Need recommendation: The best oscilloscope (software)? |
Posted by: Whey! - 02-25-2013, 05:24 AM - Forum: Other Discussions.
- Replies (10)
hello mates,
i would like have some recommendations for a good oscilloscope for electronical faultfinding. preferably would be a software i can install on my laptop.
it absolute must be able to record 2 signals at the same time to compare funtions like different camshaft positions (Vanos),...
i would like to hear your experience what is the best. when i can download it somewhere, it would be nice. but i would also buy it.
best regards,
diagbox v7.04 |
Posted by: alekos - 02-25-2013, 12:10 AM - Forum: PSA Group Peugeot, Citroen Discussions.
- Replies (13)
hallo.i have written about the same subject in one other thread but perhaps it was not the right position,so i will ask here my questions:i work in my pc diagbox v6.21 without any problem.i found the v7.01-7.04 in torrent and i downloaded this.in this packet there are three small files about interface drivers,telecode fix and interface checker.in instalation video there is not any report about them.are they necessary and if yes, how i can use them?thanks for your time.
Question for the Pro's - BMW E39 |
Posted by: sattv2000 - 02-24-2013, 11:44 PM - Forum: BMW Group BMW, Mini Discussions.
- Replies (7)
We have a customer that started his very own BMW project. He had a stock 1997 BMW 540i (E39), he decided to swap engines with a 1997 - 740i. No computers, no harness - just the engine. He brought the car into our shop, with a transmission failsafe. After the original engine swap, the engine starts and runs OK, it throws off a Cam positioning sensor code - but runs fine. The car did drive and shift in all gears for the first day of the swap (tested on Fwy Speeds and on streets). However, upon him pulling it in his garage, it showed the Failsafe code and went into limp mode. It no longer shifts in any gear. On our Launch Master, the tranny shows the code: Speed sensor. He has confirmed that the same code came up on his scanner and he has replaced all the wheel sensors, including the one within the transmission itself. The fluid is clean and at the correct level. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
Immo off renault Thalia 1.4 8v |
Posted by: lukasx2 - 02-24-2013, 06:06 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO.
- Replies (6)
I reflashed 29f200bb (ecu sirius32n) with immo off modified bin, then cut wire 58 (immo signal) from ecu. After solder back 29f200bb i start the car with the key( i have 2 keys for this car and both of them have broken transponder), engine works normally but red immo diode blinked fast. When I stop the engine and trying to start again the engine not start. Then I connect Clip, go to immo module and in defects there is: code line error. That it means i have to add immo emulator to ecu? Or there is another solution of this problem?
Thank for any help