To obtain your registration code, please send an email to [email protected]
AA+MHH Upa-Usb
Posted by: jeff - 05-06-2013, 03:47 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

Hi ppl , can someone tell me what you get if you order a LNT from elrasoft,I need something to compare. whoever has the original if you can send me pictures ...

I really need it

best regards

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  Fiat MultiECUScan 1.4 Free Activation
Posted by: Debutant - 05-06-2013, 02:43 AM - Forum: Automotive Activation Key Codes Requests. - Replies (12)

Hi all,

1. Run SETUP
only for educational and experimental. For professional diag, the original soft cost only 50€.

2. Cheer2
[Image: 193914Multi14.png]



38 bytes

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Renult Megane 2005 change UCH config & VIN
Posted by: VTS_Tibi - 05-06-2013, 01:06 AM - Forum: Renault Group Renault, Dacia, Nissan Discussions. - Replies (4)

Hi Guys,

I have a client with a 2005 Megane 1.6 16V Saloon. To cut a long story short we had install a UCH / a steering lock / an ECU from an other car from the scrapyard.

Now, these modules show different VIN, and as they came out from an Estate the UCH won't open the boot.

So not only I would ahve to change the VIN, but I would also have to change the config, to make the UCH good for a saloon.

How is this possible with CLIP? What should I do? I've never used Clip for things like this, only for simple diagnostics.



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  Stories from the Road - Automotive Case Studies
Posted by: geneluauto - 05-06-2013, 01:00 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - No Replies

Can someone provide this, or all the package:
Stories from the Road (A Narrative About Modern Automotive Diagnostics) An Automotive Case Studies Series By Mandy Concepcion This book, "Stories from the Road - Automotive Case Studies"

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Posted by: kega234 - 05-06-2013, 12:34 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

hi friend, can some one give me LINK to download pp2000.

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  Atris [Workshop] 1.2012 Installation guide SRB/MNE/BiH/CRO languague
Posted by: obdstart - 05-06-2013, 12:19 AM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (2)

Here you find complete installation instructions "step-by-step"...

Password: obdstart

Attached Files

Uputstvo za instalaciju Atris (Workshop)2012_Srpski.rar

561.09 KB
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Posted by: taisho6666 - 05-05-2013, 11:59 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (7)


when using immo universal decoder version 3.2
after selecting brand and system we got
EUC brand followed by some words like
( ECU BRAND ) - totale
( ECU BRAND ) - parziale
( ECU BRAND ) - totale/parzial
( ECU BRAND ) - virgin
( ECU BRAND ) - version1
( ECU BRAND ) - version2
( ECU BRAND ) - all version/parziale
( ECU BRAND ) - swap eeprom-totale/parziale

PLEASE can any member explain in details what is the meaning of these words( stands for what) and how
to use it ???
i know totale and parziale means total and partial in english
but what they mean by these words and how to use it in the programm

QUESTION: they mean by totale :for all types of ECUS or programming the ECU as a whole unit without desoldring
flash or eeprom

what hey mean by STANDARD KEY:1122


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Chevrolet chevrolet aveo 1,2i immo off
Posted by: gery0627 - 05-05-2013, 11:16 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (6)

Hallo guy's.
I have an Aveo 1.2i / siemens ecu d4 /.
I would like to disable immo.
Can anyone help me?
Is there a dump file, such as the Renault sirius 3x's?



Attached Files

AVEO 29F400 immo orJ.rar

131.38 KB
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  help me download GT1 for bmw
Posted by: ngetniko - 05-05-2013, 09:58 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (4)

hi all member please you give link downloade gt1 for me i need .thank

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Renult Magneti Marielli 5NR2-C2 IMMO OFF help
Posted by: DreamAutoInteriors - 05-05-2013, 09:47 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

Hi, i have a 2002 magneti marielli 5nr2-c2 ecu from renault clio ii 1.2 16v.

i am trying to do immo off on the ecu, but i get verify error on 95160 eeprom when reading.

i can read the eeprom but it changes everytime a little bit.

Does anybody have any advice other than remove eeprom maybe an original dump file so i can immo off with IUD 3.2 and try writing?

i am using xprog-m v5.0 clone btw Smile


is this file ok everyone?

Attached Files

clio ecu immo off.rar

600 bytes
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BMW BMW ETK 05/2013 + PRICES Euro
Posted by: slaw1971 - 05-05-2013, 06:37 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (4)



ETK 05_2013.rar

266 bytes

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  [Request] Workshop manual for Mercury Grand Marquis 1984
Posted by: Evolon - 05-05-2013, 04:50 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (2)

Hello, i'm looking for at Workshop manual for a Mercury Grand Marquis from 1984, not sure about the engine size.

Any help will be appreciated. Smile

Best Regards. bow

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  Radio Removal Guides
Posted by: justauto - 05-05-2013, 04:34 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - No Replies

Here's a nice little site for help in removing radios from the vehicle.
There's pictures and advice for lots of vehicles.

