I've uploaded it on usenet.
Filename: TopGearS19E06_Africa_Special_Part1
Quality: Full HD (1980x1080)
Sound: Dolby ProLogic II Movie
Group: alt.binaries.hdtv.x264
Repairblocks: included
Status: done
salve a tutti, in possesso ho un'autocom cdp+ 2012.3 con software 2012.3. Volevo sapere se con questa diagnosi posso fare la codifica del bloccasterzo delle automobili bmw del 2006 e se si può, vorrei sapere il procedimento di come si fa. Aspetto vostre notizie, grazie tante
Hello everyone, I have un'autocom cdp + 2012.3 with 2012.3 software. I wanted to know if I can do with this diagnosis coding the lock of cars bmw 2006 and if you can, I would like to know the procedure of how to do it. Look your news, thank you very much
I have this 2002 Mitsubishi mini pajaro, i did removed the fuel pump, trying to installed another pump, now the car wont raise up when i start the car, i have reinstalled the old pump which was working alright but just that there is a slug, now after putting it old pump inside, the car wont raise again, even though when i did not removed it,it was raising alright, please i want to know if there is a way of bleeding the pump, if there is please what is the procedure
need help, have a focus 1.6 tdci 109hp 2005, I read the file with a galletto 2 changed the file and returned to recording in the car, the car every time I turn on the key, gives me a error malfunction of the engine. I turn Off and then turn On again and The car Is ok without any error.
With texa diagnostic Tool can not find any error
I have a Chinese C4 MUX and SC DAS 1201 running on VMWare. I am unable to get the MUX to connect to the vehicle (03 SLK32 AMG). I plugged the MUX into the car and then to the laptop (Dell D630) and I get a green light on the MUX. When I run the CAESAR test I get:
Error: No device selected
Device: Part D
Toolkit-Resultcode: 0
Hi all,
I have VW Golf III with broken immo.
I'am trying to remove the immo from ECU: 0 261 603 613/614.
There is EEPROM 24c02 and EEPROM 87c510. I've tried to use Ottocheck for 87c510 as in post: http://mhhauto.com/Thread-immo-off-urgent
but there is no effect.
I enclose dump of both EEPROMs.
I would be grateful for yours help.