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  dasboard citroen xsara picasso
Posted by: auto421 - 01-26-2013, 08:52 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

hello everyone, can someone help me on this: I want to build a bsi junk, and stay with the same km. panel I can get everything to zero or in the appropriate fields ff in nyo 4? tank, s best regards

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BMW BMW ICOM Windows XP password
Posted by: Banne123 - 01-26-2013, 08:29 PM - Forum: BMW Group BMW, Mini Discussions. - Replies (11)

Hello! Can somebody tell me the (administrator) password to enter Windows XP when you are in the embedded software?


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  pls upload Nissan UD torrent
Posted by: epcdxb - 01-26-2013, 07:51 PM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (1)

Dear members,

Please upload Nissan Fast,Nissan UD torrent

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AA Bosch-logo HOW TO: Opel EPC and Chevrolet EPC together
Posted by: cry0g3n - 01-26-2013, 07:17 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (1)

How to install both Opel and Chevrolet!

If you already have error 500, uninstall all GM software (RomDB, LocalDB, Infrastucture, Application) and delete folder %ProgramFiles%\Snap-on Business Solutions". Then restart PC.

1. Install Opel using the normal instructions but STOP before you run "GM HotFix" ( "java -jar Configurator.jar" )
2. Don't run "java -jar Configurator.jar" - this is the MOST importaint step!
3. Install Chevrolet - using normal instructions. This time you run the command "java -jar Configurator.jar"
4. Then restart PC and enjoy both software

Test done with Opel 8.2011 and Chevrolet 6.2011

P.S. About "GM HotFix"
I don't use GM HotFix because it doesn't add the desired PATH to the environment variables.Instead I manually edit the PATH string in Enviroment Variables. Then in command prompt I run "java -jar Configurator.jar"

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  service audi a4 k8
Posted by: dinosa - 01-26-2013, 06:59 PM - Forum: VAG Group VW , Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley Discussions. - Replies (1)

Hi all.
I have a problem to solve, I can not reset the message on the instrument panel (service expired).
I'm using the VAS5054A (china) relase v19.01 I set all channels for days and now it gives me km dispay on the radio next oil change between 30,000 km and to 365 days for service, but the message on the control persists.
The only thing I can not set the channel 2 where it says (sevice ia)
thanks to all for your cooperation

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  Peugeot 407 pin code
Posted by: gccb - 01-26-2013, 04:23 PM - Forum: PSA Group Peugeot, Citroen Discussions. - Replies (1)

please can someone give pin from vin for peugeot 407???

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Posted by: E key - 01-26-2013, 04:06 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)



renault premium 01.rar

148 bytes
I do not have a key programmer for renault truck.
If some one pleas can give me the key logic out of the dump
to wright on a T5

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  Opel global TIS 32B plugin problem - FIXED
Posted by: Itsmeagain - 01-26-2013, 03:16 PM - Forum: GM Group Opel-Vauxhall, Saab, Chevrolet, GM USA, Chrysler Discussions. - Replies (21)

I have installed the global TIS 32B from this forum and have successfully activated it with keys provided by "webmaster" however I am having a small problem trying to install the required plugins.

The software is installed in a VMLite XP Mode virtual machine on a win7 64bit system. The software appears to run correctly within the virtual machine but cannot download and install the plugins from the links on the install plugins screen within the software. The virtual machine has access to the web, but clicking the links only results in a download window popping up with "save" or "cancel" an unknown file type. Clicking save results in a very small unknown file type being saved and not the download and installation of the require software.

I believe the links are not accessing the web but are being directed to the local host.

I have searched Google and this forum for any help but have been unable to find a solution.

I can usually think these things through but this is eluding me.

I would be grateful for suggestions


Fixed this now and all parts working.
The links in Global Tis appear to be Java scripts and not pure web links.

It was the java runtime that was not installed in my virtual machine.
Downloaded the latest java 7 (32bit) installed in virtual machine opened Global Tis - Plugin check screen then click on links for Metaweb CGM viewer and Tiffviewer both downloaded to virtual machine desktop - installed and Global Tis fully functional.

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Audi AUDI A8 D3 Instrument cluster dump
Posted by: okjar - 01-26-2013, 03:00 PM - Forum: VAG Group VW , Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley Discussions. - Replies (2)

Hello guys, I have 2003 Audi A8 D3 4.0 TDI, so I have ''old looking'' DIS without wide display and digital speedometer. Yesterday i take my instrument cluster for cleaning scratches on glass and took it apart. I noticed that it has wide display covered with plastic making it look like square (old style). So physically display is here, so my question is do I need only dump from newer instrument cluster or there is some other catch? Has anyone has dump?
Thank you in advance

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VW DPF regeneration polo 1.4 tdi
Posted by: carremaps - 01-26-2013, 02:36 PM - Forum: VAG Group VW , Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley Discussions. - Replies (2)

Hi guys

What diagnostic tool I need to use to check dpf and start regeneration , on my vw polo 1.4 tdi 2007 edc17

Vas ?? Vag ?? Autcom ??

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Sazki Suzuki Grand Vitara 2010
Posted by: asdf37 - 01-26-2013, 12:40 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

Please help clear crash
Suzuki Grand Vitara 2010
Autoliv 38910-78K00
Eeprom 95640


grand vitara 38910-78k00 crash.rar

1.98 KB

grand vitara 38910-78k00 crash.rar

1.98 KB

grand vitara 38910-78k00 crash.rar

1.98 KB

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Peugeot peugeot service box
Posted by: hammamito - 01-26-2013, 12:37 PM - Forum: Automotive Workshop Manuals. - Replies (1)

I am wael hammami from jordan
can any body help me to get the last version of peugeot service box

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AA+MHH Autoenginuity
Posted by: pribanco - 01-26-2013, 06:16 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - No Replies

I'm looking for AutoEngonuity (perhaps 10 or above). Can someone help me with this.


