hello experts.
I did after the successful installation of Xentry 11/12 no more internet connection. Xentry works perfectly. Maybe someone has an idea why this is so. when opening the ie8 is a blank page. in input a web address comes the message this website can not be viewed. there could be no connection made to internet.
many thanks for help
i have bought a china clone hex can vcds interface but im wondering what version of vcds to run with it as the disc that came with it has many versions of vcds on it
will the version 11.11 work ok or will it result in the error of registration i have read about on here.
is there a way to tell what software the interface is programmed to use?
is there a safe version of vcds that runs with the china clones?
Year / Date : 2011 Version : 3 System Requirements : Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 Language : Multilingual Tabletka : None Description : Delphi Diagnostic Equipment CAN Perform the following tasks: . OBD & EOBD serial diagnosis . Reset Service Light . Read & Erase fault Codes for All Systems . (EMS, ABS, SRS, Climate Control, Instrument panel, Immobiliser etc.) . Flight Record function . Live Data . ECU Coding . Component Activation . Parameter Adjustments Equipment Diagnostics supports on over 30'000 Vehicle Models from over 45 Vehicle Manufacturers. Full Coverage system for BMW, VAG, Ford, Peugeot, Ciitroen, Renaullt, Vauxhallll, Rover, Fiat , Volvo, Mazda, Mercedes, Smart, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota, Hyundai ..... and more! Extras. Information : Works with original and clone autocom and delphi interface.
hello all somebody . i have problem with rang rover sport .problem on instrument by coolant motor not running . but when i disconnect coolant temperature run full.please you help me.
Who can tell me where to find information and documents
to begin to understand how to mod the car petrol and diesel?
how to increase the maps and the principles of conversion.
Multiecuscan 1.2R1 is now available!
If you have an earlier version installed on your computer then you don't need to uninstall or deactivate it. Simply download the latest version and install it. It will upgrade your current installation and take the license data from it!
Please note that almost all ELM 327 interfaces produced in the last few months have problems accessing the CAN network. The problem can be easily fixed by simply removing one resistor from the interface. The procedure is covered in the following topic on the forum: FAULTY ELM 327 INTERFACES DE-MYSTIFIED (READ HERE).
multiecuscan is a vehicle diagnostic software with advanced functions. It allows you to perform various diagnostics tasks on the supported vehicles/modules. In order to use the software you need an interface. The following interfaces are currently supported by the software: KL (also known as VagCom 409), ELM327 (1.3 or newer), OBDKey 1.40, OBDLink, ELM Scan 5, CANtieCAR.
Bluetooth OBDKey, ELM 327 and OBDLink interfaces are fully supported but not recommended for special functions (like PROXI Alignment, remote control programming, IMA coding, etc.)!
CANtieCAR is a professional multi-protocol interface with multiplexing capabilities.
multiecuscan currently has three editions - FREE, REGISTERED and MULTIPLEXED. The installation program is the same for all editions. You can download current version from here:
All after update.
Hi i bougth diagun x431 from hong kong but when arrived i tested with some car but not function. when the diagun comunicate with ecu there is error fo comunication with ecu.
the reseller of china give to me new software but not function again.
Please samebody can help to me ?
sn. 980543194400 vo for italy use
Please somebody can give to me software ?
Thanks to all
Hi i bougth diagun x431 from hong kong but when arrived i tested with some car but not function. when the diagun comunicate with ecu there is error fo comunication with ecu.
the reseller of china give to me new software but not function again.
Please samebody can help to me ?
Hi i bougth diagun x431 from hong kong but when arrived i tested with some car but not function. when the diagun comunicate with ecu there is error fo comunication with ecu.
the reseller of china give to me new software but not function again.
Please samebody can help to me ?
I just lost the remote Toyota Land Cruiser 2011 and I still have one, but I do not know how reprogramer another remote. I do not know if this model also PIN code request and how we can reprogram (this model is toyota does not start with the key, he asked that the wireless controller)
I am thinking about buying this tool (original not a clone) has anyone used this with select monitor software? the company says it can replace the oem Hitachi tool is this true...Thanks
I'm new to Diagbox, I installed diagbox 5.02 and it works fine, but whenever I boot my machine up it get me this Eclipse message ! which is annoying me
any body has any idea how to fix this error
I'm trying to read a bsi valeo citroen picasso1.6i with the upa copied the links for nyo 4, and another scheme that gave me another forum but always give me this error: error baudrate. can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? tankyou best regards: Headbang:
It was working fine last time i used it but now it will not connect, it says to connect the interface to the car.
Is there anything i can do to check to see if it's the unit or the software? My car just decided that it's going to have some SMG faults which is typical now this isnt working
The ICOM is listed and i can click on identification start but it's when it would normally readout the vehicle data that it fails.
Hello .... I found a problem with autocomem 2.2012 in connection with the E60/61 BMW 530d ... poorly selected system and therefore can not connect!! Instigated the phenomenon even for you?
Excuse my English!
I would like to read and change the instrument cluster of a VW Tiguan 2007 model.
I would like to ask you, which program I should use and what kind of cable shall I use.
I have heard about VAG K + CAN COMMANDER 3.0 / 3.6
But I am not sure whether or not it will work on thie vehicle. Any help would be appreciated.