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Posted by: soluzioni - 02-11-2013, 04:48 PM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (16)

Does anyone has update the new firmware of the software 2012.3 on the OLD Autocom CDP pro ) check the picture

The update procedure do not works goes to 99 % and never finished

Suddenly when you check the connection it answer VCI NOT FOUND

( even if you choose the right port )

Anyone has try this ?


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  virus in NewGuide2i/h false positive?
Posted by: holymans - 02-11-2013, 03:52 PM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (7)

Hi all,

i downloaded the DAS 07_2012 and all the accompanying files mentioned in the NewGuide2i from websites/torrent files linked on this forum. I am trying to follow the installation of the software guide by skdrasher but what I am finding is that the two following files are marked as infected with Trojan.ADH.2 by the Symantec that is installed by the DAS setup. Is this a false positive or actual virus?

The two files are in the NewGuide2i:

I tried NewGuide 2h with same results. Many thanks for all your help!

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Posted by: kostas nikolakopoulos - 02-11-2013, 03:29 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

Hello guys

I have one ecu from Toyota Aygo and i want to remove the immo

BOSCH 0261208702 89661-0H022

The car is away from here and i have only the ecu no immobox or key
Inside of the brain has an eeprom ST95040
I can not find in any program this ecu to remove the IMMO
The ecu is the same as citroen C1 but neither for this car I could find something

Any help would be useful.....



Aygo st95040 ORIGINAL.rar

186 bytes

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  AUDI a6 3.0tdi EGR off and swirl flaps off?
Posted by: parik - 02-11-2013, 02:36 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (5)

can anybody switch off egt and swirl flaps? Thank you

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Nissan pls upload Nissan 2012
Posted by: epcdxb - 02-11-2013, 12:29 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - No Replies

dear members,

Please upload Nissan 2012 torrent

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  Autocom CDP+ Firmware Update problem
Posted by: Dgsxr - 02-11-2013, 11:19 AM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (8)

Hi guys, I have one autocom cdp+ black, I try to update firmware but it happens this

I've also tried to update the firmware in Delphi's software version 2012.03 but the same happens.

Is there anyway to update the firmware without being trough autocom/delphi software ? I can't do anything with this autocom Sadsmile

thanks in advance for any help

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  AUTOCOM 2012.3 real-time recording
Posted by: dam27s - 02-11-2013, 09:51 AM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (8)

My problem is that ..... my friend can record and I do not .... I do not have this function .... what's the problem?

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  Autocom 2012.3
Posted by: Braulio00 - 02-11-2013, 07:31 AM - Forum: Automotive Activation Key Codes Requests. - Replies (11)

i have a autocom cdp+ serial 100251 hw key: eygrnvnrbao and i want to instal the new autocom 2012.3 and the HW change to OPCSPRBDMRMQ, i have instaled now and activate, i can turn on the autocom with eygrnvnrbao on 2012.3 ? dont broken anyting? tank you

the serial on 2012.2 is 100251 HW EYGRNVNMRBAO

on the 2012.3 only instal with sn 100251 hw : OPCSPRBDMRMQ

and now i want to know if i use the autocom with this version or if not compatible.


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  difference mpps12 and 13?
Posted by: damiantucha - 02-11-2013, 05:25 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (3)

Hello I would like to ask about difference of mmps v12 and mpps v13
It is possible to upgarde v12 to v13? I heard that someone have limit of use? It is solution for limit? I would like to bay one. I saw black and white lik in photo wchich is better?


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  renault visu scenic ll 2003
Posted by: auto421 - 02-11-2013, 04:54 AM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (4)

hello, can someone give me visu renault scenic ll 2003. thank you best regards

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  Top Gear S19E03 now for download
Posted by: elitebook - 02-11-2013, 04:04 AM - Forum: Gossip Forum. - No Replies

I've uploaded it on usenet.
Quality: Full HD (1980x1080)
Sound: Dolby ProLogic II Movie
Group: alt.binaries.hdtv.x264
Repairblocks: 152
Status: done

If you like this please press the thanks buttonFing32

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Nissan NISSAN MICRA 2003 key programming
Posted by: alishouman - 02-11-2013, 03:55 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

Hey everyone,
I need to program a key for a nissan micra 2003.the car already have a key and i want to make a second one.(transponder 4D60)
I got a brand new key to program on the car. I tried using the SBB scanner and the T300. and followed all the procedures, but at the end the scanner fails to program the key.
Please help me as soon as possible.
Thank you.

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Audi help audi a4 1.8t quattro file checking
Posted by: ekonomikss - 02-11-2013, 03:16 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (9)

I made a few days ago to a somebody chipfile for audi a4 1.8t quattro 2006 , have you the possibility to check if the tuning is done better.Here you I set the original file and modified file. thank you

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  Blaupunkt FX Europe 2012 V4 for RNS 310 VolksWagen-Seat-Skoda
Posted by: joz - 02-11-2013, 03:02 AM - Forum: Automotive Navigation Discs. - Replies (6)

on torrent instruction russian language only

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Mercedes Benz help to run hhtwin from desktop
Posted by: addgsm - 02-11-2013, 02:02 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (15)

can someone help me to setup hhtwin to run directly from desktop?

