Hi Everyone,
Been reading thru the forums here and other sites about SCN coding on Benz vehicles and seems more i read the more confusing it gets
- I have SDS and XSentry, if just update an engine computer, do i need to do SNC coding after? How about other controllers? Different sites and threads give me different answers. If i do the update, does the dealer than do SCN coding? Do they usually do it with out complaining much?
- It seems that if a controller replaced, SNC coding than necessary, anyone using any other source for SNC codes? Is it reliable?
- Been looking into J2534 route, but seems i will only be able to code engine controllers, they do however provide SNC codes, anyone using this route? any issues while using it?
help mi remove FAP for 607 hdi
Fault diagnosis is not FAP
I program eeprom 95p08 no change
that there is software to remove fap?: 533:
thank you in advance
i have a autocom 2.12 release 1 / release 2
but now everytime i open the software popup saying new version available contact you distribuitor.
can anyone tell me how to update software please.
sorry for bad english
Dear all, we would like some help. We install an air-condition to a smart car and we couldn't program it from Das Xentry. So it doesn't work!
Is there any "how to" or "instructions" how to fix it? Do i need any other equipment?
Year : 2008 Platform : Windows Compatibility with Vista : Yes Language : English, German and some European : Not required Description : eLearn - guidance for maintenance vehicle for service centers. On the drive: the scheme of all units of the automobile, wiring, procedures for the removal / installation of individual components.
Year : 2004 Compatibility with Vista: Not required Description : eLearn - guidance for maintenance vehicle for service centers. On the drive: the scheme of all units of the automobile, electrical wiring, procedures for the removal / installation of individual components. Language Multi, not Russian. Extras. Information : The new shell eLearn. From themselves: in comparison with the old version is much more convenient. Correction of defects, such as wiring is automatic.
Interface Actia, lexia, clone, appli_xs_fuji_P10613810A V4.2.2 Ref: 963830 B/, reading and writing was good last week, suddenly stop working,
cant communicate with car C5 MK1 2.2HDI.
USB cable and cable from Actia interface to the car, ok!
Green LED lighting.
The second interface works with my cables from and to the interface, and my software and pc.
Does this mean that my adapter would "die"?
I did try to program a key with AD pro for 2008 KYRON XDI
but at the end it tel me program fail . I think I am using the wrong chip
is it 4D 60 or els?
all keys are lost.
I tried read mb vito 2.2 cdi 102 hp with mpps v13.02.
Ecu info reading was ok,
but reading ecu memory i get message "akcess denied" , "wrong key"
Anyone can help?
I need to configure the mux but I don't know which is the right configuration of that ?! I had 4 com port in device manager I delete all of them and left COM port 1 and changed it to com 2 and changed the BaudRate to 19.2K but no connection !
another issue, how to install the Virtual Keyboard ? it keep giving me errors ! and when in one of my tries it has a water mark !
good morning to all friend's. yesterday my upa stopped to work without any damage..my upa don't recognize noone pc , i chainge usb cable , i chainge usb port's but same resoloution...the indicator green led is on when iconnect to usb , the programmer don't recognize the programme..from elra soft the penco say : clean the usb connector and chainge usb cable or pc or usb port...
please friend's i need ANY help...please.
good job to all.
Elsawin contains all information for diagnostics and repair of Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda cars till 2012! Covers detailed and complete description of the technology of repair, maintenance, diagnostics, electrical circuits, body works.
This is the 4.00 version and data is the release 2012.
Software is fully in ENGLISH (but you can install it also in English, Hungarian, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, French, Czech, Swedish, Japanese, etc.) with clear english installation instructions.
AUDI Database release: 02.2013
Interface Language: Multilanguage (all available)
OS : Windows
Compatibility with XP and Windows 7: Yes
- Install ElsaWin 4.00 update and register with NEW SERIAL and Keymaker
- Install databases AUDI-02.2013
Because i got a lot of response about my other advertising with emulators that were from China, i got an agreement with a European manufacturer about European produced emulators. This are the original ones which the Chinese people copied. Please see the pictures attached. The price is the same as the other ones, €299 excl VAT and excl shipping with one year warranty! Offcourse you can use it on all truck brands except for the 2012-2013 Volvo truck. Don't ask me if they are working! Offcourse they are, otherwise i wouldn't sell them!
Does anyone know how to get the emissions disk working in 10.5x?
In 10.40 the 1966-1981 cars were in the vehicle selection list so that you could use the emissions disk. It looked like this:
In 10.50-10.52 the list starts at 1982 so it looks like this: No 1966-1981 listed!
Can anyone tell me how to enable this so I can use the emissions disk with 10.50, 10.51, or 10.52? I have the emissions disk showing in coverage along with the rest, but they don't show up in the selection list!
EDIT: Well, I found a workaround...not very cool, but I'll share it anyways in case someone wants to access the great 1966-1981 info on the emissions disk. It's like having Mitchell Vintage installed on Alldata....well, almost, but I'll tell you what, there's a lot more than just emissions info! Here it is:
1. Install 10.40 and apply medicine as usual.
2. Rename the ALLDATAW directory
3. Point it to the emissions disk
4. Enjoy this for emissions disk use only.
5. Install and medicate 10.5x as usual and enjoy this for 1982-2012 as usual. You'll have create and edit a couple of shortcuts, of course.
I wish I was as smart as that PE guy...I bet he could get this unlockeded instead of having to use this ga,,,, er, stupid workaround I came up with.
My hat is off to you, PE guy, and all the others involved with making this stuff available! Thanks!
Hello peeps!Does any you all have a link to ford f-350 service manual...or more spacifically..the egr delete manual,as well as head gasket re/re.for 2006 model...diesel of course.6.0 litre