If you know of any more site's etc like this please pm me or post reply here for others to see.

PLEASE give a THANKS if you like it.It's only a click.......

I Don't Use Password's....


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fit audio.txt

125 bytes
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  Volvo V70 Steering Angle Reset
Posted by: justauto - 05-05-2013, 04:25 PM - Forum: Volvo Discussions. - Replies (3)

Does anyone know if and how you can reset the steering angle sensor on volvo V70.
It was removed to fit a part behind steering wheel and now traction control light comes on.
Procedure with volvo dice (china clone) would be good if possible.
many thanks

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  vas 5054a help
Posted by: ronipa - 05-05-2013, 02:50 PM - Forum: VAG Group VW , Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley Discussions. - Replies (3)

vas5054a help

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AA Bosch-logo EPS 200 Latest Firmware ??
Posted by: papapapa - 05-05-2013, 02:24 PM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - No Replies

Hi im after the latest firmware Version 0.21 for the EPS 200 can anyone help me out.
Thanks in advance Pops

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Rover immo off rover 400
Posted by: husseinalkhalel - 05-05-2013, 02:20 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

can any body help me for immo off rover 400
ecu diesel bosh : 0281010113
eeprom 2 : left :95c46 right :95c46
thanks advanced .

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Jaguar JLR v130
Posted by: danio09 - 05-05-2013, 01:42 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (3)

Hello every one
This is JLR with all update, its about 6GB total.
Its a DVD image so just download and burn it to DVD.
Then follow instruction from option if you are not running this software on toughbook then you don't have to install last option.
When you open software just input user name and password giving in second attachment.
Tested on Windows XP Professional SP3 and it is working very good.

Enjoy it!

Attached Files


848 bytes
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AA+MHH Fiat Multiecuscan 1.3
Posted by: tonitecx - 05-05-2013, 01:30 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (5)


Fiat Multiecuscan 1.3.rar

13.9 KB
Hello this is my contribution to the forum.
Fiat Multiecuscan 1.3. + loader


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Land+Rover jlr ids v131 request
Posted by: car-help-uk - 05-05-2013, 12:56 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (5)

Hi guys I have been looking about with no joy. I have just purchased a HQ IDS VCM clone have ford v83 working and now am looking for JLR v131 full with licence (as I believe its the last version offline). Can anybody help?

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  JLR Driver request
Posted by: rex89 - 05-05-2013, 10:29 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (2)

hi guys , please i need driver for JLR clone cable sn 00442, other driver on drewtech not work , i heard that the v1.02 can work with clone if anyone have it , im very glad to take it for use my cable thanks.
Best regardsSmile

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes NTG2 Audio 50 APS 2012-2013 Version 14.0
Posted by: camaro - 05-05-2013, 06:35 AM - Forum: Automotive Navigation Discs. - Replies (1)

Mercedes NTG2 CD AUDIO 50 APS 2012/2013
version 14.0

A169 827 84 59

A-Klasse 09/04<>07/08
B-Klasse 07/08<
C-Klasse 04/04<>04/07
CLC-KLasse 10/08<
CLK-Klasse 06-04<
GL-Klasse 07/08<
M-Klasse 07/05<>07/08
R-Klasse 07/08<
Smart Forf 03/04<>07/06
Sprinter 01/06<>11/09
Vito/Viano 04/06<>11/10

CD 3: F-MC

Attached Files

Mercedes-Benz Navigation CD Audio 50 APS NTG2 Europe V.14.0

17.97 KB
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BMW F02 programming
Posted by: alexfromtampa - 05-05-2013, 02:03 AM - Forum: BMW Group BMW, Mini Discussions. - Replies (9)

Hi , I'm working on an 2012 7 series that was flooded , so every single module needs to be replaced , i know that with ista i will have to have all the modules present in order to be able to program , that means several thousand dollars just to try , so my question is this , can I use e-sys to program just dme cas and jbe , and then run the engine , so my customer get confident to expend the money doing the rest ,,, or there's another software that i can use for this task ? ,,,,,any help on the topic will br really apreciated,, have a great day everybody, thanks

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  immo tools / software / Bosch EDC 15C2 0 281 011 084 three plug 03 plate
Posted by: justauto - 05-05-2013, 01:55 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (6)

Im looking for a tool / software and information pics of where the chip is etc to clear immo from an 2.0 hdi xsara picaso bosch 3 plug ecu 03 plate.
Any help advice information will be greatly appreciated.

EDC 15C2 0 281 011 084

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Chevrolet srs temic 13578321TC
Posted by: marciodourados - 05-05-2013, 01:52 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)


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AA Bosch-logo Help me for KTS 520 and other solutin
Posted by: nadim malouf - 05-05-2013, 01:37 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (1)

hello to all members

I have KTS 520 and KTS 540 and esitronc original
all working 100%
Question :
Is there any program, scanner or software or other solution works with kts 520
else EsiTronic and PIWI Porsh ?

