Hi, I'm tryng to install my Bosch J2534 Flasher ES6510 in windows 7 but I can't make it work : "This device cannot start - code 10", I already search in the Bosch support page but I can't find drivers for windows 7, only for XP, actually I have the Flasher working well in one laptop wth windows Xp sp3, I can make ECU reflashing without problems in the GM service page and some others, I can use it very well with a few softwares like: Scan XL professional, Honda HDS, Toyota Techstream, Shop Foreman Pro and searching for other softwares.
Hello Mate,
I had one new super vag k+Can V4.8 from china. When I connect it to the car.
Open the beginning screen, click “ok” to enter MENU, but I found that just OK and stop Buttons work, such as Numbers, UP and Down buttons can not work.
I don’t know what happen,
Is there anyone who knows it?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
i want to exchange the Dash from a passat 3c (Fis is defective) 3c 906 872G) with a used one from same type.
I think the eeprom from this dash is crypted. so i can´t read the eeprom an proram the other dash with this file.
Hi guys, I modified this file, but a lot of smoke. It's the first time I made this car and do not know if there is something I'm doing wrong ... Any advice or help?
Hi to All looking for some help with key for insite For the life of me I can't figure out why I can't get the key gen to come up with one that works. Help sure would be appreciated. Almost forgot PC ID 068437B2
Hi, I have a problem! I used to crack mitchell and a few days after I print the diagrams and these absolutely not readable mitchell aillor I install on another computer and install it with the keygen and everything is functional view attachment size pieces jpeg and these in the same way with the printer.
If you notice other entries with its dark the other computer is not dark patch can be added?
Well I believe I found the problem, I install internet explorer 9 since I installed the letters you can not read then try to install internet explorer 8! venai and I do everything at time since it was level explorer 9 so I'll uninstall explorer 9 I give you new
problem found, reinstall internet explorer 8 and SVG viewer and everything gonna be ok the Character will have regained its original
Year : 2007 Genre : The Complete Guide to operation, maintenance and repair Developer : Fiat Auto SpA Language : English, German, and several European Quality : eBook Description : Fiat Idea - maintenance manual for the car service centers . On the drive there schemes of all units of the automobile, electrical wiring, procedures for the removal / installation of individual components. To install the software you need to mount the image as a virtual disk.
Year : 2005 Genre : The Complete Guide to operation, maintenance and repair Developer : Fiat Auto SpA Language : English, German, and several European Quality : eBook Description : Fiat Ulysse eLearn - maintenance manual car for service centers. On the drive there schemes of all units of the automobile, electrical wiring, procedures for the removal / installation of individual components. To install the software you need to mount the image as a virtual disk.
hi heverybody, i need help because normally the eeprom for airbag ecu is normally 95320 and me i have a 25lc320 if you have a clear it's cool i put my ori and my mod thanks
hello I am trying to setup das on t30 from 1 20012 with 11 2012 , and I got this error -5011 0x80040703 , I searched for this error and did not find anything , I tried other patches but did not work .
Hi Mate,
Who has X431 diagun update software?? Serial number is 980541177700, russian version.
I will be very appreciated if one offers to me.
best regards
Hi @ all.
Just updated our ssm III software and firmware.
But now the sdi asks for a production number. Our production number is not accepted...
At the moment we can't use it because of this nag screen.
Perhaps someone had the same problem?
please help, i replace a used cluster i need to correct the mileage the mileage is 108862 i have to put the correct mileage is 81000 miles can anyone help me i need the dump file
First of all, I apologize dearly if I am posting this question and the answer is already within the forum; though I have searched and searched but was unable to find an answer.
So my problem is that when I run Xentry, select GL164 model, DAS launches fine but it always gives an error stating that there was a CAL 872 error and to contact the center. I have tried almost every fix possible, even the new CAL 872 fix in the newguide2i. Nothing seems to be working.
Can someone please please assist me with this problem. I would greatly appreciate it.