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  Komatsu D37EX-22
Posted by: soheilgh - 08-04-2011, 01:44 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (2)

Hi all

Dose any body have Komatsu D37EX-22 Service manual and part manual ?


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Toyota Search Toyota Forklift Diagnotic Software
Posted by: xcv44n - 08-04-2011, 01:40 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (3)

Dear All,
I have a Toyota forklift 7FBR15, I had a problem with the display control and a buzzer sounds. there appear error code G3. anyone know what to do?
what software can find the error code?

thanks B4.


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Peugeot peugeout 206 1,4 hdi
Posted by: daniel978 - 08-04-2011, 01:35 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (6)

Hello friends, you can have a file virgin? thanks

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Hyundai help to clear crash hyndai santafe 2010
Posted by: asdf37 - 08-04-2011, 10:15 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

help to clear crash hyndai santa fe 2010
block 95910-0w100
with eeprom 95640

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santafe_2010_95910-0w100 crash.rar

2.65 KB
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Peugeot Peogeot 406 immo off
Posted by: DjRomeo - 08-04-2011, 10:07 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (9)


Need help ,to turn off 406 peogeot 2001year 2,2HDI car immo off .
ECU : Bosch EDC15C2 9644199780/9640938180

Maybe someone has any information about this model immobilizer?

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VW VAS-PC AU v19.33.00 (German) Update
Posted by: wacko70 - 08-04-2011, 12:21 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (2)

VAS-PC AU v19.33.00 Update
690MB | ISO | German

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VAS-PC AU v19.33.00 Update.txt

97 bytes
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Mini immo off kangu 1,2 8v sirius32N
Posted by: amaflo - 08-03-2011, 10:51 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (3)

someone please help me to do immo off the sirius32n kangu 1.2 8v

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kangu 1,2 8v sirius.32N ori.rar

97.65 KB
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Renult immo off renault clio sirius 32N 1.2 8V
Posted by: helmi reguig - 08-03-2011, 07:35 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (4)

immo off siruis 32clio 1.2 V8
hi pls immo off for siruis 32 cut 58 yes or non

hi pls immo off for siruis 32 cut pin 58 yes or non

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Mercedes Benz EPC NET problem
Posted by: codewarior273 - 08-03-2011, 12:24 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (5)

Hi all
i have a problem with epc net,
i put the key on the epc net and after a restart the key is not there.
Actually it reverse to another key that is not valid for this laptop.
so if i try to put a new key then works fine until i restart the machine.

any ideas?

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Mercedes Benz Help read ezs mcu 98 c280 benz
Posted by: peter006 - 08-03-2011, 09:17 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (16)

i am trying to read the mcu inside the ezs on this car, it has zc410729cfu mask 0D69J .... which appears to be MC68HC705X32 , i try to read it using Andromeda programmer on-board same was as i do with mcu inside benz aam, but it does not want to work... any reason i should make some different connection to this one in order to read it on-board?

also, this has the black ir key, it can be updated to new chrome type key no problem? thanks for any help!!!

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Mercedes Benz Tutorial for setting the SD-connect to normal notebook
Posted by: tkinyan - 08-02-2011, 03:27 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (3)

Hi Bros,

There may be some members want to connect his notebook and use the SD-connector with wireless function. Here may be some information is useful.

The notebook should have two LAN and one Wireless Lan. The second LAN can be usb or pcmcia Lan card. The second Lan card is no use after the connection setup was finished.

After prepare the second Lan Card, connect the SD-connect with Lan cable to the notebook. (Which LAN port is not important). Then setup the ip manually with following settings:

No need set any gateway.

After that, use choose START--> Programs --> Service --> SDnetAssist. Follow the procedures and you can set it up.

One point should be remind that the c:\programme\das\bin\cal.ini should change the Part_D or Part_D2 to Part_W.

Best regards,

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Posted by: emsoft - 08-02-2011, 02:50 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

i need remove DPF from ECU polo 1.4 tdi motor BMS my 2008. wich tool i need?

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AA JCB JCB 2CX service manual
Posted by: Foxtrott - 08-02-2011, 12:14 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (7)

Hello Friends i need service manual , dtr to jcb 2cx to repair this machine , please help me , thank You

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Renult Clio Mk1 immobiliser key learn advice needed
Posted by: gregs303 - 08-01-2011, 05:50 PM - Forum: Renault Group Renault, Dacia, Nissan Discussions. - Replies (1)

Hi All.
I've got question about clio mk1 1997 1.2 8v D7F immobiliser( key! not remote no central locking)
Here is the story.
Engine ecu is defective so I've got new one (second hand)with decoder,infra red receiver,and key without remote.(all for the same car)

The problem is that my clio doesn't have central locking ,from remote,and it doesn't have remote.

Is it possible to program my original key to new ecu and decoder with CLIP?

All help will be fantastic.

