could someone generate me a radio code for this one ? It is radio with sat nav the BP number is
BP 0511 5 5408612
and one moire number 7 612 300 511
many thanks
Hi M8!
I uploaded big archive photos from Enigma Tool (about 350mb in .zip).
There you can find many solutions for a lot of dashboards.
Looking link in enclosed file.
Hi M8!
Can anybody help me make synchronization DME-EWS or make immo off?
I install used DME in this car (old DME burned - cannot be read eeprom and flash). And cannot make synchro - becouse haven't T4.
I lost 10 days for this car... But cannot do it self...
Anybody had encountered white smoke issue on HINO K13C ? ,RPM is UP and down with constant pedal, Turbo has been replaced , injector too, boost sensor also replaced
Here it is the NEW & LATEST FAMOUS Toyota Techstream 7.20.037!
Toyota Techstream Europe Region:
Toyota Techstream North America Region:
Toyota Techstream Other (Example: Australia) Region:
Toyota Techstream Japan Region:
For those witch they plan to Install the Toyota TS in the PC witch has ALL READY the Mozilla Firefox Installed,
1st CLOSE (IF running...) your Mozilla Firefox and then go in your Registry and RENAME the Key:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla_X] (for example...)
Now, make your Toyota TS Installation, and when the Installation finish, RENAME BACK in the ORIGINAL stage your Mozilla Registry Key!
This NEW Release has conflict with Mozilla Firefox!
Also, in this NEW Release, the Japan Region covering anymore By Default the English Language!
Finally as always, ANYONE he can use the EASY Workaround Activation Solution Made by Mr. c4U
and covering ALL the Regions: Europe, North America, Other, Japan!
So, all the Credits & the Thanks they goes to Mr. c4U!
Hi there, can anyone help me with a Renault Symbol pincode, i try to read it with mvp pro but is something different in the 2012 version and it dont give me the correct code.
I have buy a real Star compact3 in ebay.
When I try to install DVD Star Diag Software, I have an error.
No starkey Xentry available and it open starkey center.
I have download in this website some generator, i have tru to change starkey center but the system don't want accept my startkey?
Do you know what is the problem? I'm restoring windows with the recovery mode on waiting.
I'm new on here and I've been searching like crazy but have had no answers as of yet. I'm seeing if anyone knows what OBD software will work on my laptop to allow me to see me fuel sunc on my 99 Dodge Ram 1500 5.2 Magnum? I just ordered the OBDLINK SX hardware with the obdwiz software included but I was told this software won't work. Any OBD software guru's out there?
Hi all m8 i need help with crash data removal in suzuki mod #98820zl50a can not find info on this. have not read yet woundering if some one can help with bin file thank you! Or point me in the right direction