Hi, everybody! Tell who knows, what type of the filter is established in the original adapter on USB on a food? And what size two condensers in these chains there are installed? (near the USB socket the LC-filter) Thanks.
I am from Sudan and i need help where to find multiplexer and cables .. i haven't credit card or so to buy from internet.. but i have a lot of friends on Dubai ( UAE ) they can buy for me
i wish to guide me a place in UAE>>
or if there is no way at all give me a trustful website that they can buy for me..
i suggest creating list of sale reference points in Arabic region , Asia , america and Africa
hello, how i have to program a 64kb file inside a 29F010 flash eprom to get the car working? i've tried to write just the second half of the memory but nothing happen, the first half, the same, i wrote it twice, and nothing, tried to connect A16 to ground and nothing.... is there any trick???
Perhaps, it is a silly question, but I tried to program a w221 trunk opener module in 07/2012 DAS and since I opted to no online programming, the message popped up to insert Xentry disk. I have only disks for 11/12 and update 1/13. Any idea, what to put into the DVD drive would be appreciated.
Peugeot Boxer 2003 2.0 HDI won't start after battery death.
immo delphi 01336569080
diagnostics show - transponder present, programmed but don't match immo.
bought pin code from here 88111, but was not able to program keys because of reponse "wrong code".
I have read 96c56b (half of it was FFFFF) from immo and 5P08C3 from ECU (i think this one is ok).
I have tryed to recover it without succes.
Hi guys,
Somebody can help me with immo off for this car:
Peugeot Expert 2.0hdi,RHX,2002,EDC15C2,with 3 plug connector
Bosch 0281010816.
Is necessary to do 5p08c3 and 29f400?
I have attached both files
Thank you in advance!