To obtain your registration code, please send an email to [email protected]
Posted by: ibrahim79 - 01-28-2013, 06:25 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)


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  sell: Byteshooter Master & Optican Hybrid Master
Posted by: xxxm3 - 01-28-2013, 05:59 PM - Forum: Selling Box - No Replies


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Peugeot help me programming peugeot ECU
Posted by: forumoto - 01-28-2013, 05:55 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (16)

i have used peugeot ecu/ecm and trying to get it work on my partner, i am using sbb, i am able to program the key and the programmer comfirm that key has being successfully programmed, now when i crank there is no fire on the spark plugs,

please i want to know if i am not doing the programming well or if there is any other method. thank you

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Hyundai Radio Code Needed
Posted by: day11 - 01-28-2013, 04:24 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - No Replies

Hello Masters,

Please I Need a radio code for Hyundai

S/N: MQ06060048


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Land+Rover Range Rover Sport 2008 ECU adaptation
Posted by: dilick - 01-28-2013, 07:47 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (6)

Thanks for all you guys
car started....................

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AA CAT Caterpillar dpf ard cgi off
Posted by: dtech - 01-28-2013, 05:23 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (3)

can some1 please delete caterpillar dpf, ard and cgi system off thanks

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  Crash update firmware interface CDP+ Pictures
Posted by: charlydiag - 01-28-2013, 04:09 AM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (12)

Here is my problem, during the update firmware interface CDP+ to 2012.2, there has been an interruption of connection.
The four LEDs remained lit in red. And now when connected with cable obd the LEDs light up red for 1 second en after no lights.
And then nothing impossible to redo an update in 2012.2 or 2011.3.
2012.2 2011.3 version and installed on two different computers work fine with other CDP+ devices

If anyone have a solution for me? thank you for your help.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  shop management software needed
Posted by: duckstacker - 01-28-2013, 02:52 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (5)

looking for software to keep up with schedules appointments jobs, and keep me sane. To much business need a little help to keep track of things, Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

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  carprog soft 323 to 495
Posted by: wahye - 01-28-2013, 02:23 AM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (20)

hello mhh members

in attached file update carprog from version 323 to 495 whithout internet

tested whith carprog clone work good no internet update !!!

password : wahyecarprog
click thank's button

Best Regards

Attached Files

carprog update.txt

39 bytes
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  autocom program translating
Posted by: ridder - 01-28-2013, 02:19 AM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (10)

do you think it would be possible to translate autocom program.
i have too much time and a lot of costumers who would like to use autocom in language that is not supported by autocom.

is it possible and if it is, how to translate it.
how to acces to language files?
if anyone can help me i can pay (not to translate, but just to programe or reprograme files and gave me the code).
thanks Smile

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VW VAG comander 8.6
Posted by: bmrautoserwis - 01-28-2013, 01:35 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (2)

Im thinking to buy VAG commander 8.6.

I would ask member about opinion about this commander,
I need him for component security and mileage correction, is this commnder is good?

Thank in advance

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Posted by: bmrautoserwis - 01-28-2013, 12:41 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - No Replies

His This is full vas v19, include:

Base v19
VW v19
Audi v19
Seat v19
Skoda v19



Good Luck

Attached Files

vas v19 pl.rar

17.33 KB
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Mercedes Benz Connecting an SRS module to an emulator
Posted by: Jimmyireland - 01-28-2013, 12:37 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (3)

Hello everyone.....
Thanks for having me here

My problem is that I have the dreaded Red SRS on my dashboard...

I got a Mercedes E211 Temic emulator and my teenage son decided he would fit it and surprise me......

Well that he did.

I am now left with an emulator and have 3 wires out of it....Red, White and Brown

I have 3 wires going back to the SRS Module. Colours are Brown, Blue&White and Pink&White...

