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AA TecDoc TecDoc tehnical manuals
Posted by: SALE - 04-30-2011, 04:36 PM - Forum: AllData, Mitchell On Demand, Vivid Workshop, Tolerance Data, TecDoc Disccuisons. - Replies (3)

Is it possible to unlock tehnical manuals in TecDoc 2011/1.
Thanks in advance.

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VW How to code a abs pump on vw golf 1995?
Posted by: gnoik1 - 04-30-2011, 03:32 PM - Forum: VAG Group VW , Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley Discussions. - Replies (8)

Hello everybody!
I replaced abs mainpump on a vw golf 1995´with a used pump. now it has faultcode that it is incorrect coded. I have spoken with vag dealer in my city, and they told me that they need to code online by VAG database in germany, a cost of 150 euro.
are there any solution? I have bosch kts, autocom, old vag-com and some other diagnostic interfaces. please help.
regards Peter

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Mercedes Benz Star Diagnostic
Posted by: curang1 - 04-30-2011, 02:07 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (2)

I search for Star Diagnostic Resource Disk. Please Help Me

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Peugeot info cruise control for peugeot new 107
Posted by: max74 - 04-30-2011, 01:30 PM - Forum: PSA Group Peugeot, Citroen Discussions. - Replies (1)

Hi I want to know if it was possible to mount the cruise control on Peugeot 107 and how to activate it.

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Toyota Needed Toyota Part Catalog DB
Posted by: forumoto - 04-30-2011, 04:04 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (3)

Hi, any body has toyota catalog for sequoia 2002 and above, i will like to get a part number from the catalog

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AA+MHH Launch X431 software
Posted by: ryanpro50 - 04-30-2011, 03:44 AM - Forum: Other Discussions. - Replies (6)

I own 2 machines. One i paid for software updates for the next year. Is there any way to get those software updates to work on my other machine?

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Mercedes Benz Best Way To Backup DAS/Xentry/Wis Hard Drive
Posted by: LeviDenim - 04-30-2011, 03:22 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (4)

Thanks to the help of a couple of great people here I am up and running.
Mux is communicating with two different models.

So can I just clone the drive to an exact same model hard drive and
have that as a backup? Or will there be Hardware ID mismatch issues?

One thing I have learned over the years is backup, backup, backup........

However if it will not work I do not want to put the time into it.

I know the clone drive would boot the Dell D830 I use. I guess the
the mystery to me is would Xentry and DAS launch without authorization errors?
Thanks for any insight.

I just decided to go for it. I used Acronis True Image and made an exact clone to the exact same
make and model of hard drive ans it worked. (sort of)
DAS fired right up no issues.

Xentry did give me the no valid authorization contact the help desk blah blah blah.
I checked the Hardware ID in Starutils and it had indeed changed so the key authorization for
Xentry is somehow tied to to the serial number of the clone drive.
No problem to generate a new key with the new HW ID and it saved successfully. Then I tried
Xentry and DAS again and they popped right open. So now I have my backup. Fing32Rauch15

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Posted by: javiercj - 04-30-2011, 03:04 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

hello friends.
i need.

THE Car IS: citroen saxo


mirelli magneti IS iaw 1ap.81

a clean file to the ECU immobilizer

I need to clean the unit file reset.

programmer and that chip is needed to read it correctly.

thank you very much

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Renult immo off megane dci 1.5
Posted by: dybou - 04-30-2011, 12:48 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (5)

hello all I 'need imo off for this dump megane dci 1.5 year 2003 ECU delphi eeprom 25080

Attached Files

clio dci 25080.rar

765 bytes
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Mercedes Benz Mercedes EPC (03.2011) FINAL + (04.2011) UPDATE
Posted by: TestPoint - 04-29-2011, 11:21 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (35)

Mercedes EPC (03/2011) FINAL + (04/2011) UPDATE

[Image: captura1cp.png]

[Image: captura2r.png]

[Image: captura3m.png]

[Image: captura4qy.png]

[Image: captura5u.png]

Quote:Mercedes-Benz EPC EWA net, electronic spare parts catalogue consist original spare parts catalogue, all models cars, trucks, buses Mercedes-Benz, all markets, Smart & Maybach also including. While WIS is an application repair all Mercedes-Benz cars. Mercedes EPC net represents the latest development in EPC Flexible Publishing.

Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
The WIS net DaimlerChrysler AG's aim is to improve the electronic availability and usefulness
of the workshop documentation (e.g. repair, maintenance, basic data, wiring diagrams and in part also documentation organization) of Mercedes-Benz and smart products by optimizing access and presentation.
WIS net also offers integration to neighboring task areas such as e.g. definition of work units and flat rates using ASRA, and damage coding on one workstation.

Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
The following criteria have been taken into consideration:

* Modern electronic information system to replace the microfilm and paper media.
* Faster document search and display. Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simplification of document search in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simple system operation. in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Access option to vehicle-specific data (vehicle datacard of EPC system).
* Vehicle-specific documentation finding. in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Simplification of warranty settlement by integrating the damage coding in WIS.
* Documentation access using operation number in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET
* Definition of work units or flat rates using ASRA in Mercedes Benz WIS EWA NET

YEAR: 2011

EPC 3/2011 = FULL Version
EPC 4/2011 = 1st Update Version

Archive includes the following files:
* Mercedes EPC 03/2011 - FINAL (3 DVD)
- EPC_0311_1of1_b1.iso - 5,21 GB
- EPC_0311_1of2_a1.iso - 6.37 GB
- EPC_0311_2of2_a2.iso - 5.85 GB

* Mercedes EPC 04/2011 - UPDATE (1 DVD)
- EPC_0411_1of1_b1.iso - 5.85 GB
- Install version 03/2011 first, before installing 04/2011

* Mercedes EPC + WIS Keymakers...

TESTED & WORKING on Windows 7 Ultimate / Enjoy All Wink

Attached Files

Mercedes.EPC.03.2011.Final + EPC 04.2011 Update.txt

3.33 KB
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Land+Rover IDS Land Rover/Jaguar v125.06 (Update 27.04.2011)
Posted by: wacko70 - 04-29-2011, 08:21 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (9)

IDS Land Rover/Jaguar v125.06 (Update 27.04.2011)
12.1 Gb

The Jaguar, Land Rover Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) will be the only equipment that provides complete diagnostic coverage of current and future Jaguar, Land Rover vehicles. The IDS package replaces the Worldwide Diagnostic System (WDS). The IDS application will perform the identical functions of the WDS and allows dealership technicians to diagnose and serviceJaguar, Land Rover vehicles. As the new diagnostic tool, IDS will be required to perform diagnostics on future model year vehicles. One IDS Package is recommended for each WDS in the dealership.

IDS is enhanced WDS software that was modified to run on a standard laptop platform, and utilizes the VCM and VMM. Moving IDS to a laptop helps technicians by integrating access to both diagnostics and service information on a single, powerful machine.

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IDS Land Rover-Jaguar v125.06.txt

4.99 KB
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Peugeot peugeot service box
Posted by: WASSIM - 04-29-2011, 08:17 PM - Forum: PSA Group Peugeot, Citroen Discussions. - No Replies

help me please

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Mercedes Benz Xentry 03/2011 - Not Launching
Posted by: iceman070 - 04-29-2011, 03:22 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (47)

Hello All,

I was wondering if someone can please help me with an issue I am having with Xentry 03/2011. I installed it and had no issues during installation. I have also made sure that the keys were saved successfully as well. Though, now when I launch Xentry, the Xentry splash screen comes up for about 30 seconds and then disappears. I also had Task Manager open and noticed that Xentry.exe stops running after about 30 seconds.

Does anyone have an idea on what I can do to resolve this issue? I am trying to avoid reinstalling Windows and DAS all over again.

Please, please, please help as I am out of ideas at this point. I have tried the timeout fixes, Cal fix, deleted the old key, 222-1 fix, and also made sure that the commonlic.dll files is in the correct place.

I appreciate any help anyone can provide me!!!

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AA+MHH NEED Hitachi Middle EPC
Posted by: david-chen09 - 04-29-2011, 01:09 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (7)

Dear all MHHAUTO.COM member,

Did anyone had HITACHI MIDDLE EPC software for Heavy Machinery?

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Mercedes Benz program charger
Posted by: MACKE34 - 04-29-2011, 12:37 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (7)

Hey! What I need to program what type of Mercedes-Benz car charger? able to tell me something about it?
Thank you! I'm sorry my english not good

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AA+MHH Test data CD and how to Test/repair common rail system
Posted by: phamthuycuong - 04-29-2011, 12:18 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (6)


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Mercedes Benz Mercedes EWA-NET 3-4.2011 (FULL Versions)
Posted by: Patrian - 04-29-2011, 07:50 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (41)

Hello to all MHH m8's... Smile

Well, as always NO to many comments about Miss Daimler! Big Grin

Here it is the LATEST & FULL EWA-NET 4.2011! 049

[Image: 2eob9cw.jpg]

[Image: a3jct2.jpg]

[Image: 167ja7o.jpg]

[Image: 1zlaj37.jpg]

[Image: 14eb98h.jpg]

Best Regards! Cheer2

WIS/ASRA 4.2011 = FULL Version
EPC 3.2011 = FULL Version
EPC 4.2011 = 1st Update Version

EDIT 29/8/2011
NO anymore any Links about EWA-NET 3-4.2011 AVAILABLE!
Anyone he can Enjoy the LATEST EWA-NET 6.2011!