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Mercedes Benz Error 8.561.6067 during ME SFI variant coding
Posted by: pampero - 02-11-2013, 01:17 AM - Forum: Daimler Group Mercedes-Benz, Smart Discussions. - Replies (2)

Error 8.561.6067 during ME SFI variant coding

I am trying to change the coding in ME SFI of a W209.342 '05, i changed the transmission from manual to automatic and i need to change it also in the engine ECU but i keep getting an error 8.561.6067 (under developer menu, variant coding, implizit)

Any help?

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  Tuning Map golf IV 1.9 TDI 101PS
Posted by: damiantucha - 02-11-2013, 01:12 AM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (4)

Hi Guys.
I got an '03 VW golf 101hp 1.9TDI

Can anyone help me with a remap for this ,or maybe some one had ready file for this car?


golf 4 1.rar

158.85 KB

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VW VAS PC V19.01.01 Italiano
Posted by: enigmacar - 02-11-2013, 01:09 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (3)

someone has vas pc v19 in Italian language??
thank you very much to allSweating

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VW VW phaeton error in km display
Posted by: MB_W230 - 02-10-2013, 11:53 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)


VW phaeton 2005, right on the display
where km shows.There is "error" sign.
Do anyone know how to remove this?

Thnx if you can help!

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  Autocom not work with, CAN protocol
Posted by: petro - 02-10-2013, 11:22 PM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (16)

I bought 2 AUTOCOM, but one does not work with CAN-line.
I checked cold solder, plug with all the wires, relays couples, but... can not find the car.
For K-line works perfectly

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  Need Workshop manual for Land Cruiser J4
Posted by: Whey! - 02-10-2013, 10:33 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - No Replies


a good friend of mine owns a old toyota land cruiser J4. as far as i know there are 2 manuals for this car. one workshop manual is for the engine & transmission, the other for the frame and the body.

it would be absolutely convienient when somebody could share these manuals for this old lady. german or english language would be great.

best regards,

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Posted by: dam27s - 02-10-2013, 08:54 PM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (22)

I have a question ....
how to change the firmware in the cdp and cdp+?
without using a usb cable .....
which programmer?
which is a memory?
please help Smile

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Posted by: ervis - 02-10-2013, 08:44 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - Replies (3)

Hi to all guys!
Its anoying that all the software 90% of them dont do anything that says...i mean EGR OFF, DPF OFF ect.So if will do it manually i mean in ECM...I have a BMW E39 530D with Bosch EDC16C31...Around the net are very liottle infos about using this if we do a thread where can all learn how to do this.....In my mind I disable egr...or i just no something wrong???tell me guys how to do this......

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Opel Pin needed for ECU
Posted by: ati - 02-10-2013, 07:52 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

hi there all
i have a small problem that i dont have the pin code for my ecu to deactivate the key thing maybe you can help out ....

the only thing i have is the car nummer from the ecu


its a x20xev machine that im going to put in my 1.6 car!

help be nice if you can help!

regards ati

sorry for my english im german :O)

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BMW e36 ISN from DME
Posted by: Roman282 - 02-10-2013, 07:18 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (5)

Hello friends!
Help me please! I need to pull the ISN code from the dump DME
BMW e36 1996 m42 EEPROM 27C256



8.03 KB

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BMW BMW 520i,immo
Posted by: zdenek11 - 02-10-2013, 04:14 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (11)

it is possible to disable immo ECU Bmw 520i,1998,MS41.
Thank Zdenek

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Posted by: coltzn - 02-10-2013, 03:07 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (1)

Hello, Can someone kindly assist in finding a kg for the CAT ET 2012A version or point me to where I can get the last KG version.

Thank you kindly

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  Eaton Service Ranger
Posted by: coltzn - 02-10-2013, 03:05 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (1)


Hi, Can anyone assist with the KG for this version or point me to where I can get a fully operational one with a KG.


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  Xentry Install Error -1 (JXFFFFFF)
Posted by: pudel - 02-10-2013, 02:57 PM - Forum: Installation Guides, Procedures & Tutorials. - Replies (9)


i was updatet my SD 3.2012 to 11.2012. DAS update good but when i install Xentry Frame he makes an Errorcode like "-1 (JXFFFFF)

I have use the App253 fix and not Compact2 in the Registry. The licKey2.dat is read only.

What can i do?


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  CarPort 1.4.2 Keygen. I need a Keygen
Posted by: antichrist86 - 02-10-2013, 02:47 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

Hi guys!!!!

I will test the Carport programm.
I need a working key to test the oter apps.


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