Can anyone one please tell me which wire matches which

Many thanks


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Misubshi Mitchell CRS Collision Repair crack patch or keygen
Posted by: marcosab - 01-27-2013, 09:56 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (2)

Mitchell CRS Collision Repair crack patch keygen occupy or urgent

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VW Vagdash
Posted by: jurxx - 01-27-2013, 09:11 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - No Replies

What HW will work with vagdash. or there is some better programm for editing milages, imo, ar wieving Pin.

maybe there is some Softwear that will work with.
Vagcom cable - original ross-tech

Thx Wink

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Porshe Where to upload piwis v34
Posted by: turbofan - 01-27-2013, 08:54 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (1)

hello guys
I found a way to install porsche piwis v34 on any computer
with any version of windows and to have the desktop too.
it works 100% and is simple to install
But I don't know where to upload it, rapidshare screwed me up ..


nd it is a 3.7 GB file divided into parts with winrar

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Actia-logo UPDATE your ACTIA CLONE
Posted by: foufou_fe - 01-27-2013, 08:28 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (4)

hiii today i m asking about the update of actia clone i found in many postes talking about the update but no one shear how to update this clone actia i found also that the pic12f629 have the passe thru but where is the dump i hope here in MHH some one help me to update this f*** actia
thanks guys 049049

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  Autocom help
Posted by: jarenfeldt - 01-27-2013, 08:21 PM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (19)


I have some trouble getting Autocom to work on eg. Saab 9-3 Year 2008 '.

Autocom can only find engine ECU and Breaks and not the rest, even though it says it can.
Does anyone know what the problem may be


Jarenfeldt Smile

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Opel Opel blaunkput car 200 code?
Posted by: ervis - 01-27-2013, 07:56 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (2)

[attachment=16029] Can anybody help to find the code for this radio??Here it is the the file from ST 24C01 6.....Kolo

this is the file

Attached Files


207 bytes
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Citroen EDC16 Full flash
Posted by: phara0n - 01-27-2013, 06:45 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

i have a calculator of citroen C5 EDC16C34 , but i don't have the original calculator , i need to know the bosch number of the original calc
here the VIN number : VF7RD9HZC54066746
here the origi number of calculator : 1942YE or 1942YF
so , some can help to find the original bosch number ?

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AA CAT Crack CAT SiS 2012B
Posted by: moftah - 01-27-2013, 06:25 PM - Forum: Automotive Activation Key Codes Requests. - Replies (16)

This Crack For cat sis 2012b 32/64 Bit

for 32bit go to
C:\Program Files\Caterpillar\SIS\bin
And Replace FilesFing32

For 64bit
C:\Program Files (x86)\Caterpillar\SIS\bin
And replace FilesFing32

Don't Forget thanks+Reputation Positive (+1) Kolo

Attached Files

Crack 2012b.txt

73 bytes
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  HOLSET HE551VE turbocharger (Cummins)
Posted by: noxcape - 01-27-2013, 06:04 PM - Forum: Selling Box - No Replies

Brand New never been used or installed on the engine.

Turbocharger Holset HE551VE
Engine: Cummins ISX '07 (2007, 2008, 2009)
Cummins Kit# 4955801
Service Part Number: 4048097

Cummins QSX15 CM570, ISX15 CM2250, ISZ13 CM2150 SN, QSX11.9 CM2250 ECF,
ISX CM871, ISX CM570, ISX CM870, ISX CM871 E, QSX15 CM2250 ECF, ISX15
CM2350 X101

Engine power rating: 500 HP up to 600 HP.

Please check the part number with your local Cummins dealer.


Reason for sale:
I've sold my truck with ISX engine.
This turbocharger was sitting in my storage unit since 2009.

ASKING PRICE $2.700.00 free shiping via UPS in the USA.

I paid $3.400.00 at that time for it. My loss is your gain.

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  kia sportage 2,0 crdi edc17cp14 dpf off
Posted by: wojtex - 01-27-2013, 03:37 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (3)

Hi all
or did someone dpf off in kia sportage 2.0 crdi EDC17 CP14
of course, without moving the table of errors
I might add that, volta does not do the trick
swiftec reportedly dpf off two bytes, I have a file and
does not work
any ideas?

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Misubshi Mitsubishi Servi Workshop manual
Posted by: MB_W230 - 01-27-2013, 03:02 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (6)

Hi Mates!!

Can anybody help me with (Service) Workshop manual for mitsubishi cars.I want to use with MUTIII.

Or if anybody has, only the manual for Mitsubishi Colt CZ3 frm 2003-2005 or 2006.
Can you upload please!!Sadsmile

THNX!!! in advance....

