I have W204 with a starting problem ( Not always )
I start Car, after 1 sec, it turns Off. ( Also Dash Board goes Off ).
Mostly If I remove Battery Cable then reconnect, it will work ( not all times ).
If the car starts normaly, U can drive for 10 hr's continuously with no any problem.
On Xentry, No faults in Engine ECU, EIS and all Modules
I checked the Fuel pressure, Its Ok.
Crank Shaft Position Sensor is also Ok.
I have a Part D (C3) MUX that works great on an IBM T30 w/ Star 7/2012. Just built a Dell D630 w/ Star 11/2012; install went fine, no errors. When I hook up the MUX to the D630 laptop, SDnet Control does not recognize the Part D (C3) MUX. However, the Part D (C3) MUX is listed and under the 'Select MUX' tab, though it looks shadowed. I cannot select the MUX on this screen. Also, on the SDnet Control Tool Bar, the right-hand side is green but only in Road WLAN mode. Any ideas on how to get Star 11/2012 to connect to the Part D (C3) MUX? Thanks in advance.
I have been reading the forums about this for a while and getting confused
I have a rotnda vcm (good quality with relays and it flashes ok) using with ford ids 81 at the moment
I have a virtual machine and need to load on jaguar ids asap. I have downloaded and installed one already with crack but it's asking for user and password.
I believe ids v 125 does not require user and password I am not sure which one to download. Can anyone advise please.
Hello all. I am looking for part number for Caterpillar ET to 2005 ford truck with CAT engine. Interface part numer? I have diag interface 275-5121 and also 331-0097.
Hello friends,
is it possible to remap and fix the hot start issue for this car?
It's a 140bhp Golf MK5 2,0TDI 2007 Motorcode: BMM
with 6-speed manual gearbox and DPF.
HW: 03G906021JG_0281013607
SW: 1037382428
i am trying to connect my WIFI SD Connect with Xentry 11.2012 Version to work only Wi-Fi. I Connected the green Cable and connectthe SD Connect with the Road24h. But I try to get the SD Connect working without the green cable and it did not work. Can anyone give me maybe a instruction on how to set it that it works WI-FI?
Our AVDI new data link is arrival.
1.MEDC17 data link to read VAG EDC17 data directly
2.BMW CAS data link to read BMW cas data directly (CAS1,CAS2,CAS3)
3.Dongle dedicated line use the dongle and TAG together.
More details contact us.
Hi members,
while ago i posted request about DPF off remap for Sprinter 906.
I got a file from somebody, so car is gone.
Now I found solution dpf off with SD developer.
I did not test it yet, but may work.
in attachment is link with pics of screenshots of SD
in last pic (p5) change coding coresponding your options without dpf
If somebody tries, please report if it is working or press thanks button
Hi members,
Does somebody knows, what do I do wrong with resetting of the lifetime SBC pumps?
Sometime I can restore lifetime with star or AK500, but sometimes it does not works with none of this. Is there some trick for this, or something I forget to do with it?
Any help appreciated
good evening everyone.i have one audi tt 3.2 roadster with softtop problem.the diagnosis gives faults in two top senders G-596,G-597.i find them two in diagramms in elsa but can"t see where they are in car.the car is model 2007,engine number BUB and has automatic transmission.i have elsa v4.0,but don"t find this i search.can anybody help?thanks
Got that 200 Kompressor (M271) ECU that clearly has damaged memory,
tried to reflash with what i have, no luck.
Therefore i am looking possibly for any factory dumps of the 29F800 flash
can be anything, W203, W211, W209, W171 - doesnt really matter, because i can change options with variant coding, and even if you have flash from 180 Kompressor this would be also fine because if i get it to run, i can always reflash it later using SDS.
The dump doesn't necesarily need to be virgin, but if u happen to have one, this would be nice. Thanks,
I need help for programing key for clio 2 1,4 (sirius34) please.
First time i tryed to make immo off but my galletto or mpps can't read Full dump (size31ko only)...
After it i look for programing key with can clip but i don't See how to have outpostcode ... (Find isk Code ok , generate Pin Code ok , but where is outpostecode on clip??) I need to have asv Code for programing