Thant you

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Posted by: carstenhjorth - 05-05-2013, 01:09 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (5)

Hi! I have just bought this wonderfull car, but it has done 220.000 km, so im looking for a mild tune, can anyone help? I am willing to pay for your help.

Best regards from Denmark.

Attached Files

797.18 KB
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Posted by: Geeksoid - 05-05-2013, 12:56 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (961)

The license will be created for active users who have received 30+ "Thanks" or for those who supported the project

Currently more than 300 licenses, and does not have a single positive or negative feedback about the program.

Now there is a question of the continuation of writing calculator. Parallel I write client-server version of the program, which is costly. Also, each algorithm is tested for many dumps, real units, compared with similar programs. Therefore, the project is progressing very slowly. If the project to someone interesting and useful you can donate any amount of money for the further development of the project on the wallet OKPAY OK577019098.

Please reply whether to continue writing, or cancel the project altogether.

This is only a test version. I write mostly for myself using the old operating. I add about 30 algorithms in the week. Free time is almost gone.

16.02.2014 BAVCalc 1.2 Update 5

[*] Fixed Some Bugs
[*] Small changes in the interface
[u] Updated CarBase

[+] Citroen 22DC594
[+] Citroen 22RC200
[+] Chevrolet DC479
[+] Fiat 22DC349
[+] Fiat 22DC449
[+] Land Rover 22DC349
[+] Land Rover R770 22DC594
[+] Lexus 11601 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus 11609 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus N004 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus N204 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus N404 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P622 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P623 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P624 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P625 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P626 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P1601 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P1602 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P1604 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P1608 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P1609 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P1700 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P1701 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P6801 (MasterCode)
[+] Lexus P6802 (MasterCode)
[+] Peugeot 22DC594
[+] Peugeot 22DC722
[+] Peugeot 22RC200
[+] Philips 22RC229
[+] Philips 22DC347
[+] Philips 22DC607
[+] Philips 22DC720
[+] Philips 22DC722
[+] Philips 22RC200
[+] Renault 22DC229
[+] Renault 22DC239
[+] Renault 22DC259
[+] Renault 22DC269
[+] Renault 22DC277
[+] Renault 22DC278
[+] Renault 22DC279
[+] Renault 22DC449
[+] Renault 22DC451
[+] Renault 22DC459
[+] Renault 22DC461
[+] Renault 22DC479
[+] Renault 22DC481
[+] Renault 22DC593
[+] Renault 22DC594
[+] Renault 22DC942
[+] Renault 22RC200
[+] Rover R660 22DC349
[+] Rover R760 22DC594
[+] Rover R860 22DC594
[+] Toyota 11701 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota 11706 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota A11708 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota 11709 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota A11712 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota 16803 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota 16804 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota 16806 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota 16807 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota 17801 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota 51703 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota 51706 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota 56804 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota 56807 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota AD1700 (MasterCode)
[+] Toyota AD6800 (MasterCode)
[+] VW Volksline DC349
[u] Grundig Code by S/n (database)

[+] Nissan & Infiniti: PIN code by BCM/IMMU (up to 2009)
[+] Ford Galaxy 7M0 953 257F Siemens 5WK4776
[+] Seat Alhambra 7M0 953 257F Siemens 5WK4776
[+] Seat Cordoba 1H0 953 257B Siemens 5WK4590
[+] Seat Cordoba 1H0 953 257BB Siemens 5WK4678
[+] Seat Ibiza 1H0 953 257B Siemens 5WK4590
[+] Seat Ibiza 1H0 953 257BB Siemens 5WK4678
[+] Seat Toledo 1H0 953 257B Siemens 5WK4590
[+] Seat Toledo 1H0 953 257BB Siemens 5WK4678
[+] Skoda Felicia 1H0 953 257B Siemens 5WK4590
[+] Skoda Felicia 1H0 953 257BB Siemens 5WK4678
[+] VW Caddy 1H0 953 257B Siemens 5WK4590
[+] VW Caddy 1H0 953 257BB Siemens 5WK4678
[+] VW Golf 1H0 953 257B Siemens 5WK4590
[+] VW Golf 1H0 953 257BB Siemens 5WK4678
[+] VW Passat 1H0 953 257B Siemens 5WK4590
[+] VW Passat 1H0 953 257BB Siemens 5WK4678
[+] VW Polo 1H0 953 257B Siemens 5WK4590
[+] VW Polo 1H0 953 257BB Siemens 5WK4678
[+] VW Sharan 7M0 953 257F Siemens 5WK4776
[+] VW Transporter 1H0 953 257B Siemens 5WK4590
[+] VW Transporter 1H0 953 257BB Siemens 5WK4678
[+] VW Vento 1H0 953 257B Siemens 5WK4590
[+] VW Vento 1H0 953 257BB Siemens 5WK4678