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  website building ?
Posted by: 172sport - 01-26-2013, 06:06 AM - Forum: Software Requests. - Replies (3)

hey there does anyone have any software so i can build a website at all ?

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  Honda HDS3005007
Posted by: altin106 - 01-26-2013, 03:51 AM - Forum: AUTO Software on Others - Replies (7)

Hi All enjoy Honda HDS 3.005.07
i'm using it whith cantiecar and work 100% Nod

link rapidshare and turbobit

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100 bytes

tiecar per hds.rar

1,010 bytes
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Nissan how to instal consult 3 plus in laptop ?
Posted by: magicxsteph - 01-26-2013, 01:47 AM - Forum: Renault Group Renault, Dacia, Nissan Discussions. - Replies (11)

i tried to install consult 3 plus in my laptop but it doesn't work this is the message that show's me while i am installing the software :

[Image: fdfsdf.jpg]

is there any solution for this problem ? 533

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Sazki lucas DCU3R Help! suzuki jimny 1.9d
Posted by: RSM1 - 01-26-2013, 01:07 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

I have a suzuki jimny diesel
lucas dcu3r control unit
reference 8200126607,HOM 8200131940
year 2001
eeprom 25080

I NEED THE ORIGINAL DUMP FROM THIS 25080.....from this suzuki jimny ecu...Blush
can any fellow members please help....
im really in need for this......!

all help is ,very much appreciated!Fing32


thank you all!


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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Ford Diagnosis for Japanese cars / Korean
Posted by: dinosa - 01-26-2013, 01:03 AM - Forum: Automotive Hardware. - Replies (6)

Hello everyone, I'm new on this forum.
I wanted to ask an opinion on a diagnosis for Japanese cars.
What do you think is the best for price and coverage to the various car models and brands of car manufacturers?
thank you

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VW VW touareg ECU login code needed,edc16
Posted by: steamotors - 01-26-2013, 12:59 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (1)

hi guys,
help pls,i need ecu login code from dump st95320
touareg diesel edc16 u1.
ecu:bosch 0 281 011 859

Attached Files

st 95320.rar

940 bytes
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Citroen help please, original file picasso 2.0 HDI RHY / BOSCH 0281010358 9641607180
Posted by: cool - 01-26-2013, 12:53 AM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (7)

hi please need original file eprom 2.0 HDI RHY / BOSCH 0281010358 9641607180

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  calculator radio
Posted by: demo33 - 01-26-2013, 12:10 AM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (2)

calculator radio

passeword : teradio

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  radio code honda crv 2005 SN:15526350
Posted by: tonicar - 01-25-2013, 10:24 PM - Forum: Automotive Radio-Codes. - Replies (9)


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Peugeot Peugeot 308 1,6 with galletto1260
Posted by: akiminem - 01-25-2013, 10:01 PM - Forum: Automotive Tuning. - No Replies

hello can anyone give me the pinout connection with galletto1260 unit peugeot 308 1.6?

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Chrysler mmm...solution for CHRYSLER PAYS 4?
Posted by: emy81059 - 01-25-2013, 09:07 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - No Replies

Hi people

you have solution for expiration software CHRYSLER PAYS 4?

Thank you Wait

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Renult scenic 2005 not starting
Posted by: lukasx2 - 01-25-2013, 08:19 PM - Forum: Renault Group Renault, Dacia, Nissan Discussions. - Replies (5)

scenic 2005 dci, doesn't starts after pressing start button (only dashboard lights), I've checked the card using CLip and and it shows info - card recognized. Any idea what's going on?

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  Autocom/Delphi 2012.3 Generate Key
Posted by: djemai - 01-25-2013, 05:52 PM - Forum: Automotive Activation Key Codes Requests. - Replies (6)

Hi all members,
thanks to Debutant who gave me the permission to post his utility. Fing32
If you want FREE activationCash

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AA CAT Caterpillar SIS 2010A key needed
Posted by: webuehn - 01-25-2013, 05:14 PM - Forum: Automotive Software. - Replies (12)

Can anyone help me with a lizence code for CAT SIS 2010A?
My key is SS 0419 83EB 4A76 75BE 261A EF04

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  immo off freelander
Posted by: abdeauto - 01-25-2013, 03:47 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - No Replies

pls i need immo off ofthis ecu
freelander Bosch 0 281 010 811 , BMW dde NN500340 / 7792938 A0063 ; rover freelander year 2005
engin bmw

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325 bytes
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  Problem with Autocom 2012.2
Posted by: jancss - 01-25-2013, 03:30 PM - Forum: Bosch, Actia, Autocom Discussions. - Replies (2)

After installation and activation I have some problems. 533
Each time when open software i got notice when new update is available.
Also to start working with car each time I need in the harware setup make the test for USB-port.
What should I do and how to solve this problem? whew

Thanks in advance.

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VW file 95080 iaw4lv.h
Posted by: molli - 01-25-2013, 02:48 PM - Forum: Automotive Airbag, Dash, ECU, IMMO. - Replies (2)

hello guys, I try a file 95080 ECU IAW 4lv.h 036906034bb vw golf 4 1.6 16v. My file is corrupted and I have to replace it. thanks for help!

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