Another expedition for Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May. This time around, our intrepid explorers take on the task of finding the source of the Nile in three barely roadworthy estate cars. After surmounting the worst that the local hotels and traffic jams can throw at them, the dynamic trio set off into the heat of the African sun, taking dense forests, the ferocious wildlife, and wheel-sucking mud in their stride - well, almost.
I sell double dvd map update for comand aps ntg2.5 version v10 2013
selling price of € 150 plus shipping ... Payment accepted paypal, postepay, for those interested please contact me in mp
the photo is the old version, for sale the latest version
Thank you.
this is a version of workshop...
can the consult 3 program the injectors on a micra? and if yes how is it done do you know? tried for a couple hours but cannot find the correct way to do it.
HELLO,please some body can help me to have pin code auto radio HONDA who have;this spécifications:
hi , I am new to forum but am glad to see that many people have been able to get help. hope you can help me with this.
i need the PIN number for opel Astra G
the previous owner lost the code
I have the VIN.
Hi to all!
i have a seat ibiza 1.4 year 1996 with ecu motronic m9.0 and engone code AEX..The car dont start and i have a immobilizer fault...KEY SIGNAL TOO LOW...what does it mean?where is the problem?the key work for unlocking and locking doors and i also replace the coil...its the same...please helpppp
Got a little problem opening the TIS/EPC part of Citroen Service Box (DocBackup)
It appears to be installed correctly at least the installation was reported "succesful"
The WDS part (SEDRE Backup) works fine however only when manually opening the browser and typing the address (
Nothing happens when I try to open the DocBackup. Its installed in XP mode on W7 OS.
Anyone experienced something similar and got a solution?
Suggestions would be very appreciated.
EDIT: Problem solved - it was a bad download. Files were missing. Solved with new download. Works fine now.
Hi m8!
I have BMW E36 1995 1,6g with broken EWS. There is no immo-off possibility. I have immo emmulator, but lso there is big problem to read ISN number from DME by INPA in this type.
I enclose 27c512 dump from DME 0261203660.
I would be grateful if someone could read ISN from the dump!
Hello, any information about Toyota Verso mileage change ?
Is this dashboard similar to other toyota dashboard ?
Data is storred in eeprom , processor ? What tipe ?
I found 93c66. I read in 8bit & 16bit.
Dumps have 247586km and i need 103500.
Hello, everyone.
Im new on this forum but i didnt found this.
I want to read some cars emu with the kwp2000.
So if i press read it reads it ecu, and when i press save it try's to reconnect and said no right ecu found??
Can some one help me.
I tryed it with the follow cars:
Alfa romeo 147 1.6
Alfa romeo 156 2.0 Selespeed
Alfa romeo 166 2.5
Peugeot partner 2.0 hdi
Opel astra station 1.7 cdti