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Rover Rover 75 Service workshop manual!!
Posted by: MB_W230 - 01-27-2013, 02:55 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (5)

Hi Mates!!

Can anybody help me with (Service) Workshop manual for Rover 75?
Models from 2000 till.......

Can you upload please!!Sadsmile

THNX!!! in advance....

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Misubshi looking for MItsubishi workshop manual
Posted by: MB_W230 - 01-27-2013, 02:52 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - No Replies

Hi Mates!!

Can anybody help me with (Service) Workshop manual for mitsubishi cars.I want to use with MUTIII.

Or if anybody has, only the manual for Mitsubishi Colt CZ3 frm 2003-2005 or 2006.
Can you upload please!!Sadsmile

THNX!!! in advance....

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Mercedes Benz Xentry SDConnect MuX (Original) connection Error 749
Posted by: anonimo - 01-27-2013, 02:25 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (12)

Hi, i am trying to use my Compact4 Original System with SDConnect. I updated to 09.2012 from than i got connecting Error 749. I don't know how to solve this. I am going crazy with it. Can anyone tell me on how to fix this? If you need pictures from the Error Code let me know so i will attach them.

with regards

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Opel Opel EPC 4 8.2012 Opel Spare Parts - Torrent
Posted by: sell90 - 01-27-2013, 02:17 PM - Forum: AUTO Software on Torrent - Replies (6)

[Image: sz78dy.jpg]
[Image: e125pi.jpg]
[Image: qreyht.jpg]

Opel Vauxhall Epc 4 Multilanguage (08.2012) | 6.35 GB

The most recent shell Opel / Vauxhall EPC. Contains catalog of parts and accessories for cars, jeeps and minibuses of firm OPEL / Vauxhall. We present a model since 1982. Operating a screen resolution of 1024x768. Supplied OPEL EPC on one DVD - catalog of auto parts and VIN codes.
Opel EPC4 spare parts and accessories for all models Opel and Vauxhall

OPEL EPC4 Parts Information:
1982-current parts information for passenger vehicles and vans (Irmscher parts included).
Accessory Catalogue.

OPEL EPC4 Languages Available:
English (Opel & Vauxhall variants), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.

OPEL EPC4 Benefits:
Fast, error-free part lookups by part name or part number and access to detailed illustrations.
Part history and supersession data helps you order the most current parts and reduce your obsolete parts inventory.
Integration of parts lists with your in-house inventory system saves time and reduces errors.

OPEL EPC4 Features:
VIN/POC decoding and filtering displays vehicle-specific parts information.
Vehicle and group indexes.
Links between text and illustrations.
Bookmarks enable an easy return to parts information.
Zoom feature for instant access to enlarged images.
Instant access to your in-house inventory system.
Capacity to customize parts data by adding your own notes.
Online help screens minimize new user training time.
Online demonstrations show the most effective usage of major functions.
Print high-quality text and illustrations.

1. Mount the image in any way
2. Set GMGInfrastructure \ GMGInfrastructure.msi (Standartalone)
3. Set GMEApplication \ GMEApplication.msi
4. Set GMGLocalDB \ GMGLocalDB.msi
5. Set GMERomDB \ GMERomDB.msi
6. Open the Start menu, execute cmd.exe
7. Go to the root of drive C: by typing "cd \" without the quotes, but with a space between cd and \ string takes the form C: \>
8. Perform alternately three commands:
SET PATH = "C: \ Program Files \ Snap-on Business Solutions \ Global EPC \ GM \ jre1.6.0_02 \ bin";% PATH%
cd "C: \ Program Files \ Snap-on Business Solutions \ Global EPC \ GM \ Configurator "
java-jar Configurator.jar
9. Restarting the computer
10. Open IE and enter the address of the code: or (all different)

Attached Files

Opel EPC 4 8.2012 Opel Spare Parts.txt

19 bytes
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  help 906 sprinter DPF delete
Posted by: EpsilonM - 01-27-2013, 01:50 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (7)

Can someone help me with a 2007 sprinter DPF and EGR delete? Thanks!!

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Misubshi still steds start file
Posted by: michelvg - 01-27-2013, 12:34 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (18)

i m looking for still steds 8.11 start file
best regards michel

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