Renault CLIP - the latest diagnostic tool from Renault. It contains all the latest diagnostic technology and information base to address all issues.
Extras. Info: If the primary installation, follow the instructions, which is attached. If you already have an earlier version, it is recommended to
uninstall and then follow the installation instructions.
It only works with original CLIP adapter or with a Chinese clone, no adapters and KL KKL is not supported.
Renault has developed a diagnosis system called Valise Clip. Hooked up to the car through OBD2 connector, it runs a complete test automatically,
checking a series of parameters and identifying problems that can then be solved.
Program dealer car diagnostics Renault, Dacia, Samsung.
Year: 2011
Version: V112
Developer: SPX
Platform: Win 2000, XP, Vista
Language: English (Multilangual)
Medicine: Present
FULL Instructions :
Before installing please do the following steps:
1. Uninstall previous version of Renault CAN-Clip if you have
2. IF your 1st installation: Run Crack.reg
After installation finish & you will reboot, you will get SPX Registration....
To avoid PERMANENTLY this, do the following steps:
1. Alt+Ctrl+Del (Kill process RSRWin.exe)
2. Delete RSRWin.exe (in C:\Windows)
3. Use Regedit (and Delete "ALL" values with name RSRWin)
4. Reboot your machine!!!
5. NO MORE flash for SPX Registration...
Before your 1st Running with the program make those steps:
You NEED to have 1 Renault Car (and ALWAYS Renault clip running-working)
when you have Renault Car!!!
1. Connect your Clip Sonde Can Interface 1st in your Car (OBD Slot)
2. Turn Ignition ON (NOT Engine running)
3. Connect your Clip Sonde Can Interface via USB cable with your computer
4. Start to installing ALL the Drivers (that they will be appearing) and
you can find those in: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers or from this DVD
in the folder "CAN-Clip Drivers".
5. You must INSTALL 4 Drivers (4 TIMES the same thing)
After you finish, you can RUN now finally your CAN-Clip Software.....
Hello everyone, I have a problem with a Daihatsu Cuore 2004, with immobox behind the dashboard. This car I have only one key and I have no way to reprogram another key, because there is no master key. I need to know if anyone has any info on how I can record this Cuore immo off. Thanks for your help
Juan Carlos
I have a hard time in finding part numbers for tranny oil, engine oil or other fluids in Mercedes EPC. Does Mercedes EPC provide part numbers for fluids ? Or is there another catalogue for those ?
The Vehicle Commnication Module (VCM) is a high performance, ruggedized, vehicle serial communications gateway. This device provides multiple vehicle serial communication interfaces to meet the requirements of all Ford Motor Company vehicles.
The VCM unit is housed in a magnesium enclosure with a tough, protective, plastic cover for the PCMCIA expansion slot which can, for example, be used for wireless LAN cards or memory expansion. The VCM device contains five LED status indicators to provide the user with a visual mode of internal VCM, vehicle, and host device (e.g. NGS Classic’s T-Handle, PC, Pocket PC/PDS, and Laptop/IDS) operation.
The VCM also has detachable cables for connection to industry standard high-speed host interfaces as well as to the vehicle under test. The VCM 2007.7 DVD includes both IDS (Integrated Diagnostic Software) and PDS (Portable Diagnostic Software) tools.
Product Contents
• Cables
• Case
Product Details
Application Overview:
Integrated Diagnostic Software (IDS) is the next generation diagnostic tool. IDS integrates WDS software modified to run on an off-the-shelf laptop with the Vehicle Communication Module (VCM) currently used in NGS+ and PDS, and a new Vehicle Measurement Module (VMM).
Vehicle Diagnostic Connectors:
The VCM 16-pin DLC cable is used to connect the VCM to the vehicle. The VCM and VMM connect to the laptop through the Ethernet-USB Adapter Cable (H406/H416).
Need help from you.
I've in the workshop a Peugeot206 Hdi with fap.
The car is secondhand.The car is chiptuned to
leave the fap and to have more hp.
By the way the chiptuning is worse and the car
run rough with a lot of black smoke, poor mileage
and several error in the ecu.
I want to put in it the original file.
