Hi. I have bought chinese clone, installed V124 precisely as in the video on the disc, & all went as indicated. The 4 drivers all installed as they should I have tried it on 10 cars & it will not connect to any of them.
Installed on xp laptop. Tried on 2 pc's one with new windows xp & nothing else.
All 4 LED's light up (battery twice as bright as others)
When it trys to connect the ISO led flickers & so does the can.
usb & battery stay constant
on multiplex network cars it shows all ecus as not detected
on older cars status bar goes about half way then get connection error message
Please can someone help. Is it likely to be software or have I just bought junk ? The seller had good feedback on these units.
[attachment=20600][attachment=20600][attachment=20600]hello all i need a immo off for the car Mercedes-Benz G-Class 4x4 V6 2.9 L turbo diesel 1993 for the ecu bosch a 026 545 15 32 k01 ed 0023 msa 25.2 5zyl made in germany 03.08.99 28sa0000 ; 96803 1740 0958 , 0 281 001 953 that all i think the important things is the bosch 0281 001 953 . please any one for help . for the file i have take it from the eeprom 24c04 and i ask if its the correct eeprom
Hi all,
Does anybody has an expirience with reading vito
EZS A639 545 01 08 eeproms (two motorolas 2j74y)
with AK500?
I did yesterday same ezs nr, but with 1L02M MCU's and worked perfect, and now the 2J74Y I can not read. I use connection diagram of ak500 for vito with 1L02M
Hi bros I have in my garage a smart 2000 year without keys, so I have the smart generator and star diag with DAS, I need to know if I can register a new key with this?
Year / Date : 08.2012 Version : 5.5 Developer : MS Motor Service International GmbH Developer website Language : Multilingual (Russian present) Tabletka : Not required Description : A group of Motor Service - this is the sales organization for the concern Kolbenschmidt Pierburg, actively serving the worldwide aftermarket cars. It is a leading supplier of engine components for the independent aftermarket including the premium brands KOLBENSCHMIDT, PIERBURG and TRW Engine Components. http://i48.fastpic.ru/big/2012/1109/9c/b...59249c.jpg
hi the head here I'm looking for the address code injectors clio 1.5 dci the file then I read the file and thats galleto be posible to change the code on the file and good luck to all member mhhauto
I have a problem. I buy and install a new radio but my BC not showing nothing. How to resolve this problem without to put the old one?
What must to do?
The car is a astra h diesel 1.3
Sent from my LT18i using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
Heya all
I am having trouble getting this to work..
Have followed install instruction PDF http://www.uobd2.com/upload/pro/d-can.pdf
INPA appears to be working, but can not get DIS to find Diagnostic head
'No enabled adapter with IP "192.168.68." found' Even though I set LAN to Have tried with n without LAN loop back duffa
Have already spilt Steinlager over Z laptop.... Almost ready to have a little "Hammer time" (Minus the funky pants)
Hello Group,
Does anyone have a solution for immo off for a 2003 Peugeot 307 HDI.
Battery died and after BSI is OK, but Immo is not released for start.
4MATIC - Automatically Controlled Four-Wheel Drive AAC - Automatic Air Conditioning AAM - All Activity Module A/C (Automatic) - Air Conditioning (Automatic) A/C (Tempmatic) - Air Conditioning (Tempmatic) AB - Airbag ABS - Anti-Lock Brake System ACSR - Automatic Child Seat Recognition ADM - Automatic Dimming Inside Rearview Mirror ADS - Adaptive Damping System AIR - Secondary Air Injection AP - Accelerator Pedal APS - Auto pilot System AS - Antenna Systems ASD - Automatic Locking Differential ASR - Acceleration Slip Regulation AT - Automatic Transmission ATA - Anti-Theft Alarm BA - Backup Assist BARO - Barometric Pressure BCAPC - Barometric Pressure-Charge Air Pressure Compensation BDC - Bottom Dead Center BM - Base Module BPC - Barometric Pressure Compensation CA - Closing Assist CAN - Controller area network CC - Cruise control