26.10.2013 BAVCalc 1.2 Update 4

[+] Swap bytes in Hexeditor
[+] CarBase

[+] Alfa Romeo 937 CD BP3301
[+] Becker DTM BE7802
[+] Becker DTM BE7810
[+] Becker DTM High Speed BE7912
[+] Becker DTM High Speed BE7913
[+] Becker DTM High Speed BE7918
[+] Becker Indianapolis BE7920
[+] Becker Grand Prix 2000 BE1305
[+] Becker Grand Prix 2000 CD BE2235
[+] Becker Europa 2000 BE1109
[+] Becker Le Mans BE3136
[+] Becker Mexico CC BE4325
[+] Becker Mexico CD BE0881
[+] Becker Mexico Cassette BE0837
[+] Becker Mexico CC BE4327
[+] Becker Mexico CD BE0876
[+] Becker Mexico CD BE4337
[+] Becker Mexico CD BE7803
[+] Becker Mexico Pro CC BE4527
[+] Becker Mexico Pro CD BE4627
[+] Becker Traffic Pro BE4723
[+] Becker Traffic Pro BE4730
[+] Becker Traffic Pro High Speed BE7821
[+] Becker Traffic Pro High Speed BE7823
[+] Becker Traffic Pro High Speed BE7824
[+] Blaupunkt ACR 3225 BP1851
[+] Blaupunkt ACD 9430 BP2757
[+] Blaupunkt ACD 9431 BP2758
[+] Blaupunkt ACM 5451 BP5520
[+] Blaupunkt ACR 3250 BP5501
[+] Blaupunkt ACR 3251 BP5500
[+] Blaupunkt ACR 4250 BP5511
[+] Blaupunkt ACR 5450 BP5521
[+] Blaupunkt Alicante CD30 BP0165
[+] Blaupunkt Alicante CD31 BP1173
[+] Blaupunkt Augsburg C30 BP0115
[+] Blaupunkt Bologna C50 BP0210
[+] Blaupunkt Boston C30 BP0125
[+] Blaupunkt Boston RCC45 BP5600
[+] Blaupunkt Coach CRD41 BP5031 24v
[+] Blaupunkt Dresden C31 BP1115
[+] Blaupunkt Dublin C30 BP0120
[+] Blaupunkt Essen CD31 BP1171
[+] Blaupunkt Keil CD30 BP0155
[+] Blaupunkt Lausanne CD30 BP0160
[+] Blaupunkt Lubeck C30 BP0105
[+] Blaupunkt Lubeck RCC45 BP5610
[+] Blaupunkt Lexembourg C30 BP0110
[+] Blaupunkt Nashville DJ BP5424
[+] Blaupunkt Ontario DJ30 BP0320
[+] Blaupunkt Porto CD32 BP2172
[+] Blaupunkt Rover CD32 BP2162
[+] Blaupunkt San Remo CD32 BP2176
[+] Blaupunkt Vienna RCR46P BP6430
[+] Fiat Punto CC BP2374
[+] Fiat Punto CD BP2375
[+] Iveco CD 24V BP5036
[+] Man CC BP5028 24v
[+] Man CD BP5063 24v
[+] Mercedes Benz BE1690
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 10 CD BE4410
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 30 BE3310
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 30 APS BE4700
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 30 APS BE4705
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 30 APS CD BE4716
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 30 APS CD BE4710
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 30 APS CD BE4715
[+] Mercedes Benz Classic 24v BE1688
[+] Mercedes Benz Exquisit BE1492
[+] Mercedes Benz Exquisit BE1690
[+] Mercedes Benz Special 24v BE1388
[+] Mercedes Benz Special BE1650
[+] Mercedes Benz Special 24v BE1689
[+] Nissan Micra CD-J BP2347
[+] Nissan MM CD-K BP3349
[+] Opel SC202B GM0202
[u] Audi Gamma CC AUZ1Z3
[u] Audi Gamma CC AUZ1Z3 wp
[u] Blaupunkt Boston CC22 BP2750 BP4750
[u] Blaupunkt Finish Line 621 G3 BP8470
[u] Blaupunkt ACR 5425 BP2470
[u] Blaupunkt Ancona CR24 BP3754
[u] Blaupunkt Augsburg CR24 BP3759
[u] Blaupunkt Boston CC20 BP0750
[u] Blaupunkt Cambridge CC31 BP1760
[u] Blaupunkt Cambridge SQM39 BP8861
[u] Blaupunkt Casablanca SQR49 BP8460
[u] Blaupunkt Coburg SQR49 BP8470
[u] Blaupunkt Dusseldorf SQR49 BP8490
[u] Blaupunkt Dusseldorf SQR39
[u] Blaupunkt Dusseldorf SQM39
[u] Blaupunkt Essen CR31 BP1771
[u] Blaupunkt Essen CR43 BP2753
[u] Blaupunkt Freiburg SQR39 BP8475
[u] Blaupunkt Granada SQR49 BP8480
[u] Blaupunkt Greifestein ACR20 AW9872
[u] Blaupunkt Heilbronn SQM39 BP8871
[u] Blaupunkt Lizenz AW9872
[u] Blaupunkt Lubeck CC22 BP2751
[u] Blaupunkt Melbourne SQM39 BP8465
[u] Blaupunkt Rhodos CC25 BP6611
[u] Blaupunkt San Antonio BP0560
[u] Blaupunkt Verona CR43 BP2752

