Hi does anybody know if its possible to program a spped limiter on to a Fiesta and a connect van ? 56 and 08 models
I have done this on transit but not sure on these models!!
using ford IDS
I have problem with mercedes car.
Car is:
C-Klass (203) Diesel
85 kw
year 2000
The car goes bad, and it is wrong on the control box, but now I've found a used control box with the correct number that I have moved the software 2 eeprom. The car is now fine but the EPC light is on and I get error codes.
You can see on mu picture error codes and eeprom i swap.
I have strange code P1617 Control module or not coded
Car work good now but error codes
Have I done something wrong?
My world is comming apart these days.. I have 2 laptop's and 2 MUX, the harddrive on one of them died last week, now i have problems with the other.
The laptop is a Dell D630 with a china SDconnect.
Xentry 03/2012
DAS 03/2012
It was all working fine last i used the machine.
So.. I connect the MUX to the car (smart 451), and then the lanwire to the mux and computer. Then i turn on the ignition.
In xentry i choose Smart -> 451 -> Diagnostic -> Das opens
in das: Identify car by control unit. After a few seconds some update thing appears and disappears followed by an error.(see att.) Fault (1.2)-2.503.9901. Cannot connect to car.
Presented Your review of the electronic catalog of spare parts for heavy machinery Liebherr.
1) translation sitstemnoe time in 2010, for example every month in the summer
2) montirum necessary disk in the drive (1 drive excavators, two loaders and bulldozers drive)
3) in the window that appears, select the language (English)
4) in the next window Choose:
a) Single station - a program established in part, but the base and the images will be paged in the image
b) Single station with Date - the program is fully established with byzami and images on your computer
in) Serever - not advise fly down key
5) Click Next. The program will pop a little bit, then podumat and give you a window form, it can fill in the form. This window will be a set of a large number of letters and numbers - that seems to copy the Keygen (it today I will try to lay). Push it to form (I Dogan from the Aby-katabry there napiano (button on the left).) The resulting figure is copied in a box form. click Apply and OK.
6) Then a refundable onto your mounted disk. then again, paragraph 3 and 4. The program is installed and running. OPTION 2: 1.Start the programm "SetDate", with All Rights administrator and set up Them to work in Compatibility mode for XP SP3 if you use Windows7 or Vista x64 (This Also Applies to Keygen). "SetDate "must be switched on ALL THE TIME! 2. Install programms (Liebherr Lidos 2009-DVD1/DVD2 ...) without "Web Service client" Cause Service Will Connect to the Liebherr Server and check for expiry Date! 3. Use keygen for serial. 4. During installation or opening Liebherr Lidos 2009 and during operation with Liebherr Lidos 2009, "SetDate" must be switched on ALL THE TIME! Otherwise Liebherr Lidos 2009 crash and you must reinstall them and install again.
My old harddrive with Xentry and das just stoped working, so i have bought a new empty harddrive and instaled a fresh copy of win xp sp3.
Now i need some help to install the rest.
Since i have little or none computer skills/knowledge, i was wondering if someone wanted to make some easy cash. 100$ to the person that can help me install through teamviewer + provide all files necessary.
25$ up front, the rest when instalation is completed and tested.
As said, i have none of the software required, so you will need to provide me with everything. I just have a laptop with fresh xp instalation. My internett connection is 100Mbit, so downloading files should go quick.