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  need application to get pincode
Posted by: m3touk_85 - 05-03-2013, 08:20 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

hello all

well i read an eeprom file from a car , and im asking for application to get just the pin code from this dump file

is there is car can do it ?

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  [REQUEST] Nissan Note 2009- wiring diagrams
Posted by: dziongas - 05-03-2013, 06:02 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (1)


Someone have Nissan note 2009- wiring diagrams or ESM.


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AA Bosch-logo Diesel Pump Turbo Boost Compensator
Posted by: Spidey2011 - 05-03-2013, 05:47 PM - Forum: Automotive Video Section - No Replies

Bosch Diesel Pump Boost Compensator for Turbocharger equipped engines.


Remember to click +thanks

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Citroen problems citroen servicebox
Posted by: fsa1976 - 05-03-2013, 05:32 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (2)

citroen service box after installation, to 'open backup documentation I get this error:
impossible to start the application. MSVCR71.dll was not found.

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BMW [E39] immo off
Posted by: DiMan - 05-03-2013, 05:05 PM - Forum: BMW Group BMW, Mini Discussions. - Replies (7)


this is my problem i receive a bmw 530d e39 year 2000
the car don't start! inpa can't connect to dde that is normal cause
ews3 have the error code 18,

let's come to the beginning , the first problem was just a problem with the abs,my client send the bloc abs to someone to repair the dump and now
the car don't start

any idea?? immo off ? bypass ?

of course i can change key+dde+ews3 but it's more than the price of the car Smile


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AA+MHH IMMO picture+ location
Posted by: husseinalkhalel - 05-03-2013, 04:46 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

this is link.


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VW Vw Beatle VWZ1Z3W
Posted by: viirus - 05-03-2013, 03:37 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (3)

Hello! Smile

Please need VW Beatle Radio code 014VWZ1Z3W1884664

Many thanks friends. Smile

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  I planed to buy original AVDI .. need advice please
Posted by: wolomolo - 05-03-2013, 02:49 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (7)

Hello everybody

I have KTS 540 it's works fine but I have problems with Chrysler group 2011+
KTS can diagnosis engine only.. not works on other ECU's like ABS AIRBAG etc...

My question is, does AVDI good choice for me to diagnostic Chrysler, Dodge Jeep 2011 and above? ...

I need your advices please

Best Regards

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  MB Audio 30 Navi Software
Posted by: jasonsa - 05-03-2013, 01:04 PM - Forum: Automotive Navigation Discs. - No Replies

Hello there,

I am not so sure if this thread should have been placed on radios or somewhere else, so forgive me if i am mistaken to launch it over here. But i wonder if any of you guys have a working good torrent link (or maybe a good direct link) to the Audio 30 Navigation CD software. I have downloaded some of the links over the internet, and some websites have manuals how to burn them to a CD to have it worked on MB, but eventually i directly burned the image files to the CDs and mine wasn't exactly like the tutorials over internet. I didn't have the .CCD file (Clone CD) and don't know if i am doing something wrong or the packages i kept installing was corrupt or damaged.

I would appreciate any infos and can share thoughts of mine too. Thanks in advance

Edit: Shame on me, i have seen the correct link to post this. This might be deleted I guess. Im sorry

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  Komatsu V1.1
Posted by: LuisAndre - 05-03-2013, 08:13 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (5)

Komatsu V1.1 from codecard.

I have no use for this software but it might help someone...

I've tested it with some files posted on foruns , on three different's computers with different OS (xp, seven 32 and seven 64).

Don't press the "register" button because it will create komatsu.dat and you will get "invalid license" in that case.

It might fire up your AV but is only because the loader was packed with themida. bow

Password : mhhauto

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  Mitchell UltraMate 7.1.136 - March 2013 + Patch
Posted by: theUser - 05-03-2013, 06:58 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (23)

[Image: 1267040482_76154121_1-Pictures-of-Mitche...70-New.jpg]
[Image: mitchell-ultramate-7-estimating-system-p...e-6bb3.jpg]

1. Mount or Burn ISO
2. Install - Copy all Services to hard drive
3. Replace 'Estimate.exe' with the one provided in 'Patch' dir.
4. Enjoy!

** Default Login **
Username: mitchell
Password: mitchell

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  77960 - S9V - A512 - C1 2006 HONDA PILOT
Posted by: janushaan - 05-03-2013, 06:39 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

hello fellow member

would some one clear crash data

77960 - S9V - A512 - C1

thanx in advance

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AA+MHH quick check powerspec
Posted by: dodge1953 - 05-03-2013, 05:49 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - No Replies

I found cummins hand held comp called quick check and need lic. to unlock hot spec. Can anyone help me????

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  texa txt crimson cables wanted
Posted by: bardneyauto - 05-03-2013, 02:52 AM - Forum: Selling Box - Replies (2)

Hi all. I have just purchased a texa txt crimson and am on the look out for cables for trucks. scania, man, merc, Iveco 38pin main ones. I understand the black label txt leads don't work with the newer version. Might also be interested in car cables as well. Many thanks. jon.

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Fiat Fiat 1.9 JTD EDC16c39 high fuel consumption
Posted by: Herkuly - 05-03-2013, 01:32 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (9)


I have Fiat 1.9 JTD EDC16C39 engine tuned for 120HP and it has high fuel consumption from 7.8 to 8.1 liters per 100km... Can somebody look this file and tell me what is wrong with new Fiat Euro 3 ECU program that has abnormal fuel consumption. There is 100% procent something wrong with this MAP. Is in this map pre cat wideband Lambda sensor disabled? I can't measure sensor and sensor said that there is no pre cat lambda detected?