The ecu number is: 0281011560
other number are: 9653958980 1877 0022
1039S06088 RBCMMDEDC16C34CEM
Have you got an original file to put in the ecu.Maybe via galletto?
Thank you very much for your help
I have updated to 07/2011, but my online updates will not install, I can see they download, but when I go to install them I get..
Licence key error!
I have a good Commenlic.dll and Xentry Dev key..
Any ideas? I have reinstalled Xentry twice now..
Note: this is after using the new guide to update from 05/2011 and then uninstalling SDNC and reinstalling to get working SDConnect MUX, but the reinstall of Xentry sould have replace all the files again..
From the version 1.2011 to 07.2011, some users have not the button test caesar in star utilities.
In the version 1.2011 it was possible to arrange installing the star utilities classic or throwing the tkadministration and executing the test from them.
Nevertheless in 07.2011, with both we meet the same problem, though the communication really works, the test rarely does it (really it does it if we disconnect the supply of the mux and happens of availably to without sign), the solution that I have found, at least in my case, it solves the problem of root, allowing to use the test from star utilities since it should be.
The problem of which caesar does not appear the button of the test in star utilities owes to the file starutils.ini located in C:\WINDOWS\zak\Starutils.
Inside the above mentioned file there are specified the locations of the different available tests and during the installation, the test caesar appears to " program files " when in my (Spanish) case it should be " Archivos de Programa", modifying the route, caesar enables the button of the test and in addition the test works 100 % of the times.
To change Program Files into the route corresponding to your language.
Proved in 1.2011 and 7.2011 down vmware.
UPDATE 20/09/2011
Well, we continue advancing:
With the new versions 05.2011 and 07.2011, in vmware, the test caesar was failing almost always with which in case of problems of communication we were not having this tool to solve the problem.
To connect the mux both to the car and to the computer BEFORE throwing the virtual environment, of this form, the test caesar works 100 % of the times (good 99 % someone can fail like it it was doing before ...)
Quote:Year: 2011
Version: 5.2
Language: Multilingual
Tablet: Not required
Electronic Catalogue includes a full program KOLBENSCHMIDT, TRW Engine Components and PIERBURG and thus have access to all directories of products Motor Service with direct access.
Chevrolet EPC 4 (03.2011) - Electronic parts catalogue
Quote:D/DVD : 1 DVD
Date : MARCH 2011
Electronic parts and accessories catalog for Chevrolet Europe vehicles.
The new GM EPC brings powerful new features and functionality to parts counters around the world. Parts professionals from GM Chevrolet Europe and GM Daewoo, other dealers and retailers around the world now use this powerful tool to sell more parts.
Chevrolet Europe Features:
VIN/POC decoding and filtering displays vehicle-specific parts information.
Vehicle and group indexes.
Links between text and illustrations.
Bookmarks enable an easy return to parts information.
Zoom feature for instant access to enlarged images.
Instant access to your in-house inventory system.
Capacity to customize parts data by adding your own notes.
Online help screens minimize new user training time.
Online demonstrations show the most effective usage of major functions.
Print high-quality text and illustrations.
Hello. I have been using tacho v2008 on some cars, but only with the diagnostic adapters. I wonder if anybody have experience to use it by soldering contacts or eeprom. I have a ford c-max 2003 and a ford mondeo 2002 that needs milage correction.
can someone help i cant reprogram vin number on abs computer
i have tech2 error code is c0551 when i enter and change vin number it
always come back (old one)
Hey there guys I'm battling with a car here, CLK 320 (C208) 2001 model
some times mostly in the morning at cold start whien I turn the DAS 3 key the engine wants to turn over but the starter cuts out, components I've tried includes EIS, New key, Eng ECU, K40 relay, The starter relay ground signal which comes from the Engine ECU get temporarily cut from the circuit, the wiring and resistance of the wiring have also all been checked, MB can't seem to pinpoint the problem any ideas from your side, PLEeeaase.
i have a 407 that i bought a chinese key for as i didn't get the remote with the car ..the key works ok but after reprograming the remote and even resetting the bsi all i get is a click from behind the dash and a slight thump behind the middle of the dash then nothing for about a minute until the bsi resets itself . it won't work the centarl locking whatsoever ..any idea's anyone ? i've ran out : )