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AA JCB Looking for service manual JCB 426
Posted by: Tomppa78 - 04-02-2013, 03:09 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (4)

I am looking for Service manual JCB 426 wheel loader. Maybe someone can help me?

like this:

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  BMW Explorer Prog
Posted by: ladadens - 04-02-2013, 02:03 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (2)

hello! coul anybody say me somethin to this tool?
BMW Explorer Prog

ist it good or not.

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  Airbag ,SRS cars witch pictures
Posted by: robert02500 - 04-02-2013, 01:38 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

Hi, Pack includes popular cars with photos and location srs airbags.

Pass pm
end of downloading

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  toolkit on sdconnect probleme
Posted by: reda75 - 04-02-2013, 01:13 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (2)


I'm using the SDconnect for first time,

using the 2/2012 version of das/xentry,

when i try to connect to a car it say : CONFIRM TOOLKIT,

i don't know how to do it Sad

thank's for help

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Volvo 980540000400 Launch X431 diagun .
Posted by: matinland - 04-02-2013, 12:36 PM - Forum: Renault Group Renault, Dacia, Nissan Discussions. - Replies (4)

Hello Mate,
I had Launch X431 diagun .
Error with Diagun is when you enter to nissan icon, open version 40.71 then ask about
Checking Smart Box...
then... give information about:
serial number and fabrication..
Software Version: 5.6
Serial Number: 980540000400
Fabrication date: 02/25/2012. (see attach photo)

and then ... erasing Smart Box... and this moment when the error show...
Download Type Error
Error Value = -60
then click OK and then...
DiagnouseMain Err ID: = -5
Please Update display module and try again
and then... show...
And other cars worked well. I had tested 2001. 2005, 2011 of different types of Nissan cars. But appear the same error.
My supplier also offer newer software to me, the same error again.
Can someone help me to deal with this problem, thanks a lot
Best regards

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  How to repair Galletto Quality B?
Posted by: interfete-obd - 04-02-2013, 09:42 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (5)


I have one galletto quality B from China.
Do you have any idea if there is any way to make it work the same as the Quality A clone?
There are many ecu's that are not read with the B quality.

Or maybe if there is any update to make it work ok.


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  PSA DiagBox V7.02 + Update v.7.09
Posted by: Fouad - 04-02-2013, 08:40 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (11)

PSA DiagBox V7.02 + Update v.7.09

[Image: ca3cd4bb55f63eed5e24d4776f886f58.jpg]
P.S. DiagBox V7.02 included is already patched

Please Press [Image: 2rxijxh.jpg] and [Image: 2qi8o6c.jpg] Buttons Itwasntme

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KIA Microcat KIA 02.2013 Multilanguage
Posted by: hoaluly - 04-02-2013, 06:58 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

[Image: c7e50e8f745e56853c1ace55cf74e633.jpg]

Microcat KIA 02.2013 Multilanguage | 5.52 GB

Microcat KIA - Electronic parts catalog KIA Microcat contains information about all the KIA car company, including light trucks and vans. Electronic spare parts catalog Kia Microcat contains information on all models from 1982-1985 to 2010, including vans, commercial, model cars and buses. It is a electronic part catalogue for KIA vehicles on following markets.

* Australia
* Canada
* Europe
* General
* Middle East
* China
* Puerto Rico

There is a search by chassis number also. The information about the vehicle by chassis number gives country where the vehicle is sold, color, equipment, etc...

- Can be installed on the hard drive only data or only the applications, but in this case will not be available trucks, buses and the old model, or set your entire program.
- Full installation KIA Microcat will take about 4 Gb hard disk.
- Interface directory KIA Microcat and simple.
- Product features a search for Vin codes, name parts, the original number, as well as the applicability of details.
- There is also a catalog of original accessories KIA (original catalog numbers, color photos).

Language: English, Deutsch, Magyar, Italiano, Francais, Espanol, Nederlands, Portugues, Polski, Suomi, Turkce, Korean, Romania, Russian and many more...



1.44 KB

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AA Bosch-logo 2013 Esi tronic big problem [Solved]
Posted by: hypermusty - 04-02-2013, 06:39 AM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (9)

hi members
the new big problems Fing20
2013 esitronic come back to me by this problem
what is this?
2012 polo bluemotion connect to kts 520 ubox 02 and software 2013\1
system seach all ecu's ok good(kts540 and total 3 diffrent kts 520 tested and same bad result) 1087533HeadbangHeadbang
but for example;esp ecu not connect( can 2 system not connect) other system good connect motor,gateway,central electric,climate....
this error message box :

! ''FALSE'' Grund:
Fehler beim Download vom PH Modul dl\phc_5.dl
fehler no:6007
Abort the program?
yes no

yes click and then programme shutdown
no click and then programme bussy stoped

maybe software for update this error?
how is the online update this software and then programme activaton kill?

