I have the following problem.
Xentry is not working properly.
Once the vehicle is plugged in and I try to read out the fault memory, I get this error message number (1.3) -3.515.2019.
It can not be found all ECUs.
The symbol in the task list does not change even on closed.
I am really desperate, please help.
Maybe someone can solve the proplem with TeamViewer.
I still hang a PDF file where the error is described in detail.
Here is the latest Version of DAS Xentry 11-2012 ( 2 DVD's ).
Password: mhhdas11-2012
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After I get ur requests Ill share all Mercedes 11-2012 soft's ( DAS XENTRY, WIS-EPC and Sdmedia) with you.
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I have been researching on various forums and today stumbled upon MHH and have really enjoyed all the research. Thanks
However, on that same note I am in need of some clarification if one could enlighten.....
First off, I purchased a Vag cable from Amazon. Its a blue Vag OBD cable that installed a driver for hardware: FT 232R UART. If I am correct this is a 409.1 vag cable. Again it is blue in color.
So I was able to get it working with VCDS lite 1.0 (cracked). And it works good but I would like to get a more upgraded version of the software. What are my options software wise.
I also feel like I dropped the ball on the cable and got an out dated one, given it is 409.1 and from what I read it will not work with VCDS 11.11???
If I had to get another cable, where would you recommend I get it and which one?
Can anyone help me with flash file 150-8490 or 150-8466 . 3406E S/N 9WR00921
Perf. Spec.# 0K-1578
Test Date: 1999-06-02
Any TMI data for exhaust temp. would be a great help also. Thanks in advance!
And if anyone does have access to TMI data, I need exhaust temps. for C-18 1000hp@2300rpm S/N CKH00510 Test Spec.# 0K3477
Again great thanks for this!
Hi friend, if need your help for this beep every second, radio and cd works with more beep is displayed on the screen asks for help. Possible to have dump with code or no code. blaupunkt CD 30 MP3 gm 003 056 981 582 7 647 104 310; 25640 ehu2 has MADE IN PORTUGAL uhp THANKS.
Hi all,
who have pls file for mcu Audi dash 4B0920950G D50 09053412021 from A4 1999. I need completly data for dash. I will change mcu.
Read via X-prog.
So I'm trying to read my ECU with MPPS 12 adapter but it can't identify ECU.
When I chose 2.2 or 2.0 HDI engine I get message ECU not found, and if I select 1.6L then it shows in Ecu Data citroen hardware and software number, same numbers for both. If I try to read it message down in MPPS is Security access and nothing happens after.
Any suggestions how to read it?
I wan't to remove EGR and FAP, that's why I need to read it.
anybody can help me generate immo pin codes for my vectra please? I need to change ecu on my zafira. many thanks. And can i retrieve this pin via chinese carprog?
Know anyone this Xentry internal error: (2.99) - 3.112? Version 09/2012. I have been search everything and found nothing. Please help me with a solution.
please help,i have nissan micra ecu bosch 0 261 204 249 ,i need the immo off,the immo box is on top of the key barrel but damadged,attached is dump from 93c46 in the immo box,i have used ffff and remove immo box,but could not work
Hi I need Virgin (clear, renew) dump for ECU MEV17.4 Bosch 0 261 S04 009 Tricore 1766-192F
Original dump is attach
I put 00 in 0000 to 3FFF - not results
I´ve just installed the psa software on my computer (Peugeot DocBackUp and Peugeot SEDRE Backup) succesfully, but when I want to open it, shows up a message on the tool bar "The installed application is out of date, please update it"
I download a PSADateValidator posted in this link: http://mhhauto.com/Thread-PSADateValidat...hlight=psa
but I don´t know how to make it work, as I got the same problem.
Can anybody let me know how to make it work?