[+] Renault Pin code by Key Tag
[+] Citroen Evasion Texton 96333762.80 
[+] Citroen Evasion Texton 96386665.80
[+] Citroen Jumpy Texton 96361864.80
[+] Citroen Jumpy Texton 96386665.80
[+] Citroen Jumpy Texton 96398196.80
[+] Citroen Jumpy Texton 96441765.80
[+] Citroen Xantia Texton 96275532.80 
[+] Citroen Xantia Texton 96386665.80
[+] Citroen Xsara Texton 96335236.80 
[+] Dacia Solenza Sagem 8200032776
[+] Fiat Scudo Texton 96361864.80
[+] Fiat Scudo Texton 96398196.80
[+] Fiat Scudo Texton 96441765.80
[+] Fiat Ulysse Texton 96333762.80 
[+] Fiat Ulysse Texton 96386665.80
[+] Lancia Zeta Texton 96333762.80 
[+] Opel Movano Sagem 8200032776
[+] Peugeot 306 Texton 96361864.80
[+] Peugeot 306 Texton 96398196.80
[+] Peugeot 806 Texton 96333762.80 
[+] Peugeot 806 Texton 96386665.80
[+] Peugeot Expert Texton 96441765.80
[+] Peugeot Expert Texton 96398196.80
[+] Renault Kangoo Sagem 8200032776
[+] Renault Mascott Sagem 8200032776
[+] Renault Master Sagem 8200032776
[+] Renault Trafic Sagem 8200032776
[+] Renault Twingo Sagem 8200032776

02.09.2013 BAVCalc 1.2 Update 3

[*] A few small changes

[+] Alfa Romeo 156 46550647 Allied Signal
[+] Citroen Jumper 1328447080 Siemens 5WK43154
[+] Citroen Jumper 1328448080 Siemens 5WK43155
[+] Fiat Bravo 46550647 Allied Signal
[+] Fiat Bravo 46789398 Allied Signal
[+] Fiat Ducato 1328447080 Siemens 5WK43154
[+] Fiat Ducato 1328448080 Siemens 5WK43155
[+] Fiat Marea 46550647 Allied Signal
[+] Fiat Marea 46763600 Allied Signal
[+] Fiat Marea 46789398 Allied Signal
[+] Fiat Marea 46811840 Allied Signal
[+] Fiat Stilo 46835521 Siemens 5WK42969
[+] Fiat Stilo 46835522 Siemens 5WK43162
[+] Fiat Stilo 51709144 Siemens 5WK43346
[+] Fiat Stilo 51711815 Siemens 5WK43341
[+] Fiat Stilo 51711816 Siemens 5WK43342
[+] Fiat Stilo 51717959 Siemens 5WK43343
[+] Fiat Ulysse 46835521 Siemens 5WK42969
[+] Peugeot Boxer 1328447080 Siemens 5WK43154
[*] Alfa Romeo 147 46842421 Siemens 5WK43277
[*] Alfa Romeo 147 60680213 Siemens 5WK43278
[*] Alfa Romeo 147 60683300 Siemens 5WK43444
[*] Alfa Romeo 156 60680213 Siemens 5WK43278
[*] Alfa Romeo 156 60683300 Siemens 5WK43444

[+] Alpine 1310R CD
[+] Alpine 3DE-7886R
[+] Becker Grand Prix BE1311
[+] Becker Grand Prix 2000 BE1315
[+] Becker Grand Prix 2000 BE1325
[+] Becker Traffic Pro BE4720
[+] Becker Traffic Pro BE4725
[+] Becker Traffic Pro High Speed BE7820
[+] Becker Traffic Pro High Speed BE7825
[+] Becker Code by S/n 4 digit
[+] Becker Code by S/n 5 digit (4 present)
[+] Becker Code by S/n 5 digit (5 present)
[+] Becker Code by S/n 5 digit (6 present)
[+] Becker Code by S/n 5 digit (7 present)
[+] Becker Code by S/n 5 digit (8 present)
[+] Becker Code by S/n 5 digit (9 present)
[+] BMW Bavaria C Business BE0774
[+] BMW Bavaria C Electronic BE0728
[+] BMW Bavaria C Exclusiv BE0729
[+] BMW Bavaria C Professional RDS BE1801
[+] Blaupunkt Lizenz AW9872 
[+] Chrysler Code by S/n (database)
[+] Ford Code by S/n Old model
[+] Ford Code by S/n C-Series 3digit
[+] Jaguar AJ 9600R
[+] JVC KD-LX10R
[+] JVC KD-LX30R
[+] JVC KD-LX50R
[+] JVC KD-LX330R
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 10 BE3100
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 10 BE3101
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 10 BE3200
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 10 BE6019
[+] Mercedes Benz Audio 10 CD BE6021
[+] Opel DC682
[+] VW Gamma V VWZ3Z3
[u] Audi Beta Autoreverse CC AUZ8Z2 wp
[u] Becker Mexico 2000 BE1430
[u] Becker Mexico 2000 BE1431
[u] Becker Mexico 2000 BE1432
[u] Becker Mexico 2000 BE1460
[u] Becker Mexico 2000 BE1560
[u] Becker Mexico CC BE1470
[u] Becker Mexico CD BE0879
[u] Chrysler P05091601
[u] Chrysler P05064385
[u] Chrysler P56038585
[u] Mercedes Benz Audio 10 CD MF2910
[u] Mercedes Benz RA4110 Navigation

