rapidshare |
Posted by: jwick200 - 01-19-2013, 03:48 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others
- Replies (4)
The default access rights for RapidShare folders are changing today. A folder with no specific access rights will now be treated as a "private" folder. This means even if someone knows a download link of a file, the file cannot be downloaded as long as you don't change the setting. In your File Manager you can always check the access right setting of all folders.
JANUARY 17, 2013 AT 3:07 AM
You are contacting us because you would like to share a file in your account with
First, you have to make sure that your user alias and folder alias is set. Please
check the account overview on the right hand side:
After that, you can set the privileges for a folder in the File Manager:
Please note that you can only set access rights for folders but not for individual
files. You can not set privileges on "My Folder" therefore you have to create a
sub folder. Just right click on the sub folder and choose "Privileges". Please
click on "Shares" and in the line "Public Access" tick the appropriate boxes for:
1. View: Users are allowed to see the folder content.
2. Download: Users are allowed to download data from this folder.
3. Upload: Users are allowed to upload data to this folder.
There are 2 different ways you can share the files with the public. You can
provide the download link to a file or you can provide the link to the entire
folder. On the bottom of the "Privileges" window you can find the folder link or
if you would like to share only one file, right click on the file and share it via
the share option.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us again.
Best regards,
Kevin Portmann
RapidShare Support
RapidShare AG
SchochenmĂĽhlestrasse 6
6340 Baar
DAS-XENTRY on a Mac |
Posted by: astrorider - 01-18-2013, 10:59 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials.
- Replies (4)
In case you are interested in running the entire suite of Merc s/w on a Mac, here is how to do it:
I have an unused Airbook from 2010 running snow leopard as op sys and equipped as usual with a 112 GB solid state disc, a WIFI and one USB port to the external world. Of course, it is based on the Intel platform.
As I love these light and beautifully designed machines, I was thinking about using it for something else then letting it accumulate dust in a drawer. DAS/Xentry came to mind and I spent a weekend to get it up and running.
I needed three attempts:
First attempt: Update of the machine to the new mountain lion op sys. Then I ran Bootcamp to partition the disc into 40Gb for the Mac and approx. 70 Gb for Windows. I used Refit to get a comfortable dual boot manager. During installation I realised that the newest version of Bootcamp (part of mountain lion) only supports Win7 and upwards. Thus I continued with Win7 and as the effort to get Xentry running under Win7 was too big and I progressed too slowly, I experimented with Win7 and VMWare running Xentry in a virtual XP machine. This turned out to be too slow for my taste but it is probably a reasonable option for a more powerful Mcbook Pro.
Second attempt: I loaded the older snow leopard as op sys because its Bootcamp version supports Win XP. I made a dual boot with XP, using Refit again, and started to install DAS/Xentry. I encountered limitations by the single USB port and worked around with an external USB-Hub to have an external DVD drive, a dual button mouse (more comfortable to use under XP than the trackpad) and a USB stick connected at the same time. Problem here was that the USB port was somehow overloaded and hung up twice. I abandoned this as well and applied the big gun.
Third attempt: I went for a XP-only installation, applied the special Mac drivers after the first boot into XP and installed DAS/Xentry 11-2012 according to the SKdrasher script but with some modifications.
Like in my PC installations I skipped his step 6 (VBoxService installation). On a PC, I always get two error messages while installing the first of the two DVD's. The first one (no .....getspdir file or similar text) I ignore and a bit later another error would come up saying '...cannot create .../../HHTwin.ini file'. Before acknowledging this error I create a HHTWin dir at the location given in the error message and then I 'yes' to continue the installation. Maybe this is known to experts, I figured it out by coincidence. Without creating the HHTWin, the installation process automatically installs Xentry as well. Creating the subdir, the installation follows exactly the skdrasher script and needs the extra step for Xentry installation.
Now I have a very stylish and compact machine when I work around my cars. Next weekend I will install EPC and SD media.
In case some of you did, or will do, similarily, let me know about your experience