hi all member please you help me turn off dpf nissan navara 2007 with paisini master . i buy piasini master clone china . but don't know how to read and write to ecu .please you teach me turn off dpf this .i can pay nomey title for you.sky ngetniko . and yahoo mail [email protected]
I have two questions. A friend of mine has now a w211 from 12/2006 and i wanted to unlock the DVD function while driving. So i have chosen the point "DVD while driving" from off to on. But still it doesnt work, does someone know why ?
And second question. How can i set a car deeper with Airmatic ? Is it difficult ? I dont want to make a fault or something...
So I bought FGtech galletto2 master #51 I think, slim black one with graphics on top with one led.
So the trouble is, the darn thing wont work. Reads ok and writes garbage through obd so ecu ruined.
But no I set it up for BDM and It reads ok the garbage it wrote to ecu through obd. but i will not write anything via BDM.
So I changed the three schmitt triggers and six BDM resistors to 10ohm
still no joy.
Any help would be most welcome.
Hello the last SDD version i have was 131 (off line activation)
i would like to update higher but lacking knowledge in that matter
How to bypass it now (without loosing functionality)
is there a patch crack or can i still use a password
Any help appreciated
password or link to crack/medicine
Here is my VMware image for DIS_V57_CIP_V44_EN and DIS_V57_CIP_V44_DE
with K+DCAN (or Vag Com KKL) interface.
Suport BMW , MINI and Rolls Royce.
PM me for password ONLY if you have over 50 quality Posts and rep 10 (not like - I want , Please I need , please,please ,please help me....) and you are not Junior member on MHHAUTO and an active member!
Everybody else please don't ask for password for rar file!
Hi we have a 407 will stat won't idel and poor acceleration I have done a injector leek back test but we don't get any fuel in the bottles just small amount in the pipes
I found that for any adaptations of any control unit in this car requires scn coding and when i ask xentry to do that it goes online and asks me to enter user name and password
can you guide me to a way of performing scn coding without that?
Hi Friend. if possible to have dpf off for mercedes c220 edc16c2, i try with ecusafe and other sw but nothing.
Please help me.. http://www2.zshare.ma/sgozyiflnylt[/php]
Can I read and write eeprom 29f200BB in ecu sirius32n using galletto directly connected to this ecu? I've read somewhere that I only need to unsolder reset pin 44 (of 29f200bb)from the ecu board and connect it to +5v.
Hi all menbers !!!!!!! need little help here programing lost keys in toyota van. Need pin code software or help converting pin like ad100 or where to buy if you can help thankyou!!!!!!! 2005 toyota sienna with tachstream or sbb