I have standalone native install on dell 6420. It was working fine until today. I got this message. any time i try to run application im getting error can any one help me how to fix it.
hi ppl i need some help please i have mazda ids v83 ive installed it but when i use it it crashes comes up with erro testman can some please help i have a clone ids
Hi my van is 2008 Toyota KDH 201 3.0L MIL Lamp on got code P2002- DPF below efficiency threshold,Plugged dpf filter
Hi friends. I got 3 problems here please be kind to advice me! Please tell me how to fool dpf monitoring system without removing the dpf filter.dpf pressure sensor has 3 hose's can i connect two hose's together?will it disable dpf monitoring. if it works this trick may valid for fooling any dpf system.
There is a pressure sensor to monitor clogged up dpf filter just like the p.sensor for egr flow checking.I know few tech's are doing this in my area.somebody in Mhh Auto world knows this trick please share the dpf fooling trick thanks in advance.
Hey guy's do u know any technical forums about kdh hiace vans i had no luck finding one.
Also need abs tips-when we got wss(wheel speed sensor) code,we might get wrong wss code(eg;FL,FR,RL,RR).in order to verify that can i yank working side wss then if get correct corresponding code so original wss code is valid or is it?.can i also do wss swap test to find wiring,tone wheel or frustrating wss circuit faults, without using special mcro amp probe what are the tips we can share?thanks for reading.
Use the DAS 11.2012 and seeking function.dll, csdsmart.dll for Smart Softouch!
Always have the problem that the TAN is incorrect...
Hope you can help me!
After installation is complete abandon reboot.
If installed in the default location, you can just run the file "run crack.cmd" from the folder "Lekarstvo".
Mg16.dll replace the original file in the folder "MCHYW" the one who is in the hand (the folder "Lekarstvo").
File with the same name to be uninstalled from the folder "Windows \ system32".
Reboot and use!
Learn how to update the program and the opening of all regions
For those wishing to see all regions in the installed program:
If installed in the default location, you can just run the file "run hywc.cmd" from the folder "Lekarstvo".
Take the file "HYWc.dat" from the folder "Lekarstvo" and replaces the original file in the folder with the data "X: \ HYW_Data".
(For those who want to open yourself to all the installed program: in the folder with the data "X: \ HYW_Data" is a file hywc.dat. Open this file in any version of Excel, it opens as a table.
Clear the entire contents of three columns: ToYear, ProductionTo, ExcludedCountries, of course, except the column headers. Exit from Excel and save the file. A warning about what to save the file in this format is dangerous and you may lose some data - say yes.)
Update everyone can make yourself:
1 - Run the program.
2 - Enter the username and password (if you go first, then create a user in the menu "Administration" - lower left button pop-up authorization).
3 - Choose any brand and close the pop-up "Vehicle identification".
4 - Select the top menu "Help" - "Update data".
5 - If it finds a new, go to the site on the link, enter the password "Microcat", download the update.
6 - Install and re-organize the treatment process.
Do not forget - after the update must again go through the procedure of treatment!
I am trying to read my Siemens PPD 1.2 ECU (03G906018DT) with MPPS v13.02 but I end up with a 55.5KB bin file, which reads "No read file has been encrypted".
Apparently, early versions of MPPS used to ignore this and read the ECU regardless, but newer versions honour the NO READ file.
Does anyone know of any workarounds? Will I have to use a different tool, or would it even be possible to write a downloaded original 03G906018DT file to my ECU and go from there?
I've uploaded it on usenet.
Filename: TopGearS19E04
Quality: Full HD (1980x1080)
Sound: Dolby ProLogic II Movie
Group: alt.binaries.hdtv.x264
Repairblocks: included
Status: done
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