance