Hi everbody
i installed BMW ISIS
need install other software for ISIS
buy ISIS Base CD-ROM can't load package from DVD.
Although I do not have ISTA/D or /P CD-disk
But i can install ETK,Right ?
i ADD ETK-DVD package ,then continue is read failure
who can tell me why ?
someone help me ?
3. You checking that you have COMPACT4 in your Registry and NO COMPACT3, or COMAPCT2, etc!
In registry only COMPACT4
4. You mounting the 2x DVD's/Images about your WIS/ASRA Version.
Two images mounted by DAEMON Tools
5. From the "1of2" or "1of1" Image (depend if you installing FULL or Update Version...) you running the SDSwitch.exe file,
you following your Screen Instructions and you waiting with patience till the Installation to finish!
I'm runing instalation from SDSwitch.exe drom cd 1of2
and after i receive information "No write access for specified installation folder"
So i did cleanEWAinstalation reset system and Tried to use BigDen solution.
1) Right click on folder WIS disc E:
2) Select "Sharing and Security" menu
3) Click on Security tab
4) Select "Users" in "Group or user names:" list
5) in list "Permission for Users" check "Full control"
6) Press OK
and you done)
But it still doesn't help
I spend a lot of time and even reinstall das/xentry from clean twice.
This is my log file
------------------------------ Starting Admin Tool Log Session at 15:36:41 on 24.06.2012 ------------------------------
Information at 15:36:41 : Admin Tool version:
Information at 15:36:41 : Parsing command line arguments /v /wis_sa /nofork /target E: /exclude C: /reboot ...
Information at 15:36:41 : Next argument parsing: /v
Information at 15:36:41 : Next argument parsing: /wis_sa
Information at 15:36:41 : Next argument parsing: /nofork
Information at 15:36:41 : Next argument parsing: /target
Information at 15:36:41 : Next argument parsing: E:
Information at 15:36:41 : Next argument parsing: /exclude
Information at 15:36:41 : Next argument parsing: C:
Information at 15:36:41 : Next argument parsing: /reboot
Information at 15:36:41 : Parsing command line finished. Verifying arguments now ...
Information at 15:36:41 : Application copy reaqired has the value: false
Information at 15:36:41 : Initializing application...
Information at 15:36:41 : Successfully loaded library "NativeCall.dll".
Information at 15:36:41 : Successfully loaded library "ICE_JNIRegistry.dll".
Information at 15:36:41 : Loading property file for star diagnosis
Information at 15:36:41 : Ini file path is: C:\Programme\ewa\dlls\font.ini, string value is: 2
Information at 15:36:41 : Loading en language
Information at 15:36:41 : Attempting to load preffered language: English
Information at 15:36:41 : Bundle path is: C:\Programme\ewa\resources\EWAAdmin_Res.properties
Information at 15:36:41 : Loading Res-Bundle - Target: EWAAdmin_Res, Locale: en, Path: C:\Programme\ewa\resources\EWAAdmin_Res.properties
Information at 15:36:42 : WIS net Transbase is available and accessable.
Information at 15:36:42 : All initialization tasks completed successfully.
Information at 15:36:42 : Starting application...
Information at 15:36:42 : All ok, starting to manage GUI.
Information at 15:36:42 : Standalone - activating progress bar
Information at 15:36:42 : Standalone - Starting installation task
Information at 15:36:42 : Standalone - installation task done...
Information at 15:36:42 : Starting new Standalone installation...
Information at 15:36:42 : Valid WIS installation media found in "J:\"
Information at 15:36:43 : No splitting in subrom files expected
Information at 15:36:43 : Could not find or access wisnethook.ini file on primary WIS installation media. Using default values instead...
Information at 15:36:43 : StarDiagnose version determined to be V4.
Information at 15:36:43 : Trying to set folder permissions for EWA-Dir: "C:\Programme\ewa".
Information at 15:36:43 : Executing in CMD: cacls C:\Programme\ewa /T /E /G U|_ytkownicy:F
Information at 15:36:43 : Trying to set folder permissions for WIS-Dir: "C:\Programme\ewa\wisnet".
Information at 15:36:43 : Executing in CMD: cacls C:\Programme\ewa\wisnet /T /E /G U|_ytkownicy:F
Information at 15:36:43 : Trying to set folder permissions for WIS-TB-Dir: "E:\db\wis\Database WIS\".
Information at 15:36:43 : Executing in CMD: cacls E:\db\wis\Database WIS\ /T /E /G U|_ytkownicy:F
Warning at 15:40:15 : WIS net installation Step 1: Check media and configuration failed!
Warning at 15:40:15 : WIS net installation Step 2: Delete old WIS database failed!
Warning at 15:40:15 : WIS net installation Step 3: Copy all WIS files to hard disk failed!
Warning at 15:40:15 : WIS net installation Step 4: Install new WIS database failed!
Information at 15:40:15 : Starting action for cancelled installation
Information at 15:40:15 : Registry has changed: false, Database has changed: false
Warning at 15:40:15 : WIS net installation Step 5: Carry out correction steps failed!
Warning at 15:40:17 : WIS installation was not completed successfully!
i am trying to install clip v124 on my pc.
it is lenovo e325.
when i was runing windows 7 on it, i install it no problem. but now i put on it windows xp 32 bit, but no go. is says that motherboard is not clip motherboard. i tried with 3 different xp cd-s but none work for me.
When you use this 2012.2 software, you can not use the software 2011 any more is true?????
have many problems with my notebook to use win 7 pirate and I had to install the new win because no iniave pc. had my vci upgrade ar 2012 as my ativacion did not work and it was the second time I ordered ativacion, I decided to put the software 2011 r3, to, I get tempted upgrade
Serial: 35555
Firmware: not loaded
my question is will you get the software again I worked the Firmware 2012.2 worked the vci?
in ali express a seller of the software 2012.2 with actvacion said this
(CDP software update to 2012.02. It still needs activation, you can buy this CD tool to update your cdp +. When you use this software 2012.2, you can not use the 2011 software any more.) http://www.aliexpress.com/item/factory-C...33832.html
is true it ????????????
hello friend's. today i got a ecu from this car....i open it , i do nothing in the ecu and close again. when the plugin in the car , start fan radiator in the second scale and the engine don't start...i pulling my hair guy's.i do not anything on ecu only open and close...
please any suggestion...
thank you for watching my thread..
does anyone ever had a problem like mine? I have a audi a3 1.9 TDI 2001 model 8L, which illuminates the sometimes livel warning of low oil. already changed the sensor '. the problem remains. yes, the engine has oil.
does anyone can help me solve this problem? has anyone had a similar situation?
Is there any way to disable this function for the eeprom?
The dashboard is a VDO and is the eeprom 93C86.
check what is happening now another situation with the same dashboard. when I turn the ignition-on, the displays turn on and off like a flash and the hands of gauges tremble slightly.
Hi, I have a problem with the V130 JRL, the program installed correctly but I do not know what to enter in the "USER ID" and "PASSWORD".
May need a license file?
I am using original OPEL TECH2 device for reading/programing vehicles, when i turn it on screen is scrambled. What could be wrong? I have bought another TECH2 from China but that one can't program new cars...
Is anybody here that would maybe like to sell original tech2 ?