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Opel Where to find programming details
Posted by: pop_m - 08-01-2011, 03:40 PM - Forum: GM Group Opel-Vauxhall, Saab, Chevrolet, GM USA, Chrysler Discussions. - Replies (1)

Hello everybody
I am looking (for few months now) documentation about programming options in Opel/Vauxhall cars. For example, in Astra H, for daytime running lights you have 5 options to activate this feature, but I could not find details about these options (what each if them is doing). Also, there is an option (again for Astra h) called "Quiescent current optimization", which can be enabled or disabled, but I could not find what this option will do, if activated.
I searched in TIS2000, and could not find these details (maybe I did not look in the right place ? Smile , anybody has any ideea where should I look?
thanks in advance

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Volvo Prosis NT Krac
Posted by: parscon - 08-01-2011, 12:11 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (1)


I need Prosis_NT Krac latest version for VOLVO PROSIS Offline 02.2011 Multilanguage .

Really it will be very big help to me.

Thank you so much .

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AA Bosch-logo Bosch ESI[Tronic] 03.2011
Posted by: wacko70 - 08-01-2011, 03:16 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (13)

[Image: esitronic022011.jpg]
Bosch ESI[Tronic] 03.2011
7.45 GB

Technical information is becoming a decisive factor in ensuring workshop survival, and with our ESI[tronic] software, you get the entire know-how of Bosch available to you in your workshop. ESI[tronic] software is DVD-based technical information that powers our KTS range of diagnostic testers, which can be used on your workshop PC. It is a unique, modular offering, so you can tailor your ESI[tronic] package to the individual needs of your workshop. To ensure that you can also service new vehicles without problems, the ESI[tronic] data is updated 4 times a year .

Bosch ESI[Tronic] Information System represents the extensive catalogue of all production of Robert Bosch GmbH. Catalogue Bosch ESI contains the catalogue of spare parts of all production Bosch, repair manuals, service, wiring diagrams. Bosch ESI tronic software supports all languages, has the good interface, allows to search under number of Bosch parts or any other manufacturer, gives out the information on application concrete spare parts on marks and models .

Electronic catalogue Bosch ESItronic is the valuable grant for those who is engaged in repair and delivery of spare parts for cars and lorries, motorcycles, contains the full information on pneumo, electro and European fuel systems, and also partially American and Japanese lorries .

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Bosch ESI[Tronic] 03.2011.txt

1.39 KB
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AA+MHH UAZ Hunter 2.7
Posted by: teslakg - 07-31-2011, 09:37 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (7)

Hello friends. I need the original or tuning file of an UAZ Hunter 2.7 with 31602-3763010-10 Ecu AM29F010B
Can you help?
Thanks in advance and greetings.

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Hyundai Hyundai Terracan 2,9crdi
Posted by: teslakg - 07-31-2011, 09:32 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - No Replies


Hello friends. I need the original or tuning file of an Hyundai Terracan 2.9 crdi with Delphi 39112-4x51Ecu AM29F200BB
Can you help?
Thanks in advance and greetings.


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AA Bosch-logo ESI 2011 /3 U + U1
Posted by: teedee - 07-31-2011, 09:23 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (7)

Hello. Here are links for ESI 2011/3 U + U1. For pass write me PM. Regards

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esi 2011U_3.txt

762 bytes
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Land+Rover Need IDS Land Rover-Jaguar v126.02 (2011) on torrent
Posted by: launch_vnx431 - 07-31-2011, 02:06 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (6)

Hi Pro!
Any body share IDS Land Rover-Jaguar software v126.02 (2011) on torrent?
Please !
Thanks a lot Allpro!^^

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  porsche bmw toyota jag manuals
Posted by: sparkfly - 07-30-2011, 11:07 PM - Forum: Other Discussions. - No Replies

hope this helps Smile

best regards sparkfly.

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Link manuals.txt

36 bytes
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Hyundai genesis 3.8 2009
Posted by: mehran - 07-30-2011, 04:35 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - No Replies

hi firend
i need PCM pinout & wiring diagram ESP.AIRcon .ECU motor

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Mercedes Benz airbag mercedes classe a
Posted by: cars2011 - 07-30-2011, 03:42 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (3)

Can somebody help me to clear this airbag ?

A169 820 66 26 270 522 103 664
EPROM 95320


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Ambiente de trabalho.rar

878 bytes
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Ford Ford USA ProQuest v5.4.2.0
Posted by: wacko70 - 07-29-2011, 10:08 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (4)

[Image: fordproquest.jpg]
Ford USA ProQuest v5.4.2.0
7.49 GB

Ford USA EPC is the electronic parts lookup system that allows user to easily find OE part numbers. This program has VIN decoding and filtering that allows to only displays vehicle-specific parts information. Ford USA EPC contains information for all US Ford Corp. models of 1980 - 2011 model years.

Ford USA ProQuest Parts Information:
1980-current parts information for Ford, Lincoln and Mercury passenger cars and light trucks.
Decode VINs for passenger car and light truck from 1981-current.