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Opel Opel - Vauxhall GlobalTIS Version 27B & 27E
Posted by: Patrian - 04-29-2011, 06:59 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (59)

Hello to all MHH Members... Smile

Well, in sort...

I posting TOGETHER 2 Versions about Opel - Vauxhall GlobalTIS Version 27 that they existing on Rapidshare Servers! 049

Version 27B:
In this Version as i mentioned many times in different posts, the SI (Service Information) Section, working ONLY with those Languages:

Version 27E:
In this version the SI Section working again ONLY with those Languages:
Greek Smile

[Image: j0jshy.jpg]

[Image: 2zjm846.jpg]

[Image: n1rpy1.jpg]

Installation Instructions:

FULL Instructions FOR ALL:

1. Install GlobalTIS and during the installation click in all windows "Next"!
DO NOT CHANGE anything and leave all AS THEY ARE!

2. When installation finish, 1st DISABLE any Firewall that you have all ready enable! EVEN and Windows Firewall!

3. Run GlobalTIS and go and FILL Dealer info form (anything you wish...) BUT FULL filling!

4. Save your Dealer details

5. ATTENTION: Request key by: E-mail/Fax and it will generated one Registration.pdf file!

6. Save somewhere this .pdf file

7. Log-off now from GlobalTIS & CLOSE it

8. You must found somehow (ANYMORE...) your Subscriber ID & your License-Key by your self!

09. When you receive your ID & your Key, run GlobalTIS, fill those and Click Activate!

10. Click "OK"

Enjoy anyone! 653

Best Regards! Cheer2

Attached Files

Opel GlobalTIS Version 27.0B.txt

6.04 KB

Opel GlobalTIS Version 27.0E.txt

6.2 KB
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Ford 4.6 liter DOHC V8
Posted by: LeviDenim - 04-29-2011, 05:57 AM - Forum: Ford, Land Rover, Rover, Jeep, Jaguar, Rolls Royce Discussions. - Replies (2)

Is Ford using the aluminum block DOHC engine for production vehicles in Europe? I only ask because I have been tuning them since 1997 and if I can help out will do what I can.

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Posted by: autodiagservices - 04-29-2011, 03:34 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (26)

hello mates,

anyone with the subaru select monitor SSM III software?

replies will be highly appreciated.

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Vauxhall Dear scarymistake i need your help
Posted by: nadim malouf - 04-29-2011, 01:18 AM - Forum: PSA Group Peugeot, Citroen Discussions. - Replies (4)

Thank you very much

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Mercedes Benz Cruise Control SMART ROADSTER
Posted by: max74 - 04-29-2011, 12:02 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (8)

i have a Smart Roadster 2004,
is it possible to have a cruise control for this car?


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Ford ford 6000 cd code
Posted by: asliyucegsm - 04-28-2011, 07:22 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (194)

my friends
seri no-v009306

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Mercedes Benz Enter Development menue in Command
Posted by: tomtom0785 - 04-28-2011, 04:25 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (3)

hi m8s!

I just want to ask if somebody knows how to acess Development menue for COMMAND in the newer Models W221 or W216??
Because there are no buttons like in other Models, just the one central steering wheel.
is there a possibility with any other combination??

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Ford Ford IDS72 03_2011
Posted by: rocris - 04-28-2011, 10:27 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (6)

RS links for IDS72 full

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isd 72 03_2011.txt

1.93 KB
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Mercedes Benz Mercedes Das and Xentry
Posted by: moody550 - 04-28-2011, 06:10 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (3)

I am a bit confused on which version I should try to install with the guide that is posted Here. If i were to use the DAS that is posted here is that the full install of das or is it some kind of update? Basically I am looking for which version of das I need to install from scratch with the guide that I need to use with it.

Thanks in advance, Moody

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AA+MHH mitchell on demand 1st quarter 2011
Posted by: thornedog - 04-28-2011, 03:53 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (24)

looking for the new mitchell on demand 1st quarter 2011

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Seat ETKA Seat 7.3
Posted by: nabijalec - 04-28-2011, 02:48 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (1)

I need etka seat 7.3

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Actia-logo Multi-diag ???
Posted by: caballero71 - 04-28-2011, 01:59 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (25)

Anyone out there know how to get the Snap-on Pass-thru Pro EETA113a working with Actia Multi-diag. This J2534 is made by Actia for the US market. I guess it uses non similar serial numbers from the European Pass-thru XS J2534 module. If anyone has solution It would be nice of you to share with me thanks1087

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Land+Rover Defender MY07 Workshop Manual Complete
Posted by: true2com - 04-28-2011, 12:56 AM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (3)

[Image: th.dc40ff0dc4.jpg]

Defender MY07 Workshop Manual Complete.pdf
size (76.5 MB)

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Defender MY07 Workshop Manual Complete.txt

37 bytes
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