18.07.2013 BAVCalc 1.2 Update 2

[+] Becker Europa 2000 24v BE1241 
[+] Becker Europa 2000 BE1100
[+] Becker Europa 2000 BE1105
[+] Becker Europa 2000 BE1120
[+] Becker Europa 2000 BE1240
[+] Becker Europa Cassette BE1200
[+] Becker Grand Prix 2000 BE1310
[+] Becker Grand Prix 2000 BE1319
[+] Becker Grand Prix 2000 CD BE2230
[+] Becker Grand Prix 2000 CD BE2237
[+] Becker Grand Prix 2000 BE1302
[+] Becker Grand Prix 2000 BE1320
[+] Becker Grand Prix BE1339
[+] Becker Le Mans BE3126
[+] Becker Imola BE3133
[+] Becker Mexico 2000 BE1430
[+] Becker Mexico 2000 BE1431
[+] Becker Mexico 2000 BE1432
[+] Becker Mexico 2000 BE1460
[+] Becker Mexico 2000 BE1560
[+] Becker Mexico Cassette Divercity BE0830
[+] Becker Mexico CC BE1470
[+] Becker Mexico CC BE4370
[+] Becker Mexico CD BE0879
[+] Becker Mexico Pro CD BE4625
[+] Becker Mexico RDS BE2330
[+] Becker Traffic Star BE2238
[+] Mercedes Benz Basic 24v BE1088
[+] Mercedes Benz Special BE1350
[+] Mercedes Benz Special BE2210
[+] Mercedes Benz Exquisit BE1490
[+] Mercedes Benz Classic BE2011
[+] Mercedes Benz Classic BE2010
[+] Mercedes Benz Classic BE1151
[+] Mercedes Benz Classic BE1150
[+] Philips Code by S/n (database)
[+] Grundig Code by S/n (database)
[+] Delco Code by S/n (database)
[+] Becker Mexico BE2340
[+] Becker Mexico Cassette Electronic BE0794
[+] Becker Mexico CD BE0865

09.05.2013 BAVCalc 1.2 Update 1

[*] Fixed Some Bugs

[+] VAG All version VW8 TRW
[+] VAG 3C0 909 605C TRW 391103
[+] VAG 3C0 909 605E TRW 391120
[+] VAG 3C0 909 605F TRW 391121
[+] VAG 3C0 909 605H TRW 391129
[+] VAG 3C0 909 605J TRW 391130
[+] VAG 3C0 909 605L TRW 391124
[+] VAG 3C0 909 605M TRW 391125
[+] VAG All version VW8 Siemens
[+] VAG 1K0 909 605A Siemens 5WK43411
[+] VAG 1K0 909 605C Siemens 5WK43413
[+] VAG 1K0 909 605D Siemens 5WK43411
[+] VAG 1K0 909 605H Siemens 5WK43411
[+] VAG 1K0 909 605K Siemens 5WK43410
[+] VAG 1K0 909 605L Siemens 5WK43410
[+] VAG 1K0 909 605M Siemens 5WK43411
[+] VAG 1K0 909 605N Siemens 5WK43411
[+] VAG 1K0 909 605R Siemens 5WK43412
[+] VAG 1K0 909 605T Siemens 5WK43412

[+] Becker Avus 2000 24v BE1146
[+] Becker Avus 2000 BE1145
[+] Becker Avus BE2035
[+] Becker Avus BE2130
[+] Becker Avus Cassette BE0749
[+] Becker Avus Cassette BE0778
[+] Becker Avus Cassette BE0779
[+] Becker Eupora Cassette BE0749
[+] Becker Grand Prix Electronic BE0779

[+] Hyundai VIN to PIN (old car up 07/2007)