Ford ProQuest Benefits:
Intuitive navigation for both novice and experienced users.
Navigation (Graphical, Keyboard, Shortcuts).
Part text layout similar to paper catalogs for instant familiarity.
Fast, error-free part lookups by Ford Service part number, basic part number, part name, ID number,

Engineering number, VIN, illustrations or group number.
Access to detailed illustrations.
Complete OSI (Obsolete, Supersession, Interchange) part history data information helps you reduce obsolete parts inventory and order the most current parts.
Shortcuts save time for experienced users.
Integration of parts lists with your in-house inventory system eliminates re-entering information and reduces errors.
Improved GCAT navigation.
Integration to D2D Link Parts Locator. Find the parts you need with the Ford EPC and locate and order the actual parts using D2D Link Parts Locator.

Ford ProQuest Features:
Shortcuts save time for experienced users.
Re-sizable windows.
Page through illustrations.
Zoom feature for instant access to enlarged images.
VIN decoding to display vehicle-specific parts information.
Automatically filters to the appropriate engine based on the VIN entered.
Monthly updated price book information.
Year, model and group indexes.
Links between part text and illustrations.
Browse the parts catalog by basic number when the exact part number is unknown.
Page through illustrations.
Outbound faxing of fax text and illustrations directly from the PC (requires phone line).
Instant access to your in-house inventory system.
Capacity to customize parts data by adding your own notes.
Online help screens minimize new user training time.
Online user manual and tutorials minimize new user training time and shows features and functionality.
Print high-quality text and illustrations.

Ford VCIS - U.S.
Parts Information:
1991-current VCIS information for Ford passenger cars and light trucks.

Ford Medium and Heavy-Duty Truck - U.S.

Ford ProQuest Information:
1980-current parts information for Ford medium-duty trucks.
1980-1998 parts information for Ford heavy-duty trucks.

Ford ProQuest Benefits:
See Benefits of Ford EPC - U.S..
VIN Decode for 1980 - current Medium Duty Trucks.
VIN Decode for 1980 - 1998 Heavy Duty Truck.
VBOM (vehicle bill of material) data for 1991- current Medium Duty Truck.
VBOM (vehicle bill of material) data for 1991- 1998 Heavy Duty Trucks.

Ford ProQuest Recommended for:
Corporate, rental and municipal fleets that maintain Ford vehicles .

Ford ProQuest USA Parts Information:
1980-current Ford, Lincoln and Mercury passenger cars and light trucks.
1991-2002 VCIS information for Ford, Lincoln and Mercury passenger cars and light trucks.
1980-current Ford medium-duty trucks (optional).
1980-1998 Ford heavy-duty trucks (optional) .

Ford ProQuest USA Benefits:
Fast, error-free part lookups by part name, ID number, basic number or illustration and access to detailed illustrations.
Complete OSI (Obsolete, Supersession, Interchange) information helps you reduce obsolete parts inventory and order the most current parts.
Shortcuts save time for experienced users .

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Ford USA ProQuest v5.4.2.0.txt

817 bytes
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Opel Peugeot 307 SID 803
Posted by: arvydax - 07-29-2011, 09:44 PM - Forum: PSA Group Peugeot, Citroen Discussions. - No Replies

ori. files for Peugeot 307 2,0l HDI SID803 ( eepr95320 , flash 29BL802CB , MPC 555 flash)

maybe someone needed

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682.35 KB
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Sazki suzuki .bin file
Posted by: gray33 - 07-29-2011, 02:17 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (8)

Hi does anbody have a suzuki .bin file image? i am having trouble with mine.
cheers graham

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BMW Where not to buy INPA DCAN!!!
Posted by: alin17b - 07-29-2011, 01:37 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (2)

Hello dear members,

don't you ever buy from these chinese:


they sold me a big pile of defective cables (INPA DCAN) and they don't want to admit it or refund, I opened now a PayPal dispute maybe something good will drop in the end.

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VW Abrites commander for vag
Posted by: avegood - 07-29-2011, 07:03 AM - Forum: VAG Group VW , Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley Discussions. - Replies (18)

Hello friends,
I need help, i have an avdi device "tag key tool" it's works with abrites software and i had donwloaded vag commander, but when i start application it don't found my device, how to do ? Someone can help me ?tks.

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Mercedes Benz Please Help With Purchase
Posted by: fazooley - 07-29-2011, 05:46 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (4)

Hello everyone. I'm in the market for a star diagnostic machine and not sure whether to go with c3 or c4. I see so many diff versions, some clones, some c4 sd connect its all so very confusing. Basically my questions are the following :
1>Can the same functions be performed on the c3 as the c4?
2>Can the c3 access EIS/ASSYST/ASSYST+/ ETC
3>Can the c3 allow access of tv activation on US DVD based cars?

Do I need the developer model and what is the difference between developer and non-developer.


Would it make more sense to just buy something like MB-Commander from as they pretty much do all of the functions I need and its automated although very pricey.

I'm an extremely technical person, I run a datacenter for a living for the last 15 years of my life so learning anything technical isnt the challenge, making the right HW decision and not wasting money is what I need help with. I work on odometer correction and have decent tools, Smok MDC, MDC X-CAN, EnigmaTool, VagCom, Vag-Tech, Vas5054a etc.. I also do alot of coding for video in motion for VAG Autos, have written discs to activate VIM for AUDI MMI2G/3G, RNSE, RNS510, etc.. If anyone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction I would very much so greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in Advance

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