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BMW BMW E60 CCC idrive update CD
Posted by: wokingbigboy - 04-02-2013, 06:03 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (4)


I have read in couple of places that the CCC can be updated by DVD (with VIN for your car).c

CCC: [6583 6987689-02] (09-05) HW9.5

WinKFP takes about 4 Hrs, this method takes about 1 Hr.

anyone got the files?

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Posted by: apaulo123 - 04-02-2013, 03:19 AM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - No Replies


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  keygen opel globaltis
Posted by: deedee11200 - 04-02-2013, 03:01 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (2)

hi to all,
I am looking for a keygen opel globaltis
thank you in advance BeerBeer

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  Can anyone on here BDM read me my ecu Siemens PPD1.2.. Had bad write! S.Yorks
Posted by: davsmith64 - 04-02-2013, 01:37 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (4)

Can anyone help me, I need my ECU BDM writing as it has a bad flash write on it.. I have a good working file that needs to be put back on.. I am from South Yorkshire and dont mind travelling and paying.
Regards Dave

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VW Vag Group Vas Pc audi V19.47.00 Italian
Posted by: enigmacar - 04-02-2013, 01:04 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (7)

Audi V19.47.00 Italian for all


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  Help Buy Galletto v53
Posted by: giedriui.u - 04-02-2013, 12:51 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (1)


Maybe sameone boght good Galletto V53 hardware from china and where


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  Genuine Kess V2 advice + Files
Posted by: simmo490 - 04-01-2013, 11:22 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (20)

Hi All,

I have a genuine slave kess v2 with a reputable tuning company and have had 0 complaints over 1000`s of files.

My question is this:

If i can match the hardware and software from one ecu to another can i use that file more than once?


Skoda Octavia 1.8 20v Turbo

HW: 0261207440
SW: 1037360646

Audi A3 1.8 20v Turbo

HW: 0261207440
SW: 1037360646

Can i use the same file or will it damage the ECU, checksums etc or can you just match files easy?


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Mercedes Benz Xentry 10/2011 directly update to 2013?
Posted by: b-art - 04-01-2013, 10:57 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (2)

it is possible from version Xentry 10/2011 directly update to 2013?
if so, what should I do?
if not, how should I proceed?

Thank you

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Mercedes Benz Mercedes ESL emulator.
Posted by: AkTeDRiN - 04-01-2013, 10:45 PM - Forum: Selling Box - Replies (28)

[Image: ESL_new_mini.jpg]

Made in Ukraine (no China). Only high-quality components and installation, testing each instance, firmware updates and much more.

ESL should be dismantled.
You only need to connect three wires.

[Image: connect2.jpg]

W639 Vito (old type with Motorola and new type with NEC)
W906 Sprinter (old type with Motorola and new type with NEC)
W210 (with two Motorola), W211 (new type), W219 (new type)
VW Crafter (but need change some bytes in EDC16 eeprom)
Also must work with W209, W202, W208, W203 and many others...

Free shipping.

If you want to order, please write PM or email

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Mercedes Benz 03.2013 Fixed BIN Folders for Das
Posted by: Fouad - 04-01-2013, 10:31 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (27)


Das Stand alone is not applied
Details are in the attachment

For Das Standalone fix go to HERE please.

Please Press [Image: 2rxijxh.jpg] and [Image: 2qi8o6c.jpg] Buttons Itwasntme

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Citroen lexia 3 update from v45 to v47 key generation
Posted by: ridder - 04-01-2013, 09:27 PM - Forum: PSA Group Peugeot, Citroen Discussions. - Replies (9)

u updated my lexia to v47 from v45, but i cannot generate right code for it.
please help:
version: lexia-348.01
id of pc: 1047623356

thanks Smile

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AA+MHH [NEW UPDATE] Immobilizer Pincode Calculator - CHEAPEST!
Posted by: immopincode - 04-01-2013, 09:15 PM - Forum: Selling Box - Replies (56)

24/7 Professional (DIY) Online Services: 100% TRUSTED - NO MIDDLE MAN!

Our website is updated! FOR Special offers check:

!!!!!!!!!! If you buy 50 Tokens you get unlimited* VIN to PIN Code & Key Code (keycut) calculations for FREE (LIFE-TIME / "FOR EVER"*)!!!!!!!! NO TOKEN USAGE!

Why buying the expensive ICC dongle if you use it less? Here is the payable solution with more secret algo's! Best Alternative for ICC!