04.05.2013 BAVCalc 1.2 First public release

Alfa Romeo 147 46756117 Allied Signal
Alfa Romeo 147 46813473 Allied Signal
Alfa Romeo 147 46842421 Siemens 5WK43277
Alfa Romeo 147 60680213 Siemens 5WK43278
Alfa Romeo 147 60683300 Siemens 5WK43444
Alfa Romeo 156 60655033 Allied Signal
Alfa Romeo 156 60658009 Allied Signal
Alfa Romeo 156 60663040 Allied Signal
Alfa Romeo 156 60663943 Allied Signal
Alfa Romeo 156 60664962 Allied Signal
Alfa Romeo 156 60668390 Allied Signal
Alfa Romeo 156 60669250 Allied Signal
Alfa Romeo 156 60675876 Allied Signal
Alfa Romeo 156 60675880 Allied Signal
Alfa Romeo 156 60680213 Siemens 5WK43278
Alfa Romeo 156 60683300 Siemens 5WK43444
Alfa Romeo GT 60683300 Siemens 5WK43444
Alfa Romeo GTV & Spider 60664500 TRW 
Saab 9-5 05018825 - A0417350 
VAG All 1C0 909 601 Siemens 5WK43120 
VAG All 1C0 909 601A Siemens 5WK43123 
VAG All 1C0 909 601C Siemens 5WK43126 
VAG All 1C0 909 605 Siemens 5WK43121 
VAG All 1C0 909 605A Siemens 5WK43122 
VAG All 1C0 909 605B Siemens 5WK43124 
VAG All 1C0 909 605K Siemens 5WK43125 
VAG All 1J0 909 603 Siemens 5WK4163 
VAG All 1J0 909 603AC Siemens 5WK4163 
VAG All 1J0 909 607 Siemens 5WK4199 
VAG All 1J0 909 607A Siemens 5WK4199 
VAG All 1J0 909 608 Siemens 5WK4154 
VAG All 1J0 909 609 Siemens 5WK42800 
VAG All 1J0 909 609A Siemens 5WK42800 
VAG All 4A0 959 655 BOSCH 0 285 001 036 
VAG All 4B0 959 655C BOSCH 0 285 001 106 
VAG All 4B0 959 655J BOSCH 0 285 001 307 
VAG All 4D0 959 655C BOSCH 0 285 001 150 
VAG All 6N0 909 601E Siemens 5WK4104E 
VAG All 6N0 909 603 Siemens 5WK4137 
VAG All 6N0 909 603E Siemens 5WK4137E 
VAG All 6N0 909 603T Siemens 5WK4137 
VAG All 6Q0 909 601 Siemens 5WK42865 
VAG All 6Q0 909 601A Siemens 5WK42868 
VAG All 6Q0 909 601C Siemens 5WK42868 
VAG All 6Q0 909 601E TRW 331294 
VAG All 6Q0 909 601F TRW 391001 
VAG All 6Q0 909 605 Siemens 5WK42866 
VAG All 6Q0 909 605A Siemens 5WK42867 
VAG All 6Q0 909 605A Siemens 5WK42869 
VAG All 6Q0 909 605AD TRW 391002 
VAG All 6Q0 909 605AE TRW 391003 
VAG All 6Q0 909 605H Siemens 5WK42950 
VAG All 6Q0 909 605R TRW 331295 
VAG All 6Q0 909 605S TRW 331296 
VAG All 8D0 959 655C BOSCH 0 285 001 176 
VAG All 8L0 959 655 BOSCH 0 285 001 174 
VAG All 8L0 959 655A BOSCH 0 285 001 174 
VAG All All version VW2 Siemens 
VAG All All version VW3 Siemens 
VAG All All version VW5 Siemens 
VAG All All version VW5 TRW

