Hello friends! I bought an BMW E65 where the odometer is corrected (i think) i went to the dealer and they diagnosed my key. The key said the car had driven 200000 km (thats also what is on my display) but when i diagnose it with ISTA D it has several errors faaaaaarrrrrrr beyond 200000 km. (250000, 260000, 318000) The dealer says you can't change the km's inside the car key. Does anyone have experience with this? Because i do not believe what the dealer says and i think i got fucked with a car with a lot of km's...
What tool can I read Eeprom and Flash on MC9S12DP256 and MC9S12DP128?
I have Xproge Clone V5.3 but can`t find MC9S12DP256/MC9S12DP128 in meny.
(Xprog V5.3.5 can read this chip... but not V5.3)
In Carprog Clone V5.5 i can read Eeprom on both MC9S12DP256/MC9S12DP128 but not Flash as i can see
I can adjust some feilds in Carprog but i dont know how to read the flash...
[attachment=20128]Hello,every one,xcar360 published VAG 12.10.3,more stable than old product.and support cars before 2013..This is crack software ,enjoy.
(04-15-2013, 04:17 PM)xcar360 Wrote: Hello,every one,xcar360 published VAG 12.10.3,more stable than old product.and support cars before 2013..This is crack software ,enjoy.
Hi. mate
I got in trouble.
I attached MUX Look at the picture, you can see the problem.
MUX does not work.
I would like to know if there is a way someone can solve.
i have a 211 e class 320 v6 cdi in that is having terrible gearbox vibrations 'torque converter' transmission fault is relating to a control unit update is required, can anyone generate an offline scn code for me or can this be done in developer mode???
Maybe someone need this info.
This is solution for hardware repair faulty glow plug module.
After disassembly locate two n power mosfet (buk7507 or buk7508 or buz10) in my case and replace them with mosfet with same or better spec.
BUZ11 or IRF1010
If I helped click "Thanks" and add reputation
Year / Date : 06/07.2011 Version : 1.0 Developer : Snap-on Language : English: PresentDescription : Electronic Catalogue Isuzu WorldWide contains information on all automobiles of firm, including trucks and buses, also provides information on stationary and industrial diesel engines (a directory). Isuzu Company is a world leader in the design and manufacture of diesel engines, therefore production Isuzu is very common under the hood of many European automakers. ISUZU WorldWide works on VIN or on model, a transcript of each position VIN, search by number, name.
Year / Date : 2013/02 Version : 2012.6.0.1 Developer : Infomedia Ltd Language : Multilingual Medicine : Present System requirements : 1 GHz-processor 256 MB OZU 20Gb hard disk Operating system : Windows 64-bit EXCEPT and possibly, Windows 8 Description : Electronic parts catalog KIA. presented all models produced and / or unreleased KIA Motors, except for vehicles intended for the inter-market (for example, Rhino), the model divided into groups (cars, SUVs / minivans / vans, commercial) and by region. The catalog can identify the vehicle by VIN (with filtering part numbers), the search for the name of spare parts (partial or complete), original number, and also shows the applicability of parts. There is a list of options with a breakdown for easy selection of the desired number in the absence of VIN-filter. Language is possible separately for the program interface, and separately for items of spare parts. Extras. Information : Translation of names of spare parts is not always correct, so it is best configured to include "language names of spare parts" - english. Built-in directory of original accessories, present in some of the previous versions presented here are not for all models. Changes from the previous version : Updated database of VIN-numbers added Sorento 2012FL. About Microcat V6 : Available in the distribution of "scraps" - Microcat V6 - is optional, because the dealership without a login and password, it still will not work. How do I remove his installation - see "the installation."
Hello all,
I have problems with install clip 127, i will try to install on toughbook cf19 mk2,
clip will stop at 2% , waiting a while but not go further.
Have xp sp3. Try with other HDD and clean install also have another mk 2 and have same problem.This is first time because in the past i had more mk2's and no problem. dvd is ok on other machine it goes. i try with dvd,iso,direct from HDD and from usb, no luck i hope someone can help me with this problem. i install a lot off times on mk2 and3 ,never had this problem