This should be your option: if you want to use a private and professional service and calculate IMMO PIN Codes when ever you want/need 24/7 without a man in the middle. Low Pricing, High Service Wink

Must knowns:

  • Our "secret algorithm" database is bigger than ICC (Pin By Dump a.k.a. [ PIN-DMP ]) database!
  • Frequently Updated Database!
  • Four Reasons to use: No Dongle required, Easy-to-use, Save Money, Save Time!
  • Covered brands: Alfa Romeo, Audi, Bentley, BMW, Buick, Chang'an, Chery, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Citroen, Dacia, Dodge, Ducati, Fiat, Great Wall, Holden, Hyundai, Infiniti, Isuzu, Iveco, Jaguar, Jeep, KIA, Lancia, Land Rover, Maserati, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Opel, Peugeot, Plymouth, Porsche, Qirui, Range Rover, Renault, Rover, Saab, Samand, Seat, Skoda, Suzuki, Vauxhall, Volvo, VW


  • 5 Tokens = 24,95 euro
  • 10 Tokens = 39,95 euro
  • 50 Tokens = 159,95 euro

How the system works:
  • Upon payment, the token(s) will be sent to the email address associated with your Paypal account.
  • Upon calculation the Pincode will be shown in your webbrowser and also will be sent to the email address associated with your Paypal account.
  • Each calculation is one token (you can use a token just once), if the calculation fails the token don't be wasted.
  • An unused token remains valid until Immobilizer Pincode Calculator (IPC) service stops (LIFE TIME).

Don't own a paypal account? Contact us for bank wire transfers (account details)!

How to use?

DMP2PIN Demonstration, watch @ (video 23A3iI7I8Os) in 720p HD for best quality:

VIN2PIN Demonstration, watch @ (video pbY2oYgdj6c) in 720p HD for best quality:

Serial to PIN Demonstration (Glove Box, BCM, IMMU & ICU LABEL etc..), watch @ (video Ie8JIKf4-B0) in 720p HD for best quality

User Manual:
[Image: post_it.png]


Alternative URLs to (friendly redirects):

Still have questions? PM!

[Image: wu-accepted.png]

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  Delphi 2012/3 portable pc software
Posted by: golf1gti - 04-01-2013, 07:32 PM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (29)

did sombody have a working delphi 2012/3 software for ppc.
i have already autocom ppc working bud i really want have delphi.
i hope that sombody can help.

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  2012.3 autocom with keygen info
Posted by: Bk26008 - 04-01-2013, 07:25 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (2)

I sold my Autocom and when I got it a forum member helped me install and we did the 2012.3 with keygen.(I deleted the torrents) I need to make a install disk for the buyer who purchased my autocom. I think I got the 2012.3 files on the disk but not the patch or keygen can I put all of these on a disk at one time or does it have to be done seperatly? and anyway to check to make sure I did it correctly?

Peace to allFing32

Correction: I found the keygen 2012.3 in another file on here its called keygen.exe 2012.3 is this what I need? Also what is the keygen hardware.exe is this needed? Also which file would be the patch (a lot of files I see but not sure which ones to pick)

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Posted by: anakonda - 04-01-2013, 07:06 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (5)

What programmer to use to MC9S12XHZ512VAL 1M80F Mask? Is ETL? in the list does not have it

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  Possible to make dump of navigation map?
Posted by: elitebook - 04-01-2013, 05:20 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - No Replies

I've recently bought a new car (W204 8 months old) with a factory navi installed. (Comand online)The new navigation doesn't work anymore with cd/dvd. I think it's stored somewhere in memory or hdd.
Is it possible to make a dump of the map so I can upload it for this forum?

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Audi Need audi workshop manual s4 bbk engine
Posted by: jabran200 - 04-01-2013, 04:34 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (1)

anyone have a manual for the s4 2004 bbk engine?

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  Dash Programmer Tacho Pro 2008
Posted by: carremaps - 04-01-2013, 02:47 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (6)

Hi guys

Can some one share opinion about this programer

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  SEEPROG -how to make it yourself.
Posted by: zoro1 - 04-01-2013, 02:20 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - No Replies

Seeprog is univesial programmer ,supports more than 8000 types of eeprom and some flash /25f/
Software is updatin every mounth ,add new devices and ondemand devisese too..You can bay seeprog form elnec for 64.00 € excl. VAT
Here is web page

Programmer is working only with LPT 25 pin port .
here is shematic and PCB

BAT85 change 1n4148
IC series HC only!!!
R41 -10KOm
R39 10KOm
C3,4,5,6 ,30 -100pF
IC 74hct14 you can change 74hc04

[Image: 030058085-thumb.jpg?r=0]

[Image: 030058084-thumb.jpg?r=0]

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  opel corsa c easytronic
Posted by: goranradovicpg - 04-01-2013, 01:47 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

OPEL CORSA C 2004 EASYTRONIC 1.2XEP i need dump flash and eprom from easytronic. must be 1.2 XEP thanks

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Posted by: encediag - 04-01-2013, 11:15 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (4)

Hello, I have a Touareg V10 TDI 5L EDC16U1, 2005. There are two motors ECU. I put IMMO OFF. What should I do? I have read both engines ECU? I BDM100, Mr. XPROG Someone can help me? Please.

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