Aiwa CT-7050YZ 
Alfa Romeo 22DC710 
Alfa Romeo 932 AL0932 
Audi Beta Autoreverse CC AUZ8Z2 wp 
Audi Beta CC AUZ1Z2 
Audi Beta CC AUZ1Z5 
Audi Chorus AUZ1Z2 
Audi Concert AUZ5Z3 
Audi Concert AUZ5Z6 
Audi Gamma CC AUZ1Z3 
Audi Gamma CC AUZ1Z3 wp 
Audi Gamma CC AUZ5Z3 
Blaupunkt ACR 5425 BP2470 
Blaupunkt Ancona CR24 BP3754 
Blaupunkt Augsburg CR24 BP3759 
Blaupunkt Boston CC20 BP0750 
Blaupunkt BOSTON CC22 BP2750 BP4750 
Blaupunkt Cambridge CC31 BP1760 
Blaupunkt Cambridge SQM39 BP8861 
Blaupunkt CAR300 
Blaupunkt Casablanca SQR49 BP8460 
Blaupunkt Coburg SQR49 BP8470 
Blaupunkt Dusseldorf SQM39 
Blaupunkt Dusseldorf SQR39 
Blaupunkt Dusseldorf SQR49 BP8490 
Blaupunkt Essen CR31 BP1771 
Blaupunkt Essen CR43 BP2753 
Blaupunkt FINISH LINE 621 G3 BP8470 
Blaupunkt Freiburg SQR39 BP8475 
Blaupunkt Granada SQR49 BP8480 
Blaupunkt Greifestein ACR20 AW9872 
Blaupunkt Heilbronn SQM39 BP8871 
Blaupunkt Hildesheim SQRC28 BP1851 
Blaupunkt Lubeck CC22 BP2751 
Blaupunkt Melbourne SQM39 BP8465 
Blaupunkt Miami GM0202 
Blaupunkt Rhodos CC25 BP6611 
Blaupunkt San Antonio BP0560 
Blaupunkt Verona CR43 BP2752 
Chrysler P04704345 
Chrysler P04858513 
Chrysler P04858543 
Chrysler P04859504 
Chrysler P05064127 
Chrysler P05064191 
Chrysler P05064363 
Chrysler P05064385 
Chrysler P05064925 
Chrysler P05064945 
Chrysler P05091508 
Chrysler P05091601 
Chrysler P05091610 
Chrysler P05091650 
Chrysler P05107096 
Chrysler P05269484 
Chrysler P05269485 
Chrysler P05269486 
Chrysler P56038585 
Chrysler P56038643 RB3 NAV 
Daewoo AGC-1220RF-A 
Delco CDR500 
Fiat 22DC710 
Honda 22DC681 
Honda 2SA1 BOSE 
JVC KS-RX4400 
Kia AUK-8617 
Lancia 22DC710 
Land Rover 22DC710 
Medion MD 41400 
Mercedes Benz Audio 10 CD MF2199 
Mercedes Benz Audio 10 CD MF2910 
Mercedes Benz BOSE PA9612
Mercedes Benz CD MF2197 
Mercedes Benz RA4110 Navigation 
Mercedes Benz RA4910 Navigation 
Opel DC670 
Opel DC681 
Opel DC684 
Opel DC685 
Opel SC304 22DC846 
Philips 22DC401 
Philips 22DC405 
Philips 22DC415 
Philips 22DC501 
Philips 22DC505 
Philips 22DC506 
Philips 22DC511 
Philips 22DC515 
Philips 22DC570 
Philips 22DC575 
Philips 22DC652 
Philips 22DC656 
Philips 22DC670 
Philips 22DC675 
Philips 22DC680 
Philips 22DC681 
Philips 22DC682 
Philips 22DC684 
Philips 22DC685 
Philips 22DC695 
Philips 22DC701 
Philips 22DC710 
Philips 22DC711 
Philips 22DC740 
Philips 22DC741 
Philips 22DC751 
Philips 22DC755 
Philips 22DC764 
Philips 22DC774 
Philips 22DC777 
Philips 22DC846 
Philips 22DC854 
Philips 22DC856 
Philips 90DC411
Renault Code by S/n 
Renault 22DC577 
Renault 22DC579 
Renault 22DC665 
Renault 22DC677 
Renault 22DC679 
Renault 22DC882 
Renault 22DC885 
Renault 22DC962 
Rover 22DC652 
Rover 22DC681 
Rover R960 (22DC710) 
Subaru 22DC685 
Vauxhall DC670 
VDO CDR2005(E) 
VDO CDR500(E) 
Volvo VC-601 (22DC652) 
Volvo VC-602 (22DC511) 
Volvo VC-608 (22DC670) 
VW Alpha CC VWZ1Z1 
VW Beta IV VWZ2Z2 

Fiat Punto 2002-

Renault PIN code by Led
Opel Immo2 TMS
Opel Immo2 HC05B8
Honda PIN code by VIN

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Posted by: Jimmyireland - 05-05-2013, 12:54 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (3)

Hi All,

Hope some one can help me here..

I had the white message about service brake visit workshop appear..went to garage and got the news that pump had served its life..

I replaced the unit with a reconditioned unit (2 years guarantee) from a reputable supplier.. All went well with fitting..reactivated with Carsoft 7.4..did the bleeding etc.. Now when I press the brake pedal, I get a massive kick back from it..

Can anyone please help

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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  VW Sharan fuses
Posted by: mhh188 - 05-04-2013, 11:36 PM - Forum: VAG Group VW , Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley Discussions. - Replies (2)

New to this forum, apologies if this is in the wrong place......

Hi, I have just purchased a 2012 VW Sharan SEL Diesel 170BHP .....could anyone please supply me with a list of what fuses serve what ?

VW have chosen to keep this secret - the handbook states
[undefined=undefined]We no longer print the fuse diagram in the owner's manuals as it is recommended that any fuses are replaced by your nearest
workshop. The reason for this is that the electrical architecture of the vehicles is increasingly complex and the inadvertent
removal of the incorrect fuse could be detrimental to the running of the vehicle[/undefined]

....but surely the removal of this information would mean it more likely TO remove the wrong one Fing20


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