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fiat doblo 1.9 120hp.rar

32.03 KB
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Mercedes Benz Where to buy new MB keys in good price?
Posted by: bmrautoserwis - 05-03-2013, 01:19 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (2)

I wonder from where to buy new keys on nec chip in good price??

waiting for yours answers...

thanks in advance.

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AA+MHH Vadis Neo 6
Posted by: hayk57 - 05-03-2013, 12:15 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (3)


Does anybody know or have this software: Vadis Neo 6 ?
Is this a good software ?

[Image: neo5_1_a.jpg]

Thanks Big Grin

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  Autocom, where to start with hardware?
Posted by: vvally - 05-03-2013, 12:02 AM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - No Replies

Hi all, would someone please point me to which hardware is best to use with Autocom at the moment?

Also, I have a generic OBDII bluetooth - will this work with Autocom (is there a software workaround available)?

If I wanted to use bluetooth with Autocom, must I purchase the adaptor from Autocom?

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Mercedes Benz Used speedometer at vehicle driver authorization system adapt SLK R171.
Posted by: reem - 05-02-2013, 09:49 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (7)

Hi everyone!

My topic:

Used instrument cluster adapt at drive authorization system.

The instrument cluster is set to 0 km. However, the adapting by DAS Xentry to the vehicle driver authorization system, or takeover of its total mileage from the EIS, nevertheless is not possible.

According to DAS, it should be possible if the mileage of the instrument cluster does not exceed 250 km and the odometer is not learned at drive authorization system.

When connecting the odometer, all of its functions are available, except for mileage display (----). And the diagnostic shows: Mileage of odometer is 0 km, this is not learned at drive authorization system.

How can the instrument cluster to the new state resets?

Can someone bring clarity, or give a hint to solution?
Thanks for any help.

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Mercedes Benz Mileage corection please.
Posted by: bmrautoserwis - 05-02-2013, 08:43 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (4)

Would someone do for me mileage in this file. This is cpu 2 from eis w203. I try many times and every time eis stop working after corection. In this file is 205561km. I change eis in this car and car have 185114km and dont show on dash km only --------.

EIS 203 545 01 08

Thanks in advance.

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KIA KIA Pin Code Request
Posted by: husseinalkhalel - 05-02-2013, 07:36 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (7)

hello all i need pin code
thanks advance

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  Here we go again---Addon's just listed for DAS Xentyr 05_2013
Posted by: Pluto - 05-02-2013, 06:56 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (1)

Good morning AllCheer2

Get your thinking caps on DAS Xentry 05_2013 just released!!

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Seat Seat Cordoba 1.4 Immo OFF
Posted by: shelbym - 05-02-2013, 05:51 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (7)

Hi i need immo of with this car ECU Bosch number 0 261 204 593 year 97' immo anyone can help me?

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Chevrolet Allison doc 10
Posted by: acumminsman - 05-02-2013, 04:20 PM - Forum: Automotive Activation Key Codes Requests. - No Replies

could someone help me in reactivatioon of allison doc 10?

my activation key is 1XA1MEQDMDN4D5V83P3F4V79G9J3RF

my liscense key is 15E3JARC9G6

any help would be GREATLY appriciated.....thanks

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Mercedes Benz abritus 72 original compatible with das-xentry ?
Posted by: ngetniko - 05-02-2013, 02:20 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (3)

hi all member . please you . i want to use abritus 72 original with software das-xentry . but when i working the process unknow ecu . and show message battery low. please all member that have experience that use abritus with this software please you help me ,

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Fiat Immo off Ducato 2.3 JTD 0281010488 HELP!!!
Posted by: mdanilo - 05-02-2013, 02:09 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (9)

Immo off Ducato 2.3 JTD 0281010488 PLEASE HELP!!!

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Renult bct cotech renault
Posted by: c00cool - 05-02-2013, 01:57 PM - Forum: Renault Group Renault, Dacia, Nissan Discussions. - No Replies

hello all MHH members

i need this renault cbt formation if it's possible "NE-BCT Cotech novembre 2012-STCMC-MAFRA-NEW EVA" i will be gratfull if you help me about this

thinks again for all members .Fing32

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Fiat Scudo 603 20 15 00 Clear please
Posted by: davee - 05-02-2013, 01:47 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

Please clear this Airbag file Scudo 603 20 15 00 file thank you

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603 20 15 00.rar

647 bytes
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  VZ Comode ECU reprograming
Posted by: Sparky001 - 05-02-2013, 12:57 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (3)

Heya all Cheer2
I have a VZ Holden Comodore that has a phuckered Eng ECU.
We have a "good" second hand" one but it hasn't been "Divorced" from the car it came off. Can this be "Virgined" with Carprog??? 533 Fing32

Cheers Beer Beer

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  modex 40 (kts clone) help to repair
Posted by: valero - 05-02-2013, 12:41 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (1)

I have the failed diagnostic tool modex40 - kts540 clone. On the car with electric problems when connecting internal voltage regulator 5 volts is burned. This is the main problem of failure of such scanners, as there is no protection against over-voltage at the output of the voltage regulator.
I had to replace the microcontroller c167, FLASH memory and SRAM. The unit does not communicate.
I downloaded a firmware on the programmer from my esitronic path - \bosch_pr\fw_update\sdmfunk1\....
The utility RBPLFWConfig. Exe - scanner does not see. Can anyone help correct dump flash?

Photo mainboard modex40:

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